Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 10 - Shaw's Tactic

Predicting the past and the future? Well... Normally no one will believe in this crap...

But when you put it in superpowers worlds like this world... And call a mutant ability, Thing will be quite different...

Predicting the past and the future... I believe that no one can treat such an ability calmly, not to say in such a world like X-men...

Even in the main world before the apocalypse, many people were willing to spend a lot of money on fake fortune-tellers.

Therefore, knowing about Gray's existence, Shaw naturally wanted to get Gray to his side!

Knowing the future will allow him to control destiny to some point... Such ability he naturally won't let go...

But before that, he doesn't mind doing a little test first...

Test to see if Gray's ability was accurate or not as effective as it sounds.

And this raid will be a good opportunity.

If Gray's ability was really as Emma said, then they will definitely be ambushed...

But if there was no ambush, this will show that Gray's ability as useful as it sounds... And like this, he can simply kill all these people including Erik...

Well... A perfect plan if you asked... Especially the fact that Gray doesn't know the future for real...

Emma saw that Shaw had already prepared everything and didn't say anything more...

So she just nodded her head and acted directly according to what Shaw told her and left the Hellfire Club to prepare for the task that Shaw gave her, while Azazel and Riptide also started doing what they should do...

Not long after Emma left, Shaw got a message that everything was ready on her side.

"We should also go..." Shaw looked at Azazel and Ripdite who also came back after preparing and said...

So Shaw with Azazel and Riptide together teleported and left their secret position in the middle of the night toward Charles Castle...


Late at night...

Since Gray said that Shaw might ride at any moment... Charles and Moira were already prepared around the castle and the CIA member can be seen everywhere...

But looking carefully... On this dark night, there was red smoke appearing around these members and disappeared with them every few seconds...


And as the red smoke disappeared with someone... Not far away from their place, a human body fell one after the other from the void directly crashing their bodies to death!

But suddenly two figures also appeared in the void and cough the fallen people one after the others saving them from sure death!

Azazel's ability was quite fast and strong...

Holding two short knives in his hands, using his ability to harvest the lives of the CIA members around the area.

His tactic was very simple, just grab someone and then teleport to a height of several thousand meters then throw the unlucky person he catches...

A simple yet cruel operation that was enough to kill anyone normally.

However, even though his ability was strong, Gray and the others in the castle were prepared for this raid... Except few bad luck agents were killed, most of the humans who were falling from the skies were rescued by Angel and Banchee.

"Shaw, you really dared to appear here!" Seeing Shaw not far away, Erik's face was quite ugly, and raging anger was burning inside his eyes...

"Wait, Eric, Stick to the plan! Your opponent is Azazel" But Charles caught Erik's should and said seriously...

With the plan they made... Erik should restrain Azazel's teleportation ability with what they have prepared!

"Well" Erik took a deep breath and immediately controlled himself, he knows that it wasn't the time to be stubborn and act recklessly like before...

So he finally ignored Shaw and ran toward where Azazel should appear next...

As he moved the earth started to shake and a series of reinforced iron ropes buried in the ground flew up, turning into a large iron net.

And Azazel who was teleporting around was caught directly by the iron chine that suddenly appeared in the ground!

Although Azazel's ability was quite slippy... Yet these ropes-like steel successfully caught him.

"UH!!" When Azazel felt the lock on his leg, he directly activated his ability and disappeared again... But this time it wasn't only him who appeared at a height of several thousand meters, the iron rope and Erik who was holding the rope with his hand also appeared in mid-air with him.

Erik didn't give Azazel the chance to act and directly controlled the long rope and tipped Azazel's body as if he was controlling a living snake!

"Do you want to fall with me?" Azazel panicked at this moment... He didn't expect himself to be caught like this... So he looked at Erik who already caught him with his hand and shouted!

But Erik only looked at Azazel and smirked wickedly!

Gray already told them about this red skin weakness... If they fell down... they fell together... And naturally, Azazel won't kill himself like this... So will he be worried about falling down?


Soon enough before they fell, Azazel and Erik disappeared from the void and appeared on the ground again!

Fall to death with Erik? Azazel naturally won't do such a thing, he teleported again and came back to the ground.

"One down..." Erik clenched his hand and completely fixed Azazel with his iron rope and whispered...

By imprisoning him with rope like this, Azazel naturally won't be able to run away from Erik.



On the other side, Riptide opened his two hands and gathered a pair of tornadoes on top of his palms...

However before he could throw them out, Havok shot a strong plasma towards him.

Riptide wasn't left with many choices... So he canceled his tornadoes and leaped forward to avoid the plasma.

While Charles looked around and noticed that Emma wasn't there and felt nervous inside... For him, Emma was quite special... After all, both of them had almost the same ability...

But soon he calmed down... As long as Erik controlled Azazel over there, Shaw shouldn't be able able to escape this time.

Thinking of this, Charles directly launched his ability and tried to invade Shaw's mind who still haven't joined the fight yet...

"This..." But suddenly he found that the helmet on Shaw's head was blocking him from entering his mind.

"As Gray said! I really couldn't enter Shaw's mind! Deal with him as planned before!" Charles looked at Beast beside him and said.

Hearing what Charles said, Beast nodded his head and woke weird clothes on his blue body, and rushed forward...

