Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 12 - Try And Trust Me

"Wait, Don't kill them yet!..." Gray saw Shaw and Azazel ready to kill everyone, and yelled out.

"What's wrong? Is Mr. Gray unable to see them being killed?" Shaw looked at Gray and asked.

"No, but we need them... Killing them will be very wasteful... Especially that we need help against the future..." Gray shook his head and said blankly as if he doesn't really care about their life and death...

"Hmmm... Is it" Although Shaw believed in Gray's ability, he still doesn't trust Gray himself completely.

"Doesn't she read minds? Why don't you let her see what I see?" Gray pointed at Emma and said...

"No... Wasn't one of your abilities to make the invaders' mind crazy?" Emma heard Gray's words and asked with unwillingly... She already knew all that Gray had told Erik before...

And shaw also knows about this face, and that's why he didn't let Emma control Gray's mind already...

Hearing her words, Gray confirmed his thoughts... Since Emma knew about him, she naturally knows about all his lies... abilities.. So naturally, she won't enter his mind randomly...

"That's true you will lose your mind doing this... BUT! This doesn't mean you can't simply communicate with me without entering my mind... Right? Like this, I'll show you without you invading my mind..." Gray opened his hand and said something as if he was saying a fact...

Well... What he said was true... communicating with him, won't her... In fact, she won't get hurt even if she controlled him...

'Playing with lies is quite hard...' Gray thought while looking at Emma...

Hearing Gray, both Emma, and Shaw looked at each other thinking...

For Emma, she was worried about herself... But Shaw was thinking if he should do this...

For him, if what Gray said was right, then he can trust Gray's words more firmly in the future... Or being like this, he can't believe in whatever Gray says...

After all, trust was the most basic condition of doing business...

In the end, he chooses to try with Emma... Gray was more important than Emma for him honestly... If he can confirm through her, this will be good...

And Emma also understood this, which made her quite annoyed... But what can she say?

In the end, she looked at Gray and tried to communicate with his mind...

And Gray also directly felt her presence inside his mind...

'Emma... Help me defeat Shaw...' this was Gray's first words...

'Heh?' Hearing what Gray said, Emma was also taken aback...

'Don't rush and refuse... I'll show you the possibility of being with Shaw first... And you should make your choice...' Gray knows that he should act faster and directly started imagining what he knows about the future, and what he knows about her...

'He doesn't deserve our loyalty... As you can see, he's simply using you and the others as his tools only... And the future he's trying to make was doomed already... For all of us...' Gray started talking while showing Emma a few disasters that will happen to the mutants in the future in this world... But linked them to Shaw shamelessly...

And even added many other memories of different things making the future Emma seeing a dark one...

'And this might be our future without Shaw...' And finally Gray showed Emma a beautiful picture of her being happy living a happy life with her love, having a family... He made a very beautiful future that every single woman should wish for and showed Emma...

'This...' Seeing all this, Emma's eyes sparkled a little and dimmed more... Such future... such life...

'Your choice... Will be the future Emma...' Gray added more pressure on Emma and said heartlessly...

What Gray was doing exactly? Quite simple... Forcing Emma to help him...

Sound funny? nope... Emma wasn't that loyal to Shaw from the very beginning... She was following him to get a better future for herself only...

And the fact that Shaw was simply suing them, was quite clear for her and the others... Or they wouldn't have simply joined Erik after he killed Shaw at the original plot...

So Gray used her belief in his lies and gave her choices...

Choices that even if she was an idiot will do what he wants!!!

Human desires are limitless... Showing Emma such a beautiful future without Shaw, will light a strong desire inside her... No matter how fake it is... It was way better than the apocalypse Gray showed her in the future Shaw will lead to...Thought its fake...

If Emma didn't follow the rules.. Gray also has a plan... one he wishes not to use honestly...

Emm's mind felt confused... She wasn't sure about what she should do...

'Emma... Try and trust me...' Finally Gray said again while looking at Emma...

When Emma heard Gray, she also looked at Gray grimly...

'What should I do?' But in the end, she chose to follow what Gray said... A choice she completely didn't expect herself to make a few minutes before...


"How is it, Emma..." Shaw saw Emma and Gray were silently looking at each other for a few minutes already and asked...

Hearing his words, Emma also cut the connection with Gray and showed a weird face...

"He showed me a future..." Emma looked at Shaw and said...

"Hoo... What was it, can you tell me?" Hearing what Emma said, Shaw was quite interested... He already caught the enemy, so he wants to hear the future Emma said... Which will allow him to decide to kill everyone or keep them as Gray said...

"The future was...." Emma said here and looked at Shaw's eyes... But suddenly Emma showed a meaningful smile...

"A future you should've to exist on it..." Emma said this and directly launched her ability against, Shaw...

haw who already felt bad when saw Emma's mile wanted to act, but before he could do anything, a small iron white came out silently from the ground and actually connected itself with his helmet!

"NO!" Seeing his Helmet was taken away, Shaw scream with panic and wanted to say something...

But before he acts, Shaw froze in his place!

"Now! Attack Ripdite and Azazel!" Gray saw this and screamed at the others who were still confused about the scene in front of them...

"RWOOR" The first to act was Hank and directly ran toward Azazel not far away from him and wanted to attack, and the rest also attack...

