Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 106 - Dark Lord's Scream...

In the shared room, Gray appeared here alone, then sat down, and took the book he didn't finish before.

But in fact, his entire mind wasn't focusing on the book.


In a Huge dark castle, in an empty huge hall, Gray stood there looking at the white horse that is laying in front of him.

Yup... The unicorn is not dead...

Gray was planning to take some of its blood and hairs, after all, everything in the Unicron can be a treasure or an alchemy material.

But when he came closer to it, he found out that this unicorn still has a breath...

Very weak, almost undetectable, and should soon disappear. But this gave Gray the idea of trying to save it.

And he did save this beautiful thing in front of him.

He had a few potions he got while staying in the school from the students around.

Like Wiggenweld Potion, this potion can heal injuries... And the unicorn horn is actually one of the Ingredients of this potion ...

He can't do anything for the unicorn in front of him for the time being, this unicorn only needs some rest and nourishment only to get his strength back.

Gray looked at the sleeping unicorn and put his hand on it.

As usual, he was able to see his disks.

But what caught his eyes is the C size of the unicorn.

As said before, The blood of a unicorn can be used to keep a person who is near death alive, which will grant the drinker immortality. So the unicorn which is the owner of such blood life span shouldn't be normal.

And as as he expected this unicorn C capacity is really big.

Counting the numbers, Gray got a clear idea of how much the unicorn bloodline can give.

It's not much... Way lower than his elf bloodline, which about 2 PB (2 million GB).

But still can't be called an immortal creature... the unicorns are actually useless when it came to survival...

They might be fast, but so weak, and can be killed easily, with a simple knife attack...

Probably most of the unicorns are being hunted by other creatures or turned into materials all the time, so there shouldn't be any unicorn who lived so long till now.

It's pretty good that they didn't extinct till now...

So after fast checking inside its disks, Gray didn't copy anything and let go.

He still can't copy animals' genes and bloodline... Which is pretty annoying for him...

'Sigh... If only I can go to a world where the creatures can shift between beast and human form...' Gray sighed and thought in his mind. It's really annoying to see so many magical and great creature in front of him but can't copy them to not turn himself into a monster.

For example, the unicorn in front of him can add at least 2 million GB for him, even though it's not much, but something is better than nothing... And who knows... Maybe with the elf bloodline inside him, new blood will appear which is bigger than both...

But he won't think too much about this... Anyway sooner or later he will go to such a world and get all that he wants.

For now, he has another plan for those magical creatures...


In the next few weeks, everything went normally.

The Golden trio kept gathering information till they finally learned how to pass Fluffy the three-headed dog.

That night Harry and his friends decided to go there since they realized that someone else might try to steal the stone, they tried to find Dumbledore, but he wasn't in the school at this time.

So the three of them sneaked out at night again.

Gray, naturally found this, so he also got up and walked out to see Neville frozen on the ground.

It's the Full Body-Bind Curse {Petrificus Totalus}...

Hermione still did the same thing.

This little girl learns fast...

Gray smiled gently at Neville then ignored him and walked out.

Neville on the ground can feel and see everything around him, when he saw Gray at first he felt happy. He knows that Gray has mastered various magic, after all, Gray is the best student in the school already.

So Gray should help him...

But he didn't think he will give him such an unforgettable smile and simply go away...


Gray walked slowly, he's not in a hurry to follow, there are a few Obstacles they should pass to get the stone.

All he had to do, is to be there when Harry gets the stone and take it away.

While walking, Perona came out from his ring.

"Where are you going?" Perona said with a bored voice.

Since Gray copied most of what they can learn in this school, Perona started getting bored, so she wasted most of her days developing her ability and merging it with magic.

"Perona, can you catch a soul?" Gray thought while walking and asked.

"Catch a soul? What kind of soul are you talking about?" Hearing Gray's question Perona asked.

"Hmmm an evil soul of a wizard, not ghost-like the ghosts in the castle but a formless invisible soul" After thinking for a second Gray gave an answer.

"This.... am not really sure... I never did something like this before..." After thinking for a few seconds, Perona gave Gray her answer...

"Well... Nevermind" Hearing her answer Gray thought for a second and said... It's not really safe to let Perona catch Voldemort's soul. After all, this guy is the villain here... Even though catching the Dark lord soul sounds interesting...

Soon both of them reached the third floor and stood in front of the room, where Harry and the others entered.

