Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 2 Chapter 481: New zombie 5/5 more

Previously, because Sun Kefu was in the back, the zombies rushed into tens of thousands. The tens of thousands of zombies had no evolutionary zombies. In the past, Zhang Xiaoqiang’s three thousand trained warriors could kill.

Three thousand people, less than half an hour, all the zombies that rushed in were completely destroyed. Zhang Xiaoqiang mixed the soldiers who had previous melee experience with these men. It is shocking to get the lethality, although hundreds of people died, but hundreds of people died. Compared to unorganized, thousands of casualties are much better.

At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang really paid attention to these men. They are the best quality soldiers. They don’t need to give them rifles or heavy weapons. They only need to give them cold weapons, but the cold weapons are infinitely made by Zhang Xiaoqiang. One less bullet, they were matched with snipers, and under countless arrows, he did not believe in the dead zombies.

Recognizing his own mistakes, Zhang Xiaoqiang decided to save the remaining men, leaving half with the elite fighters to make the final block, and the remaining half will bring thousands of stranded poor people to the side, giving priority to crossing the bridge.

The men who have had experience in fighting and killing have unexpectedly demonstrated high quality when they cross the bridge. Their psychological qualities have changed, they are not afraid of the poor, and they are constantly flowing through the blood-stained bridge. It is several times that of women and the poor.

The remaining three or four thousand poor people are desperate. They look at the way they should belong to them and they are taken away, but they can’t protest because the men’s hands are still stained with the black blood of zombies. What kind of enthusiasm do they use? Are those sulky men arguing?

Zhang Xiaoqiang took his men and nearly 20,000 people to stop the gap where the zombies poured in. Countless zombies fell under the bayonet and the big knife, and the wounded people were finally removed. They chose to be beheaded by their own people, or they could be washed with a grenade. Into the zombie group blew himself.

In the final situation, all the cruel laws are naked in front of everyone. They can't disagree. They don't allow other ideas. Once they are injured, they can only choose to die. They can't be afraid of injury. Once they fall back, they will be killed as deserters.

The melee combat and the long-range defensive warfare are two concepts. The casualties must increase exponentially. Countless people fall under the claws of the zombies. Countless corpses are too late to be transported away. They can only be thrown into the distant fire to avoid becoming a zombie ration.

The bodies of zombies are accumulating more and more, the human fronts are constantly retreating, heavy machine gun bullets are swept away from time to time in the corpse, and the impact of the corpse sea is cut off. More often, it is silent, and the bullets have reached the warning line. The road ahead is long and I have to leave ammunition for the future.

The retreat went smoothly, and it took only an hour for tens of thousands of people to withdraw from the bridge, saving at least three times longer than those who were panicked.

Thousands of poor people started along the river and looked at the river that seemed to be close at hand. There were men and women, and even a family of three holding children. Some people were unwilling to separate from their husbands or children. The thought of the same death is bitter in the gathering place. Now, they have finally reached the road. They know that they have been abandoned. Behind them is the battlefield of flesh and blood. In front of them is an insurmountable scorpio. No one dares to turn back. They know Behind it is a zombie, a cannibal who will not leave a body.

Thousands of people stood on the edge of the river and looked at the other side like a pottery. Zhang Xiaoqiang saw those people in his command. Although his heart was uncertain, he could only ignore it, even if there were many women holding children who prayed. Looking into the eyes, Zhang Xiaoqiang can't say more. They have given them opportunities before. They chose to stay, but they have to face death with their children. Although the children are innocent, who is not innocent now?

More than 10,000 men were evacuated, and the elite soldiers on Zhang Xiaoqiang’s side began to evacuate. Wang Le sat on a big car and looked at the crowd praying for them on the river bank. He was so unhappy that he lifted the bottle and poured a bottle of liquor. The bottle has not been put down, a big hand grabbed the bottle, and the owner of the big hand gave himself a big mouth with the bottle.

