Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 1354: surge

Delia doesn't like Klug's room in the mountainside, even if the room is full of valuable art, she hates the old moldy smell of the room, and the artwork, in her eyes, the artwork It is not the essence of art, but the garbage collection of various old items. Their biggest place should be in the burial room of the cemetery, buried together with the old times.

So she built a dream castle on the highest peak of the Alps, planted the brightest flowers, laid the most gorgeous carpets, dug out the beautiful pool like a lake, put cute big dolls in all the rooms and corridors, and put them on the walls. A variety of giant anime portraits, and display countless fruits and fragrant plants, so that the Eos who is waiting for her side always has a fragrance.

Delia, wearing a swimsuit, lay lazily on the beach chair by the pool, looking at the faint sky outside the transparent barrier. The giant swimming pool with a few kilometers is her private lake, floating around with various kinds of floating Cute and chic boats and air cushions, boats with a variety of snacks and comics, and her favorite items, this fully enclosed swimming pool maintains a normal temperature of 30 degrees or more at any time, and the temperature of the summer is adjusted by the central air conditioner, not just this closed The open-air swimming pool, as well as the entire castle, is surrounded by a transparent shell that is close to zero, and the temperature is kept at the most comfortable level.

Delia is a girl who likes to enjoy. She doesn't want to know what kind of human suffering. Her goal is only to fulfill her ideals. It is best to enjoy life while enjoying the ideal. Dili wearing only three-point swimsuit. Ya has an amazing snowy skin, more silky than milk, ruddy face like a freshly washed apple, tender and lovely, but only look at the back, there are thrilling **** curves, although A little green, but definitely more coveted than ripe fruit.

Delia's boring listener reported her intelligence with her pretty young girl adjutant, but her eyes were staring at the little lizards on the fingers of the green bamboo shoots. The little lizards clung to their fingers and pretend to be dead. The dimples are floating on the cheeks of Delia's white, which is more beautiful than the flowers.

"So, the **** has disappeared? The old nest has not been seen. I watched more than 100,000 followers being killed by supernova bombs. Are you saying he is smart or stupid? Maybe he is hiding in the corner. Jokes, thank you for helping him clean up the opponents in the team. Those who might have been killed by supernovas are inclined to our sympathizers. In this way, no one will ever speak for us..."

Delia only analyzes so many things through the words of the words. She listens to the young girl's ears but is used to it. Delia is so close to the demon. Every time I can discover the essence of things, let the following people be impressed. The beautiful girl did not say My own opinion, neatly circumventing the topic and reporting another thing.

"Kesler has come over again, asking us to increase the supply of supernova bombs, and a full set of cracking gun technology. They are willing to exchange with thunderstorm rifles. According to the analysis of the staff, the war in Australia has reached the most tight juncture. The combat casualty rate has already been More than the United States, many soldiers can only hold stones as weapons, and can only support up to half a month. After half a month, Australia will collapse..."

"It's a headache..." Delia grunted and grabbed the messy medium-length curly hair, licking the wet big eyes, like a depressed deer, said to the beautiful girl: "I am afraid that the thunderstorm rifle is not the key, the battery is the key." China will not give us the battery. They are testing and testing our determination to deal with the sea. If we don’t agree, we may stop supplying our red algae, but the Australian survivors and we have no Relationship, too much can't help, sending a batch of supernova bombs should be no problem, but let him transform 20 pieces for us to send ten, revenge the small trap they had set for us..."

Wang Le once exchanged an optimized supernova bomb for the supernova production line. The purpose is to give the other party an illusion that China has the technology to enhance the power of supernova bombs, but Delia is not a fool, set it up when trading. In a trap, the supernova bomb needs to be made from the weird mutant plants of the Alps. There is no such material, just like a thunderstorm rifle without sun bamboo.

"In addition, the Chinese side wants to invite you to Australia. They find the core to solve the problem of the sea. Do you need me to reply and refuse?" Hearing the disdainful tone of the Qinglian girl, Delia knows that the beautiful girl does not want to go to Australia, but she There is no attachment, biting his fingers and thinking about it elsewhere. The Chinese people’s news has always been well-informed. Maybe they really found a way to do it?

Wanqiang feels that he is becoming stronger every day. Now he is no different from the height before the end of the world. The sturdy muscles contain strong and overbearing strength, and both hands can grab the reinforced stone. He enjoys this. The strength of strength and the indifference to it.