Yup... Blue body... This smart boy still bit himself and tried to use Raven's genes to fix his legs... Which completely turned him into the furry blue Beast...

When Gray saw this, he couldn't help but shook his head... What's wrong with little different legs? At least they are stronger than normal legs... now he himself was the so-called *different* Both him and Raven keep repeating...

And as Beast reached Shaw, something Shaw wasn't expecting happened...

Beast punched Shaw which darted him a few meters away!

"What?" Not anyone... But Shaw himself was surprised with this... He was struck away?

With his ability, this shouldn't happen!!! That wasn't scientifically possible!

But Beast didn't give him chance to act and just like his name, rampaged around Shaw while not daring to get closer to Shaw himself...

How? Naturally with the help of the rest of the team...

To fight Shaw they made some rules...

First... don't get closer to him... Second, don't try to attack him, just try to blind and confuse his movement... And lastly... Help Beast to beat Shaw's A**! With his kinetic killer gloves...

Yup... A very unscientific pair of gloves made by these unscientific world geniuses... Quite simple... but effective against Shaw!

From the battle situation, whether it was ability or number, they have completely crushed Shaw's team.

Azazel being caught by Erik completely cut Shaw's last chance of retreating.

Riptide was under attacks of both Angel and Havok...

And just by looking at him struggling to dodge their attacks... One can see that he was losing...

No.. In fact, he soon lost... And was caught just like Azazel, which allowed Angel and Havok to joined the other and control Shaw more and more...

And finally, everyone around Shaw made a little chaos allowing Beast to attack Shaw heartlessly!

The battle did not last long, and soon, it developed into a dead-end... Shaw's partner was cough... And Shaw himself wasn't able to do anything...

A completely crushing victory!

"Shaw... I didn't expect you to fall into my hand so soon as his" Erik looked at Shaw finally couldn't resist Beast attacks anymore and was caught like the others and said with a dead smile.

Under Erik's control, an iron wire came from the ground and floated around him while looking at Shaw...

"Wait, you can't kill him, I still need to take him with me! He will get his punishment by the law" Moira who was standing beside Charles and Gray who absolutely did nothing came up and said to Erik.

Moira needs to take Shaw back with her so she could debunk his conspiracy, let people know that the deployment of nuclear weapons was a wrong proposal, not just simply killing or imprisoning him.

Gray saw this, and didn't know why, but felt wrong... Things shouldn't end easily like this...

'Where is that woman!' Though Gray didn't join or done anything, in fact almost everything that happened here was because of him... After all, he was like a spoiler who will tell the plot before it happiness...

Charles and the others were able to do this almost seamless plan because he told them all the information and weaknesses of Shaw and his party...

But for Emma to disappear like this was so abnormal...

Which made him quite anxious!

"Excuse me, but do you really think that you have already won? I don't think it's a good time to argue about how to deal with me.." Seeing Erik and Moira arguing about how they should deal with him Shaw who supposed to lose the fight, didn't show a loser face but looked quite confident.

"Why? Is there any way you can run away this time?" Both Erik and Moira who were arguing looked at Shaw with alertness.

"Don't you have the ability to read the mind? Why don't you take a look at Azazel and Riptide memories?" Shaw did not care about Moria and Erik's alertness but turned his face at Charles and asked...

"Oh... We can also do this! (Just realized face)" Gray heard Shaw's words and as if he remembered and said...

"..." Charles beside Gray also stoped for a second... And soon felt uneasy in his heart, so he pointed his finger to his head and activated his ability.

Suddenly Charles's face changed greatly and said: "You actually let her prepare to fire missiles toward the castle?"

These words startled everyone!

"Huh, even missile, just hand it to...*SHIP*" However, Soon Erik reacted and showed disdain and wanted to say something...

It's just that... before he could finish his word... Both Erik and Azazel who were connected by the iron rope disappeared together leaving only some red dust.

"My original plan was to let Azazel take Erik away. Unexpectedly, you let Eric deal with him..." Seeing that Azazel taking Erik away, Shaw laughed and said...

While saying this, Shaw removed the iron rope around him easily as if he was removing a normal thread...

".... .-." Seeing this scene, Gray froze in his place... Not only him, almost everyone here had the same reaction... Without Erik, if the missiles really fell down... The consequences will be quite hard to imagine...

"But without Azazel, neither of us can run away..." Charles looked at Shaw and said worriedly...

"True, in such a situation is either everyone lives together, or everyone dies together... So what will your choice be?" Shaw heard Charles and smiled as a gentleman and said while nodding his head.

'What a lier...' Gray heard Shaw's words, and couldn't help but say inside his heart... Everyone die together? Please... This guy's ability will save him even in the middle of a nuclear explosion...

"What the hell do you want?" After a moment of silence, Charles looked at Shaw and asked heavily...

From Shaw's act, it was quite obvious that this guy has a purpose... Not as simple as they thought...

"So what Emma said was true... You guys really know that we will come here and attack..." But Shaw didn't care about this and sorted his clothes...

"So... which one of you is Mr.Gray?" Shaw looked at everyone here and asked with a smile...

Hearing his words, everyone turned around and looked at Gray who was already pointing at Beast beside him...


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