Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 962: What do you want for? 3/3

The blood phoenix was reminded by Zhang Xiaoqiang of the cross, and the pursuer was still approaching behind him. If he got the cross, he said that he could not return to the body of the zombies. At that time, the rebellious Z-type zombies will be annihilated between his thoughts. The emotion was not affected by Zhang Xiaoqiang, and I wanted to get the black crystal cross at the first time.

"I want your life, eight thousand evolutionists are dead in front of me, and the infantry company I stayed in the building, all good things you do, big handwriting? I tell you, I never Have you ever suffered such a big loss, do you think I will let you go?"

After saying that Zhang Xiaoqiang pulled out the Firebird Machete and prepared to start killing the last zombie, he heard a scream:

"No, I don't want that thing. If I get that thing, I will lose my eyesight, I will lose my emotions, I will lose the wisdom that I can hardly get. I can only listen to the original instinct. I am no longer me, can I become my deity. has no meaning?"

The blood phoenix suddenly wakes up. The deity evolved wisdom and was very abnormal. After the blood phoenix broke away from the deity, he found the advantage of owning himself. If he had no self, he could no longer feel the present existence. What is the significance of becoming a deity? Is it like the z-type zombies of the beasts that are eager to eat some flesh and blood?

"What do you mean? Call me?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang put down the scimitar, the tone is more and more unkind, and the blood phoenix is ​​amazed.

"I have not started to want a cross. I just want an evolutionary person. My body is destroyed by you. Without evolution as a carrier, I cannot protect myself or maintain human form..."

The blood phoenix has no gender, no so-called ambition, the only motivation that can promote him to continue to be strong is survival, survival is the instinct of biology, so the blood phoenix is ​​so low.

"It's still impossible. Do you think I will leave a big enemy for myself? Stupid..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang rushed to the zombies, and when the zombies were sluggish, they cut off the zombies and legs. At the moment when the zombies fell, the two knives cut off the zombies and the zombies were left on the ground. Twisting and screaming, screaming high, as if cursing something, Zhang Xiaoqiang, no matter how much, made a gesture to greet the soldiers around him:

"Come a few people to tie it up, and when it is time to send it to Wuhan..."

Among the forces of Zhang Xiaoqiang, there are many people who can catch D2 zombies, but there are very few people who can capture D3 zombies. As a valuable research material, Zhang Xiaoqiang is not a good thing to abandon the door. Hearing the orders of Zhang Xiaoqiang, a group of soldiers took The net rope rushed up to bury the zombies, and some soldiers picked up the zombie corpses that had been killed and picked them up in empty oil drums. They were ready to collect the corpse water after it was completely rotted and melted.

"Ah, you can't do this, you can't do it, I don't want to be an enemy of you, my previous behavior is controlled by my deity, I have never hurt you..."

The zombies who had broken their limbs rolled in the mesh. The huge head slammed against the soft net, and more than a dozen ropes slammed it into a big scorpion. The blood phoenix was making the final struggle, letting the soldiers around it prepare to carry it. They rolled to the ground, even if there were no limbs, the explosive force was not something that ordinary people could bear. In this scream, Zhang Xiaoqiang turned a deaf ear and stared at the distant city, even if he was far away from the city. To the vague blood, you can see how cruel the killing there is, and when the brain turns, I think that if the blood phoenix attracts some attention for him, maybe the 180,000 survivors will be approached by the mutant animal, and the time is also a bit stunned. The mutant beasts in the area are small things. The red algae behind the mutant beast is a big event. Those Kraya and Amasa are obviously connected together. To destroy Amasa, they must be enemies with Kraya.

"I can help you, I can help you, just give me an evolutionist, just one..."

Blood Phoenix seems to be doing his best, his yelling is ambiguous in most people's ears, but Zhang Xiaoqiang can understand clearly, originally did not intend to pay attention to this guy, heard the word evolver, Zhang Xiaoqiang I think that Shanghai has a new evolutionary person every day. The new evolutionary among the survivors has a relationship with the blood phoenix deity. This shows that the blood phoenix deity has a program that can constantly induce ordinary people to evolve, but since this is the case Means, blood phoenix is ​​also sent to the door to find abuse?