When he stood in the tallest building in the largest city of Guangxi, carrying the Z3 zombie's head and looking at the zombie smashing underneath, he couldn't help but flash the **** phoenix. He knew that the increase in power had reached the bottleneck. Continue to become stronger, perhaps blood phoenix is ​​the key, after the Z3 brain devours, Wan Qiang will smash the zombie skull and look at the smashing lungs in a certain direction. The high sound waves echo within the diameter of the kilometer. At a distance of one kilometer from his center, all the zombies were blown into the plasma in the roar, and the shattered glass was left on the building. The fragments of the rain and the flies fell together in one kilometer. Form a flesh and blood hell.

After venting, my heart will always be better. Wanqiang turned and prepared to leave. Suddenly I felt that another high-level zombie was approaching quickly. He decided to solve this zombie and went to find the blood phoenix. After he swallowed the blood phoenix, he must be a zombie. Wang, when the whole world will no longer be his opponent, he does not understand what is called loneliness like snow, he only wants the whole world to tremble in his anger.

Suddenly, he stopped to look into the sky, but saw a high-speed falling zombie kneeling down his head, weighing hundreds of pounds of zombies, claws and claws twisting body crazy, sturdy **** eyes crossed the zombies to see the sky The shadow, it is a high-speed airship that landed quickly. In the cab of the airship, the **** icy eyes looked at the Wanjian behind the porthole glass.

"You want to kill me, just like I want to kill you, we are destined to live only one..." The blood of the sky is surrounded by the blood phoenix, and the **** two-winged fan brushing the wind is like an angel floating in the air, black The crystal body of the whole body is wrapped tightly with blood phoenix. From the head to the foot, only half of the face is exposed. Facing the ten-meter-high tyrannical blood and phoenix, let the violent and violent shackles grab the side two. Ten-story high-rise buildings, the bricks and stones in the middle of the building collapsed, and thousands of pieces were scattered. The scattered pieces were still flipped in the air. The building was like a dumping block, slowly falling over until the dust was covered. For a second, the blood phoenix left its original position, leaving a giant claw that was worn out of the dust and caught in the air.

"But you can't kill me, just like I can't kill you..." Blood phoenix **** his wings, listening to the roaring sneer in the dust, his voice is not big, the exit is drowned in the collapse of the building, but he knows Wanqiang must have heard it. Sure enough, the violent roar of anger: "Are you coming over and laughing at me? Even if I can't kill you, someone can kill you..."

"What are you talking about?" Mr. Wan Qiang...." The sneer of Blood Phoenix became ridiculous, and the huge figure in the dust once again burst into a high-frequency roar, and the dust of hundreds of millions of flying dances became a perfect circle. The circle was lined up to reveal the violent temperament. The scarlet eyes stared at the blood phoenix in amazement. There were some taboos on his face. He thought of the high-speed airship that the blood phoenix was riding, and he could fly freely in the Chinese sky. It must be the character of the Chinese revival, and he should have thought of this.

"My brother asked you to go to Australia to deal with the most powerful enemy. I will also participate. If I am dead, you will eat me. Of course, if you die, I will eat you too. See who we die first... .... Blood Phoenix said his intentions, Wanqiang heard that there was no joy here, and more violently crashed into a building next to him. He didn't want to hear the three words of his brother, which made him feel despised. The blood phoenix was attributed to Zhang Xiaoqiang, which made him have a more intuitive understanding of the strength of Zhang Xiaoqiang, and his heart was even more angry.

"What the **** are you..." After the smashing of dozens of buildings, the Wanqiang stood on the ruined ruins and looked at the blood phoenix that always slaps its wings. The **** phoenix mouth is slightly tilted, and the eyes are also flashing scarlet. Such as the color of blood.

"I am the owner of Xiang Yuer. If you want to continue to evolve, you must eat me. You can eat the idiots without wisdom and soul. They will never grow to the highest point. The more you eat, the bigger you are. I am you. The only chance of the king of zombies..."

The arctic winds of the ice and snow roar, the snow flutters, and in the cold wind, hundreds of evolutionists besieged the giant mutant beast. This mutant animal resembling a walrus has twenty-four sharp ivory, the longest two are like The stalwart pillar, the hill-like body swayed slightly under the chiseling of countless fire points, flying countless bullets, each time the head and every tail, it could crush a layer of hard ice. The evolutionary around the monster is like a singer, but there is nothing to help, just as the mutant beast chasing humans into the huge basin, all the evolutionary people disappeared and disappeared instantly under the ice. The hole.

