Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 932: Provocation 3/3

Zhang Xiaoqiang sees that all the processes are completed by the evolutionary. The efficiency of the evolutionary person is several times that of ordinary people, especially the evolutionary person who controls the water capacity is more than ten times. There are also several evolutionists who are transported by speedboats. It was possible to connect a small cable to the air to form more than a dozen Hengjiang noose cables. Under the winch of the hoist, a small boat full of survivors was sent across the bank and looked around. Every boat passed. The speed of the river will never exceed ten minutes. If it is calculated according to this, ten noose cables can send 30 people to cross the river in two minutes. Although it is a lot of money for the survivors, this is a good start. It will get better and better.

"Okay, very good, no matter who proposed the evolution of the builder, he has made great achievements..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang greedily stared at the long dragon in the river. His heart was very gratified. The biggest knot was solved. At least they had hope. Not to say that everyone was sent across the river, half of it was a huge victory.

"It is expected that the entire pontoon will be erected. Thousands of people and one hundred trucks will be transported every hour. The safe area has been cleared on the other side. Five hundred evolutionists have been sent to the river in advance, and they are led by Jian Jian. There are also two elite sharp infantry..."

Zhao Deyi’s face was also good at this moment, then frowned and said:

"But we still have to worry about the mutant beast. This morning, the mutant beast has already entered the city center and is now spreading. At this speed, maybe it will come back to the container terminal in the afternoon..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang did not worry about Zhao Deyi. More than 100,000 people were left in the dock area and waited for death to be the biggest worry, but once solved, it seemed to let go of his restraint.

"Then withdraw it, as long as the downstream mutant beasts are exhausted, we will ship the evolution directly to the following to grab..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked deep into the water channel in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. There were many container terminals there. There was no power on the site of the mutant beast. If the mutant beast could be forced out of the Yangtze River, there would be thousands of containers in Baoshan District, even if In the rainwater, a large part of the corrosion can always find hundreds of thousands. As long as the speed is fast enough, it can be sent to the river before the mutant beast reacts. In the river, even if these mutant beasts are chased, they may not be able to pass through. Poison in the river.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaoqiang turned to see the river embankment, the soldiers are still pouring a barrel of pungent raw material into the Yangtze River, many people even need to wear gas masks.

"For the elder brother, the evolutionary person named Chen Qingshan confessed to one thing, the blood phoenix is ​​probably just a avatar, maybe the deity is still in the urban area, and the approximate location is also calculated..."

Zhao Deyi suddenly remembered another news. Zhang Xiaoqiang heard his interest and looked for the location of the blood phoenix on the map. If this is the case, then the deity should be the head of tens of thousands of zombies, as long as they can destroy the deity and follow the zombies. Rules, even if the blood phoenix escaped into the zombie sea, it may not be able to turn up the big waves.

The fires in the urban area have been extinguished, and the countless mutant beasts have broken through the last obstacles in the urban area. Numerous blocks have been occupied by these weird mutant beasts. More mutant beasts are overwhelming and crawling out of the ocean. The flowers are heading for the land, and the mutants of the mountain peaks walk slowly and firmly on the street. This is a horrible shape. There are countless bone spurs. The mutant behemoths of the same kind of plesiosaurs will collapse a large piece of concrete floor every step of the way. The giant caves, which are more than ten meters deep, extend from the urban area to the seaside. The crowded small mutant beasts will fall into these holes and accidentally fall. The high-rise buildings are like toy blocks that collapse in front of the giant beasts. The dust does not spread and is washed away by the rain. The water on the ground makes these mutant beasts like water.


An earth-shattering roar smashed out from the huge mouth of the mutant beast. The invisible sound waves shattered the glass around the high-rise building. The broken glass fireworks splashed around the monster. The sharp glass could not make the skin of the monster rock. Any damage, this monster is like the end of the day, generally go to the highest floor financial center building in the city. The building with more than one hundred layers and a total height of more than 400 meters is bigger than the giant beast and becomes Shanghai. The most conspicuous sign of the city, perhaps in the eyes of the monster, the floor that is taller than it is the most powerful opponent on land.