While Gray himself ran toward Emma...

As Gray went to Emma, Azazel also disappeared from the place...

"EMMA NOW!" Gray screamed at Emma suddenly...

And Emma who was doing her best controlling Shaw suddenly turned her fist into a diamond and attacked behind her.

With Emma waving her fist, Azazel also happened to appear behind her...

And before he could react, Emma's fist directly met his face!!!


Followed By another punch on the back of his head from Gray who already reached Emma's side...

With two heavy punches like this, Azazel finally couldn't handle it and fell down unconsciously...

"What!" The others saw Emma actually attacked Azazel, and still couldn't understand what was happening exactly but they still followed Gray's action and attacked Riptide who was left alone...

"Go Emma... try to control Shaw as much as you can!" Gray told Emma to go to Shaw's side and control him harder...

Emma did this and came to Shaw's side and put her hands around shaw's face as they planned so she couldn't hold I'm firmer...

This was their plan while combination from the beginning... Gray already expected Azazel to attack Emma, and he was right...

Azazel knew that without Shaw, they will lose... So the best choice was to take Emma down... He was quite familiar with Emma... the moment Shaw froze he already realized that it was her doing...


It didn't take a few seconds and Riptide was caught again...

"Win, we actually win..." Angel fell from the air and said with amazement on her face.

"Yes, we actually won without Charles and Erik..." Havok and the others also showed the same amazement on their faces...

At first, Erik was taken away, which made them fear...

But then Charles told them bout Gray's plan and renewed hope... But soon this hope was lost with Charles losing consciousness, and they themselves almost killed...

But suddenly Emma actually worked with them and solved Shaw's problem... Thi was unbelievable!

They really wanted to know, how Gray did this and let Emma help them willingly...

"Go find Charles, we still need to find Erik's location" Gray didn't say much and ordered Raven...

There was something they need to do first...

As Gray's words fell, everyone reacted and hurried to the castle to find their Professor X.

"How? Can you control him for a little longer?" Gray looked at Emma sweating and asked...

Honestly, he was like holding a monster tight now...

The best solution right now was to kill Shaw while he doesn't have any access to his ability...

But thinking of Shaw's ability... Gray selfishly didn't want to kill him right now... After all, he can't find such an ability everywhere...

"I can..." Emma nodded her head and said...

"About Erik... Azazel left him in a sealed plastic room with non-metallic weapons... Sorry, but... I don't think you ca..." Emma looked at Gray and wanted to tell him what she knows...


But before she continues her words, a small iron coin flew from beside Gray and directly penetrated Shaw's...

"UGHHAAA" Emma who was controlling Shaw, felt the same pain Shaw felt and screamed with agony...

While Gray himself was splashed with blood...


Emma took her hands back and toucher her head with pain... While Shaw fell down as a dead body...

Gray saw these fast actions and turned his face back...

What he saw was... Erik coming to their side covered with blood from top to bottom...

"Well, that trap wasn't bad... But your mistake was to let Azazel trap me with the steel rope that connected us" Step by step Erik came to Shaw's dead body and said with a grieving smile on his face.

Yup... That was Shaw's mistake... To leave Erik with a piece of iron... It was ironic to say... But all that Erik needs was a small coin and he can start a massacre...

Gray beside Erik looked at Shaw in front of him and felt bad... But soon he sighed with relief...

Well... He lost Shaw's ability... But, it was also good like this...

Honestly, he was holding Shaw without even a plan...

Imprison Shaw? No prison can hold this monster...

So if Shaw ran away this time... Things will be so troublesome...

So for Erik to cut his greed for Shaw's genes, was also good...

"Goot your revenge?" Gray touched Erik's shoulder and asked...

"Well.." And Erik nodded his head while looking at the Helmet on the groundnut far away...

Since he got his revenge... Erik's psychology started changing greatly with every second... As if he realized something from Shaw's death...

This battle was over... And soon, a lot of CIA agents appeared around the castle...

Moira sighed with relief when she saw that Charles was fine.

But after seeing Shaw's dead body, her face becomes very ugly, with Shaw's death, how can she prove that her words were true?


While Charles and Moria were dealing with everything... Something wrong happened...

"Those people are criminals, We have to take him with us!!" At this time, a senior CIA stood in front of Gray and Erik and said while looking at the three behind them...

They saw, Gray and Erik standing in front of the CIA members who wanted to take Azazel and Emma and Riptide away...

"No, this is mutants affairs, we will deal with it by ourselves!" Erik didn't move and said firmly...

Even though they were Shaw's partners, Erik didn't really hate them...

These days, an idea came to Erik's mind while staying with the others... The idea to protect...

And the three behind him can be said to be his family... his race... How can he not protect them...

Erik's psychology really changed so much with Shaw's death... Or maybe... That was the true him all the time, but the revenge desire was shadowing it...

As for Gray, he was doing this for Emma, after all, he was alive because of this woman, how can he show her a good future and then threw her in the government's hands...

Going with them, she will have only one kind of future... A dark one... So he felt that he own her this...

"Hm" The CIA senior looked at Gray and Erik and didn't show fear, but looked at the other members around him as if they were ready to do something...

The situation wasn't good....

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