Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 114 - Spider's Den

It has been some time since the cat's accident, most of the half-blood and muggle-born students in the school are scared.

The message was so clear, their turn is coming sooner or later.

There have been a few other victims already. Not only humans even one ghost was petrified by the Basilisk's attacks.

The trio is also stressed those days, especially Hermione, she's a muggle-born witch, knowing that she might be attacked by a monster anytime, scared her. So the trio also started gathering information trying to find who's have opened the chamber of secrets is.

Well... Because they saw Gray with the cat that night, the trio actually put Gray on the suspicious list... But still, they suspect Malfoy more... After all, there is no reason for Gray to be the one who did this.

They know Gray... He's calm, gentle, smart, and usually mysterious... And till now he didn't show any bad behaviors.

(Author: Calling my MC gentle and *smart* feel so wrong to me somehow...)

But after finding out it wasn't Malfoy, they refocused on Gray.

Gray knows about their way of thinking and didn't care too much. Soon they will find another target... Harry should already have found one...


In the dining hall, Perona sitting beside Gray looked around in a depressed mode.

Since Gray forbids her from using her ghosts around the school, she found nothing to do.

Gray did this not without a reason...

Perona's ability is awesome, and normally nothing should be able to hurt her.

But the Basilisk is more awesome somehow, any creature who looks at the Basilisk's eyes will die directly, and who looks at the eyes reflection will be petrified.

Not only living beings... Even souls like the ghosts are under the same threat!

The Basilisk venom is one of the not many things that can destroy the Horcrux, and the Horcrux is part of the soul, which means, this Basilisk can really hurt things like souls.

And here we are talking about the venom only... His eyes are a completely different matter.

So Gray won't take the risks and forbid her from using her soul form or release more ghosts around the school, only use it when she's around him, or out of the school.

Perona can also see what the ghosts usually see. If he remembers correctly, there is that kid who's usually carrying his camera, taking pictures here and there.

He saw the Basilisk's eyes, through the camera eye which led to his petrification, and even the camera heart was melted ... So it's still safer to let Perona stop going around and stay beside him...

The ghost princess doesn't like this, but she will listen to Gray. Since Gray said its dangers then it's really dangerous.





In the forbidden forest, Gray walked slowly following two kids not far away that are actually following the spiders.

The spiders fear the Basilisk, so most of them will run away, Harry already found Voldemort's diary in the bathroom before, when they were investigating Draco.

In the Diary, Harry saw some memories of Voldemort's soul, that the Horcrux itself allowed him to see.

So he thought it was Hagrid who opened the chamber of secrets before!

In those memories, he saw a shadow of a big spider, which also made him think it's the spider that was being held in the chamber of secrets.

And Hagrid told them to follow the spiders...

So the answer he wants to find should be with those spiders...

Gray looked at the two kids not far away, and couldn't help but shook his head...

These two kids are really reckless. Going all alone in the spider's den...

Even he himself after gaining his ability wasn't so brave like this... Not even half ... thinking of some of his previous actions, Gray wanted to hide his face... He was really... a stupid human being... But also felt glad how much he changed these few years...

Following all the way, soon Harry and Ron met the biggest spider they could see in their life.

In fact, the reason why they became so active searching for the person who opened the chamber of secrets is that they want to help their friend Hermione!

For Hermione... This is an accident, Gray didn't actively move around and followed the plot progress those days, till he just found out about Hermione...

Which annoyed him somehow, Hermione this little smart girl is his and Perona's friend.

So he doesn't really wish to see her hurt. So he changed his mind and will end things faster. Not only for Hermione but for Ginny, Ron's sister.

Ron stood beside Harry looking at the spider in front of him with a white face.

What he hates the most is spiders, and now they are surrounded by many...

Harry talked with Aragog the big spider that turned out to be one of Hagrid's precious old pets.

While talking, Harry also learned what he wanted to know.

But soon they saw many spiders surrounding them from all directions. So Harry felt that is enough and wanted to leave.

But Aragog is not a nice spider to let them leave, even if they were Hagrid's friends...

