Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 2 Chapter 483: Dagger

More than a dozen men did not return to the same half as Zhang Xiaoqiang thought. Although some people are not willing, but for his descendants to live, they still choose to believe Zhang Xiaoqiang. These more than ten people watched their family being sent across the river. Other poor people hated and looked at more than a dozen pairs of women and children who were sent away.

To the surprise of Zhang Xiaoqiang, there are several men who are willing to die, just to send their women, although Zhang Xiaoqiang sees that these women may not be the wives of these men, but they nod their heads.

A total of seventeen men lined up in a row, standing in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, every man’s eyes were desperate and empty. Zhang Xiaoqiang asked them to put a belt around their waists, and each person’s belt was inserted on the belt. Eight grenades tied the strings of all the grenades together and looked at the men who were going to die. Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded to them.

Seventeen bottles of white wine are given to men. Every man has a handful of wine, and one hand eats the seaweed. It is ugly and ugly. The men who have ugly have finished eating the things in their hands, wiped their mouths and smothered them. Looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang with red eyes.

"I remember all the things I have to say? Just look at things that are not like people, and if you are unsuccessful, your wife and children will eat and wear in this life."

More than a dozen men repeated Zhang Xiaoqiang’s goal in general. Zhang Xiaoqiang waved to them, and the men shouted together and rushed to the corpse in front. At this time, all the heavy machine guns and the Sanqi guns stopped. In the eyes of tens of thousands of people, they watched more than a dozen men who were drunk and rushed into the corpse. Some men rushed into the corpse in one breath, while others stopped at the edge of the corpse, but the zombies did not stop. Next, for a moment, all the men were drowned by the zombies.

Zhang Xiaoqiang waited for the men to be sent to the Z-type zombies. Although he could not guarantee success, the wired hope was always much stronger than the vain despair. Moreover, these people can complete the task, and may not let those who are waiting to die. Do we get a chance?

The front line was still deadlocked. The flame was first extinguished by the big belly zombies. Hundreds of big belly zombies headed over to the front line. Most of them were shot by bullets, and two of them were thrown into the front line. They had not waited for the soldiers to hack them, zombies. The first step is self-explosion. Countless black viscous liquids are scattered around and spattered. The stinking viscous material is as overbearing as the eclipse. As long as anyone accidentally gets a little bit, only one sentence will be corroded immediately. White bones.

The appearance of the big belly zombies made the soldiers panic, the riflemen and the archers gathered to deal with these zombies, the fewer the rifle bullets, the five hundred slings became the most effective long-range support weapon on the battlefield.

Thousands of smashing arrows flew on the battlefield, thousands of zombies were thrown to the ground by the smashing arrows, and after the flames went out, the pits were refilled with countless zombies, and it took a long time to see the pit. Will be filled.

After the first explosion, fifteen minutes later, these men only had forty-five minutes. Once they were more than forty-five minutes, they would be mutated into zombies, but the explosion was in the zombie sea. In the middle, when I heard the explosion, Zhang Xiaoqiang jumped on the roof of the Sanqi Artillery Fire Platform and looked to the middle, but I saw all the dense zombies there. I couldn’t see what was famous.

In his anxious waiting, the second explosion sounded, but in the middle and rear part of the place, the two explosion points are separated by hundreds of meters, Zhang Xiaoqiang did not know whether there are Z-type zombies, can only pray for a human bomb Destroy a Z-shaped zombie.

Even after two explosions, there was no trace of stunnedness in the corpse sea. Obviously, no Z-type zombies were blown up, perhaps because of fear, perhaps because of the pain of life, and those who detonated in advance.

Zhang Xiaoqiang continued to wait. After ten minutes, the explosion sounded one after another. Zhang Xiaoqiang’s heart was like rolling in the stormy waves. He was afraid that he was afraid that the continuous explosion would cause the Z-type zombies to be vigilant, thus giving up the work, when the pointer was close to half an hour. The last three explosions calculated by Zhang Xiaoqiang sounded at the same time, no more than three seconds before and after.

Suddenly, the zombies of the entire offensive line were stagnant at the same time. Numerous zombies seemed to have been deployed. At the next moment, the zombies became messy. The zombies were not moving in the same direction, but spontaneously rushed to the previous explosions. In, there are human blood.

The zombie suddenly lost control. Zhang Xiaoqiang slammed his right fist and succeeded. Only the Z-type zombies were attacked. The zombie sea lost control, meaning that the zombies could not continue to attack in the same direction.

