Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 13 - Return

Erik looked at CIA members in front of him with unfriendly eyes...

Although he accepted the cooperation with the CIA against Shaw, in Erik's mind, humans weren't so trustworthy from the very beginning...

Now he got his revenge, he was finely freed from his revenge desire, so he won't let a normal human take his kind, even Shaw's dead body... Not to say the living...

"The CIA has the right..." The senior agent's eyes narrowed slightly and his attitude was quite strong.

Even though these mutants were strong... They still have to obey the country!

After reporting the abilities of those mutants, the higher ranks ordered them to bring back these mutants criminals... Apparently, they were so interested in these mutants...

"Your CIA rights cannot control the mutants." Erik directly interrupted him without waiting for him to finish talking.

"Wait, we can discuss that" Moira saw that the two sides were arguing, and hurriedly came to calm the stress between them, at the same time, her eyes sent a signal to Charles so he could persuade Erik and Gray.

"Don't think too much... Without her help, we all will be dead right now, Charles... Are you sure that this is what you should do...." Gray saw Charles's actions and asked with calm eyes...

Although Erik and Charles have formed a profound friendship, they have a completely different way of thinking.

Although they both were working for the mutant's goods, the means are also different.

And honestly... Gray agrees with Erik's way more...

Equality? Humen right? Love and sh**? Three years on the apocalypse showed Gray that these things were nothing but fake... With no power, please don't talk about them...

Charles's life from a small age till now was relatively peaceful... And his ability helped him maintain this peaceful life...

But what about Erik? He grew up in a war... In a bloody and dirty environment from an early age, his soul has been tightly corrupted by hatred for so many years, so he feels that human nature is evil.

Under his eyes, Erik and Charles quarrel hard and almost hit each other... While Gray looked at them and didn't mean to join...

But came to Emma's side and whispered something on her ears...

The quarrel between them, Gray can't stop it... this was a profound contradiction in philosophy, which no one could solve, even if it did not explode today, it will one day.

Erik was firm about not letting the *Humans* take Shaw's dead body and the others... While the CIA was determined to take them...

And like this... Another battle was actually triggered...

Riptide saw Erik was going to start fighting... And for his own future, he actually took the lead and threw a powerful tornado towards the CIA members.

Riptide was still young after all... Unlike Azazel who was observing first... He was more impulsive...

"Stop!" Charles also noticed Riptide's actions and immediately used his ability to stop him...


However... The moment Charles used his ability to stop Riptide, several gunshots sounded, and several blood holes appeared on Riptide's body...

"No, no! I... what have I done?" Charles looked at Riptide's felling body and his mind trembled...

Riptide was actually shot by the CIA...

Riptide is also a mutant... A young one... Charles only wanted to stop him to not make the situation more difficult... But he did not expect that his actions will lead to this young man's death...

"Do it! Kill them!" Since the mutants started first, the senior agent didn't plan to deal with them peacefully anymore but shouting angrily.

The fact that he made such an order, showed that these guys weren't as good as they seemed to be...

With his shout, all the CIA agents, except Moira, raised their guns, and the gunshot sounds came from all directions.

Emma saw that and already switched herself into a diamond...

Why Azazel was ready to leave the place already...

But he didn't do this because he saw Erik's next action...

"DIE!" Watching Riptide was killed like this, and even shot toward them, Erik was really furious this time, so he raised his hand directly, and controlled all these bullets to stop in mid-air.

With his order, all the pullets turned towards the CIA agents.

Battle? Nope... It was rather ironic to say... But Erik only needs a little coin and a massacre will be opened...

Let's not say many pullets were already under his control...

So within a few breaths, most of the CIA agents became dead bodies, and blood already dated the ground to red... While only a few lucky CIA members managed to flee with their lives...

"No, Erik stop! We can't kill innocent people anymore!" Seeing many people got killed all of suddenly, Charles also woke up and wanted Erik to stop!

"Innocent? Do you call those who have our brother's blood innocent?"Erik heard Charles and looked at him and asked while controlling a few iron white bringing him the helmet Shaw was wearing before...

"We are not enemies... But they are the enemy... They fear us, hate us, and envy us for what were are..."Erik wore the helmet on his head if telling Charles not to try and stop him anymore, and said while looking at Azazel and Emma...

"Look at him... This is what will happen to us under their hands! They will never accept us for what we are... So we won't let ourselves under their mercy..." Erik looked at everyone around and said, telling everyone his idea and thoughts...

With Erik's speech, Raven with Angel, and even Darwin who acted so nice all the time choose to leave with Erik...

While Azazel already stood beside Erik...

Emma hesitated and looked at Gray as if asking him what to do...

And Gray simply nodded his head as if telling her to do what she wants...

Seeing this, Emma also walked to Erik's side calmly without saying anything...

