Apex Level Family! Is My Music System A God? Destroy The Alien Race!

Chapter 95 I Sighed At The Spring Flowers And Autumn Moon And Enlightened Lin Wu

In the west square, three options appeared in Chen Xiyin's eyes.

[Choose one from three]

[Option 1, holding a two-foot Xi Yandi in hand, no one in the world is invincible! With his own strength, he undoubtedly won the Zhanyi Academy and ranked first among the freshmen.

Completion reward: 50,000 power points, music [Don’t ask ciaga] (available for trial listening)]

[Option 2, hide your edge, don’t take action if you can, and keep a low profile!

Completion reward: 70,000 power points, title [Hidden One Hand] (can be viewed)]

[Option 3, for glory! Participated in the [Glory Lua Lu] Azure Bronze Level competition and won the bronze first person title.

Completion reward: 100,000 power points, title [Strongest Bronze] (viewable)]

Chen Xiyin looked at the three options in front of him.

First, I checked the titles of Option 2 and Option 3.

[Hide one hand]

Wearing this title can superimpose a skill, doubling every two months, up to a maximum of five times.

[Strongest Bronze]

Wearing this title, no matter whether it is real or virtual, no one can surpass you at the Azure Bronze Level. Even fatal damage will be offset by this title.

Then he thought about it.

Option 2 is equivalent to stacking a big move.

But it took a little long.

Option 3, I am ready to practice to the White Silver Level.

Why hang out at Azure Bronze Level!

Waste time on virtual games.

Real cultivation is so fragrant!

Then he tried to listen to option 1 [Don’t ask ciaga]

[I sigh at the spring flowers and autumn moon, without asking about separation...]

He seemed to see the strange boy in the dim light, and he raised his eyes slightly.

A battlefield was reflected in his eyes.

Countless enemies!

It’s a haze that won’t go away!

It’s pain and hate!

It’s endless rage!

It’s also pure loyalty and loyalty!

He decisively chose option 1.

Just listening to the music will set you on fire!

What would you choose if you don't choose it?

He is a Martial Artist with musical abilities.

You can't abandon the good and chase the bad!

at the same time.

He is very curious about what effect [Don’t Ask Ciaga] will have in the future!

After selecting.

Chen Xiyin raised his head and glanced at the still excited crowd in the square.

He used his musical power, and his spiritual power spread over the boys and girls of the Chen family in front of him, and said calmly: "Okay, everyone, go practice, you have also felt the effects, take the time to practice while the effects are still there! "

After a pause, he continued: "From now on, at 8 o'clock every morning, everyone must get up and move to ensure that there is an accelerated cultivation effect every day!"

"There are also those who have not yet awakened. Let's do it together. It will strengthen your body and spirit while refining your body. Maybe you can awaken your powers in advance!"

Chen Xiyin thought to himself.

No matter if he can awaken his powers in advance.

Blow it out first!

Minors may slack off because they have not awakened their powers!

Don't be exaggerated!

How can these little flowers do exercises honestly!

No exercises!

How can I have a steady stream of power points!

Then he turned to the elders of the Chen family and said, "Elders, please supervise the training plans of our juniors in the future."

"Be sure to let them start listening to the newborn sun and moving at 8 o'clock every morning!"

All the elders of the Chen family nodded, and the second uncle Chen Wenqing responded: "Don't worry, this will be added to the clan rules in the future. Every child must do exercises at 8 o'clock in the morning, and then practice!"

Chen Xiyin nodded, glanced at Lin Wu, and shouted: "Wu Zi, come here!"

After Lin Wu heard the shouting, he left the place, came to him, and asked, "What's wrong? Xiyin."

Chen Xiyin tugged at Lin Wu's clothes and rolled his eyes at him.

Then he bowed slightly to the many elders of the Chen family and said: "Elders, this is my brother Lin Wu and my future teammate. Please arrange two training rooms for me. The loss of resources will be counted on me. I'll make it up!"

"He will also practice in our Chen family in the future, please take good care of him!"

Many elders of the Chen family nodded to express their understanding. Chen Wenqing smiled and said: "Don't worry, we have seen Lin Wu's performance, he is a rare talent!"

