Apex Level Family! Is My Music System A God? Destroy The Alien Race!

Chapter 96 Linglian Pavilion Hates People Who Don’T Keep Their Promises The Most!

the next day.

Inside the Chen family, the large spherical building on the south side.

It covers an area of ​​approximately 10,000 square meters.

The interior consists of the latest psychic technology.

The surrounding area is surrounded by High Level psychic energy absorption, compression and conversion devices.

By absorbing psychic energy from the air.

After continuous compression, it is transported and stored in the building.

There are also spiritual core and alien crystal extraction and processing devices inside.

This is to absorb the energy from the spiritual core and alien crystals and provide it to the tribe for cultivation or use.

At the same time, it is divided into many training rooms.

There are also various advanced testing instruments in the training room...

The large spherical building is called Linglian Pavilion.

Four people stood in front of it.

Chen Xiyin looked at the huge building in front of him and couldn't help but want to complain, how does this resemble the Pavilion?

But he still held back.

at the same time.

Last night, my parents and brother gave me the Rank Nine spiritual core of my music system.

He also got it and put it into the space ring.

"Let's go, the training room is open!" Zhao Hanyun said, handed three cards to the three of them, and walked towards Linglian Pavilion.

"Yes!" After everyone responded, they took the card and followed Zhao Hanyun inside.

Enter the spacious Linglian Pavilion.

The three of them opened their own training rooms respectively.

Entered it.

Chen Xiyin is in the No. 1 training room.

Lin Wu is in the training room No. 2.

Wang Jiaxue is in the No. 3 training room.

Watching the three of them enter the training room.

Zhao Hanyun waited for a while in the empty Linglian Pavilion hall.

After about 5 minutes.

Five people came from a distance.

Everyone from the Eighth Division came to Zhao Hanyun. After bowing, the Forbidden Demon said: "Steward Zhao, the matter in Wenzhou City has been dealt with. Is there anything that needs to be done in the future?"

Zhao Hanyun looked at everyone in the Eighth Division and said calmly: "Nothing is going on for now. You can also go to the training room No. 8 to practice, and strive to break through to Rank Six as soon as possible, and then go investigate those heretics and alien spies."

"If you encounter someone, kill him if you can. If you can't kill him, report it to your family as soon as possible!"

"Thanks to all your hard work over the years!"

Everyone in Division 8 smiled and responded: "Haha, it's not hard to work for the family and the second young master!"

Zhao Hanyun nodded, then handed them a few cards, patted the Forbidden Demon on the shoulder, passed them by, and left the place.

After Zhao Hanyun left.

Lei Jian looked at the card in Forbidden Demon's hand and said excitedly: "Boss, that's great. There is a family training card. We don't have to spend contribution points. We can practice until we grow old!"

Die Dao also said: "Yes, this time our team will definitely be able to break through to Rank Six!"

The Forbidden Demon smiled and said: "Well, I really hope that the task of protecting the second young master will always be there. In this way, we will not only have contribution points to get, but also can ask Butler Zhao for advice on the superpower Martial Dao, and the task will be easy!"

Poisonous Dagger covered his mouth and said with a smile: "You are overthinking it. Now that the Second Young Master is in Longdu, there will be no danger anywhere. We should hurry up and practice, and then go on the mission."

Hongyan said coldly: "Yes, stop talking nonsense, we still have a lot to do. When all members reach Rank Six, we can try to sprint to a higher division ranking!"

The Forbidden Demon nodded, said no more, turned and walked towards the No. 8 training room, and everyone followed him.


In the villa area of ​​Wenzhou City.

Xiao Heizi and others who were left behind stood outside the villa garage.

He looked at the resources in the ring and then at the bicycle parked in the garage.

He muttered silently.


Your throne has been brought back to you by Xiao Heizi.

When will you come to pick it up?


at the same time

In Wenzhou No. 1 Middle School, photos of Chen Xiyin and Lin Wu were hung at the school gate.

Principal Zhang Songyun stood at the school gate looking at the photo.

My heart is full of pride.


These two people both graduated from Wenzhou No. 1 Middle School...


Spiritual Internet

The topic about Chen Xiyin is still being discussed.

And it’s fermenting every day.

Although the college entrance examination became famous once.

But the Great Xia Human Race has a large population.

Some people are still a little slow to react.


more and more people.

I have only heard of this name since then.

Later, people gradually began to want to understand and know him!

A fan of Chen Xiyin’s crooked neck.

Without his knowledge.

It's increasing every day!


Great Xia's Yiyan Palace and Xia Zhi Palace also paid attention to Chen Xiyin.

And they also sent people to contact the Chen family.

Want to know whether the newborn sun is really that magical!


Demon City Su Family

In a room.

Su Yuan sat on the bed, holding a photo in his hand.

Tears kept rolling and dripping on the photo.

There are two figures in the photo.

One is his brother Su Mu who is grinning happily and stroking his head.

One is holding his brother's hand with both hands, and he wants to move it away in dissatisfaction.

He looked at the photo.

Recalling the last meeting with my brother.

five years ago.

"A Yuan, practice well at home! The sea beast tribe has invaded, and my brother is going to Black Tortoise to kill these dogs."

"When brother comes back, I'll treat you to fresh abalone!"

"Brother...what is abalone?"

"Kid, don't ask so many questions, you will know when the time comes!"

Afterwards, Su Mu turned around and left. When he was almost at the door, he said with a smile: "Hahaha, I will compete with Chen Xinian later to see who reaches Rank Nine first. Wait until I come back! I will challenge him again and win Let’s take back the title of the first Su Family!”

"I will definitely not lose this time! Brother, my newly developed [Unity of Thoughts] will definitely defeat his Wan Nian Liu!"

He suddenly remembered something, then turned back to Su Yuan, took out a book from the ring, handed it to Su Yuan, touched his head and said: "A Yuan~, you must practice well and grow up in the future. Let's kill aliens with my brother!

"This skill will wait until you grow up. If you awaken the mind system, practice it carefully when you reach Rank Five~"

"Brother is gone, be good at home, don't make grandpa angry, and do your homework well!"

"Brother will take the glory of the family back in person. Chen Xinian slapped my Su Family in the face and stepped on the face of our school of thought. I will definitely pay it back!"

He patted Su Yuan on the shoulder, turned around and left again, walking towards the door, waving as he walked, as if saying goodbye.

13-year-old Su Yuan clenched the book in his hand, looked at Su Mu's leaving figure, and shouted loudly behind him: "Brother, go back early! When you go to defeat Chen Xinian, take A Yuan with you. I'll go Shout out to you!”

The distant figure paused.

Raise your hand and make a good gesture.

Then he stopped staying and walked out faster...

Four waiting figures in the distance left with him...


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