So the spiders around were ready to attack...

"Sigh... Really you both... Can't you at least prepare your way back first?! You can't simply really on your protagonist aura, Harry..." Gray sound finally appeared and walked slowly from the same hole Harry and Ron came from.

"Gray!" Both Ron and Harry were surprised and happy seeing Gray!

Even though they suspected him before, but now, Gray is the most beautiful angel who might save them.

Looking around the spiders that are ready to attack him, Gray smiled strongly and a small dagger appeared in his hand.

As soon as the sting appeared, a strong blue light shined from it.

Looking at the sting shining, Gray smiled and a few memories appeared in his mind.

Come to think about it, Sting is spider killer in the middle earth...

"Rejoice spiders, it's actually an honor to be killed by Sting... You ugly things" As Gray said this, he disappeared from the place, and spider blood started spreading.

With Gray's action, Ron's father's car also appeared and reached to Ron and Harry's side.

"You both go! I'll play with the spiders here!" As Gray sound appeared, a few ghosts emerged from around and started exploding the biggest spiders here.

Ron and Harry saw the spiders being killed, and more spiders appearing! But they weren't scared, but more surprised by the scene they saw.

Gray like a white shade moving between the spiders striking the biggest spiders, while Perona's ghosts changing shapes weirdly and actually exploding themselves which killed more and more spiders.

"Bloody hell... they can explode!" At first, Ron was happy seeing the damn spiders being killed, but when he found the ghost can actually explode, his face whitened again... If they exploded while passing him.....

They were already inside the car. Before they could think too much, the car started moving by itself and left the den.

Looking at Harry and Ron going away. Gray smiled and looked around at the many spiders.

Then he raised his dagger and pointed at one of them, then...


A monstrous flame came out and shaped as a big serpent engulfing all the spiders on its way.

"So strong! how did you do this!" Perona in her ghost form looked at the flame ocean in front of her and asked.

"Very simple, try to use few spells that can help each other, and you will be able to create such attack" Gray explained.

Hearing Gray's words, Perona's eyes brightened and tried directly.

But hers wasn't a snake, Perona uses her ghost as a medium and directly turned one of her ghosts into a giant flaming ghost which was more dangerous than Gray's snake. And not like the funny ghost she usually creates, this one, is more lordly... After all, it's a fire ghost.

Perona's control over her ghosts is naturally so strong, after all, she's a Spirit source user. And with such control over the spirit, her control over magic is second to none!

All she did just now, is to use one of her ghosts as a spell medium, then merged two spells like Gray did, and created a stronger ghost!

Magic is strong and messy somehow, there are many ways to use it, and it's different from one to other.

But one thing is for sure... It's deadly.

Strong that even Gray has to be careful or he will die without even realizing why...

"Well... stop, we don't need to kill all of them, the big spiders already dead" Gray saw most of the strong spiders were destroyed already and stopped his actions.

He didn't care if Aragog is Hagrid friend or not, he doesn't like those creatures, and killing them will be better for the others.

Not killing Aragog was enough to give Hagrid some face...

Even though he will die after a few years...

"That's awesome" Perona beside Gray eyes were sparkling, just now she created such a strong ghost with a simple Fire-Making Spell(Incendio) and Engorgement Charm(Engorgio).

She started wondering what kind of power other spells together will show.

Looking at the empty field around him, Gray let Nagini came out from the ring.

As soon as Nagini appeared, she wrapped herself around Gray and screamed at Gray annoyedly. She doesn't like seeing Gray fighting alone while being inside the ring alone, because Gray felt it's safer for her to stay inside, he left her alone in the castle.

"Don't be angry, I let you there because I don't want you to get hurt" Gray looked at Nagini and said.

But his words weren't so acceptable for her.

"Okay... I won't do this in the future, but you have to get stronger first Nagini" Seeing her still mad, Gray smiled helplessly and said.

But when he said this, he felt a presence far away, a very familiar presence.

As soon as he felt it, Gray smile became brighter....

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