"and many more……."

Zhang Xiaoqiang raised his hand to stop the swarming soldiers, step by step to the zombies, staring at the guy who was screaming through the eyes, the thick nostrils of the zombies had been deeply inhaling, feeling that Zhang Xiaoqiang was close, could not help but Lifting his head, let Zhang Xiaoqiang see the mottled scales on his face, the zombies no longer move, let the ropes wrap themselves, and quietly wait for Zhang Xiaoqiang to speak.

"What is the evolutionary? Are you not able to make evolutionists?"

On the edge of the net rope, Zhang Xiaoqiang extended the edge of the machete and poked the leather armor on the face of the zombie. He smashed a small eye on the cheek's cheek, and the zombie resisted the sting, hoarsely. Mourning:

"The evolution of the urban area is the blood food created by the deity. The blood of ordinary people has no effect on the deity. Only the evolutionary can let the deity continue to evolve. Since the deity awakened the wisdom, he began to prepare for the evolutionary event, which was originally intended to raise 100,000 evolution. The blood has evolved..."

This time, Feng Fengyuan originally said the cause of the Shanghai incident. When I heard this result, all the people present were shocked. All the time, I stared at the zombies on the ground. It seemed to accumulate boundless anger. Human beings are the spirit of all things, even if they suffer. In the end of the world, they still believe that one day human beings will once again become the masters of the earth. You can hear the zombies in order to evolve, hiding behind the scenes to play 100,000 people between life and death, and let them have the same enemy. thought.

"Blood phoenix can make a gas. This kind of gas will spread to humans... In order to make this kind of gas, the flesh and blood of twenty evolvers are needed every time. The blood phoenix has been responsible for the evolution of the deity. ...."

The zombies are still lingering, Zhang Xiaoqiang silently looks at the ugly zombie. The **** phoenix just confirms his guess. In any case, the catastrophe never comes to the survivor’s head, and the blood phoenix tells the deity. After the plan, I began to talk about it:

"In fact, we really don't have hatred. I want to say that I still want to thank you. If you and I didn't have the opportunity to leave the deity, even if I ran to the ends of the earth, I would still be a avatar. After occupying the **** body, I have self-thinking. I am blood." Feng, blood phoenix is ​​me, all the problems are the problems of the deity, I just want to live peacefully, if you do not believe, I can use things to mortgage...

Do you want a gods? That is the one you just killed ~www.readwn.com~ I can send you one hundred, two hundred, or even five hundred, as long as you want. Do you want supplies? I know that there is a place for the warehouse of goods. There are countless copper ingots, which can make you make more bullets. I can give you everything you want. As long as you give me the evolutionist, I only need one... "

The blood phoenix has reached the point of pleading, Zhang Xiaoqiang silently looked at the mourning zombies, met shameless, never seen such a shameless, whispering to the enemy in a low voice, the face was thrown clean, the blood phoenix pitifully I begged him, but Zhang Xiaoqiang’s mind crossed the boundless power and despair of thousands of zombies, and suddenly he said:

"What if I let you kill your own kind?"

Bloody phoenix, hesitantly said:

"I can't kill my subordinates. They are the capital of my survival. Do you still want to kill me? The gods are dead, you can easily find me and kill me..."

The phoenix's vigilance makes Zhang Xiaoqiang funny, and it is rare that this guy is still a little sober. He just doesn't know what it is like to let him cooperate with himself to eliminate the zombie sea.

"You will not move under your subordinates. You are now running out of water. There are mutant beasts in front. The endless mutant beasts will one day eat you. The same kind of people are approaching in the back. Within three days, you To face two-line operations, at that time, even if you have an evolutionary possession, is there any way to hold your own life?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang’s words are like a hammer hitting a **** phoenix that is far apart. Blood Phoenix has been trying to get out of the city, but where can he go when he leaves the city?

"Evolution, I just want to evolve, you give me the evolution, I give you good things, give it now..."

The blood phoenix was stunned by the anxiety of the anxiety, and did not pay the goods to pay for Zhang Xiaoqiang, let alone send the package, even the goods are nothing to ask.

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