Aoba Office

Chapter 591 Nightmares (1)

"elder brother!"

I suddenly woke up, and in front of me was no longer the repeated reflection, but my sister's face.

My sister looked at me nervously, "Are you okay, brother? Did you have a nightmare?"

I was in a daze for a long time. I was pushed a few more times by my sister before I came back to my senses.

"I...I'm fine..." I sat up from the bed and looked back cautiously.

The headboard of the bed is still the same simple wooden board with nothing else.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

My sister also breathed a sigh of relief, "You scared me to death. What did I think your name was?"

I wiped the sweat from my face and felt a sticky feeling on my body.

My sister pushed me again and said, "Go take a bath. It's already a quarter past seven."

Only then did I realize that my sister had changed into her school uniform and was still holding her bag.

I nodded to my sister.

Mom poked her head in from outside the door, "Is your brother awake?"

"Wake up!" my sister replied loudly. After her mother left, she raised her finger at me and made a shushing gesture, "I didn't tell my parents."

I was startled.

"My parents are worried about you recently. You should be more reliable, brother!" My sister patted me.

I suddenly felt that my sister had grown up a lot and was really a big girl.

"I know. So do you. If you pay more attention, you will be taking the college entrance examination soon." I said.

My sister stuck out her tongue, picked up her bag and ran out.

I can still hear my sister’s hearty voice: “I’m leaving!”

"Yeah. Be careful on the road."

I got up, took a shower, and didn't have time to eat breakfast, so I grabbed a pack of biscuits and went out.

While waiting for the bus, I ate biscuits. When the bus came, I looked at the car and hesitated.

"Can't you get on?" the driver yelled.

I was excited and subconsciously stepped onto the bus.

After swiping the card, there is nothing much to do.

There are many people during the morning rush hour and the trains are also crowded. I was standing right at the door.

Holding on to the handrail tightly, my body's center of gravity sank, and I wished I could get into a horse stance here.

I also carefully observed the passengers around me, paying particular attention to their backpacks and clothing.

If there is a metal pendant, zipper, brooch, etc., it will not be easy to prick someone.

I recalled it, and I have never encountered such a thing.

When I commute to get off work like this every day, there are times when I’m so crowded that I can’t breathe, but if I’m being stabbed by something, I really don’t think so.

Niu Lifei's bad luck was caused by evil spirits. To a certain extent, it was his retribution.

I've never done anything like that, and I probably haven't provoked any ghosts.

If I really encounter a ghost, I will definitely be able to find it, and then I will dream about it at night.

I was thinking wildly.

The heavy traffic made the car not go very fast. The driver seemed to be an experienced driver, and he didn't have any bad habits of slamming on the accelerator or braking. The speed of the car was maintained very well.

When I got off the bus, I found that my back was soaked.

This feeling of surviving a disaster was not the first time, but the first time I took a bus was so exaggerated.

The dream last night was so real. I really felt like I had activated my abilities and entered a dream, rather than just a nightmare.

What's even more frightening is that my thinking was completely out of control at the time.

I was wandering between the two thoughts of "dream" and "reality". Sometimes I knew I was dreaming, but the sudden feeling of danger still made me terrified.

That feeling was uncontrollable and has not faded even to this day.

When I entered the office, my feet were still a little weak.

When I saw the car, I couldn't help but think of that dream. I really couldn't suppress this association.

The thin man and the others were shocked when they saw me.

"Brother Qi, are you dreaming again?" The thin man asked with concern.

I nodded feebly.

"Is it a powerful ghost this time?" The thin man was frightened, and he was trembling when he asked.

I shook my head with a wry smile.

"What's wrong, Brother Qi?" The fat man poured me a glass of water.

I drank water, calmed down a little, and told them about the nightmare.

"Aren't you, Lin Qi?" Guo Yujie said with contempt, "As a grown man, don't be so cowardly! It was just a dream! And compared to what you have experienced, a car accident is nothing, right? When I see the other you later, I won't What is it?"

What Guo Yujie said makes sense.

But I can't control myself, what can I do?

Chen Xiaoqiu pondered, "If you just think about it every day and dream about it at night, that's okay. I'm afraid there will be some problems."

All of us looked at Chen Xiaoqiu.

"Is it the problem with your ability recently? You haven't had a similar dream before, right?" Chen Xiaoqiu asked me.

I stood up with goosebumps all over my body, "What do you mean?"

"Maybe, this is some kind of side effect." Chen Xiaoqiu said, "This is just my suspicion. It's not a side effect of your ability, but it's because you are worried about your ability, so you have this reaction. Do you need to see a psychiatrist? "

I am speechless.

"Seeing a psychiatrist would be considered a mental illness, right? A serious mental patient like delusional disorder." The thin man said seriously, and the content he said was a bit funny.

But the thin man was right.

I want to see a psychiatrist. I really want to solve the problem, but I have to talk about abilities, ghosts, and the like. Who can believe this?

Not to mention, no matter how good the psychiatrist is, he can't understand why I have such nightmares, and why I have caused such consequences to myself that are similar to psychological trauma, right?

"There should be doctors in this field. Psychiatrists who know this kind of thing." Chen Xiaoqiu said.

I thought about it and shook my head in refusal.

Chen Xiaoqiu may be right. There are psychiatrists who know about ghosts and superpowers, and they can also accept my experience. Through Chen Yihan, you should also be able to find such a sound.

I don't want to seek treatment from a psychiatrist for the time being, as this would be too disturbing.

"Maybe it's just a terrible nightmare. It'll get better after a while." I said.

The others said nothing more.

My current situation is that I still have lingering fears. Maybe it will really get better in a few days.

During a day at work, my performance is no different than usual.

When I came home from get off work, my eyelids jumped when I saw the traffic.

"Are you okay, Brother Qi?" the thin man asked.

"It's okay. Okay, I'll leave first." I waved to them.

To be honest, I have had this kind of experience before. It must have been in junior high school or high school. At that time, several classmates watched a horror movie together. I forgot which movie it was, but one of the scenes, I still remember, is It's a very old-fashioned skin-picking scene. The protagonist is possessed by a ghost. When he looks in the mirror, he reaches out and tears off his own face. I have completely forgotten the plot and characters of that movie, and I don’t even remember the details of the scene very clearly. But I remember that during that time, several of our classmates were a little frightened when they saw the mirror, and some people played pranks. When someone is looking in the mirror, suddenly reach out from behind and grab the other person's face.

Time has passed and I no longer have much contact with my classmates at that time, but I still have an impression of that incident.

My current state is similar to that of that time. I am a little suspicious. I know clearly in my head that it is all fake, but I still have some instinctive reactions in my heart.

I can only adapt slowly and let myself become numb to this situation. It shouldn't take long for me to return to normal.

The premise is that if you don't dream about those things again...

It’s the last hour, don’t forget it if you have a monthly pass~

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