Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 1353: Forced plan

"No matter the new era and the mess in South America, there is only one way we can achieve the final victory.

Zhang Xiaoqiang stood on the conference table and looked at the officers and managers below. The conference room was silent. In addition to the lazy Yang Keer lying on the table, everyone was sitting on the front, and the battle on the front line was full. Non-stop, from time to time came a vague monster snoring, the sea has been pushed into the temporary camp within ten kilometers, many fronts are intertwined, the propellers in the air are endless, everyone in the conference room feels the tension of the war, in the eyes Only Zhang Xiaoqiang on the conference table.

"In the past, the New Era and the Americans tried the bottom-up and ended the war. They all believed that the red algae in the Hawaiian waters were the origin of the sea, but they did not know that the real focus of the sea is not the red algae itself, nor the sea. Family, but a stone..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang lifted a bowl of diamonds of the size of the rice bowl and said to everyone that the meteorites had an understanding. Yang Keer, who was sitting underneath, raised her brows. She knew that this piece of meteorite was made by Qi and Fei Fei. For this rock, He almost died, and the rainbow sculpture was dead. Even the Philippine Philippine was seriously injured. Who let the five-level mutant beast that is similar to the big cockroach turned out to be a pet of the six-armed snake woman. The combined strength of the two sides is ten times more. ? However, the pair of knives can be much more powerful than the worms, and even the shell of the turtle-shaped mutant is not harder than the tofu under the knife.

"Through all kinds of intelligence and inference, we have reason to believe that the chief culprit in changing the world is the meteorite from the sky. The hiding place of this meteorite is in Hawaii..."

Although many people have known this news for a long time, most people don’t know that it’s not a big deal to hear the news. For them, this news is like a fairy tale. Zhang Xiaoqiang did not swear the conversation below. Put the meteorite in the hand down, pull the curtain behind the body, show the white wall of the skiing, then the curtains of the conference room are pulled up, all the light disappears, the projection transforms the wall into a display screen, which plays the battle of the front line.

Numerous sea and mutant beasts attacked the mountainous position at the foot of the mountain. The ice spears brushed like the bottom-up rain on the hills, numerous ice spears stand on the hills to form the walls of the ice cast, sharp ice spears Incomparable, seeing the stitches will occupy every part of the line, the resistance here still does not stop, the position of the hills is all within the tunnel, even if the ice spear can not pierce the sandbags several meters deep, the next moment, a huge ice hockey from All kinds of mutant beasts are sprayed out and blasted on the ice wall. These ice hockeys are as powerful as high-explosive bombs. They smash the layers of ice spears and the soil is blown up, revealing one by one. In the tunnel, the next moment, the figure jumped from the tunnel and wanted to escape. The ice spear was also killed by the flying ice spear. More ice spears fell in turn, turning several human bodies into a blood mist.

This is only the beginning. The rain that ejected from the ice spears such as the wall could not stop the attack of the sea people. Countless sea people sprinted up against the rain, and countless sea people rolled down the mountain in the rain, like rain. The mortar shells blasted in the middle of the sea, and the seas were sent to the sky again and again. The broken seas and their limbs danced together in the air. A flamethrower spewed hundreds of meters of flame on the hill. Sweeping, hundreds of seas are turned into torches. When countless ice spears melt into water vapor in the flames, the rear mutant beasts arrive. These mutant beasts seem to be covered with heavy armor, proudly attacking with the rain, rear Heavy artillery shells flew under these monsters, and many monsters fell halfway through the huge fireball.

The giant fireball that exploded suddenly blasted a giant beast into pieces, but more behemoths still rushed into the line of defense. Numerous sea people cooperated with the giant beast to avoid the rain, even if the sea fell. It was only a small part. Soon the monsters and the seas rushed to the top of the mountain. At this moment, countless humans rushed out of the hidden bunkers. Most of them took the engineering squad and the military spurs and the seas to stand in a cluster. The crowd and the sea people are strangling together, just like the two waves colliding together, the close-up battles and casualties are turning up and heading up. These people are all supplemented. They have no formation, no cooperation, no technical skills, just like The most brutal collision, collided with the sea.

All the recruits are not right. Their faces are distorted and loud, just like a beast. Most people in the field know that these supplements injected stimulants in the moment before the sea rushed up. The spirit has been distorted. Support until now, relying on stimulants to distort their character. In the collision of countless blood and iron, the Haizu fell into pieces, and the human beings fell down and entangled, finally ushered in the rescue of the expeditionary army. The arc flashed in the middle of the sea. A group of plasma **** rained on the body of the mutant beast, but under the counterattack of the sea and the mutant beast, the elite of the expeditionary army was also consumed.

The two sides do not know what is called concession. In the most primitive collisions, the fire of life is used as a fuel to raise the killing flame. Until the sea's strikers die, the humans keep their positions quiet, when the helicopter appears in the sky. Above, the seas that continue to plunge into the mountains fired hundreds of rockets and incendiary bombs...

This video is not the first time I saw it, but every time I saw them, it would be shocking. Even sleeping would be awakened. At the moment, the front line 10 kilometers away is repeating this kind of war. The invisible repression is filled in the conference room, the peak and The more than a dozen officers of his men’s eyes were rounded up. Obviously, they were all scared. They said that they had experienced many wars, gathering and fighting, Wuhan battles, Jiangxi pioneering wars, Shanghai defending wars, and other wars. It is every day, but it has not been seen to use human life to hold the position, let alone many people have no weapons in their hands, even no glorious bombs, with fists, teeth, forehead counterattack to the sea, let them The heart is shaking.