"Raven... So this is your desire at the end..." Charles looked at Raven who he raised as his sister all these years and felt destress inside his heart... But he knows well that this was her choice and desire... So he didn't try to stop her from leaving his side...

"Gray, let's go together" Finally Erik put his eyes on Gray and said.

However, unexpectedly Gray actually shook his head.

"Why! Don't you agree with what I said?" Looking at Gray's reaction, Erik felt odd... Just now, Gray was the only one who stood and defended Emma and Azazel and Riptide with him... So he thought that Gray was like him...

From the beginning, Gray led him, told him what to do, and showed him his path...

For Erik, Gray was so special... Even somehow, more special than Charles...

So he did not expect that he will leave him now...

"Hmmm, in fact, I really agree with your way of thinking... After all, things can't be solved peacefully with no power on hand..." Gray said and glanced at Charles...

"But for me... I still have to stay here... I also have my idea and my own things to do... So I'll stay with Charles for the time being..." Gray said calmly...

He really has his idea... His C disk wasn't solved yet... Solving this with Charles will be faster...

Besides, Charles was the only one who knows his ability and he could trust... So it was more relaxed for him like this...

"Is it..." Hearing what Gray said, Erik showed some disappointment... But everyone has their own choices... Gray's ability might be very useful, but he valued Gray as a friend not as power from the beginning... So he won't think of something like forcing Gray to join him...

With this being said, finally, Erik took everyone and left the place... Leaving Gray and Charles and the others who decided to stay...

Charles watched Erik and Raven depart, and felt quite sad... This wasn't the end he imagined...


A week later, Gray and others took this time and healed their injuries, and relax for some time...

Because of Erik, Raven, and Darwin's departure, the remaining mutants weren't in good mood recently.

but what can they do? For now, they weren't sure...

On this day, Gray and Charles sat opposite each other and a chessboard was on the table between the front of them.

While playing chess, the two of them talked about random things, about Erik, or talk about the relationship between mutants and humans...

Gray understands human nature quite well, so he kept planting wrong ideas in Charles's mind every time they talk...

Who knows.. Maybe this guy won't be so soft and lead the mutant to their death like the original...

"Eric's choice wasn't wrong... As I said before... I really agree with him... At the same time, you weren't wrong either Charles... It's just that getting along with others whether it's a human or mutant shouldn't be so pure like you think" Gray moved his soldier and said...

"Well, maybe what you said is true " Gray's words, let Professor X ponder for a moment, then nodded powerlessly.

"By the way, How did you let Emma help us?" Suddenly Charles remembered the fight last week and asked curiously..

The battle was full of twists and turns, but Gray suddenly let Emma betray Shaw all of suddenly and help them, which was was really hard to understand...

As a mind-ability user, Charles was quite interested in Emma who has the same type of ability...

For Charles's words, Gray smiled and did not explain.

He told Charles about the futures he showed Emma... Which made Charles's eyes twitch...

Now he understood the mystery...

In fact, this wasn't Gray's main plan...

Honestly... Gray wanted to show Emma the truth of this world...

What truth he was talking about? the truth that this world was just a comic and movie world...

Well.. Thought Gray doesn't believe that it was a fake world... After all, everything he felt and experienced was real... So there should be another reason why his world has these world stories as shows...

Yet this fact might be a big blow for Emma...

As much as remembers... in the original comic, Charles learned about the truth of this world from Deadpool's memories, he couldn't handle such a terrible truth, which caused him mental breakdown.

Deadpools abilities? Many and quite messy... But the funniest one was his ability to break the so-called fourth wall breaking ability...

Though he still won't appear in the main world... But he will appear in a different reality that can be called another main world where this world was just a comic on it...

But Gray tried to use reason with first... If she accepted his words, then the result was what already happened...

If now... then he would have to show her something that might break her mind...

Living in a fake movie world, such truth, how can she accept it?

After all, people in this era, unlike the humans before the apocalypse in the real world, haven't experienced the information explosion, nor they experienced the brainstorming of Internet novels and many wonderful movies.

"Well... That wasn't so important right now... After all, the future of t....." Gray looked at the sky and opened his mouth ready to talk about the future...

Now his plan was... To find uncle wolf, and few other immortals to drink some tea...


It's just that... He suddenly felt that the back of his palm became warm...

Looking down at his palm, Gray found the weird pattern on his hand actually started glowing weirdly, and before he could think what does this mean...

A small vortex was generated from his hand directly sucking his entire body to it...

With Gray's being sucked away, the vortex disappeared and everything returned to its calmness again...

"This???" Seeing Gray suddenly was sucked away by the vortex, Charles looked dumbfounded... He hasn't realized that Gray actually disappeared from the world itself... Nor he can guess that...


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