Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 734: Weird love 1/3

Standing on the wall of the base, Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the slow-moving team. The team carried four hundred soldiers. There will be 2,600 people led by Xiaoshan. They will join the teaching camp for a period of time. After three months of instructional training, the troops will be reorganized into the first army independent brigade after the training is completed, accumulating the experience of zombie combat, until one day they can board Australia and begin the revenge action in Xiaoshan’s heart.

The team slowly entered the gate. Most of the vehicles were driven deep into the base under the guidance of the guide car. Only one car was parked at the gate. A beautiful woman who was fascinated with her four girls left the car. Zhang Xiaoqiang stared, and Ming Mingyue did not change at all. As Zhang Xiaoqiang saw for the first time, it was cool and bright, and the dreamlike eyes were a little less charming. It was a little bit cold and the red lips were slightly more than the most vivid petals. It’s okay, and her long hair with deep waist is scattered freely, showing the ancient charm of the Jiangnan water village, a tight leather body, seven long arrows on the back, and a red draped embroidered lining. Let this cold and fairy woman look like a goddess of war.

Four bright-eyed, white-skinned girls stand quietly behind Yu Mingyue, curiously looking at the walls and the cannons, the girls are rare and beautiful women, exudes a rare sight in the last days. Pure and lively, but with the glory of the front, they look ordinary like grass on the roadside. At least all the soldiers who saw the moon are stagnation. They don’t know what they are, they are immersed in the dream of the moon. The beauty of the face is unrecognizable. Only Zhang Xiaoqiang is thinking about something else. Why didn’t she wear the top gauze and hide her brilliance? Is it that Ming Mingyue has figured it out, not entangled in him, wants to renew himself? Looking for a fiancé?

Thinking of this, the original Zhang Xiaoqiang should have a good atmosphere, but I don’t know why, his heart is also sour, sour is like pouring into a bottle of Shanxi old vinegar, the annoyed mood is mad in his heart. The tangled heart burned the blazing flame, but I knew that this flame was really unreasonable. He is not his man, why is he angry with looking for a man?

"You came?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang stood in front of Yan Mingyue, his eyes were free, and he did not dare to look at her aggressive eyes. I wanted to ask if Ming Mingyue had figured it out. The words came to the end and the soldiers behind Zhang Xiaoqiang were after Zhang Xiaoqiang’s opening. Woke up with God and a cold war at the same time, this woman is too glamorous, not the kind of people they can get, but also Zhang Xiaoqiang's acquaintance, they dare not be a pig brother again, looking back with the greatest perseverance.

"Look, why? Not welcome?"

Yan Mingyue's look was dull, and the tone of his speech was also dull. With a faint alienation, Zhang Xiaoqiang was somewhat helpless. Hesitated for a little while, and asked nothing to ask:

"Then, then your men..."

"I gave it to Song Kunhai. I have lifted their mind control. Although most of them can't remember it, but there is an impression in their minds, and they learn fast. I also see the things in the son-in-law, but that is I admire a word very much. It is better to watch thousands of miles than to walk thousands of miles. I will not take care of them anymore, and I will be free to walk around...."

In the discourse, Yan Mingyue and Zhang Xiaoqiang made the end, and all of her survivors were freed and handed over to Song Kunhai, and she is no longer the leader. I don’t want to go to Hubei, just want to see here. The local customs, neither expressed closeness to Zhang Xiaoqiang, nor deliberately expressed alienation, faint, as uninteresting boiled water, so that Zhang Xiaoqiang is not a taste, then he saw the Xiang Yuer standing behind Yu Mingyue, only Seeing Xiang Yuer's white tender cheeks faded, eyes staring at him, seemingly afraid that Zhang Xiaoqiang told her the past scandal, but Chanel was very excited to look at it, obviously, returning to the base again made her very happy. .

"Very good idea, just outside is very dangerous, with three ordinary little girls..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang kindly reminded Yu Mingyue that he did not know what thoughts existed. Maybe he hoped that Yu Mingyue could think more about it. I didn’t expect Yan Mingyue to say something amazing:

"They are your subordinates in the future, and have nothing to do with me. Song Kunhai, I don't trust. I heard that you are very good here. Chanel has always been obsessed with it..."