"What you see is the attack of the Hai people. The strength of the Hai people is strong, the number is hundreds of times, and there are those mutant beasts. Each one needs dozens of people, and even hundreds of people use their lives to change, but I want to tell you, These sea people are nothing. If there are only these sea people, I will not worry about it. Even if the sea people all over the world come to Australia, I will not worry. I am worried that killing these sea stones will also be derived. A new, more powerful sea, so, in order to win this war, there is only one possibility to find the **** hidden in the trench to step on it."

Zhang Xiaoqiang's arrogance allowed Huang Quan and Shi Yuanye to stand up. They guessed Zhang Xiaoqiang's plan. The Aurora frigate may be the only aircraft that can resist the sky dancers. It has strong firepower and may be able to grasp the initiative of the sky. If you are lucky, It may not be possible to sneak into the sea to kill the meteorites. It is impossible to make a chance for the maritime emptiness. It may be forced to retreat from the Haizu. If so, Australia can at least six more months, half a year. Time is enough to evacuate most people and create more mines to fill the whole of Australia. As long as the seas are not afraid of casualties, the blood of the seas will make Australia red.

"You see the crazy attack of the seas, but you can't see that the follow-up forces of the seas have been thinned. From the east coast, there are 2,200 kilometers, of which only 1,200 kilometers of waterways, no waterways, the sea. The family has no ability to advance rapidly. As long as we hit the seas before the arrival of the follow-up forces and attack the seas in the Hawaiian waters, we may win this war. I believe that everyone in Australia can be rescued. Before that, we must stick to the last moment..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang summed up the theme of today's meeting. The officers can't hear the word victory. When they heard Zhang Xiaoqiang say victory, they can't be excited. If it is not a conference room, maybe it has already cheered up, and other people feel that they finally want to When I got to the end, only Zhang Xiaoqiang smiled in my heart. If I didn’t use the word victory to boost morale, maybe it wouldn’t take long before the whole rear would collapse...

After the meeting, which was called combat, it was a wide-minded meeting, and sent everyone away. Zhang Xiaoqiang was sitting alone in the most remote corner of the conference room, smoking cigarettes. The projection on the wall was still playing the brutal fight on the battlefield. Zhang Xiaoqiang’s mind was not Above, people's minds are often contradictory. When they are angry, they feel fearless. When they calm down, they start to suffer. The front line is just ten kilometers away. The temporary camp has been gradually withdrawn, and a large amount of materials and casualties are being transported to the rear. It will not be long before there is no rear. Zhang Xiaoqiang knows that he can't support it for a month anyway. Even if he supports another month, how many people can he send away? At least two million people want to stay in Australia. These people are excellent technical talents and the seeds of industry. Zhang Xiaoqiang is not willing to give up, even if they can survive half.

The smoke of the fingertips is lingering, Zhang Xiaoqiang’s thoughts are turning fast, and leading the Dragon to Hawaii is not a hole. This is the last chance. The Haizu sent 90% of the troops to attack Australia and the United States. The rear emptiness is the beginning. Opportunity, if you miss it, it is very likely that you will not have such a good condition in your life, but this time you will be dead and die, even if he hesitates.

Even if the Haizu 10 goes to its ninth, the left behind is also the elite of the elite. When the game is full, the Aolong can only send 2,000 people. There are 955 soldiers here. They are all born in the battle. There are more than a dozen top evolutionists, but the top evolutionary is the cornerstone of the power of maintenance ~www.readwn.com~ It is impossible to bring them all, and there are five or five zombies at the peak of the five levels, but what is the zombie underwater? No one can tell, the water snake has reached the fifth level, and is wandering and hunting at the mouth of the Yangtze River. I believe that even if it is called the Yaluo by the sea, it may not be able to break the core strength of the sea.

Of course, he also has a squad, 800 scabbards controlled by the Crescent Moon, but in the case of the Australian war, in the face of high-end seas without any gaps, these worms can not play much role, positive On the battlefield, more than a hundred worms were lost, and the last three were also killed when they were covered, so the Chinese worms are not ready to be sent to the frontal battlefield, perhaps at night to hunt the seas. it is good.

Counting it, he can't think of a better way, but he knows that the army needs morale, and the rear needs morale. Otherwise, the seas will not come, and the violent survivors will ruin everything, so attack Hawaii. It is imperative, even if the success rate is less than one percent, it must be acted upon. He wants to give hope to the following people, a reason that can convince them to continue to persist. Only in this way can we continue to let the seas bleed to make China one more day. ready.

"The top evolution is not enough, there is no way. Genesis, South America, and the UK have top evolutionaries. Right, there are Wanqiang. If you can convince them to increase their chances by at least 10%, there are resources, Genesis. There are large supernovas in their hands. Americans have a large number of neutron bombs, at least ten times more than the thirty-two 300,000-equivalent neutron bombs that are airlifted from China. Maybe he can promote a new alliance. Even if it fails, it can make The situation in China has become even better."

Thinking about it, Zhang Xiaoqiang still persuaded himself to be able to revitalize this game in Australia. The raid mission is crucial. It is best to prepare it within a week. Australia can't support it for too long.

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