Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 105 - The Forbidden Forest

In the chamber, Gray and Perona came back and stayed all alone there, Ron and Harry already went to the mirror room, looks like Harry is so excited to show others his parents.

Gray didn't think too much at this but kept thinking about everything that happened tonight.

He realized a few things... So Gray entered his disks and checked them very very carefully.

But after reviewing his disks carefully, Gray couldn't find any abnormality... So he sighed and started thinking of that reflection.

The first thing he thought of is the crown.

The pattern under his eyes appeared when the crown merged with him, and even changed when the crown awakened for the fourth time. So he doesn't understand what is the connection between the crown and that thing.

He saw a part of the crown history, this crown should be made by that woman, but that reflection doesn't seem to be related to her...

How did he know?

Very simple. He can feel it... When the reflection was talking to him, Gray felt the weird connection between them, but he also knows that thing wasn't made from him...

This is very weird and unclear. Gray kept thinking about this for a few hours, Ron already came back to his bed, while Perona is already sleeping beside him on the Couch...

She was worried that the pain Gray felt before might come back again so she didn't go back to her bed and stayed with him in the shared room.

Looking at Perona sleeping, Gray smiled peacefully.

To tell the truth, he owns Perona a big thanks.

When he was confused by the reflection's words. Perona sound brought him back.

In fact, he wasn't completely confused, but that reflection was like clicking on his mind to keep confusing him. Which is very weird how it happened while the crown on his head. And that's why he felt weirder about the reflection.

Other than Gray himself... No one can enter or confuse his mind.

But when he heard Perona's voice, Gray's mind was cleared instantly.

Looking at her sleeping quiet face, Gray smiled and touched her hair.

He might not understand many things, but he will sooner or later...

Now he should focus on his strength.

Even though the reflection disappeared, but that thing still managed to strengthen Gray's desire for strength...




The winter holiday soon ended and everyone went back to school.

In these three months, Gray and Perona stayed in the school and didn't get out completely.

For Gray, he wanted to end every last book he can find in the school before the end of the stone plot.

Why wasting time since he can copy? There is a saying says *knowledge is power*...

Learning more knowledge will make his path clearer in the future, even if he simply wants to copy.

Besides, not all the knowledge can be found here are inside the other's head. And alike, the knowledge inside the other's head can't be found inside the books, and Gray has time to waste in this world. The pattern in his hand is so calm and didn't move till now, which made Gray prepare for a long stay in this world.

As Gray said before... The moment Hermione came back to school, she directly found Nicolas Flamel's information.

So the Golden trio should go to Hagrid to ask next.


Looking at the three heads sneaking out late at night again. Gray who was reading his book, closed it and stood up then disappeared.

Following them all the way out of the school, Gray found them heading to Hagrid.

Hagrid didn't want to invite them in at first. But under the three kids' words, he said nothing.

Gray also sneaked inside and watched from the side.

Hagrid took a huge black hot egg and put it on the table. Looking at this big egg, the golden trio wonders what this is, but soon Ron recognized it and wondered how Hagrid has such an egg here.

While talking the egg started shaking and cracking.

*KUHHH* And soon the egg was broken and a little ugly dragon appeared from inside.

Yes... It's a dragon... But not a beautiful one.

Looking at this dragon, Gray couldn't link it with the big sly dragon he with Legolas, and Tauriel killed before.

At least Smaug looked smarter and more... Dragon-like? But in another thought, Smaug was also an ugly one...

Yup... He was right when he called Smaug ugly winged lizard...

While looking at everything in front of him, Gray noticed another presence coming here.

Without trying to know who, he saw a platinum head sneaking out of the window spying at everything happening here.

Yeah... There is that poor boy.

Draco Malfoy... A pure-blood wizard who strongly believes in the importance of blood purity. For this little boy, Gray doesn't really have an opinion... how to say... He's a pathetic villain project.

Simply by looking at this boy's history and future.....

Speaking of... This Draco actually wanted to make trouble with him and Perona before. Since they are Harry and Ron's friends.

But will this be easy?

Under Perona's ghosts attack, he became a laughing target for the entire school.

And since then he didn't dare to get closer to him and Perona anymore...

Well... Soon Hagrid and the others noticed Draco, but it was already late, Draco directly run away to report everything he saw here.

Gray didn't stop him. He doesn't need to anyway, sooner or later someone will notice the dragon existence anyway. Hagrid loves the magical animals but he's not Newt to tame them...

Next... everything happened as Gray expected.

The Golden trio was gloriously punished -50 points each, and Draco this sad boy was also punished with them since he also broke the rules, and to make sure they don't do it again, all of them were given detention with Hagrid in the Forbidden Forest.


In the forset, Gray floated slowly following Harry and the others while looking around.

This is his first time to enter this forest. He always wanted to come here and take a look, but he left it till the end of the stone plot.

This forest has many magical creatures.

Just following Hagrid, Gray noticed many weird things already.

Soon Hagrid found silver blood on the ground which is the reason he came here.

He's searching for the blood unlucky owner.

What is this silver blood?

Unicorn blood!

What can this blood do?

Well... Its job is very simple... No matter how badly damaged or near-death you are... This blood will actually keep you alive. But as a price for drinking this blood, you will have a half-life, a cursed life. It's said that only those who had nothing to lose and everything to gain would dare drink unicorn blood...

But will Gray really think like this? This blood is like a life potion that can keep you alive even if your heart is broken or even worst!

So naturally, he will try to find a way to remove the so-called curse on this blood... But how... he still didn't plan to this point.

Soon Harry and Hagrid were separated into two groups.

Gray followed Harry and Draco, to where the unicorn body should be. And soon they found it.

In the dark forest, a beautiful white-haired horse was lying in the ground.

And beside this horse, there is a figure wearing black all over him, lowering his head to the horse neck sucking its blood.

The air around looks so weird and depressed.

The moment Draco saw this scene he screamed and run away.

Which made the dark figure rise his head showing the lower half of his face from under what he's wearing.

The silver blood of the unicorn still can still be seen on his face, which scared Harry.

Gray looked at this figure and didn't know what to say...

The man in front of him is the container of Voldemort's soul... Professor Quirrell...

Why would Quirrell do such a crime and drink unicorn blood even though he will be cursed after?

Voldemort's soul will take so much energy from his container's which will lead the container body to collapse by time.

Quirrell drank this blood to stay alive, or in the current situation, he will soon die...

The figure saw Harry and raised his body and flew toward him like a ghost.

Gray who watched all this, didn't try to help Harry... After all, if someone saw him here, it won't be good. He doesn't think Professor McGonagall, will pass it with -50 point only... Besides... Harry's savior is already here.

As Gray thought... soon another magical creature appeared and saved Harry.

A Centaur...

A Centaur is a magical Humanoid creature whose head, torso, and arms appear to be human while the lower half of his body is actually a horse body.

With the Centaur's appearance, Quirrell directly flew away.

After saving Harry, the Centaur talked about the unicorn but when he and Harry looked at the unicorn body place.

They both paused...

The unicorn body disappeared...


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