Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 104 - You're Not My Desire!

In a big dusty, room. A little boy with long white hair almost reaching the ground, wearing a black crown on his head, and two silver eyes looking at the huge mirror in front of him in shock emotions.

If someone else looked at the mirror he will see a very different thing from what the little boy can see.

Gray looked at his own reflection in the mirror with weird eyes.

Inside the mirror, he can see himself, a reflection of himself, but the difference is that he doesn't have a crown on his head, nor he has eyes. But two black holes look so weird and evil.

"What? Wondering why you see such a thing but not the desire inside your heart?" Suddenly the mirror reflection smiled at Gray and said.

"Huh?" Hearing the mirror Gray speaking, Gray froze in his place.

"What are you?" But he didn't stop for long and asked.

"What am I? A wrong question, The real question should be... *What are we*" But the mirror reflection didn't give Gray the answer he wants but instead corrected the question for him.

Hearing his reflexion's words, weirdly Gray felt he's right, and even his heart started breeding weird mixed feelings.

Seeing Gray so silent the reflection smiled deeply and said; "This mirror shows you your deepest desire... So you should understand something don't you?"

'My desire?' Hearing his words, Gray looked at the mirror reflection and said in his heart.

Is his desire to become what inside the mirror? Thinking of this Gray couldn't understand directly.

What is happening here is really weird, he had expected a few possibilities about his desire, after all, he knows himself the best. But what he's seeing right now is so weird, he even started asking himself if this is really his desire or not.

But Gray didn't realize that while his thoughts keep coming and going, a weird black smoke is slowly spreading from his shadow around the room. And the weird pattern under his left eye is slowly twitching and creeping to his eye. This pattern appeared for the first time when Gray got the crown but has never shown any usefulness more than making him look meaner and elegant.

"Don't you want to get your strength back? or even became stronger? think about it, if your not this weak, wouldn't you be smiling with the others right now?" Seeing the pattern under Gray's eye, started moving and the smoke around him became more, the reflection actually became more active and started talking more excitedly.

Gray wanted to say something, but a more unnatural thing happened.

The reflection hand suddenly rushed toward Gray from inside and came out of the mirror.

Seeing this, Gray moved back two steps, but the reflection already came out completely from the mirror.

"Let me show you something" The reflection was faster than Gray, and directly caught Gray's small face.

The moment he touched him, Gray's eyes reflected a few pictures. Those pictures were so fast and not very deep but showed Gray a few things he wishes to never see.

All of them show one thing, which is the death of the people he loves if he didn't get stronger.

Those pictures were like a bullet directly shot inside Gray's heart.

This is possible! All that he's seeing is possible! if he doesn't get stronger... not only him... But even his loved one will disappear!

Seeing Gray's eyes were clouded with a desire for strength. The reflection mouth cracked a very evil smirk.

"Gray!!! What is this! Let go of Gray!" But suddenly Perona's voice appeared, as she entered the room from the ceiling she hovered there looking at Gray where everything around him was washed with Darkness.

What Perona saw is a little different from what Gray can see.

Gray was standing in darkness like the only light while another dark figure made of dark smoke looking similar to Gray was holding Gray's face with two smoky hands.

Perona didn't think much and directly generated countless ghosts from all directions and let them flew to the dark figure.

But the figure only gave her a glance and waved his hand.

With his hand moving, the darkness became like ocean water and splashed at all the ghosts around him.

Weirdly every time the ghosts touch the darkness, they actually dissolve and disappear, as if the ghosts don't exist from the very beginning. And even weirder this darkness didn't affect anything around.

Seeing her ghosts being killed like this, Perona knows that she can't beat this thing in front of her.

But seeing Gray is sinking into the darkness while doing nothing, scared her even more than the darkness around.

So she made up her mind and used her ghosts again.

But this time, she made a huge ghost around her and she herself hid inside then took a wand and waved around her.

As she did this, the big ghost shined and tried to attack again, but like before it didn't take a second and was crashed by darkness.

The darkness didn't stop and kept moving toward Perona directly.

Seeing this, Perona dodged and wanted to go away, but she found out that the darkness around already trapped her, which made her panic even more, so she looked at Gray who's half body was already deep in the darkness and...

"GRAY!!!! WAKE UP YOU JERK!!!!" Perona screamed loudly as the darkness was about to reach her.

*WOJJJJJ* As Perona's voice, the darkness around suddenly stiffened and didn't move anymore.


Gray who was in deep darkness, looked in front of him at his own reflection with calm eyes. Unlike the clouded eyes just a second ago, but clear bright eyes.

"I might desire power... But I know that I'll never hurt my own people with this power... I don't know what you are or why I have something like you inside my heart. But for sure you're not *My own reflection nor my desire...FIEND*" As Gray said this, the crown on his head shined dimly, and started devouring all the darkness around Gray.

The reflection looked at himself being slowly turned into pieces sucked to the crown, he didn't try to resist but looked at himself with an emotionless face.

"Sigh... Already wake up?... Looks like I can't come back with this annoying woman helping you..." The reflection sighed and said annoyedly then looked at Gray's eyes and smiled.

"Funny how fate will finally twist everything like this... I... No... As you said... I'm not your reflection, I'm a part of another...." The reflection looked at Gray and said, then smiled wickedly.

"Don't rely so much on that thing, I don't like the fact that you're becoming more and more like her... Gray..." The reflection looked at Gray and said deeply, but it was also the first time it called Gray's name, which not linking himself to Gray anymore.

"UGHHH." As the reflection said this, Gray felt a burning pain from under his left eye, as if his face was pricked by a hot knife. Such pain directly went to Gray's nerve and spread fast to his whole body.

"I'll leave it inside you so maybe you can use it... Or not... In fact, it's better not to use it... shame that I won't have another chance... Gray... Keep getting stronger..." This is the last words the reflection said, and his body was shattered into many pieces after that and disappeared.

With this, the darkness in the entire room flew like a vortex to the crown till nothing was left. And everything went back to silence again.

"... Gray?" Perona who watched everything happened and how the dark figure turned to smoke and was sucked by the crown floated slowly to Gray's side and called him worriedly.

Gray held the left side of his face painfully but still raised his head and looked at Perona and smiled pleasantly. For some reason, he feels very happy right now, as if there was something bothersome inside his heart, and it finally disappeared. Such a weird feeling he doesn't know how to describe.

Seeing Gray smile, Perona also sighed with relief.

But seeing him in so much pain like this, Perona felt worried again.

"What happened to your face?" Perona drifted closer to Gray and tried to see what was wrong.

Gray also removed his hand and let Perona see the reason for his pain.

But there was nothing, under Gray's left eye there was nothing... even the pattern mostly disappeared leaving a simple black mark.

After about five minutes, Gray finally sighed with ease and felt the pain vanishing, as if it wasn't there.

"Let's go back..." Gray didn't want to stay in this room anymore.

The darkness that was spread just now was so smooth and soundless. But it didn't spread itself other than inside this room. For the dark nature, Gray knows the best, it's hard to be detected even if it was beside you. So he's still relatively safe. But it's better to leave.

However, before leaving, Gray looked at the mirror that was still standing there as if everything that happened here has nothing to do with it.

Seeing the new image in the mirror, Gray finally cracked a smile on his face and disappeared with Perona leaving this room.

What the mirror showed him just now, was only what he expected.

It was him standing with another six figures. Five which he knows, and one he always wanted to know. Seeing those figures, Gray didn't look at the mirror anymore and left directly.


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