Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 733: What is left? 3/3

"It’s annoying to see you, is there something wrong?"

Curpe Pepe gaze at the pure black eyes of her nephew, but she spoke to Zhang Xiaoqiang in her mouth. The bright blue silk slid down from her forehead to the squat, and the little palm of her hand swayed with a pair of blue silk. The mother and child in Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyes turned into a static handed down work, conveying a quiet and peaceful and vivid atmosphere to his heart.

"Yes..., hey, do you still remember the dirty children who were with you before? She is actually a girl, and then I followed me to the grassland, and I went south with the North War, when I came back. The urgency, throwing her on the grassland, she went home this morning, came to me with a flying raptor, I was worried that she had an accident..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang originally wanted to say that Ming Peiyue, Mu Pei Pei and his only connection is a nephew. After coming back for so long, he will pay the most for Pepe to eat and chat, and there is no deep contact, but he can’t say it. Ms. Pepe is also his wife. He said other women in front of his wife.

"Oh, it’s still a child. It’s a headache. Would you like to send a helicopter to meet it?"

Mupe Pepe also frowned, watching Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly a lot of heart, since the meeting, Mu Pepei in front of him a pair of cold look, let him feel the gap between the two, this time he is a pet Shangguan Qiaoyun, that is, the coldness of the curtain Pepe makes him feel uncomfortable, or else there is still a place where he sleeps in the house of Pei Pei Pei, now that Pepe Pei suddenly suddenly pays attention to his business, but makes him feel two The individual is much closer.

"There should be no problem. The skill of the cockroach is very good. Even if there is any danger, she can protect herself. Besides, her pet is also very powerful, at least not worse than the **** fish in the gathering place."

Zhang Xiaoqiang was immersed in this kind of relaxed and peaceful anger, and opened up for Pepe. He really didn't worry about it. His skill is very weird. Almost any creature will be killed in front of you. The most profound image is I can take out the brain of the D2 zombie out of thin air. This kind of power is almost incomparable with space conversion. So far, Zhang Xiaoqiang has not encountered similar similarities. It can be seen that he is also an evolutionist at the same level as him.

"Oh, this is good..., my nephew will be full for a hundred days. How do you arrange it?"

In the heart of Pei Pei Pei, the nephew is always the most important. Since there is nothing wrong with it, her attention is placed on her son. Zhang Xiaoqiang slowly leans on the back of the sofa, looking up at the ceiling does not matter. Said:

"If you arrange it, you need to talk to Zhang Huai'an. When you collect some children of the same size as your nephew, they will be the playmates of the children."

Zhang Xiaoqiang does not want to specialize his own children, nor does he want his children to become high-privileged privileged classes, but it is not very comfortable to fall into the ears of Ms. Pepe, adding a tone:

"He is your first child, according to your identity today, your child..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang slammed his head and glared at the curtain, causing her words to come to an abrupt end, but the inability of the eyes slowly gathered into anger.

"I have always been a grassroots. I have not been the emperor's life. My children are ordinary people. I can go to this step today. It is not a mission and an ideal. It is being pushed out step by step. I can't remember myself. How many times have you been hurt, how many pounds of blood have flowed, my descendants don’t have to be a savior, my rights will not be given to my children and future generations, so... don’t expect your son to inherit ...."

Zhang Xiaoqiang once again confirmed the arrangement of the child in front of the curtain. Pei Pei Pei’s slap on his robes and put the full-fledged scorpion on the crib. He stared back at Zhang Xiaoqiang and seemed to look from Zhang Xiaoqiang’s face. Something came out, Zhang Xiaoqiang is still indifferent, after a long while, Mupe Pepe finally spoke.

"Where is there to prepare for him? Your broken military uniform, or your weapon, I don't expect you to leave a golden mountain, but you have to think about it for him later."

Ms. Pepe said that this was a soft suit, and Zhang Xiaoqiang no longer squinted, hesitating for a while, and he suddenly promised to Pei Pei:

"My children must be evolutionary, their descendants are also evolutionists, I can give them life span of more than three hundred years, no disease and disaster for a lifetime, and all the freedom they need, do what they want, no matter they are Want to be a businessman, a warrior, or a civilian, that is their freedom, the world is so big, they want wealth and rights, they can ingest themselves, I will not give them other help, even if they are nothing, I can let them I am not worried about food and clothing, but I will not let them enjoy the prosperity and prosperity..."

Ms. Pei Pei reminded Zhang Xiaoqiang that everything should be left in a line. Although he does not let his descendants inherit his own business, it is not bad to leave something in the family. In addition to the rights, Zhang Xiaoqiang can give a lot of things. The second rain he hid, the glial body that enhances the ability of the evolutionary, the seroconversion that allows people to break through the limits of life, and the research that can make a huge benefit to humans on mutated plants. They can stay, as a legacy, let future generations no longer suffer from poverty, let his family eat and drink in the dark.

People are selfish, and Zhang Xiaoqiang is no exception. His own descendants, his family always have to leave some benefits. He does not want his descendants to stand in the wind, after all, his descendants cannot have his courage and luck. The founding monarchs of the former dynasty are all generations of people, and their descendants are not well-balanced, and they have no ability to match their identities. In the end, they will only die very badly. For this, Zhang Xiaoqiang does not want his own. The blood is cut off, he wants to hide behind the scenes, the family with a detached status, has its own core wealth, has a good training mechanism, and has a balanced opportunity, so that his family can truly achieve food and clothing in the future~www .readwn.com~ There is no need to be strong and attract all kinds of disasters.

"I hope you can do it, I am tired, I want to rest, I don't care about your other children, but you should be able to get things as much as you can, whether you promise or not promise." I hope that he is safe and hopes that he will have enough food for a lifetime..."

The coldness in the words of Pei Pei Pei made Zhang Xiaoqiang suspiciously, and stood up silently, turning to look at the curtain Pepe Pei, who looked elsewhere:

"There is a very powerful woman coming over, don't let her see you and your nephew. If she wants to hurt you, I can't stop..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang finally uttered the Ming Dynasty, but it ignited the celestial fire of the curtain, and the two eyebrows stood upright and violently stood up and screamed like a wounded mother.

"I don't care if you have a few women, but you don't want to involve me and your nephew. As long as you have a hairless one, I swear, even if I have killed you for a lifetime, ruin everything you have." ...."

The madness of Pei Pei Pei made Zhang Xiaoqiang’s heart sullenly dissipated. Looking at the curtain-like scorpion, the red lips embedded in the silver teeth, Zhang Xiaoqiang’s heart suddenly burst into an impulse and went to Mupepe. Gazing at her eyes in front of her eyes, the curtain peeked like Zhang Xiaoqiang, the accumulated flame in her eyes came out until Zhang Xiaoqiang touched her cheek, and Pei Pei didn't move, endured Zhang Xiaoqiang's stroke, and her heart was afraid. A woman who can't even stop Zhang Xiaoqiang, she can't stop it, if it is...

"I won't let anyone hurt your mother and child. Even if I want my life, I won't do it. I will grow up healthy and healthy. You don't have to worry about anything in the future. Everything has me..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang’s deep confession did not cause an eager response from the curtain, she looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang indifferently:

"hope so……."

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