Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 926: Under poison 3/3

The big water snake does not seem to be vomiting poisonous gas, but is vomiting blood. After all the beaks have turned white, the water snake has no strength to float and float near the gap of the river embankment, and there is almost no electricity smashing from the corner of the mouth. What is the difference, Zhang Xiaoqiang stood on an abandoned watchtower on the river bank to hide from the rain. The watchtower was originally only a few pieces of steel plate rushed to build, and even the inside of the narrow space could not be turned. Zhang Xiaoqiang was soaked in the cold. In the middle of the river, holding the firebird scimitar and looking at the sky and sighing, after the eDonkey and the beak fins all the ink, the downstream slightly stopped for a while, so that Zhang Xiaoqiang had a breathing space, and had time to think.

Just as he looked at the burning heart of the firebird scimitar, he called for his attention to be brought back to reality, looking up and discovering that a ship of more than 300 tons of sand was slowly opened. Near the gap, a group of soldiers wearing raincoats ran back and forth in the cabin, calling for him, and the person at the front was the peak of going back.

"Hey brother, we came to support, Zhao Deyi is behind, we are going to build a position on the river embankment. As long as there is a big water snake to cooperate with us, at least we can hold on for more than three days..."

The peak erased the rain on the face and excited Zhang Xiaoqiang suggested that he did not think that Zhang Xiaoqiang and the Dashui Snake could recover the river embankment. As long as they built some heavy firepower on it, even if the previous steel-headed fish were ten times more, they could not The river smashed into the river, and the soldiers beside him stared at the scorpion of more than 100 meters long. The long beast died in the river, giving them a higher reverence for Zhang Xiaoqiang and the Dashui Snake. Zhang Xiaoqiang did not agree to the peak proposal, pointing to the eDonkey said:

"If there is this thing below, no matter how many people come, it is not enough."

The peak looked at the 100-meter-long eDonkey, and some of them did not agree. No matter how powerful this eDonkey was, it is now dead. If he can kill the first one, he can kill 100. He is confident of Zhang Xiaoqiang. Zhang Xiaoqiang saw the peak and secretly shook his head. The peak had confidence in him, but he had no confidence in himself. Thousands of bird's fins almost ate him with the big water snake and the belt bones. If it wasn't for the water snake, he would force him. The words that spit out the deep hidden cards, but he did not explain too much, these things have gone beyond the imagination of the peak, and more to say no benefit is detrimental to the military.

"Temporarily teach me here, you will go back immediately, let Mo Shaoyun look for people who know the pesticide factory or chemical plant among the survivors, and try their best to find all kinds of highly toxic raw materials. With this thing, we can guarantee the stability of the Yangtze River... ...."

Zhang Xiaoqiang's new idea is poison. The poison of the water snake spit is extremely poisonous. Once it kills thousands of beak fins, the poisonous gas of the water snake is amazing but it cannot be sustained. After spitting once, it will become soft and muddy. You don't have to expect it to spit a second time in a short period of time, only you need to find alternatives.

"What does it mean?"

The peak looks at the bodies of countless mutant beasts floating in the rain on the water. These beak fins look strange and not big, and they are worse than the steel-headed fish that used to kill the fleet. Things are just mobs, so they only focused on the eDonkey before. They didn’t look at the countless fins and fins. At the moment, when they heard the poison, they saw that the monsters of these beaks were all intact. Lossless appearance.

"Poisonous drugs, pesticides, heavy industrial raw materials, as long as they are highly toxic, even if there is something with radiation, I dare to throw it into the Yangtze River. The downstream mutant beast does not know how much, we can hold on for one day, can not hold on to the world, simply change the whole downstream. In the dead, let the mutant beast re-visit the greatest human ability..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked numbly at the water beast body that was falling from the river surface. The snake venom not only emptied the fins of his beaks, but also poisoned the many downstream mutants. Unfortunately, the water snake The snake venom is not infinite, and the heavy rain and the river are constantly diluting the venom. I am afraid that it will not have any effect until it reaches the estuary.

The peak heard Zhang Xiaoqiang say a little surprised, he said:

"Hey, can you do this..."

I wanted to say that it was too much. After the end of the World, the entire factory and living facilities along the Yangtze River stopped. The pollution and the water quality along the Yangtze River were severely damaged. Now these damages have just been restored by nature. The next means of Zhang Xiaoqiang is to intensify. If this is the case, I am afraid that not only will the mutant beast be a catastrophe, but also the ecological system of the Yangtze River will be a catastrophe. Imagine that it is horrible. God knows that after regaining Shanghai in the future, it will be here. What it looks like.

This kind of thinking is only a continuation of environmental protection before the end of the world, so the peak will hesitate and there is no objection. Zhang Xiaoqiang, who is said by the peak, also understands that the evil consequences of the environmental damage of previous lives have made every Chinese living in the city feel distressed. It is easy to see a little green mountains and clear water, it will be shattered in your own hands. This feeling is uncomfortable for anyone, but it is not good to do it, otherwise...

"There is no time, I can support it until now. It is already the limit. We don't have a second fleet to squander. Even if it hurts the Yangtze River, there is no way to do it. As long as the Yangtze River will resume someday, it will recover. If people are gone, even if it becomes a paradise, it is a mutant creature. It has nothing to do with us. We have no choice in order to survive."

Zhang Xiaoqiang is also very helpless~www.readwn.com~ At least in front of the peak performance is very helpless, in the past life he was just a otaku, even if the environment was destroyed, just sitting in front of the computer and a few words, there is no substantial feeling, if It is not at this time that this kind of desperate situation that makes him entangled, he will not think of the two lost ideas, but only pay attention to once, Zhang Xiaoqiang will not lack the courage of the boat, the peak heard Zhang Xiaoqiang said this is not good to refute, the brain One turn, when I think of one thing, I said to Zhang Xiaoqiang:

"Hey brother, there are several survivors in the dock that want to take the boat. There is also an evolutionary person. They are all taken by Jian Yan and Dao Ming. I wanted to kill, but one of the evolutionists called Chen Qingshan seems to Knowing the **** phoenix's foot, another guy named Chen Youshan gave us a sacrifice for living, and it was poisoning the Yangtze River..."

Chen Youshan, a person who had heard of Zhang Xiaoqiang, was an armed person who took the lead in uprising. If it weren't for him, Zhang Xiaoqiang's ambush troops would need a bit of twists and turns in the armored forces of the Fortune. I didn't expect this guy to actually want to grab the boat, indirectly explaining Chen Youshan's mind. Flexible, good at finding opportunities, but also able to see the dangers that others can't see. The proposal of poisoning is probably the way he left for himself. After all, taking the boat is a risk, maybe he even finds the poison. Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn't know if this guy is really smart or smart.

"He used to be a four-day king, responsible for the security work of a laboratory. Later, the laboratory's gas bombs blew himself, except that no one could survive...."

Sure enough, the peak will tell Chen Youshan what he really bought. Zhang Xiaoqiang’s glimpse, first of all, think of the gas bombs that exploded in the camp of the Four Heavens. It seems that those gas bombs have made the life of the evolution of Qinghongdao, and finally Being treated as a dessert by the water snake, I didn’t expect those things to be made by the Shanghai evolutionists themselves.

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