Without much thinking Gray opened the door and entered the room, to find the three-headed dog looking in his direction ready to attack.

"HA? Cerberus?" When Perona saw this dog she couldn't help but say this.

Come to think of it, Moria made a zombie similar to this dog and put it as door guardian...

Gray didn't care about the dog and simply released his Haki to scare him, even if it's so strong... It's not as strong as the sea kings he killed before...

Then he jumped down and Perona followed.

Along the way, Gray simply ignored the few Obstacles and kept advancing until they reached the Chessboard Chamber, to find Harry already advanced and Ron also lost consciousness, while Hermione was taking care of him.

Seeing them safe, Gray smiled and touched both of them, and threw them to the ring.

Of course, he made sure both of them lose consciousness first.


Soon he entered the final room.

Mirror of Erised room.

Why Gray didn't try to come here and take the stone till now?

Because he probably can't pass this obstacle...

Albus Dumbledore... This witty old man made an annoying rule for this obstacle...

The last obstacle... is actually inside the Mirror of Erised. The only way to obtain the stone from the mirror is to look into the mirror and see himself possessing the stone but not using it.

So Only those who want it but not using it will be able to take the stone...

And will Gray really not try to use it?

Well... But looking at the fire around the room looks like things already started.

Gray told Perona to stay inside the ring and walked slowly.

In the middle of the hall, he saw Harry and Quirrell who already unwrapped his turban and revealed Voldemort's face, bound to the back of his head.

Gray stood in the on the side Harry was standing in, so he also saw Voldemort face from the mirror reflection.

It's a shame how such a strong wizard was reduced to this...

Voldemort tried to talk with Harry and let him handover the stone, but Harry didn't do this and refused.

So Voldemort ordered Quirrell to grasp the stone!

To create his own body and get his strength back, he needs this stone.

But Quirrell's actions was backfired on him, Voldemort can't get in touch with Harry, because of the weird magic Harry's mother cast on him before her death, Gray didn't understand what this magic really is, and from what he can remember in his memory, its something like motherly love...

Well... This is magic anyway, not many things can be explained...

The moment Quirrell touched Harry, Voldemort's soul was forced to separate itself from Quirrell's body.

Which finally drove Quirrell's body to collapse and turn to dust.

And Voldemort's soul came out ready to run away, and it happened it to be in Gray's direction.

Before Gray acts, Perona came out from the ring and released a few ghosts overwhelming Voldemort's soul.


What happened wasn't clear, because Voldemort's soul disappeared after meeting her ghosts, while the ghosts flew back to Perona side, but Gray was able to hear the painful scary screams which made him look at Perona with dead fish eyes.

He's pretty sure, that he told her to stay inside the ring...

Perona looked at Gray and smiled a sly smile. This girl still didn't realize that she actually made the most feared Dark lord's soul in the world scream from pain...

Poor Tom Riddle...

{Tom Riddle is the real name of Voldemort}

Gray sighed and looked at Harry who already lost consciousness on the ground.

This boy passed the first real-life and death battle in his life...

Harry and Voldemort are connected by fate. Either you die or I die... But in fact, If Harry dies, part of Voldemort will also get killed... This guy is losing this fight from the beginning... The fact that Harry is one of his Horcruxes alone was a sad thing for Voldemort...

{Horcrux is an object in which a Dark wizard or witch hides a fragment of his or her soul in order to become immortal. Horcruxes could only be created after committing murder, the supreme act of evil. The process for the creation of a Horcrux involved a spell and a horrific act is performed soon after the murder has been committed. Given that Horcruxes were precious to those who made them, there were usually protective measures made to prevent them from being stolen or destroyed, such as Counter-Charms and curses. The Horcrux can be considered to be the darkest art and the most terrible of all dark magic.}

Come to think about it... How Voldemort didn't realize this?!


Next was easier, Gray took the gem from the ground and also carried Harry with him then walked back.

There is no need to hide anymore... Perona showing herself already expose both of them.

Besides... with Dumbledore there, Gray is not sure that he will really be able to hide the fact that he took the gem.

This old guy should be keeping a close eye on everything happening here.

So he will extract it when he takes Harry, Ron, and Hermione back.

If he found a useful attribute inside, he will still let go of this Gem...

Since it was made by a wizard there is no reason that Gray can't make one by himself... if it really has a useful attribute... Just create another one and extract as much as you need...

So he plans to give Nicolas Flamel a visit soon ...


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