Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 868: Chen Youshan 1/3

Zhang Xiaoqiang does not know that armed men are not valued among the evolutionists. They are only tools for managing survivors. The status is not much better than that of ordinary people. Today, with more and more evolvers, the status of these armed personnel is deteriorating, at least The single Qing Dynasty is a bit right. Compared with the comfort of these armed people, the chances of becoming an evolutionist among the survivors highly oppressed by the evolutionary are much higher.

The six-door 87-type 82-mm mortar was already ready. The 30-person artillery platoons were anxiously looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang at their respective gun positions. When he issued a shelling command, Zhang Xiaoqiang did not see the artillery’s anxieties, even the biggest. The 4,600-meter mortar has already set the opponent in the range of the shooting range. Zhang Xiaoqiang just looked at the scattered forces and gradually approached the front of the defense.

Just as the soldiers on the line of defense were a little bit ready to fight, the smoke of the smoke floated from the camp of Qinghong Road, and then in the faint roar, the cobweb defensive positions blasted the scarlet fire wrapped in light black smoke. The group, the continuous explosion of the smoke and fire group exploded a myriad of black gravel residue, sprinkled on the position, a lot of excitement, Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the bombardment of this bombardment of their own positions, shaking their heads, messing up, messing up, and Their precision, let alone people, even if the pigs are not bombing, it seems to be lively, in fact, all of them have been blown to the back of the position, time hastily, the position of the troops is very simple, could not block the minimum is 85 The millimeter caliber shells did not expect a good position, and behind the position was a strange earth and stone.

The wind blew the smoke on the ground, so that all their defensive positions were covered, and the other side could not look carefully. Zhang Xiaoqiang saw that there was a bombing of the cannons between the infantry and the infantry. Even they all mentioned that they were hurting the shells. I wasn’t in a hurry. The armed men who had flocked before stopped to look at it. They didn’t say anything about discipline. The whispers were all introverted, and there were a lot of people cheering loudly, and people were far away. Shooting here, I don’t know where they are shooting.

"Commanding the troops, initial contact to give up the first position, resisting fifteen minutes in the second position, and finally sticking to the core position..., five-point strength firepower preparation, three-point strength firepower to keep..., waiting for the order..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang’s order slammed the staff of the order, and gave up the first position with one shot. The second position was not allowed to open firepower. He could only maintain the firepower of the third floor. What is this? battle?

"I am not going to go, I will post it to me without a word..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang shook his head and shouted, letting the young staff face scared and white, and immediately changing the sprint to go, Zhang Xiaoqiang swept the back of the staff, and turned back to sneer into the sardines who were squeezing into the sardines in the distance. Has been identified as a slave in his heart, the word slave has been disappeared in China for a long time, and now it is so common in this era, Zhang Xiaoqiang never thought of turning people into slaves, and there is always a bottom line in his heart. Yesterday, he looked at more than a hundred bodies that were swaying in the wind. He seemed to have heard the crying and crying of those who had been silent to him. His heart changed.

Chen Youshan is one of the many armed men. As a high school student at Fudan University, he is the pride of his hometown village. At the age of twenty-five and five, he is a big-named figure among the armed men. He is physically strong and dark. The eyes are brighter than others. Before the end of the world, he was able to get a high score from the towns where the quality of teaching was high. He was able to see his ability, and from the county college entrance examination to the big city of Shanghai, he thought about it. It is a small legend. After all, in the highly competitive county, his academic performance can only be counted as medium. Even in the original middle school, he scored more than 30 points in the second place of the whole year.

As a medium-ranking student, he can be admitted to Fudan because of his innate ability to surpass himself. The more nervous he is, the more stress he has. The more resilient he is, the more he is empowered by pressure, after he is admitted to Fudan University. He is smart and acquainted. He accepted the second challenge in life. The county students are the top students in the county, but in Fudan, he is facing one of the top groups in the country. As a surpassing entry into Fudan, he suddenly found himself a group of students at the bottom. Compared with others, he only needs to be different after gold plating. He does not have any future within the reach of the village. Instead, he has to bear tens of thousands of dollars in debt.