In the next moment, more than a thousand flying objects with metal wings like bowling **** flew out of the snow, flashing for a short distance, and clinging to the corners of the monster body, when these **** flashed together, the moment of green light, huge The magneticity limits the monster to the original place. The monster's strength is huge and unremarkable. The writhing body is crazy, and many **** fly and fall. Maybe after three or five seconds, the monster can break free. At this time, Sophia is like the goddess of ice and snow. Appeared on the top of the monster, whistling in the snow, the invisible air blade swells the layer of snow, like a lasso cover suddenly on the head of the monster, the monster body is fixed, can not escape, in Sofia this is like a meat grinder The big tricks broke down, and the scattered blood waves and brains poured Sophia all over the body. When an orange-red colloidal body flew from the monster's brain to Sofia's hands, the huge mountain shape would support it again. Can't stop, slowly fall on the hard ice.

Numerous survivors screamed out from all over the place. A snowmobile carrying a high-sawed saw was like an ant colony on the body of a monster. Sophia didn't take a look, and the whole body slid into the snow again. .

The fierce gasping and screaming exudes a blushing heartbeat. Byron and Sophia are tight together and screaming together. After a long time, the two are naked together, and the ordinary Sofia is fainting at this moment. With a chic charm, Byron slowly stroked the proud mountain of Sophia and enjoyed the peace of mind. After a long time, he asked with a dry voice:

"Determined? Can't you go?" Sophia's bright eyes stared at the warm flames beating in the fireplace. After a long while, he nodded slowly, and the fluttering hair was naughty from Byron's nose, making him deep. I took a breath and tried to inhale the taste of the hair into my lungs and merged with myself. I loved this strong and weak woman and couldn’t help but say: "I will accompany you, even if they turn their faces, there are My delay, you have a chance to come back..."

Salt Lake City has a rugged and a tortuous line. If they are not lucky, they may not come back, and they will no longer believe in others. Even the Chinese do not believe it. If the goal is not achieved, once the goal is achieved, the next one will be completed. The goal may be that they are always human beings. For the sake of profit, they can kill each other at any time. With foreign enemies, they can be consistent with each other. Once the foreign enemies are resolved, they will start to compete for internal rights.

"No, you stay here, if I am dead, you can lead them to live. You are better suited to be a leader than me." Sophia's gentle smile, soft voice has unquestionable perseverance, Byron slammed her into her arms and felt that Sofia had embraced herself with the same force. Byron said with a low voice: "If there is danger, why should you force yourself? Although the Arctic is hard, we can still live. At least twenty years, the Haizu has no scruples..."

"Twenty years later, it will be the day of my demise. The Arctic is difficult to survive. Without the room for our development, I will use life and soul to find the only opportunity for the people. Even if I fail, I will die 20 years earlier. At least, don't worry that your offspring will encounter the same choices and fates..."

It is still the soft and sticky gentle words, but Byron hears a trace of sharpness in the middle, and there is a little sadness in his heart. Sophia still puts the future of the British on everything, surpassing life, surpassing love, surpassing him Byron. .

The South American jungle has been the last barrier since the end of the world, blocking the attack of zombies and blocking the invasion of the mutant beast. At this moment, it is blocking millions of seas. Compared with the United States and Australia, there is no shortage of water. The seas like to fight in such an environment, but countless trees and vines limit the speed of the sea. The mutant animals do their best to engulf these mutant plants, but every day there are new vegetation. Growing up, South America is the best performer on all battlefields, not to mention one million seafarers, even if one hundred million seafarers are not necessarily able to attack.

The Temple of Darkness is the only force in South America. All survivors who disobey the Dark Temple are turned into bones. Millions of survivors live the most primitive life around the Dark Temple. In the jungle, they can survive like Indians. The transformation of the Mayan civilization, here, the highest center of rights is theocracy, everyone is the servant of the Son of the Temple, every day to dedicate ten purest babies to the Temple of the Son as a waiter, but no one has ever seen these pure as angels Baby.

The Temple of the Temple is like the most educated aristocrat sitting at the table, wearing a white napkin, holding a knife and fork elegantly cut in the plate, even the most strict etiquette teacher can not pick out his dining defects, when he will When the delicate meat pieces of the crisp bones were chewed into the mouth, a rare intoxicating look appeared on the delicate cheeks, as if to taste the top fishmeal truffles.

At his hand, the huge bottle contained ten pocket hearts slowly beating under the operation of the low-frequency pulse transmitter. Numerous small transparent pipes were like blood vessels, running blood, clearly seeing the heart sucking blood and erupting. Come out, if you ignore this real fear, unsuspecting people think that this is a set of alternative high-tech toys.

"Only the flowing blood is the most delicious. Only the purest blood is the most delicious. It can be enjoyed every day. Life is meaningful. Do you say it? Father...."

