Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 963: Reach a deal 1/3

The three graceful figures were slid out by the zombies hiding in the shadows. When they saw these three unparalleled stunners, all the soldiers became scarlet and breathe a little bit. The task of performing outside was always under great pressure. Fighting down, the constant pressure has already made them have a violent tendency, and most need a woman to vent, so the most beautiful women, especially women who don't wear clothes.

Zhang Xiaoqiang saw that these three eyes were as quiet as a few grays. They were surprised when they were killed. Two of them were killed before, and the huge waves that were shocked by the sky were rushing to the bottom of the fare. I didn’t expect the blood phoenix to suffocate and catch three, knowing Clara is not so good to catch, at least D2 zombies can not stop these things, even if the type 4 zombies may not be the monsters they ride.

"See no, see no? This is my sincerity, as long as you promise they are yours..."

The blood phoenix sent all hope to the beauty of Toklia, and confuses him with his clumsy means, but did not know that the only thing worthy of these stunners in Zhang Xiaoqiang's heart is the gelatinous body in his head.

Zhang Xiaoqiang glanced and said, "I killed two in the morning. The ability is OK. I can't even speak people. What do I want them to do?"

The zombies were speechless, and the blood phoenix couldn’t move Zhang Xiaoqiang, and under the anger, one of the zombies grabbed a female creature and slammed it open. The scream of the fine and screaming, the beautiful lady was instantly torn. Two **** things, so that all the soldiers who are obsessed with beauty are like a head-on drink, and they are sobering up. So beautiful and beautiful people are shredded by zombies, let them anger, subconsciously think of the moment of the end of the world, countless similar mourning under the zombie minions, With red eyes, they aim at the D3 zombies they fear.

"Enough, these things I want, but it is impossible to change the evolutionary. Every evolutionary person under my hands is precious, and I will not take their lives for no reason..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang’s righteous words, the arrogant declaration to the blood phoenix, let the blood phoenix hiding in the distance control ugly to the extreme, thinking that Zhang Xiaoqiang will not agree to exchange survivors, could not help but want to cut prices, in exchange for a few strong and strong ordinary people first Do it, how do you know Zhang Xiaoqiang’s voice:

"But it's not a room for negotiation. You have a subordinate who ran to me to grab the boat. Killing and not killing is between me. If you really need it, we still have room for negotiation..."

Seeing the blood of Clara, Zhang Xiaoqiang remembered the information he read in the interrogation room. These things are all ruling classes. There must be a lot of information. If you can open their hearts, maybe you can see the ins and outs of the high-definition sea, even if you understand the red tide. It’s not impossible to produce it. I just regretted not leaving it. The blood phoenix sent him over here, and thought that even if the blood phoenix could not get out of the evolution, he would tell Chen Qingyun who was in custody. Out, Chen Qingyun is not his subordinate, but a **** phoenix. Such a guy is selfish and Zhang Xiaoqiang does not care.

Although Chen Qingyun’s Zhang Xiaoqiang has not seen it, Huang Tingwei’s influence on him is not good. Just like the last time he searched for the blood phoenix deity, he would not say it if he died. Even if he wanted to stay half life, he was finally The evolutionary mind of the mind controlled the mind and asked for it. Chen Qingyun and Chen Youshan got two results for the same thing.

"Give me, as long as it is an evolutionary, as long as you are willing to give me, as long as I have..."

This time, it was no longer the zombies in the net pocket. The D3 zombie, which was only cut off by Zhang Xiaoqiang, was silent. The opening was the zombie who tore off the female creature, and the two claws were still carrying **** bodies. Has been bleeding, the white bones out of the viscera of the ground, only the beautiful human head hanging down, seemingly intact.

"I want to meet you, face to face, you said that you don't want to be a zombie again. I doubt it. Zombies are my life and death enemies. I will not cooperate with zombies anyway, so you must behave. Sincerely, I want to express my sincerity with all human beings."

Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyes turned quickly, and he spoke of the ghosts he didn't believe. He was born with blood and phoenixes. What can he do if he is not a zombie?

"I don't dare, you are so powerful, even the deity is killed by you, what else can you not do?"

The blood phoenix directly rejects it. He longs for the body of the evolutionary person, but he cares more about his own little life. However, Zhang Xiaoqiang really wants to talk to him this time. Tens of thousands of zombies are threatened everywhere, now It is also taking on more pressure, far more pressure than the zombies, so at some point it needs to be a so-called ally. As for whether or not to turn your face in the future, it is a future matter.