Chen Youshan’s talent broke out again. He put a note on his bed and could see the piece of paper every day. There is only one sentence on the paper: “The stupid bird flies first”

As a stupid bird, Chen Youshan does not know what other people's college life is like. His college life is a copy of high school for three years. When others look at beautiful women, he is in the library, others are inviting friends. Sitting in the stalls and eating meat and blowing the sea otters, he was warming up in the study room. When others were addicted to the game yelling, he silently calculated various formulas in the deafening background music, step by step, he The knowledge grew up in the indulgence of college life, and eventually became a disciple of the professor's mind. When he was not a graduate student, he took him into the research room and taught him his incomprehensible knowledge bit by bit.

As an ordinary person, as a small country boy in the countryside, he flew a peaceful road for himself in the eyes of everyone, and the well-known professors of the country waited for him to be like a parent-child. The default number of places to stay in the school, and all this is the case that he has not yet graduated from the postgraduate school. Everyone is jealous and he is a slap in the face and the driller has only held the professor’s stinky feet. He silently conquered a small one in this rumor. The topic, for myself to constantly add points in front of the school and the teacher, and finally printed his name on the academic report on the school, so that all voices that question him are lost.

He is a piece of jade, honing himself in all kinds of difficulties and predicaments, taking all the predicaments as his own power and opportunity, struggling to survive in the last days step by step, from his stronger body than other armed men, and full of luster. The cheeks can be seen, he can also be very good in the last days, just like everyone else is holding a five-six rifle, and he is holding a brand new eight-eight sniper rifle, even if he does not have the sniper's talent Like a sniper, hiding behind and watching others go to charge.

Those who can survive in the last days are not stupid, not to mention Chen Youshan, a survivor who always makes himself very moist. When the troops set off to attack Zhang Xiaoqiang, he was planning for himself and constantly familiar with himself in the team. Several armed men browed their eyes and exchanged the eyes that only they understood. When others were panting for fighting, he used his gold jewelry to bribe the quartermaster and got double ammunition and combat supplies, even using Lafite, who had been hiding for a long time, changed a bullet-proof vest, all of which was to survive in this involuntary war.

As a member of the 5,000 armed men, Chen Youshan knows that these seemingly prestigious armed men are just the consumables in the eyes of the evolutionists. Even if they die, there are still three times the number of armed men behind them. The evolutionary is selling, even if all the survivors are dead, and 100,000 male survivors are waiting for the substitute to become armed, and enjoy a few meals when they die.

Therefore, Chen Youshan did not expect to make a contribution, because he knew that even if he killed a hundred enemies, he would still be an ordinary person, never get into the circle of evolutionaries, and could not become an evolutionist~www.mtlnovel. Com~ Don't want to enjoy the comfortable and rich life. People like him are many among the armed people. Of course, there will not be many.

The 56-year-old 85mm cannon rumbled in the back of Chen Youshan, and the sweaty armed men smashed a box of dusty magazines from the transport truck and placed them on the ground. More people Then, with a rag, wipe a piece of shells that are also covered with dust and rust stains. After being put on a fuze, they are piled up in random places around the cannon. Other armed people watching the lively are standing on the side of the shell. One foot on the shells puts out the posture to cheer the stunned artillery, every time the shock and the smoke will cause them a burst of cheers, watching the smoke of the group rise from the enemy's position in the roar of high-explosive bombs. They are refreshed and refreshed.

Chen Youshan looked at the artillery position separated by a hundred meters. An inexplicable itch was stalking around him, making him stand out from the crowd of sweaty smelly odor. It was not physical discomfort but his I know that this artillery position is too close to myself. Those shells are all good fuzes. Once someone’s feet are unstable and slipped, they hit the trigger of the shells, not to mention the 100 meters, even within the kilometer range. No one can live, and he happens to be in the middle of the team. He does not dare to move forward. Wherever he has to be the first wave of offense, he is not afraid to go backwards. The evolutionist does not regard the armed personnel as the first class. Once someone retreats, don’t ask why they kill first.

The card here makes Chen Youshan anxious, and I can't wait to dig a big hole to bury myself. The most important thing is that he can't remind him loudly. Once everyone is afraid of causing the team to collapse, it will still be killed by those elders. The survivors who think that the shells must be blasted out, Chen Youshan understands that he is more tormented.

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