Drink the blood in the goblet and gently wipe the blood stains on the lips. The subtle and shy son is like a neighbor girl, smiling to the elders. The pure eyes are flashing with pure luster, which is better than the purest snow. To be transparent, there is no way to elegantly eat the most delicious parts of the three babies a few seconds ago.

The elders squinted and enjoyed the Cuban cigars in their hands. They didn't care about the blood of the sages. The occasional fretting luster of the eyes showed that he was not immersed in the fragrance of cigars, but was thinking about what to listen to. When he asked the Son, he smiled and nodded and said: "Human is the Lamb of God. The fate of the Lamb is to provide flesh and blood to the shepherd. The responsibility of the shepherd is to watch the Lamb not to be taken away by the wolves. You are the Son of the Temple. Your will is the will of the Lamb, but you should not identify yourself as a person, so don't use the inferior vocabulary of life."

"Hah, my father is really interesting. Isn't the father a human being? Yes, my father needs my genes to break through human restrictions and become a higher-end living body. Unfortunately, my growth is not provided by human flesh and blood. I need the most. The top evolutionary, the most powerful variant, and the highest-ranking sea people, I want to drool when I think about the flesh and blood of the last top evolvers, but the evolutionary in the territory has been eaten, or else Can solve the problem."

The conversation between the two is gentle and warm, just like the two fathers and sons are talking about life ideals, but the topic is creepy. The sacred and greedy of the temple under the virgin is even more chilling, and The great elders of humanity have apparently abandoned their human identity and are willing to confuse with the beasts of the cannibals. The millions of South American survivors who have been sheltered under the temple are absolutely unimaginable. They are only the food of the sacred son of the Temple of God.

"The last time you did it, you shouldn't do it in person. At least you shouldn't start before you decide that Flanders was killed. Now we have to face Flanders' revenge. Peru and Chile have fallen, the jungle is daily. The area of ​​30 hectares disappeared. As the United States collapses, more and more seas are concentrated in South America. The speed of jungle disappearing may reach 300 hectares next month. We have no evolution, no army, no resistance. Ability, once South America falls, we will have nowhere to hide, and the ten lambs you need every day will also be broken..."

The elders are serious, the Son does not care, the good-looking eyebrows are light, the red eyes flash with the luster of the play, and the chin is raised: "That is not better, we go to the red algae to hide, enjoy every day. The flesh and blood of the higher seas is not better? My strength is already strong enough to ignore the high-order seas. There are no problems in sheltering tens of thousands of people in the red algae. As long as I and my servants can **** the blood of the blood like the parasites, even the earth. What is the relationship between destruction? The last time I killed Flanders was for the flesh and blood of the top evolutionists. I won’t be defeated. I can engulf Delia and Eos, I believe I will be stronger. , as powerful as God..."

The great elders helplessly bowed their heads, and the Son was born to oppose humanity. He knew this very early, but he knew that he had to cooperate with the Son in order to obtain eternal life and strength, so he betrayed the whole human being and the Son. Www.readwn.com~ But I didn't expect the Son to have signs of losing control, and he had a slight fear in his heart. South America is not an evolutionary, and maybe the Son has lost his last patience. The first apostle once became the blood of the Son.

"Then you have a chance, the Chinese are preparing to raid the waters of Hawaii. They have a way to break the air blockade. Delia and Eos have already decided to move, and the Chinese have a top evolutionary who is better than them." Perhaps because of fear, perhaps because the Son has gone beyond his control, the elders finally told the news.

"Trap?" The Son used his fingers to pick up the knife and flip it in the red and white pieces of the plate. The sensitive and pure eyes were secretly scanning the old man.

"Delia won't know your identity. This is guaranteed by the Chinese, and there are also saints...."

"When..." The knife hangs in the plate and makes a crisp sound. The Son is stunned. He is staring at the elders with doubts. The pure eyes are a bit more humanized. The elders continue to say: "There are two heteromorphic variants, one is you, the biological experiment base in South America, and the other is a girl. At the core laboratory in Australia, Klug tries to turn her into a biological weapon, but it is given by the Chinese. Abandoned, you are the only two heteromorphic variants..."

"That is, the key to becoming God is in the saint. God is unique. We are two natural incompatibility? As long as I ate her?" The red tongue of the Son licked his lips, his eyes filled with Greedy madness, the elders did not speak again. If the Son really regarded him as a father and would like to respect him wholeheartedly, he would use the yin and yang of the Chinese Taoist to explain something, but now he would like the Son to think of the law of the jungle. .

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