"Talents must shine and not be buried. Haha, our Chen family is still happy to be a bole. We, the Chen family, can still afford the resources before Rank Six!"

Then he turned to Lin Wu and said, "Lin Wu, just treat the Chen family as your own!"

"If you need anything, just tell Butler Zhao! Don't see anyone outside!"

Lin Wu nodded with some emotion and responded: "Okay! Thank you, Mr. Chen!"

Chen Wenqing came over with a smile, patted Lin Wu on the shoulder and said: "What do you call me elder? Just like Xiyin, just call us uncle and uncle. You may still be our comrade or leader on the alien battlefield in the future!"

"I like you!"

Lin Wu nodded in fear, and said a little embarrassedly: "Ha, uncle, you think too highly of me, this... it's still early!"

The corners of Chen Wenqing's mouth raised slightly.

Looking at Lin Wu, he didn't say anything more.

Just patted him on the shoulder again.

He believes that SSS Level will not die prematurely.

can fully grow up.

The future will definitely be good!

Then he turned around and said to the people behind him: "Let's all disperse. Go and do whatever you need to do."

Then he said to Zhao Hanyun: "Old Zhao, you will be at home later. You can arrange things at home. We are going to recuperate!"

After saying that, he walked away from the place and walked towards the east side area.

Other elders of the Chen family also left one after another.

Some go to the square to catch children and take them back to practice.

Some also walked to the east side and returned to their homes to recuperate.

Chen Xiyin watched them leave and asked Zhao Hanyun: "Uncle Zhao, the injuries of the second uncle and the fifth uncle are not healed yet? What is the problem? Can't our Chen family's Spirit Medicine treasure resources heal them?"

Zhao Hanyun responded with a hint of melancholy: "It's not that simple. After that battle, most people suffered soul damage caused by burning souls. It cannot be cured by ordinary heaven, materials, earth treasures or medicines. They can only rest or slowly... recover!"

Then he sighed again.

"Sigh~ If they can recover soon, they will all have a chance to hit Rank Nine and Rank Eight. It's a pity that now they can only reach the second or third level at best!"

Then Zhao Hanyun patted Chen Xiyin on the shoulder, looked at Lin Wu and Wang Jiaxue, and said, "Okay, these things are not your concern now. I will arrange a training room for the three of you!"

Chen Xiyin asked curiously: "Three people? Is Jiaxue also together?"

Zhao Hanyun nodded and said calmly: "Well, you can't just practice and ignore combat, and become a showman with only realm and no combat experience!"

"Before school starts, Jiaxue will stay in the clan to practice, so she can teach you fighting skills!"

"You no longer need to attend the Great Xia official training camp, the resources within the clan will be provided for you!"

"Also, make time to study in the family library every day. Fighting requires not only brute force, but also brains!"

"I hope you go to Zhanyi Academy and you can continue to win first and second place in the first battle for freshmen."


Lin Wu looked at Zhao Hanyun and others, thought of Chen Xiyin's other two partners, and said with some uncertainty: "Uh...can I do it? Besides, Zhang Zihan and Xia Qingyu are still here. When the time comes, it will be one-on-one. Without Xiyin's assistance, I..."

Seeing this, Chen Xiyin bumped Lin Wu's body and interrupted him.

Lin Wu staggered a step and turned to look at him inexplicably.

Chen Xiyin looked at Lin Wu and said: "Wu Zi, don't belittle yourself. You have to believe that you are strong. Besides, I have given you the SSS Level training method. You will not be worse than anyone else!"

"Put away these depressing thoughts and words from now on. You must know that you are Wenzhou [Wu Ba]!"

"I hope you can become famous with the title [Wu Ba] when you arrive in Longdu!"

"I will take care of the matter with the little witch and the little fool!"

Lin Wu calmed down, looked at Chen Xiyin, then smiled heartily, nodded seriously, and responded: "I understand!"

"Don't worry, I will use my hands to achieve my dreams!"

Zhao Hanyun looked at the two and smiled, as if recalling the scene with his companions back then, and then said: "Okay, you guys have a rest today, and come to the south area tomorrow to start practicing!"

The three people responded one after another.


"Okay, Uncle Zhao!"



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