Aoba Office

Chapter 590 A shocking dream

Jump off the car?

Hold your head?

what to do?

Various ideas popped into my head, but in such a flash I had no time to do anything.

There was a bang and the two cars collided!

The airbag deployed and hit me in the face.

My body rushed forward due to inertia and was strangled by the seat belt. My chest and abdomen seemed to be strangled in two. I leaned back on the chair again and received another impact, a slap on my back so hard that I almost vomited out my internal organs.

My hand swung unconsciously and hit the car window and the gear lever, causing severe pain all of a sudden.

For a long time, my mind went blank and all those thoughts were gone.

The pain is real.

This is not a dream. This is no ordinary dream. More like a dream of my abilities.

is that so?

Entering dreamland again?


Who is the object of the dream?

I was gasping for air, the pain was so painful that even breathing became difficult.

But after a while, the pain slowly disappeared.

I was still in a small space like a car, but there was no airbag in front of me, and there was no steering wheel or instrument panel.

I'm in the passenger seat.

Outside the car window is a winding mountain road, but it can be seen that the mountain is not high and the mountain road is not steep.

I couldn't see the people in the driver's seat or the back seat, but I could hear voices, buzzing voices, just like the background sounds in the film, deliberately creating a human environment, indicating that the protagonist was in Shopping malls and other places. Those sounds cannot be heard clearly at all. There may be no clear speech content, just a buzzing sound.

This is not normal.

I may not be in the past, but in the dream object's dream, or his self-world.

Otherwise, such a situation would not occur.

My head started hurting, my heartbeat was racing, and my breathing was erratic.

It's like knowing something bad is going to happen and starting to get nervous in advance.

What is it?

Who is the object of my possession?

I felt impatient.


Suddenly there was a sound and the vehicle jolted heavily.

The vague background sound turned into a scream.

The car tilted and rolled down the mountain.

My vision was spinning, and something was knocking over my body. I don't know what it is, I don't have the energy to care about those things at all, all I can feel now is pain.

The seat belt strangled the body and the body hit the car.


I heard glass shattering and metal crunching.

The car door was dented, and the protruding sharp corner pressed against my elbow. There was a pain in my elbow, as if I had been pricked hard by a needle, and then there was a dull pain that spread.

Something flew in front of my eyes.

It's a perfume bottle...


The forehead was hit, and the painful feeling spread throughout the body, and warm liquid remained from the injured area...

When the spinning stopped, I was lying upside down, hanging upside down by the safety belt, and I could see my own blood dripping in front of me.

The only sounds left in the background were the cries of different women, noisy...

My consciousness began to blur, and in the blur, I heard someone talking.

"Sir, where are you going?"

I blinked.

Still in the car, this time I was sitting in the back seat. The driver's seat in front was enclosed, and there was a taxi passenger agreement on the back of the seat.

The driver was like a dummy, holding the steering wheel and motionless.

I had some clarity on my thoughts, but this dream imprisoned me and I couldn't do anything.

The taxi rushed out and stopped dangerously in front of a large car.

I rushed forward, and the shadow of the big car enveloped the taxi and me, making me breathless.

Suddenly, the shadow pressed down and the metal roof of the car above me groaned.

My eyes widened.

No, no!

This incident was not included in Niu Lifei’s narrative!

how so?

Is this Niu Lifei’s nightmare?

This is him...


I wanted to scream, but no sound came out, and I was enveloped in darkness. My body was squeezed, slowly, and the bones were broken bit by bit, and the flesh and skin were stretched open. My head was the first to be crushed, but that didn't stop me from becoming conscious.

Gradually... gradually...

I clearly feel how I am dying.

Died in a tragic and cruel way.

"Haah!" I finally gasped and made a sound.

I found myself not in the dark, but on a bus...

the bus?

Why again...


The bus braked suddenly and came to an abrupt stop.

I rushed forward, my teeth hit the seat in front of me, and my mouth was immediately filled with blood.

The vehicle swayed again, and my body hit the window next to me and was thrown to the other side.

Next to me stood a woman, carrying a bag and screaming.

There were shouts in the car.

I should be grateful for my quick wit. I instantly remembered Niu Lifei's narration.

He said his eye almost hit something metal on the passenger's bag next to him.

I endured the pain and subconsciously reached out and grabbed the armrests of the chair.

The female passenger and I moved in opposite directions, and the bag she was carrying rushed toward me and stopped less than a centimeter away from my eyes.

The metal pendant on the bag reflected light, and I saw the face reflected on it.

That face is...

it's me……

It's me!

Not Niu Lifei!

I was confused and looked at the mirror blankly.

I found that the thing changed color and was still a blurry mirror surface, but it was the surface of the car's shell.

My face is still my face, but my body has become smaller.

My hand was pulled by someone, and when I turned my head, I saw a woman with a blurry face.

The woman is looking ahead.

I didn't even turn my head, but I felt my perspective change, and I looked ahead.

It was a black van, half old and not new, that drove out of the police station.

Police station?

A van?

I was a little confused, and my brain seemed to have lost the ability to think.

The car accelerated, turned the steering wheel, and hit me.

My body remained motionless, as if numb to the car accident, and my mood became particularly calm.

The car knocked me down and the wheels rolled over me, crushing my bones. When the vehicle stopped, I was already lying behind the vehicle. It was strange, I was looking at the back door of the car.

The back door of the car seemed to open due to a bump, and a huge long package slid out.

My thinking has become really slow. Looking at that thing, I can't remember what it is.

Until the thing landed on me strangely, the zipper opened automatically, and I saw a pale face.

That's my face.

My face was lifeless, dead.

"I" suddenly opened my eyes, and my own face was still reflected in the dark pupils.

Then, "I" laughed.

I smiled in the body bag, I smiled as reflected in my eyes, and I smiled as reflected in those eyes... It was like an endless cycle, with only horrible smiling faces repeating one after another.

I woke up suddenly.


It's a dream.

I wiped the sweat from my head, and the next second, I realized something was wrong. My hands are backwards.

I slowly raised my head and heard the rustling sound of hair rubbing against my head.

My bedside turned into a mirror at some point. My reflection in the mirror stretched out his hand and wiped the sweat from my face.

My eyes met with his, and there was that recurring reflection in each other's eyes.


It’s too late today, just two updates.

Good night everyone~

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