Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 2 Chapter 482: Go to the zombies

The soldiers and men who had crossed the bridge did not leave at the first time. They stood silently watching the people jumped down the river, watching those people being swept away by the river, or falling on the rocky beach and screaming. The tragedy under the river was seen by everyone, but it could not stop the despair of the poor. More and more people jumped. This strange and inexplicable sight made the people who saw it tremble and filled with their hearts. With strong repression, they don't want to look at it, but their eyes are not directed at the desperate poor people who jump off the river.

Numerous bodies tumbling in the waves of water, countless men, women did not die for a while, call the number on the river below, or climb into the river to let the rapids roll away, or the people who jumped above flipped over and drowned.

There are many people who dare to die, and many people who dare not die. Zhang Xiaoqiang saw the crowds standing by the river, frowning, and the zombies evolved by swallowing flesh and blood. He didn’t want those people to be eaten by zombies and rushed them down. The river is a good way, but is this a human thing?

The sea of ​​fire gradually went out, and the scenes that were previously blocked by the sea of ​​fire were all revealed. The whole gathering place was full of black-pressed corpses. Numerous zombies were no longer crowded like the walls, the formations were loose, and countless zombies swam in the gathering place. Every corner has it. From time to time, living men are taken out of their hiding places by zombies.

The men struggled under the claws of the zombies, but they could not play any role. The strange thing was that the zombies did not eat them. Instead, they took the living people to the wall behind them.

Similarly, Zhang Xiaoqiang found that people were arrested everywhere in the gathering place. No one was eaten at the scene. All of them were bitten and only one breath was left, and they were sent behind them.

In the far wall, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw that there were evolutionary zombies gathering there, most of them were type 2 zombies, fighting for several days, thousands of type 2 zombies who died in the gathering place, and now there are 2 The zombie was supposed to be the main force of the zombie attack, but did not expect that the wall around it would not move.

Seeing those zombies, Zhang Xiaoqiang’s heart was moving. Could it be that the Z-shaped zombies entered the wall? The type 2 zombie stood there and did not move, just as a guard?

The Z-type zombies finally appeared, but all the shells on Zhang Xiaoqiang’s side were all emptied, all the remotes were lost, and the heavy machine guns could not be hit there. I am afraid that the use of the Sanqi guns would not have much effect. The point shape does not become dense firepower.

Zhang Xiaoqiang was really forced to the road, and the road was cut off. If he wanted to run, he would run. As long as he gave up most of the soldiers, he could not do so. Once he ran, no one would be willing to die with him.

The only way is to stop the fire from extinguishing, but the zombies of pregnant women are not so easy to send. Zhang Xiaoqiang does not know when this zombie appeared. Seeing that they look like they are specifically designed to deal with the flames, Zhang Xiaoqiang suspects that Z-type zombies have Change the skills of other zombies, or else, after several consecutive fires, these zombies suddenly appear. If these zombies are already there, I am afraid that Z-type zombies have already been used.

All the heavy machine guns are concentrated, no longer retaining ammunition, and the zombie sweeps across the sea of ​​fire, the moment when the big belly zombies are hit by bullets, the more the big belly zombies connect, the flames and the smoke block the shooter. Sight, you can't kill all the big belly zombies.

The belly of the zombies came down from the wall. At the source of the zombies, hundreds of type 2 zombies form a loose encirclement. From time to time, there are zombies holding the sorrowful living people into the encirclement of the type 2 zombies. The type 2 zombies are guarded by the guards, standing still in the same place, even if the sweetness of the blood provokes their sensitive senses, they suppress the instinctual desire to let the food pass under the nose.

After the type 2 zombies, hundreds of square feet of ground are stacked with dead and dead people. These living people are piled up by the zombies, and the red blood flows out slowly from the crowd. More than a dozen Z-type zombies with two claws and the abdomen, standing low, from time to time there are Z-type zombies looking up, in a certain direction, and then bowed.

If Zhang Xiaoqiang can see the whole situation, he will find that after the Z-type zombies look up, the zombies scattered throughout the gathering place will undergo inexplicable changes, or gather, or disperse, or accelerate the impact on the front.

There are more than a Z-type zombies in front of more than a dozen Z-type zombies. Compared to other Z-type zombies, one meter five, less than the height, this Z-type zombie is up to one meter eight. The squid's inverted triangle head is better than the other. The z-type zombies are one-third larger, and the folds on the skull are stacked, creating a strange and complicated pattern. The raised lines outline the distinctive pattern on the zombie's scalp. If you only look at the pattern, actually There is an ugly and weird beauty.

