Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 9 - Who Said I Want To Kill?

"What! How! How is it possible!" Erik's exciting face suddenly changed seeing this result...

Without waiting for the others to answer him, Erik jumped to the submarine and searched carefully every corner even the drawer... But even Shaw's shoes he didn't find...

*Slap* suddenly a slape came from behind toward Erik's head...

"How my ***! did you forgot about Azazel! I told you about it before.... did I?" Gray wanted to scold Erik, but soon he stopped and thought if he talked about this or not...

Erik who didn't want to accept this result felt the pain on his head and glared at Gray with bad eyes...

"Azazel? What about him? what do you mean?" But after hearing Gray's words, Erik didn't care about this and asked with an eager face...

Gray told them that there were a few mutants around Shaw... but didn't talk about their abilities before today...

"Calm down Erik... you left alone so you don't know..." Charles saw Erik's wild emotions and calmed him down...

"After you have left, we all followed you worried that something wrong will happen to you... Along the way, Gray also told us about the opponent mutants abilities... including Azazel, he can take anyone to teleport" After calming Erik, Charles said what happened to him after he left...

"Azazel... Teleport...." Hearing this, Erik's face became so ugly and gloomy... If it weren't for this unexpected mutant, Shaw wouldn't have the chance to run away like this...

After all his hard work, finally, he got the chance to get his revenge but disappeared from his hands like this... But not only the white queen... Even someone like Azazel beside Shaw...

If he knows all this, he wouldn't have acted so recklessly like this...

"Let's go back... This time Shaw ran away and won't give us another chance to catch him... When we go back, we will make another plan... Next time we won't allow him to slip away like this..." gray patted Erik's shoulder and said...

Honestly, he slapped Erik only because he was a little angry about this big boy's recklessness...

But in another thought, he shouldn't plan him... After all, a man with so much hate inside his heart can't be blamed sometimes... For some reason, Gray understands this...

*Sigh* Moira sighed when she saw all of this... Mutants were really hard to deal with, she didn't expect things to evolve to this... Now Shaw ran away, it will be only harder to deal with later.


Erik who finally calmed down all his chaotic emotion hammered the submarine with his fist...

His fist shed so much blood from this punch, but he didn't care about this and just looked away not knowing what he was thinking...

"Well... Let's go back..." Charles said a few words to Erik and took everyone back to the castle...

The others saw that Erik wasn't in good mood, so they didn't try to get closer to him for the time being.

While Gray was so calm along the way thinking of something making his face weirder every minute...

Soon enough, everyone went back to the castle and wanted to go and rest...

"Everyone... I think we should get ready..." But before they leave, Gray stopped them and said with a stressed face...

"Get ready? For what?" Raven heard Gray's words and asked.

"Shaw might raid us any time soon..." Gray finally said his great worries with an ugly face...

Why Gray was angry before? Because of this possibility... Emma(White Queen) has the ability to read other minds, so the chance that everything that happened here to be revealed to her was quite huge... Even though this woman wasn't so loyal to Shaw, yet she wasn't their partner, so if she really learned about his Omni... Fake ability, things will be very troublesome... especially for him...

"What!" Hearing Gray's words, everyone present faces changed greatly!

They didn't consider such a situation before... But since Gray said it himself... Things were different...

"If they really dare to come, this time I definitely won't let them go" Unlike everyone here, only Erik changed his low mood and looked very motivated when he heard this!

"If this really happened, this will be a problem... But since we know about their abilities, we can arrange in advance" Charles also reacted and started thinking about how they should prepare for all of this...

For Emma, he was confident to deal with her, as for Riptide, Havok, and Banshee with the others help should be more than enough to make him...

Which only left Shaw and Azazel...

Honestly, for Shaw's ability, Charles felt quite odd...

Shaw can absorb any form of energy... And when they say any form... That might even mean the most basic energy like kinetic energy!

What does that mean? Simply means, that even if you punched him with a fist or bombed him with a nuclear bomb, he won't be damaged...

Yet they have a way to deal with him...

Gray revealed the weakness of Shaw's ability...

Very simple... Give him the chance to control him... Even though he can absorb energy, but mental energy like his power can't be absorbed...

As long as he can control him, Shaw won't have access to his own ability...

As for Azazel, the same, Gray already told them about his weakness... Azazel will teleport with everything trapping into him...

Knowing all this, even if they were stupid, they should have a basic plan to deal with this trouble...

So after this, everyone equipping with tools that helps against Shaw and his party, while Gray himself doubled his own training to calm his mind... He was the weakest here... there was nothing much for him to do...

He considered copying other genes to be safer, but in the end, he stopped his thoughts... Genes need time to develop anyway, so it was better for him to use the free time in another way...

And like this several days passed...




Hellfire Club...

This Club naturally has more than one position...

Shaw and the others already went back into their hidden place and were planning what they should do next...

"There are many mutants besides Erik... And the government already trailing us.... This became so troublesome for my plan..." Shaw was holding his drink as usual and talked about the fact as if he was talking about a normal thing...

"So I have decided... We will attack them first" After talking about their situation, Shaw smiled and looked at others around him...

"I think we should be careful... Don't forget, there is that *Gray* on Erik's side... With his ability, they might expect out attack..." For Shaw's words, neither Azazel nor Riptide had any objections...

Only Emma thought more about this and said her worries...

"Exactly! I already thought about this!" shaw was happy that Emma said this and clapped his hand...

"And that's why we should attack while being invincible at the same time..." Shaw lored the cup on his hand and stood up...

"And to do this, I have a special task for each one of you..." Shaw looked at everyone and said...

"Special task???" Emma heard Shaw's words, and felt wrong again... She already told Shaw that about Charles... so normally, he shouldn't let her leave his side...

After all... Mind control was Shaw's only visible weakness right now...

"Don't worry, my dear Emma... I got myself a nice gift from the Russians sometime ago..." Shaw naturally understand her worries and said with a mysterious smile on his face...

As he said this, Shaw told Azazael to bring him the box he took with him before leaving the submarine...

After Azazel brought the box, Shaw got up and took it to his hands...

Under their eyes, Shaw opened the box and took a funny-looking helmet from inside...

"Emma... Try to invade my mind..." After wearing the silly helmet on his head, Shaw ignored how silly he looks right now, and said to Emma with the same smile...

"This...." And Emma also tried to do this, but soon after her eyes widened a little... she found that she can't feel Shaw's mind at all...

"This helmet can isolate my mind from completely... Which mean... No one can enter my mind right now..." Seeing Emma wasn't able to enter his mind, Shaw was very satisfied with this silly looking helmet.

"But even if we are in an invincible position as you said... if they really knew that we would attack, it's still very difficult to kill them all" Emma still couldn't be at ease completely...

"Kill? Who said I want to kill them, Emma? They are our kind... I want them to join us... Well... If they want to of course... If they won't, that will be a shame... And... if they are really prepared as you said, then that prophet called Gray should join us at all costs..." Shaw looked at Emma and said gently... But when he talked about Gray... Shaw had a weird and deep look in his eyes...

It turned out that the main purpose of his raid was actually to know if Gray's ability was real or not...

If Gray heard what happened here... He will do find Erik and slap him again...

Somehow... For the weak Gray... This situation....

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