Zhang Huai'an put down the bottle and pointed to those people who said to Wang Le:

"Don't pity them, I received the news. There were more than 10,000 poor people grabbing food in front of them. They were killed by Li Zhi. These people have a way to live. They are more than anyone else. Didn't see the bridges on both sides being demolished? Just for that. In just a few tens of seconds, these guys have never had anyone else, only themselves, if they are a little more disciplined, as for waiting here to die?

Compared with Li Zhi, I am not as good as Li Zhi. Thousands of people say that killing will kill. Unfortunately, he is more than sultry, but he does not know that convergence is not a big deal. It is enough to be a loyal dog under his brother. The future is the world of young people... ”

The truck underneath smashed away from the **** bridge deck. Wang Le, sitting on the truck, looked at Zhang Huai'an strangely and asked with surprise:

"Lao Zhang, listen to you, the meaning is wrong, are you not the most dissatisfied with the old? How do you want to retreat?"

Zhang Huai'an smiled bitterly, lifted up the bottle of wine and swallowed it. He swallowed it with a mouthful of wine and looked at the battlefield of life and death in the distance. He said meaningfully:

"I don't want to do anything in my position, how good is everything? Back to the base, I still manage my civil affairs, take public security personnel to manage the hygiene, and catch some small shards that steal the chicken and touch the dog. I don't want to be in this life." What a big man, can't afford that responsibility..."

Zhang Huai'an is infinitely impressed. He can't do the killing of the fruit. When he kills hundreds of women, he almost collapses, not to mention killing thousands of people with Zhang Xiaoqiang and Li Zhi. Imagine thousands of people die because of one of their orders. Zhang Huai'an is a bit chilling.

Twenty or thirty vehicles were loaded with soldiers and supplies in turn through the bridge. Zhang Huai'an looked at the iron bridge farther and farther, and sighed deeply. The men on both sides of the road rushed to the roadside to envy. Looking at the soldiers on the vehicle, the vehicle went away.

Seeing that there are two more hours, Zhang Xiaoqiang can completely withdraw from the gathering place~www.readwn.com~ At this moment, the burning fire wall has undergone new changes, only to hear the bursting of the ball bursting, burning is fierce The flame gradually diminished, and Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the flame that was suddenly extinguished. He was surprised. He knew that in his estimation, there was a zombie corpse as a burning flame that should not be extinguished so early.

The flame gradually went out, but Zhang Xiaoqiang saw hundreds of thousands of weird zombies swaying to the sea of ​​fire. These zombies are like the big fat people before the end of the world. To be more precise, these zombies are like liver ascites, in the middle. The big belly is like a big ball, and the zombies are walking on the big belly and are slower than the ordinary zombies.

These zombies are new zombies that Zhang Xiaoqiang has never seen before. These zombies are going to the sea of ​​fire in one step and three shakes. The blazing flames can't seem to hinder these zombies. They don't feel the hot sea temperature. One only jumps into the sea of ​​fire. A dull bang, the weird zombies blasted openly, bursting with black viscous liquids flying in the sky, these liquids flew into the sea of ​​fire, crushing the fire, and the area of ​​the fire that a zombie could suppress At least three or four squares, thousands of such zombies can suppress the fire area at least three or four kilometers, although the speed of the zombies is not fast, but can extinguish the sea of ​​fire in the shortest possible time.

Seeing these zombies, Zhang Xiaoqiang refused to explore the truth. According to the speed of the zombies, almost all of his remaining troops will stay in the gathering place. Once this happens, Zhang Xiaoqiang’s team will be badly hurt and the road will not know. what is the problem.

Anxiously, the area of ​​the sea of ​​fire is getting smaller and smaller, and the speed of retreat is not fast. The poor people who have been abandoned are even more desperate. The first person has closed his eyes and jumped down the river course more than ten meters deep. Washed away, after this person, more people jumped out of the river with their eyes closed.

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