Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 933: Leading the wolf to drive the tiger 1/3

Zhang Xiaoqiang did not respond to Paul's guilty conscience. Looking at the distant behemoth, he had already reached this point. Why didn't the giant beast still catch up? I was wondering, I saw the behemoth turning and spurting out a lot of white hail. These hail were not sprayed to the helicopter. Instead, the scattering would cover the behemoths and see the hail that all fell to the vacant. Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly flashed in his heart. Have a light.

"Fly over, use the cannons 600 meters away..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang just wants to try his guess is correct. Paul bites his face and pushes the lever to accelerate the plane. When the plane turns to the position of 600 meters, the monster slams his head to the plane and opens his mouth to spur the hail. I was so scared that I screamed and deflected the fuselage, letting the helicopter dexterously flash out of the kilometer. Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly felt that Paul’s driving skills had already reached the realm, just like a **** without a fire, he turned the plane to a thousand. Outside of the meter, before and after the air, there is no extra movement of Paul, and the accuracy is terrible.

Numerous hail rushed to the sky of six or seven hundred meters to stop the rising momentum and fell at a faster speed. The scattered hail whistling in the air, and the numerous outer walls were like white ice spots. A layer of exterior paint, this hail is not as bad as it is seen on the surface. The spotted ice spots quickly form a piece of white crystal ice in the rain, and the whole wall is frozen in thick In the ice layer, not to mention the hailstones that were previously scattered in the streets below, all form diamond-shaped crystals of the general shape of the sword.

It seems that the place where the hail is all over is completely wrapped in the crystal world, and numerous ice swords bloom like flowers. The former wet streets are changed into a crystal world. Paul looks at the chicken skins that have been smashed by the ice swords. Zhang Xiaoqiang looks at them. The monster who stayed at the side of the building looked around and blinked. Suddenly he understood why the monster had to go through the first tall building. He didn’t know what the thing was in the water, but he knew that the behemoth was on land. Super myopia, the giant beast can only see five or six hundred meters of things, the conversion is like a height of one meter eight people can only see things within two meters, no wonder the plane is separated into a kilometer, this monster is stunned Lost.

It’s not as difficult to imagine that this monster is to be cleaned up. Just deploy thousands of helicopters to launch anti-tank missiles without interruption. Ten and twenty bombs will not die, and one thousand and ten thousand will surely kill, but This is not to mention Zhang Xiaoqiang, even if the army before the end of the world can not do it, saying that there can be no more than a thousand armed helicopters in China, even if there are not so many anti-tank missiles, after all, the missile is not cabbage, planting one can Harvest a bunch.

"Paul, don't worry, that thing can't be seen in the distance, according to the original plan..."

Zhang Xiaoqian thought of this, the whole person excited and shouted, making Paul a very embarrassing, the distance of 600 meters is not far away? Only Zhang Xiaoqiang asked him to come forward, he had to fly over the scalp. After all, Zhang Xiaoqiang saved him under the attack of more than a dozen helicopters. Although he was afraid of death, he did not lose the heroic spirit of the Russians. Zhang Xiaoqiang is.

The helicopter really turned into a fly in front of the monster, deliberately plucked in front of the monster's head, and the fire line formed by countless fire points exploded on the head of the monster. The little bite-cut layer and the tiny horns were stabbed in the cannonball. They fell off, and a rocket flew across the sky in the rain to bloom red flowers on the head of the monster. The last two anti-tank missiles floated black clouds on the head of the beast.

The monster was completely provoked, and the white crystal clear hail was sprinkled unrestrainedly. All the buildings and the ground within 500 meters in front of the monster were covered by thick ice layers. The layers of ice were like fermented. The dough is infinitely elevated, and the highest ice layer is like an iceberg for thousands of years. At one time, the Ice Age was formed around the first tall building.

Paul's whole person fell into epilepsy, and his mouth screamed at the Russian language that Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn't understand. The tone of voice was so loud and sometimes resentful, and sometimes he murmured, but the helicopter was just like a dexterous fly under his fabulous operation. Surrounded by monsters, I escaped the hail that passed by again and again, and I don’t know how many times this monster spit. Every time I danced with the **** of death, it is more difficult to drive a helicopter in the rain, as long as it is concentrated by any hail. Will freeze into ice hazelnuts falling, these hail also see Zhang Xiaoqiang eyes hot, if you can use things to converge its throw into the Yangtze River, maybe the Yangtze River also formed into ice, survivors only need to step on the ice to cross the river.

"Moving, moving the boss, it..."

Paul suddenly yelled and broke Zhang Xiaoqiang's YY. His eyes turned Zhang Xiaoqiang to see that the monster was almost frozen by the ice layer that he spit out. He did not shoot down the helicopter for a long time. The monster made a terrible roar and writhed his body and stopped clinging. The first tallest building, slowly lifted its feet and moved over to the helicopter. The ice layer that is several tens of meters thick is as fragile as the saccharified glass in the special movie in the body of the monster.

The behemoth is like a hammer that will crush the stacked ice layer. The numerous ice crystals in the shape of a sword are crushed under the rough skin of the monster. The monster has not spit out the hail. Paul does not dare to care, just around the head of the monster. Swinging, from time to time launching a rocket to provoke, the monster is not dry and can not fight back the goods, once the helicopter is less than a hundred meters away, it will open its mouth and bite it. Numerous times of biting the air does not let the monster give up. On the contrary, the monster seems to be resentful against the helicopter. To the point where it can't be added~www.readwn.com~ The seemingly slow movement of the figure has actually reached a fairly fast speed. From the perspective of the monster's size, it is even more impossible to exhaust the monster's physical strength.

Zhang Xiaoqiang did not think about destroying this monster. He braved the big risk to provoke the monster to be the deity of the blood phoenix. Chen Qingshan just saw that the blood phoenix sent more than a hundred evolutionists to a remote place. This place is a restricted area for blood phoenix. It makes the blood phoenix so nervous, which means that there is a big secret, and Chen Qingshan is a smart person, naturally can guess what is inside.

Zhang Xiaoqiang paid great attention to the news of the blood phoenix deity, and did not directly lead the soldiers to search there. He knew that the blood phoenix had hidden a lot of zombies in Shanghai, and even had thousands of zombies in his body. The zombies guarded by the deity were afraid. The position is higher. There were no more than 3 zombies around the blood phoenix. This is a doubt in itself. You must know that there are more than one level 4 zombies in Zhenjiang Zhang Xiaoqiang, so he suspects that these hidden type 4 zombies are all in the blood. The guards around the deity, according to his means, can not deal with the four-level zombies, the only way to think of is to kill by knife, the super behemoth is his knife.

If the temptation to let the behemoth roar again and again, the order of the behemoth is the highest in the mutant beast. In his summoning roar, countless marine mutant beasts gather behind it to form a torrent, chasing the behemoth to the inland, Zhang Xiaoqiang, who flies in the air, can see that all the small monsters twenty or thirty meters behind him are followed. These monsters are like cherries on the edge of a watermelon, more than a hundred cherries are jumping and chasing. With watermelons, there are countless sesame seeds around the cherries. Under the call of monsters, 80% of the mutant beasts in Shanghai have been cited.

"Boss, we have arrived, what should we do next?"

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