Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 113 - Petrified Cat

The next day, the school started very normally. The teachers started teaching classes. The student went back to their school life.

In the dining hall.

Gray is thinking of how to come in touch with teachers.

Last year, he copied all the good students in the school, so it's about time to copy the teachers.

But the problem is that there is no reason to come in touch with any of them.

For example snape, this batman... Will he shake hands with him normally?

And Professor McGonagall... This old woman is even harder than Snape... Let's not say Dumbledore...

'Beat them first?' Gray started thinking in a violent way...

After thinking too much, Gray felt annoyed and simply threw it away from his mind. Let things move as it is. He will have the chance sooner or later, there is no need to act In a hurry. Now he will focus on Nagini first.

There are three Bloodlines here around the school he wants to give her.

While thinking of this, a stupid owl entered the hall and smashed himself in one of the food plats on the table, then stood up and walked to Ron's side carrying a message with him.

Looking at this funny owl, Gray smiled. Ron's owl is really unique... Stupid.

Ron took the message and was so stressed. Apparently, this massage is from Ms. Weasley his mother. Because they couldn't pass the wall in the King's Cross to take the Hogwarts Express(the train). He stole his father's car and flew all the way here with Harry.

Well... Along the way, many muggles saw them, and almost got themselves killed once... And ultimately the car was almost destroyed by the Whomping Willow.

What's even funnier, they lost the car, and he doesn't know where it is right now.

Lost the car, brought trouble to his father, his mother is angry, and his wand is broken...

Well... Ron is in trouble...

Especially for being seen by Muggles... Not only his father will drink tea in the ministry, even he himself almost got them expelled from the school...


The first day moved on, and classes begin.

Gray wasn't interested in all classes, so he only went for the last one, he can't simply ignore all classes, he at least has to go to one or two classes.

It was the Defence Against the Dark Arts class...

Looking at Professor Lockhart's smiling face, telling his legends even before the class starts, Gray simply closed his eyes and didn't want to hear him speak anymore.

This man is so...

Professor Lockhart wanted to make the class interesting and brought magical creatures called Pixie, Claiming that they were devilishly tricky creatures, he thought they would be perfect for a practical lecture on Defence...

Well.. in fact, it would have been good, only if he could control them.

So after letting them out, the class turned into a mess, and most of the students ran away, even Lockhart wanted to go back to his room and hide...

Nagini around Gray smashed a few Pixies who wanted to get closer to Gray, but the noise was so annoying, so Gray wanted to solve the problem.

But Perona beside him was annoyed even more than him, those Pixies actually wanted to mess with her hair, and already stole her hat.

So from her body, a strong mental shock launched around and washed everything in the room.

As soon as this happened, all the Pixies stiffened and didn't move anymore. Then they started falling down one by one.

Perona's control over her spirit is very good, so her Haki only affected the Pixies, but didn't hurt the other students around.

Seeing things calmed down again. Gray relaxed and picked up Perona's big hat and gave it to her.

"Annoying" After taking her hat, Perona kicked one of the Pixies and wore her hat back.

"Why always me..." Neville who was already hunged on the chandelier said with a sad tone.

This kid is another kind of magnet... and what he attracts is bullies... Even the Pixies won't pass him...



At night, Gray was sitting in front of a container and messy materials were scattered around him.

Since he came back and found himself alone in the chamber, Gray wanted to try and create another philosopher's stone.

As said before, he got a lot of materials while going on a tour around the world.

But still, he only got a few core materials, which allows him to try two times only, and the chance to succeed is very low...

Gray took a weird animal horn and a few bottles of different types of blood and a shining stone then threw them carefully into the container...

Then he took another bottle, and carefully opened it and wanted to pour the thick liquid inside. From his careful action, it can be seen that the amount he will use should be very accurate. No more or less.

"Come...come to me...Let me rip you...Let me tear you...Let me kill you..." But when he wanted to do this, suddenly weird low whispers appeared in Gray's ears.

Hearing this whisperer Gray paused for a second.

But after thinking about it, this should be the Basilisk's sound...

Looks like the chamber was already opened...

"No!" Gray suddenly found a small drop of liquid fell into the container from a small crevice in the top of the bottle in his hand.

Gray's reaction was so fast and wanted to catch this drop but it was already too late, and the liquid drop already falls down and merged with everything inside the container.

Seeing this, Gray panicked and slapped the container itself which made it disappear.


Inside the dark castle within Gray's ring... There is a big closed room, where there is nothing inside.

Suddenly in the void, a big container appeared.

But as soon as it appeared, inside the container, a weird red light shined brightly and became brighter and stronger very fast.... till it...


An explosion appeared, and the entire room turned into a fire room... From the container apparition to the explosion only a few seconds passed...


Gray already know what happened inside the castle, and couldn't help but look at the bottle in his hand.

"Which bastard sold me this broken bottle!" Gray screamed and started searching for his memories.

This bottle contains a very common harp liquid, not so precious. But actually, the most important part when creating the stone...

Gray met a random wizard while traveling selling this bottle, so he brought it. But to think that bastard actually sold him a broken bottle, because the crevice was in the higher part of the bottle mouth, Gray didn't find this till now...

And because of this little mistake, all the precious ingredients he used just now were wasted...

Most of those materials are really hard to get, and almost none reachable, the ministry of magic keeps close hands on them, which means if he didn't find them by chance, he would have to go and steal them from the Ministry...

Just a little mistake...

"The Basilisk..." Gray thought of the sound he heard just now and wanted to find that annoyed snake who made him do this low mistake...

"Come Nagini, today you might have your second bloodline" Gray called Nagini who was rising beside him, then walked out.


Following the sound that is still creeping around, Gray runs fast to its source, and soon he reached where he felt it last time, but it was already late...

When he reached the place, he found Filch's cat, Mrs. Norris petrified and fixed on the wall.

And on the wall, there were a few words written with katshap.. or not, it's actually blood.


Reading these words, a very strong question appeared on Gray's mind... Ginny is not tall, how did her hand reach this height to write all this?


Looking at this, Gray knew that it was already too late...

The damn Basilisk should have already crept back to its room.

Nagini climbed Gray's shoulder and whispered to his ears. telling him that she doesn't like the breath of the creature that was here. It gave her a very strong sense of crisis feeling as if she will die meeting the owner of this breath.

"Don't worry Nagini... It's just a mindless snake..." While saying this, The Golden trio already came here and looked at Gray and Mrs. Norris weirdly.

"Don't look at me like that... I just came here..." Gray didn't wait for them to think too much and explained.

With Gray's words, many students from everywhere came to this place.

Harry who was the closest to the cat looked around and wanted to say something.

"What's happening here?" Filch was also passing by saw the students gathering and walked through them to see what was the reason for their gathering.

But as soon as he saw his cat, hanged in the wall, and the words wrote on the wall. His reaction was so dramatic and he walked to Harry wanting to kill him.

"No, it's not me!!" Looking at the angry Filch walking to him and asking with rage. Harry felt bad and looked behind wanting to ask Gray for help.

But... Gray already disappeared...



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