At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang’s heart was like eating iced watermelons on the same day. Their chances appeared. As long as the zombies could not maintain the tide of the general offensive, they could persist until the whole staff retreated under the impact of scattered zombies. Victory, he will carry the remaining more than 20,000 melee men, thousands of elite warriors at the base, and sweeping the entire 50 million zombies.

I hope that in the next second, a high sound will gallop from the wall. The huge high-frequency sound, such as a strong radiation, will cover the entire gathering place. Whether it is a zombie or a human being, all of them will endure the torment, by the river. Hundreds of poor people can't stand the high-frequency noise, rolling on the ground and rolling down the river.

Standing at the height of Zhang Xiaoqiang, he was hit by a big hammer and suddenly planted the car. Zhang Xiaoqiang, who fell to the ground, slammed into the air and woke up from the high-frequency noise.

The screams were not long, and soon the zombies in the entire gathering were chaotic, as if countless headless flies were smashing everywhere, and the flow of people stopped by the iron bridge re-flowed.

Zhang Xiaoqiang knows that this is just like the tranquility before the storm. They completely angered the Z-type zombies, and then they will be the wildest offensive. They have no extra power and low-end. Looking back and seeing the remaining tens of thousands of soldiers, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly An amazing decision.

"Can you remember the cave where we are hiding things? A cave with a lot of bacon?"

Yang Keer looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang with doubt and nodded.

"Under the innermost slogan of the cave, there is a large stone that moves the big stone away. The youth you have drunk is in the inside, only to the most intimate and most loyal people, and no one else gives it. understood?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang whispered in Yang Keer's ear, sniffing the sweaty smell of the little girl, how soft the voice, how soft, and inexplicable Yang Keer nodded.

"As long as you know……."

When the words were not finished, Zhang Xiaoqiang slammed on the neck side of Yang Keer, Yang Keer suddenly fainted, Zhang Xiaoqiang hugged Yang Keer and handed it to Yuan Yi. In the surprise of Yuan Yi and Shangguan, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly burst into drink. One sound:

"Huang Quan, escorting Yuan Yi, they immediately crossed the bridge, but there are rebel fighters to kill."

Zhang Xiaoqiang gave an order, Huang Quan took a few soldiers with a gun and pointed to Yuan Yi. Although Yuan Yi was able to flash, he did not dare to move, because Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at her with the most severe eyes, and revealed in his eyes that if Yuan Yi moved After that, Zhang Xiaoqiang will never care for her again.

Yuan Yi’s silent turn, Zhang Xiaoqiang rushed to the assault vehicle, screwed the puppy and then unscrewed the car, and threw it at the foot of Shangguan Qiaoyun. He turned the car and shouted the evolutionary around him:

"Who would like to kill him three times in three?"

There are quite a few evolutionists, but Zhang Xiaoqiang’s right hand refers to the front of the zombie sea. They don’t know what happened to Zhang Xiaoqiang’s madness~ www.readwn.com~

"The head of the zombie was seriously injured in it. The zombie sea is now in chaos. Once the Z-type zombies are restored, 80% of the people here will die, and whoever has a retreat with me..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang snorted, his eyes were red, and his heart beat like a drum. When his eyes swept to the tall and powerful, he could not help but reveal a contempt.

"I go……."

Wanqiang could not be ridiculed, screaming at himself, standing up and echoing, jumping on the assault vehicle, pressing the body and shaking, watching Zhang Xiaoqiang pointed to the zombie sea, the soldier was silent for three seconds, and turned back to pull one of his subordinates. Untie the leather band on the head.

"Give this to Jona, tell her, I will fight her for the rest of my life, let her go to someone else for a lifetime..."

After the soldier finished, he turned to the military vehicle, but he did it in the driver's seat. He also saw that Zhang Xiaoqiang and Wanqiang were far from the steering wheel.

"Sir, do you have bullets? Give it?"

This is the first sentence that Xiaobing said on the train. A well-maintained nine-fifth rifle and six magazines, and a 92-type pistol were sent to the small soldier.

"Drive and drive me to the place where the wall smokes."

Zhang Xiaoqiang pulled the bolt and said affirmatively.

The car rushed out, like a wild horse, Zhang Xiaoqiang was preparing to sweep the zombies in front of him, a fragrant wind around him, and Pei Pei jumped into the car and stood beside him.

"Go down, the man is still dead, and you can't go to death..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang is a light fire, pull the trigger, and sweep a zombie into the sky.

"Don't be a woman, I like women..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang laughed loudly and shouted:

"Whether you like women or not, now you are my woman, a woman who lives with me..."

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