Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 867: Chaos 3/3

"Hey, is this really dangerous now?"

Xiaoshan, who had been silent for a long time, couldn’t help but ask, Zhang Xiaoqiang glanced at Xiaoshan and said contemptuously:

"How? Are you afraid? Don't you still want to go back to Australia? The new era is harder to pack than the crowds in the urban area. It is impossible to fight without casualties. I estimate that if this and the urban evolutionary hands start, it is very likely that both sides will suffer. Even if your independent group has three hundred people left, it will be lucky. As for morale, it will not be counted..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang’s indifferent words say that Xiaoshan’s look has changed greatly. The three thousand subordinates are the capital of his return to Australia. He is not afraid of him. Zhang Xiaoqiang sees that Xiaoshan has changed his mind and knows what he thinks, adding:

"This is a hurdle. If you have to go to you, you will have a future. To be honest, I used to play against the new era. The composition of luck accounts for the majority. The technology and force of the new era are not what we can match, just like the regular army and the local underworld. Than, the price you want to win over them may be even bigger. If you want to go back to Australia, you can only think about it. When it is really that day, you will find that you are actually in the eyes of others..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang was in a bad mood, and his mouth was uncovered. The scars on Xiaoshan’s mind were uncovered, and Xiaoshan’s look changed. The twisted cheeks were fierce and terrible. The safety of his family was a taboo in Xiaoshan’s heart. He led a row of soldiers holding explosives. After watching Zhang Xiaoqiang, he made the worst plan. The reason for his rebellion against the New Era was also an accident in Australia. His family was abandoned and really broke with it. Although the original intention was only to kill the new era, he still didn’t give up. I only hope that one day I can return to Australia to see for myself. Zhang Xiaoqiang crushes the dream he built in his heart. How can he keep his mood steady?

"Don't believe it. When I was in Sichuan, I showed you the picture of the new era. The air frigates of others can easily annihilate the main army. Your independent group is not necessarily stronger than the army of others..., then the evolutionary people in the urban area. There is neither training nor sufficient practical experience. It is almost the same as the Wuhe people. Even if they win, they have no joy. The official legion of the new era is only the bottom of the army. There are excellent silver flowers on the army. There are tulips on the top, in addition to the apostles, the guards of the gods, and so on, but not to mention the big killers such as the twelve gods. How do you fight with others?"

"What should I do? Do you not do anything, wait for someone to die?"

Xiaoshan face red ears, his eyes are full of bloodshot eyes, a bitter bitterness and deep bite of teeth, it seems that Zhang Xiaoqiang does not give him an account, he will bite Zhang Xiaoqiang in one fell swoop, Zhang Xiaoqiang said in the direction of Hubei, Lang said:

"I am in the prosperity of Hubei's industry. The ultimate goal of the hunter's army is to know how much you want to evolve. If you have that thing, you have at least 2,000 soldiers who can become evolutionists. That is to say, the eucalyptus flowers in your former army group may not be able to outrage you. I also have a 100,000-strong army of silver, and various technical equipments emerge in an endless stream. If you believe in me and fight this battle, how many evolutionary matrices do you want? How much to give you..., dare you promise?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang’s eyes are like electricity, his lips are tight, his face reveals an unprecedented seriousness and sternness, which makes Xiaoshan’s heart move and shouts loudly:

"Why don't you dare to take revenge, how can I sell this life to you?"

"Well... the new era is also my enemy. I am not in the same position with the new era. I have cleaned up the evolutionary people of Shanghai. We can find a way to restrain the new era and the only way we can restrain the new era..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang has no confidence in his commitment. He does not know whether the drones made by Pearl Tears and Sun Bamboo can really restrain the new era, but he knows that if it conflicts with the new era, the drone will be his only magic weapon, or else Recovering Beijing’s right to obtain identity verification and getting a nuclear bomb, this step is not what Zhang Xiaoqiang wants to see. After all, the nuclear bomb is always a taboo in the human heart, and he does not even want to touch the taboo in the past.

"I hope my brother remembers what you said. This time I am going out, but seeing me take a step back, my brother can beheaded me."

Xiaoshan, who was holding explosives and preparing to go on the road with Zhang Xiaoqiang, came back again. Zhang Xiaoqiang’s grim expression changed slightly and he focused on the following: “If you die, one day I will destroy the new era. I can’t do it, my post will Do it..."

No matter whether Xiao Xiaoqiang can really do it, Xiaoshan has a heart-warming moment. All the worries and cares have disappeared. I just want to kill a good one and vent the suffocation that has accumulated in my heart. Suddenly, the artillery observer shouted. :

"They attacked..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang does not know that his opponent is only a fortune. Qinghong Road is the top three forces in Shanghai. The power is huge. Only the troops of the Fortune are enough to let Zhang Xiaoqiang be treated with enthusiasm. Just like the ancient war, he rushed in front forever. It can't be elite, and the Fortune is reluctant to let his evolvers rush into the shooting range of machine guns. Thousands of armed men are like swarming swarms, rushing from the direction of the city. Far away, you can see that these people are smaller than the ants, and they are slowly coming back in the street and the tree room. Although there are many people, they are very powerful, and there is no deterrent in the zombie sea. It was not as great as it was. At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang’s subordinate assembly was less than two thousand. Most of the infantry fighting vehicles and artillery did not come up. There were no soldiers afraid of so many enemies.

The difference between elite and cannon fodder is most easily seen in the time of the two armies. Zhang Xiaoqiang’s soldiers are all lazy in their respective positions, scornfully watching the enemies in a mess, the enemy’s equipment is not bad, armored vehicles The assault vehicle, as well as the various square-steel trucks that are welded by steel plates, shuttle between the soldiers. Occasionally, the car cannons are not known from which warehouses were pulled out. It is supposed to set the artillery positions at the rear of the troops~www.mtlnovel. Com~ was mixed in the middle of the messy infantry and rushed two kilometers away. I really don't know how to write the dead words.

Standing on the high-rise, Zhang Xiaoqiang looked more carefully. With a telescope, he could see the noses of the soldiers. Within his clear line of sight, most of the messy armed men wore military uniforms and fought from active duty. There are camouflage uniforms for the reserve. There are even people wearing military green uniforms from the 1960s and 1970s. The colorful people look dizzy, and the weapons of these people, guns of all ages, 03-type rifles, nine Five-type rifle, Bayi rifle, five-six rifle, these rifles are not to be said, there are five-three rifles filled with black grease as if they were picked up from the gutter, Garland rifle, Mauser 98-type rifle , the three-eighth rifle, the official rifle and other old antiques, many of them old-fashioned rifles are in good condition, at first glance, they know that they are specially used as collection rifles, all appear here.

Zhang Xiaoqiang saw the rifles in the hands of these people in his eyes. He did not laugh at them. He did not look down on the miscellaneous guns in these hands. He thought that he might not be much better at the beginning, but he did admire Qinghong Road, so many gun models. It’s not easy to find ammunition. I know that he still sees a lot of British-made Field rifles and a few French rifles. It’s probably the first year of the Republic of China.

The number of armed personnel who rushed over did not understand for a moment, at least five or six thousand people were there. These people did not have no combat literacy. Many small teams with a slightly uniform weapon were very different from the armed men around them. They marched forward. The rhythm is clear, the pace is brisk, and I know how to cover up with various buildings and terrain. Obviously these people are either soldiers or simply regular soldiers who defected to Qinghong Road. Zhang Xiaoqiang did not understand why the Qinghong Road was armed. Are there regular soldiers in the staff, is it still so messy?

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