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the tall D3 zombie with his hands on his chest and hesitated when he touched his chin. He said:

"Alright, go back and wait, tomorrow I will send the evolution to here, but I advise you not to play tricks with me..."

After saying that Zhang Xiaoqiang turned his head and let the soldiers accept the only two remaining Kraya in the past, Zhang Xiaoqiang’s action was seen by others but no one dared to move. Several zombies were full of anger. Just now Zhang Xiaoqiang killed a lot, in case the other What kind of swelling?

"Right, you said to give me five hundred evolutionary zombies, and I will send them together by the way tomorrow. These three will be used as deposits. You will let them all hold their heads on the ground..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang also found his mistakes, and quickly remedy, blood phoenix did not think much, as long as the business of a few zombies is nothing, the three zombies slammed on the ground one by one, raised their claws, just at the moment they lifted, The Rat King's Blade is like Chunyan flying in the arm of the zombie, and the black arm of the six scales has landed. This time, the blood phoenix even asks no matter, still suppressing these zombies, and the next few dozens of people will use the net rope. The zombies were captured together with two Kraya...

"Hey, do you really want to hand over Chen Qingyun to them?"

Huang Tingwei was full of sorrows. He felt that he was trading with the blood phoenix. Zhang Xiaoqiang sat on his chair and slapped his knees. He glanced at the two stunned stunned objects that were suspended from the roof. Huang Tingwei’s question was that he was not in the first place. One time to answer, some things are not so simple on the surface, even if the blood phoenix is ​​the evolutionary, it may not be able to cross the river, not to cross the river, the blood phoenix will have to kill with the zombie sea and the mutant beast, who will win or not? Well, he has already come out of Jiangnan’s piece of death, and he sits on the mountain and looks at the tiger. Regardless of the state of affairs, he is in an invincible position, and the blood phoenix has been used as a card in his hand. He turned to the enemy in turn, but he had to adjust it before this.

"You don't have to participate in this incident. From now on, you should shift your attention from the zombies to the mutant beasts. Focus on me to monitor the seaside Klaia, understand their distribution and dynamics, let Venus cooperate with you, no one. It is best to use a night vision device for 24 hours without interruption monitoring..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang gently let go of the blood phoenix, and Mo Zhen suddenly asked Qi Tingwei:

"What do you say about the 500 evolutionary zombies sent by Blood Phoenix? The more experimental materials, the better, the four D3 zombies are enough to study, and more than 500 zombies are shipped back to occupy the place, and they must be guarded. It seems to be a bit difficult..."

At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang had some headaches. These zombies~www.readwn.com~ gave him his men, but Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn’t control the zombies. It was very hot. It’s a pity that all of them were used to make fertilizer. Huang Tingwei raised his hand. Pressing the loose eyes back, the mind turned around and got an idea, whispered to Zhang Xiaoqiang:

"Ai Qingshan has a little girl named Ai Xuexue. The ability of this little girl is to control the zombies. I heard that Ai Qingshan now wants to get a few zombies to Ai Xuexue. I can ask her how many zombies can be controlled now. Then, in the entire evolutionary group, look for evolutionary people who have the same ability as snow and snow. How much can be controlled and how much can be controlled.

Speaking of this, Huang Tingwei made a cross-cut gesture. He was in favor of the high-level zombies to the blood phoenix. Even if he could not use the whole kill, he could indirectly weaken the zombie strength. In any case, he still regarded the zombies as the land of life and death. Zhang Xiaoqiang frowned and thought about it, but also released his brow, knowing that this is the best way.

"Then let Paul send them all over, then inform the Yinmeng Military District, let them find the evolutionary who has this ability among the evolutionists, send them by airship once they find them, and urge them to give me Speeding up the progress, all for half a year, have not eliminated the Yinshan zombie sea, you ask me, is it necessary for me to go back in person?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang has now opened up contact with Yinmeng. The first batch of equipment and electronic chips and processing machine tools were first shipped to Yinmeng to prepare large-scale manufacturing drones. The scientific research talents that were previously found from Qinghong Road were also sent. Yinmeng, although Zhang Huai'an was uncomfortable, always felt that Yinmeng picked the peaches, but he could still take care of the overall situation. He also sent all kinds of military maintenance machinery found by the Air Force Division to the past, and tried his best to raise the silver drone drone. The factory, the drone is the weapon that Zhang Xiaoqiang has placed his greatest wish. Can you turn it over and look at this time...

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