Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 112 - Back To Hogwarts

Diagon Alley.

Because Hogwarts school is about to start, these days Diagon Alley is so crowded.

"There are many people here" A pink-headed girl who walked beside another white-headed boy, said while walking and looking at the many people around them.

"Yes, the school is about to start, almost everyone will pass from here before heading to the school..." The white head boy beside her, also said while walking, and you can see a very long snake wrapped itself around this boy's body while resting on his shoulder.

They're naturally Gray, Perona, and Nagini

Diagon Alley is a wizarding area, many wizards will have weird or big creatures around them, which is very normal for most of them to see someone carrying a snake.

So There won't be a problem to let Nagini move with them.

Nagini's size is really big to be carried by Gray, But Gray's strength is not like the normal wizards. So he didn't care too much.

But still, there are many people who looked at Gray and Perona with many different eyes.

Gray and Perona alone were an attention magnet... And now with Nagini, the magnet became stronger...

For this, Gray and Perona already developed resistance and doesn't care too much.

As for Nagini, as long as Gray is around, she doesn't care too much.

"Gray, isn't that Hagrid, Harry, and Hermione?" While walking Perona saw a big man and two kids talking.

It was really Hagrid and Harry talking with Hermione.

"Gray! Perona!" Hermione also saw them and waved to them happily.

Hagrid and Harry also had the same reaction and greeted both of them with a smile.

Walking to their side, Gray and Perona also greeted everyone.

"WOW WOW, what is this snake you're carrying Gray?" When Hagrid saw Nagini on Gray's shoulders he asked with surprise.

Gray looked at Nagini on his shoulder and introduced her to them.

In fact, it's not forbidden to bring your pet with you into the school, Ron keeps a fake mouse with him all the time, and many other students let their pets with them in the school. So Gray bringing a snake should be acceptable, as long as he didn't make any threat to the other students.

Seeing Nagini's unique look, Hagrid as an animal lover wanted to touch her, but...

"TSHAA..." Before he does this, Nagini with her tail smacked his hand and gave him a warning sound.

"Looks like she doesn't like others to touch her" Taking his hand back, Hagrid wasn't annoyed but felt that Gray is lucky to have Nagini. Looking at Nagini wrapping herself around Gray as if guarding him, he also thought it would be nice to have a snake.

For Nagini's reaction, Gray only smiled and didn't say much, Nagini really doesn't like others to touch her. Maybe other than him and Perona, Nagini will attack all the others.

After some chat, Hagrid left them since he has something to do.

And Harry is safe and found his friends, there is no need for him to waste more time.

Hermione was happy seeing everyone is here and took them where Ron and the others are.


Looking at the bookstore that is crowded with people, Gray doesn't want to go in...

But still, under Perona's nagging, he walked inside to take a look.

Looks like the famous wizarding celebrity Gilderoy Lockhart is here showing off...

Speaking of this man, he's the new teacher for the Doomed class(Defence Against the Dark Arts)... This class is really a weird one.

In the first year, the teaching of this class was Voldemort vassal, and this year is a weak fake wizard... And the next probably a werewolf...

Yup... It's a Doomed class... Not for the student though...

Well... Gray is not interested in such a fake character like Gilderoy and looked around the shop to see if there is something good here.

After looking at the books around, he found nothing really interesting and was ready to walk out.

Perona also got bored and found nothing inside, even the famous wizard Hermione told her about turned out to be a fool...

When they were about to walk out.

Gray saw a long platinum-haired man walking from their side, and gave both of him and Perona a weird look.

Seeing this man, Gray smiled gently and said nothing.

The man also looked at them for a second and ignored them then walked inside the store, to stop again in front of Harry and the others who were about to leave.

Gray didn't continue and stopped there looking at the scene with funny eyes.

He recognized this man.

Lucius Malfoy, Draco's father, and one of the death eaters who serve Voldemort.

Speaking of this man, he's really a slippery one, when Voldemort was defeated for the first time, he avoided the imprisonment by claiming that he had been acting under the Imperius Curse(Controlling curse). After all, as Voldemort's follower, Azkaban should have been his next home.

But this guy also has a problem with his head, like most other pureblood wizards. He believes in blood purity and hates all muggle-born wizards like Hermione and even the half-blood like Harry.

Well... Gray wonders what will his reaction be if he knows that his master *Voldemort* is actually a half-blood wizard that he disdains to and wishes to kill...