Under the stunned Zhang Xiaoqiang, Chanming Yue turned to look at his cheeks and shy red Chanel continued:

"I still remember a man named Huang Tingwei. Anyway, I am also the sister of Chanel. I have to look at it with my own eyes."

Shangguan Qiaoyun has been hit again. She has always considered herself a perfect woman. Apart from the enchanting actor, there is no more perfect woman than the whole force. I did not expect that when Mingyue appeared After her face, the whole world has been subverted. Even if it is as perfect as her, it needs the packaging and maintenance of cosmetics. There are always some traces left between the skin, but the moon is pure, it is this. The plain face of the white face made her marvel. The world is so beautiful, almost to the point where there is no reason, and her sensitive discovery, Yan Mingyue seems to have some unclear relationship with Zhang Xiaoqiang, which makes her heart's pride become I am discouraged.

Yan Mingyue saw Shangguan Qiaoyun’s eyes shine, and then nodded with satisfaction, said to Zhang Xiaoqiang, who was sitting silently:

"Your eyes are not too bad..."

When Shangguan Qiaoyun heard this, he was not happy. What is not too bad? Is she still very poor? The mouth suddenly picked up and blurted out like a machine gun:

"This younger sister, this woman is not just looking at looks. I am not too ugly, but I don't think this is the biggest advantage. I am actually good at giving my man a good dish. When he is tired After that, he can relax and massage, and he can work without pressure every day, and my ability is not bad. At the crucial moment, I can kill the enemy with my man..."

Shangguan Qiaoyu’s words made Yan Mingyue not know what to say, cooking, massage, and serving men, she would not, generally have no need to use her hands, and then her food is mainly the essence of mutant beasts. Blood, for human things, does not value, Shangguan Qiaoyun's words really poked her weakness.

"You said that there is still a son, willn't this sister be born?"

As soon as the topic turned, Yan Mingyue turned to the child. The imposing Shangguan Qiaoyun vented his anger and did not have a child. It was the biggest regret of her and Yuan Yi. She did not care for her children, but she saw other women. Zhang Xiaoqiang’s child, the sourness of the two women’s hearts, it was a wave of waves. Zhang Xiaoqiang also heard some of it at this time. This time, Ming Mingyue’s visit was a demonstration. It was obvious that he said the last time. After the revenge, but this kind of revenge is only minor, did not think of who to hurt.

"Well, it will be three months right now, very cute..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang honestly replied, handing the good fairy silver tea to Ming Mingyue~www.readwn.com~濯明月 was very generous to take it, gently put it on his lips, suddenly flashing a bit of joy, Turning his head and staring at Zhang Xiaoqiang:

"I... I feel..."

"Don't hurry, play for a few days, wait until the new tea arrives, I will give it to you..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang is generous to Yan Mingyue. He knows what Ming Mingyue wants to say. This thing must be good for the body of Yan Mingyue. She will bribe her first, so that she will not continue to suffer. This is the second month of the cheeks. Hesitated for a moment, nodded gently, then she smothered the silver tea, and spit out a scent after half a sigh, I am embarrassed to say:

"I don't have a gift for such a valuable gift..."

"Sister is really polite, they are all from their own family, and they say what they say."

Shangguan Qiaoyun didn't know about Yan Mingyue and Zhang Xiaoqiang. He thought that Zhang Xiaoqiang was a woman who was raised outside and was responsible for the door. Although she was not feeling well, she did not dare to smack her face on Zhang Xiaoqiang. After all, she even had children. No, I also think that I have no status in my heart. If I first accept the words of acceptance, I can at least leave an impression of the atmosphere in Zhang Xiaoqiang’s heart. When I heard this, my eyes flashed, and Zhang Xiaoqiang sprinkled a precious silver tea in my mouth. Out, let the room be filled with the unique smell of silver tea.

"Then I don't say thank you, yes, congratulations to my sister..."

Shangguan Qiaoyun’s words should not be said to let Yan Mingyue speak without thorns, but looking at Shangguan Qiaoyun’s lower abdomen is not a taste of the words, so that Shangguan Qiaoyun couldn’t figure it out, and then the words of Shang Mingyue made Shangguan Qiaoyun jump up. I can’t help but kiss her.

"Congratulations to my sister, she is a little girl..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang jerked his head up, Shangguan Qiaoyun grabbed his mouth, and Ming Mingyue looked at the belly of Shangguan Qiaoyun with a complex look and wondered what he was thinking.

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