When countless buildings collapsed on the road behind the giant beast, a street became a pond at the foot of the behemoth. The center of the first tall building appeared in front of the giant beast. More than a dozen pairs of eyes on the huge beast were staring at the tall building. Unprecedented giant cymbals, invisible sound waves shook the rain curtain and slammed into the building. The building instantly smashed the fragments of glass fluttering. Then the thighs of the four giant pillars suddenly accelerated, shaking the ground and shaking vigorously. The street was cut into a broken ditch at the foot of the giant beast, and a loud noise was heard. The entire tall building suddenly deformed and bent toward the center, and countless falling glass and furniture fell like raindrops.

The first impact did not cause the tall building to collapse, but the building was slightly bent, the behemoth arrived at the building to make a louder roar, the tall building creaked under the backlog of giant beasts, and the building of hundreds of thousands of tons of steel was The deformation, but still under the force of the giant beast, the giant beasts are slamming on the ground, countless mud and cement stones are turned out of the ground, a huge pit appears at the foot of the giant beast, the behemoth is extremely angry, with It can't hit the building without its maximum strength.

Just then, a group of black shadows flashed into the high waters of the rain. Although the behemoth is huge but not smart enough, the first tallest building is China's pride. Even if the monster is huge, it is not the flesh and blood that can be overthrown. Unless it is hit again or again, even if you don't want the building to collapse in a day, you are anxious, behemoth. The mouth screamed like a drummer, and the two rockets that crashed into countless raindrops slammed into the giant mouth. The monsters had not been able to shut up and were screamed and filled with flames.

A black smoke spouted from the mouth of the giant beast. Under the pain of the beast, the power suddenly shook the building and dropped more pieces. More rockets fell on the head of the beast, and countless flames made the monster. Mourning, then two missiles that were as long as a torpedo in the shape of a white scorpion hit the sluggish body of the behemoth...

The invisible fluctuations into three hundred and sixty degrees will shake the rain curtain around the behemoth at the same time, numerous raindrops splashing and scattering to the beasts flowing out of a space without rain, the two narrow caves on the giant beast flow out of the waterfall-like red fountain Rolling plasma will redden the body of the beast and the half of the beast will be red, and the monster will tear it out of the heart. www.readwn.com~ The power of the anti-tank missile is as strong as it can not stand.

The anti-tank missiles that can be destroyed even by the main station tanks have little effect on the giant beasts. The rolling blood springs seem to be scary. It is nothing worth mentioning than the monsters of hundreds of meters, just like being on ordinary people. The needle is almost stabbed, but even if it is pierced by a needle, it is painful. The monster is naturally rough and rough, and the skin is at least the weight of the armor of the main battle tank. Usually, no injuries are found. Once injured, the monster is angry.

On the helicopter, Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the behemoth with a stern look. He did not rejoice in the injury of the behemoth. Paul was in front of him and turned to the battle of the past. The whole body was shaking like a chill in the wind. Facing this Behemoth, this helicopter is exactly the same as a fly, and compared to flies, Paul is an ant, can you expect ants to defeat elephants? It’s no wonder that Paul is so scared that when Paul’s transfer of the plane is ready to change his angle and hope to avoid the sight of the monster, the monster’s more than a dozen giant eyes turn around and sweep into the helicopter, roaring, and countless white flowers are like a galaxy hanging upside down to the helicopter. Rushing, the helicopter is at least 500 meters away from the monster, but the white flower's saliva has come to the front, and under the block of numerous organs, the white ice that split into countless eggs flies at high speed.

"Air bomb...."

Zhang Xiaoqiang's dynamic vision made him react faster. A roar made Paul's body shake, and the air bomb was fired out in an instant. Then the air bomb hit a thousand hails and blasted a strange flame ball. The instantaneous cyclone changed the trajectory of the hail, sucking countless hail like a magnet, and before these things were scattered, Paul had already screamed and pulled the helicopter to the height of a kilometer. The provocative act finally brought the sight of the behemoth to himself.

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