Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 925: Wrong 2/3

Zhang Xiaoqiang is extremely dissatisfied with the big water snake at this moment. He does not say that he will throw himself as a weapon to the electric raft lower than it. At this time, he will compare it with the mutant beast that is 30 times smaller, so that he is afraid of such a step. The ranks are all related to the head. The bigger the head is, the higher the level is. The three or five meters of the mutant beast is not a big one. It even makes the water snake fall into the wild. Compared with the Qijiang River fleet, the **** battle is life and death, and the water snake is poor. Not a little bit, Zhang Xiaoqiang is angry with the water snake, not keeping his hand. Since the water snake is afraid of death and death, he will let the water snake know that he can also have its life.

The unicorn and the scimitar are also four-level materials. Zhang Xiaoqiang’s knife has many warnings. He has a heavy knife on the unicorn, so that the horn root on the water snake’s head seems to be picked up by the scorpion, and the painful water snake trembles. Zhang Xiaoqiang's scimitar broke the scalp of the water snake and placed it on top of the skull. The water snake immediately stopped the escaped body and slowly swayed his head...

It’s no wonder that the water snake will run away. This strange and ugly mutant beast is faster in the water. The double fin fins can be leaped above the water surface, and the fins are flexible, allowing the mutant beast to The free turn in the air is like a bird, let alone the **** red bird's mouth of the glazed texture can easily break the scales of the water snake. Zhang Xiaoqiang knows that the huge body of the water snake is more difficult to deal with this mutant animal, but it is more timid than the water snake. What if the thing bites the water snake and bruises? I can't afford to hurt, but I won't die. Besides, the water snake can't deal with it. It doesn't mean that Zhang Xiaoqiang can't deal with it. Their task is to keep the river, not bullying or hard.

Just after Zhang Xiaoqiang forced the water snake to turn, the rain curtain formed by the downpour will make the large river mask around. The former mutant animal seems to disappear. Zhang Xiaoqiang stood on the water snake head to observe the movement around. The water snake could not eat the head. The pain mourned, let Zhang Xiaoqiang feel a move, pulled out the machete, at this time, the water snake seems to be ordered to rush forward, look at the way forward, very shameful and brave.

At the moment when the water snake accelerated, the surface of the snake head bursting into numerous waters and suddenly bursting. The mutant animal that had disappeared suddenly rushed out to face Zhang Xiaoqiang, and the eagle-like cockroach straight aimed at Zhang Xiaoqiang, and the water snake was straight and straight. The snake head immediately rose up and seemed to want Zhang Xiaoqiang to raise some to avoid this mutant beast. Zhang Xiaoqiang’s heart was a little touched by the water snake. In any case, the water snake still cares about him, at this time, the variation The wings of the beast shed blood from the body, and the **** red jade's mouth also crossed the parabola and fell into the hand of Zhang Xiaoqiang. Then the snake-like tail of the steel whip was separated from the body of the mutant beast. The cracked open body is the body of the mutant beast. Under the control of Zhang Xiaoqiang's heart, the mouse king's blade will separate the monster from the blink of an eye. Even the crystal nucleus and colloidal body hidden in the body are exposed in the air, and in the rat. Under the impact of the king's blade, it turned to Zhang Xiaoqiang's hand.

Harvesting these things, Zhang Xiaoqiang has no difficulty in blowing his heart, and his heart is full of enthusiasm. Even if these things come to ten, he will not be afraid. He is excited and suddenly finds that the water snake is still rushing downstream, and it’s coming to an end. On the river embankment, Zhang Xiaoqiang was prepared to hold the river embankment together with the water snake. He looked into the river and found that there were thousands of mutant beasts in the river embankment. They were all the mutant beasts that chased the water snakes. Zhang Xiaoqiang scared the hair. Standing up, so many mutant beasts together, it is no wonder that the water snake will escape without fighting.

Thousands of mutant beasts originally entered the area with electric gongs. The eDonkeys fought in the front with the water snakes, and these greedy mutated beasts ate in the back. The steel head fish that had been annihilated by the Yangtze River Fleet and the Big Water Snake were killed and injured. Heavy, a large number of corpses floated here along the river, and the river dykes piled up by debris. These mutant beasts used this as a restaurant. Before the water snake let Zhang Xiaoqiang deal with the electric raft, he ran over to deal with the squid The beast, Zhang Xiaoqiang’s anger at the big water snake is wrong.

The big water snake was threatened by Zhang Xiaoqiang with a machete. He had rushed to these mutant beasts with mortal determination. Zhang Xiaoqiang had the heart to let the water snake turn around. He couldn’t say anything about his mouth, not to mention more than 100,000 survivors behind him. Retreating, not to mention that the entire Yangtze River fleet was almost destroyed because of his orders, not to mention that the water snake was turned around and rushed under his anger, so at this moment he could not make a U-turn to escape.