Wouldn't this make him like a clown...

The more Gray thinks of this, the more he wants to tell him. This will be ridiculous...


Lucius Malfoy, like his son, tried to make trouble and even tried to make Ron's father Arthur Weasley look bad.

Watching everything silently from the side, Gray didn't mean to join.

Soon Lucius Malfoy ended his real purpose here and wanted to leave.

Draco was also there and followed his father, but as soon as he walked to Gray's side and saw Perona's face, he panicked and fell down on his back.

"What's wrong with you?" Lucius Malfoy saw his son, suddenly fall on the ground, and asked.

Draco also realized how bad he looks right now, and stood up directly and whispered to his father about Gray and Perona's identity.

"Oh... So you two are the so-called fairies that keep making trouble in the school" Hearing Draco words, Lucius looked at Gray and Perona with extra meaning.

Hearing his words, Gray felt weird... When did he make trouble?

Gray didn't realize that Perona's actions already affected his image outside. After all, her ghosts really made many troubles for the student and the other ghosts in the first year.

Nagini also raised her head and looked at Lucius's with threatening eyes. But Gray touched her and didn't let her attack.

"Keeping a snake as your pet is really rare those days... But you should also be careful... If it hurt others, you might not be able to keep it... This animal" Lucius also felt the threat from Nagini, so he got annoyed and said.

"Don't worry Mr. Lucius... Nagini won't hurt anyone... But..." Gray said here and looked at Lucius' eyes directly.

"Even if she did... no one can really take her away you know... And it's not good to call her ANIMAL... She has a name, so please show some respect... Or..." Gray's words were so calm, but when he said the last word, pressure came out from Gray came out, and directly locked on Lucius.

But the pressure also disappeared soon after.

Lucius looked at Gray with different eyes this time, and even put his hand on his wand head.

But then he loosened his hand and looked at Gray and the others were already standing behind him silently.

"We shall meet again, Mr. Gray" Lucius said this and turned back not wanting to stay here anymore.

"Wish we don't..." Gray heard his word and said loudly, which made Lucius pause for a second, but then he continued alone.

Draco saw his father leave and followed him in fear to stay around Perona alone. Which annoyed Lucius even more.

His son shouldn't show his fear like this!

Well... This guy didn't realize how he acts around Voldemort...

When Lucius and Draco were about to leave, Gray looked under Perona, at the few small ghosts that disappeared to the ground.

Seeing this, Gray gave Perona a big thumbs up... He's pretty annoyed by this Lucius. Perona's action should be revenge for Nagini.



After this episode, Gray and Perona also got to know the Weasley family. Ron's mother and father are good people and Ron's little sister, who will also go with them to Hogwarts.

Her name is Ginevra "Ginny" Molly Weasley. Like all Weasleys, she's a redhead. This little girl was sneaking looks at Harry all the time.

Harry this kid, won't realize that Ginny likes him till a few years later.

What attracted Gray's eyes is the black diary between her books.

This black diary was Lucius' real purpose for being here. This diary belongs to Voldemort and is also his first Horcrux.

This guy doesn't know that part of his master's soul is inside or he won't use it like this.

The reason he gave this diary to Ginny is to bewitch her and let her open the chamber of secrets to release the Basilisk and attack the muggle-born and *unpure blood* students. Which will lead to Dumbledore being removed from the school headmaster position, because he was unable to protect the students inside the school.

This is not a nice action at all...

Gray wondered if he should take the diary right now or not. But after thinking about it, he still didn't.

Even though he doesn't care about the so-called plot anymore, but what happens next is good for Harry and the others. And good for him somehow.



Everything after went so normally, everyone walked to the Platform 9¾ at King's Cross to take the Hogwarts Express back to school.

Gray and Perona were about to walk through to reach the train, before walking in, Gray looked at Ron and Harry behind him and told them not to move fast when entering then smiled heartlessly and ignored them then walked through the wall with Perona and the others.

After getting to the train, Hermione found that Harry and Ron are missing, but Gray told her to not worry and they should soon reach Hogwarts.


The journey to Hogwart wasn't so long, soon they reached and entered the school again.

As soon as they entered the school, Gray and Perona attracted the attention of everyone around. After all, both of them are famous somehow.

Even the passing ghosts looked at Perona as if they saw the devil and run away in panic.

Seeing the reaction of the ghosts around Perona nodded her head with satisfaction.

And Gray looked at all this with dead fish eyes and said nothing...


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