This Z-type zombie is undoubtedly the evolution of the Z-type zombies, at least the Z2 level. This Z2 zombie has nowhere else except the heads of other Z-type zombies. The zombies’ heads account for a large proportion of the body, but they also preserve the limbs and barely count as human figures.

The Z2 is different. Seven or eight tentacles are grown from the side of the head. Under the tentacles, a skirt with a **** membrane is extended. The skirt grows downward and completely covers the lower body of the Z2 zombie. Like the half body of the zombie wearing a half robes.

The skirt was dragged to the ground tightly. As the zombies twisted and rubbed on the ground, the Z2 with the tentacles was like a living squid. It was similar to the squid except that there was no suction cup on the touch.

Eight tentacles swayed around Z2, slashing a mysterious arc and suddenly accelerating. The accelerating tentacles pierced a man's body struggling on the ground. After a while, the man rolled his eyes and shivered. The color quickly became pale and turned into a dead gray, and the man's cheeks and chest and the visible speed of the naked eye collapsed.

When the tentacle is pulled out, there will be no trace of blood on the wound on the man's chest. The thin body seems to have smashed 30 pounds in an instant. The first tentacle pulls out the moment, and the second tentacle plunges into another person. On the chest, the body that was sucked up by the blood was dragged to the side and was eaten by other Z-type zombies.

There is also a group of slightly strong ordinary zombies standing in the distance of Z2, not after Z2 pulled out the tentacles that took the blood, there is always another tentacle stuck into the body of the zombies, the speed is very fast, three or four In a second, it will be pulled out into another zombie. The zombie that Z2 pierced turned and walked away. As he walked away, he swelled. In less than three minutes, his stomach was like a pregnant woman who was pregnant in October.

Every time the Z2 zombie draws one person's blood, eight to ten large zombies are made. One big living person is sucked by Z2 like a drink bottle, and one zombie turns into a big belly and walks toward the sea of ​​fire, and Z2 The zombies seem to **** enough blood forever, and endlessly pierce one by one. If you look carefully, you can find that Z2 has more than eight tentacles, and four tentacles have been broken, leaving only A slightly twitching meat. Bud, and two tentacles broken half, the dead snake generally hangs on the side of Z2, and finally two intact tentacles are not swaying in the air, but piercing the skirt under Z3 In the side, it seems that something is hidden underneath it...

A steady stream of zombies rushed into the sea of ​​fire, and the retreating personnel ran on the iron bridge. More and more soldiers did not dare to go forward. They frequently looked back at the bridgehead, but Zhang Xiaoqiang did not dare to rush in the first line. He Beware of someone fleeing, behind him, the silent seven-seven guns finally fired, the machine guns blasted a flame of smoke in the corpse, the four-pack was also in the power, the four light chain torn the corpse's striker into countless Small paragraph.

"Time, time..."

Sitting in the military vehicle and observing the entire front, Zhang Xiaoqiang kept chanting the word. Although there was heavy fire support, more and more fighters could not resist it, let alone those men who could only fight the wind. If it weren’t for dozens of bodies that were torn into pieces by heavy machine guns~www.readwn.com~ I’m afraid they had already fled.

After Zhang Xiaoqiang, there were fewer and fewer people jumping in the river. The remaining two thousand people were crying together, crying faintly and even passing on the battlefield of killing the sound. Zhang Xiaoqiang looked back indifferently watching those crying. Men, the rest are mostly women and a family of three.

These people clung to the last family in the last days, but they were forced to go to the road. Seeing those men who were crying with their wives and children, Zhang Xiaoqiang hesitated and jumped out of the car and ran there.

Some people saw Zhang Xiaoqiang running over, and could not help but raise some hope. Zhang Xiaoqiang took out his pistol and made a deterrent to point out those men who had a family.

More than a dozen men cringed at Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the women and children hiding behind the man, raised his chin and said to the men:

"Give you a chance, you are dead, your wife and children are alive..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang’s words made half of the people rise their hopes, and the other half’s eyes were full of despair. More than a dozen men were divided into two factions in an instant. Zhang Xiaoqiang did not care for those desperate men. He said to those men with bright eyes:

"You will use my own life to complete the task for you. Your wife and children will get the best care. From then on, they will not starve to death. Children will be educated. They will not be short of food and wear for a lifetime. Are you willing?"

"How do you promise..." A man in his thirties who was full of vicissitudes came out and asked.

"I don't have to guarantee, either you die, your family lives, or you die together."

Zhang Xiaoqiang said that the man’s eyes flickered and asked in a low voice:

"What do you want me to do?" The man seems to represent the opinions of others. They look at Zhang Xiaoqiang together. Although Zhang Xiaoqiang said that he is mortal, he did not have the chance to make a mistake.

"Go to the zombies..."

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