For a time, Zhang Xiaoqiang’s heart was filled with a tragic and strong heart. He only wanted to fight for death. The Rat King’s Blade flashed at his side at high speed, and countless raindrops were split in half. The invisible killings swelled to the extreme, and even expanded to 20 meters. The killing was in a violent collision, causing a continuous wave of vibrations ten meters away. All the rain was annihilated by this shock wave, and the heat flow in the firebird's scimitar was again guided by his whole body. Follow the tiger's mouth and walk through the arm, driving away the coldness of the bones around the body. Just when Zhang Xiaoqiang is about to face this amazing battle of magnitude, the water snake suddenly raises the snakehead and makes Zhang Xiaoqiang rise from the river. More than ten meters.

At the moment when Zhang Xiaoqiang’s powerful drink made the water snake put him down, the water snake originally had a larger body than the train box. The body of the water snake swelled more than doubled, and Zhang Xiaoqiang was surprised at the moment when the water snake changed. Numerous mutant beasts have abandoned the steel-headed fish corpses and surrounded them with water snakes. These mutant beasts are fast, even in heavy rain, they can't slow them down. A few blinks, the herd is on the water snake that continues to rise. The next piece of flesh and blood, and dozens of mutant beasts will target the head of the water snake, want to kill.

Zhang Xiaoqiang hurriedly protected the head of the water snake, killing a mutant animal and smashing the scattered corpses. He never had time to clean up the materials and colloids, letting the mutants fall into the water. Floating, I can't think of other things for a while, just numbly killing the mutant beast, just at the moment when he kills red eyes, the whole body fleshy water snakes spit out the snake letter and entangled Zhang Xiaoqiang's waist again. Zhang Xiaoqiang took a lot of effort to use the machete to snake. The letter is divided into two, which is doubtful. The snake shape is like a spring. Zhang Xiaoqiang is thrown up from the snake head by a height of thirty or fifty meters. Zhang Xiaoqiang is completely out of control. He was nearly 20 meters away from the water. This time he once again Climbing to thirty or fifty meters, there is only one thought in my heart. Is it not death today, but is it to be killed?

The thoughts flashed, the water snake underneath suddenly moved, the snake head quickly swelled, and a thick blue-blue smoke spread from the snake head and covered a large expanse of river surface. Even if the rain poured, these smokes would not dissipate. Completely wrapped around the big snake, Zhang Xiaoqiang, who will start to fall back, sees the smoke beside the water snake. He instantly remembers the three-level big python that fights in the Yinmeng area and the mutated king. He immediately understands the smoke from the water snake. What is it…….

The mutant beast has its own killer. If it is not at the critical juncture, the mutant beast will not be used, just as the erosion source of the **** fish is eroded~www.readwn.com~ electric current, and various mutant animals are strange. The ability of these abilities to consume every time is the vitality of the mutant beast. The poisonous mist that the big water snake spits out is not excluded. After the spit out, the whole body is not restored, and it becomes more slim. Before the devouring zombies The grown meat seems to be consumed.

Zhang Xiaoqiang fell again under countless raindrops, and he waited for him to fall into the poisonous fog that was rolling over the river. The slender snake letter would wrap him up, and lightly put it back on the snake head, clutching the sharp one-horned, Zhang Xiaoqiang had a lingering fear. Looking at the poisonous mist rolling under the head of the snake, 100,000 drops of rainwater fell on the river every second, hitting countless waves of water, and the water waves from one ring and one ring were formed into a piece of poisonous mist into the river, surrounded by water snakes. The mutant beasts that have been bitten on the side have all disappeared. One of them has been sinking in the water. The blue-green poisonous mist is transformed into poisonous water and mixed with the river. When it is not long, the river has turned blue-blue. To a trace of poisonous mist spread on the water.

Standing on the head of the water snake, the rain ran across the neck at the top of the head, and from the arm to the flamingo scimitar clenched in the hand, Zhang Xiaoqiang did not know how many bird's beak fin mutants just killed, want to come to twenty or thirty. In some cases, although these mutant beasts are low in order, it is not easy to kill them. Zhang Xiaoqiang can only barely protect himself by doing his best. The poisonous mist that the water snakes spit out will force thousands of mutant beasts into the river. In the water, the raindrops splash on the river surface, and there are only countless ship wrecks and wrecks of the steel head fish in the rippling water waves. Occasionally, the bird's beak fin fish that Zhang Xiaoqiang killed before, the thousands of bird's fins disappeared invisible, as if everything It’s a nightmare, just in the middle of Zhang Xiaoqiang’s day, a bird’s fin fish that has only a complete body shape has been turned upside down on the river. Looking at the whole river surface is all these things. Thousands can easily tear the beak of the mutant water snake. The fin fish are all in the ink at this moment...

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