Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 127 - Never Played By The Rules

Looking at the Dementors who still found him even after running away, Gray frowned, and the sting appeared on his hand... Apparently, those things are not planning to give up easily.

But then looking at Perona who's so weak on his shoulder, Gray had a bad feeling inside his heart.

So he made a choice...

*WOOG* Gray disappeared again and left the place with Perona and Nagini.



Far away from the forest, in an empty land beside the sea.


Gray appeared there and let Perona rest on the ground while checking her condition.

He didn't try to fight or learn, why the Dementors were following him for now, because Perona is way more important...

"Perona... What do you feel, can you tell me" Gray touched Perona's forehead while trying to understand why she's weak like this.

But Perona was already too weak to answer his words and only breathed weakly.

Seeing this, Gray didn't panic and became calmer then started checking her body trying to find the reason for her weakness.

But he found nothing, Perona is perfectly fine, but for some reason she's weak.

"!$%@" Nagini beside them licked Perona's face, trying to help. Nagini can not only heal the wound, but even curses or a negative side effect, even a disease or any harmful thing inside the body will be canceled by her.

Unicorn and phoenix blood together is simply so strong...

Perona's pale face calmed down a little but wasn't resolved, which shows her problem is not something from the outside, or it should be said, not from her body...

"What's wrong... Why is this..." Gray thought of many things and tried to understand what was happening here.

He had a huge knowledge in his mind but none of it was really helpful at this moment.

"This?" Feeling the familiar coldness emanating from Perona, Gray finally thought of something.

Perona told him about the weird feeling she felt after attacking the Dementor on the train before, Gray checked her and tried to find the reason but didn't find anything, and link it with her ability only...

Perona is a spiritual person... While the Dementors are non-being spiritual creatures... So for her to feel weird after coming in touch with the Dementor should be normal...

But now when the countless Dementors suddenly appeared, Perona became so weak and collapsed at the same time... Showing that things weren't as simple as he thought...

Especially the fact that Perona was emanating a coldness he only felt in the Dementors...

As if she was...

'A Dementor?' The moment Gray thought of this, his mind paused. But then he shook his head refusing this possibility, this can't happen, in many ways, it's impossible for Perona to be or transforming into a Dementor...

So there should be another reason...

And he already guessed this reason should be inside her soul...

Soul... The only field he doesn't have a direct touch with until now...

He learned many skills, but till now, there is a direct skill he knows can act on the soul purely...

Gray's heart started to become more and more anxious. Perona's situation is not good at all. With every second, he can feel the air around her was getting worst, Nagini can only relieve her exhaustion, not fix the problem...

But then he forced to calm his emotions... After a long time of training his emotions, he was already good at that...

And then started thinking about what he should do first.

Soul... Even though he doesn't understand it deeply, but he knows... If the problem is really in her soul, Perona is in a grave situation.

So he needs to come in touch with it... Her soul...

Thinking of this Gray looked at Perona's weak face, and touched it gently with his hand, and with his finger supported her eyes to open and closed his own face to her, while a strong but calm spiritual energy slowly spread from him directly entering Perona's body through her eyes.

As said before the eyes are the window of the soul, the best way to try and contact her soul is through the eyes.

Gray's situation at this moment was so unique and weird, his spirit was directly able to feel Perona's spirit, and didn't feel any rejection from her, which shows that Perona trusted him subconsciously...

Or not... this was not a simple connection... But more like a link between their soul?

Gray felt confused for a second but didn't think much and focused on what he should do.

Gray didn't dare to go deeper so he won't hurt her accidentally, what he's doing here was simply using the spirit in a rough way, not a spell, Nor a normal skill. Even if their spirits were so intimate, it was still so dangerous...

But that was enough... because he already felt the abnormality inside Perona's soul...

How to say it... Perona as a spiritual person, The owner of the *Spirit source* her spirit is so strong, many times stronger compared to others, including him. And the energy contained in this enormous spirit is also so strong...

But a large part of this spiritual power is transforming weirdly...

And this change is completely out of control...

Perona's normal spirit is soft and filled with a calm spiritual energy that belongs to her and under her control, but the other part is gloomy and cold spiritual energy, while it's also true that it's a part of her spiritual energy.

But the problem is that the dark part is more like an infected part... And this infection is trying to move and spread itself... At a very fast speed.

Feeling all this, Gray already guessed everything...

Perona's spirit was infected by the Dementor's spiritual power...

When she attacked the Dementor before, apparently her spirit has been affected by it that day, after all, her ghost was also a part of her spirit.

So the ghost she used that time, passed this gloomy and dark spirit to her and planted in her spirit without her realizing...

The feeling Perona felt before should be this sickness inside her spirit...

And today, after meeting all those Dementors, this dark spirit became so active with the familiar breath outside...

In this situation, Perona's soul will soon be corrupted by this dark and gloomy breath...

In fact, this should be called a transformation... Perona's spirit was in a state of evolution like transformation led by the Dementor's dark spirit...

And if this continues, an unknown transformation will happen to Perona...

But what Gray was sure about, this transformation was not a good one at all...

Realizing all this Gray mood calmed down completely and started thinking about how he should fix the problem...

In fact, there was no need to think about it... since he knew the reason he only needed to remove it.

He can extract attributes... So he simply needs to clear the infected part of the corrupted attribute...

Without wasting time.

Gray took the luck card from his ring and directly ripped a good piece from it.

Then relaunched his spiritual power and controlled it to the limit and came in touch with Perona's spirit...

Not feeling her soul, but directly touching the infected part of her spirit.

The moment he did this, Gray felt a deep coldness washing his own soul, so deep and sad, which made his calm emotions riot again.

But he knew that no accident was allowed at this moment, so he forced his emotions down and...



[Spirit shade]..

As soon as he did this, Gray felt the coldness from Perona's spirit dropped down so much.

Reading the name, Gray knew that his actions were right.

So he directly extracted three more times.

As soon as he did this, Gray felt Perona's spirit suddenly bounded, and a refreshed feeling shined from inside her soul...

So warm and clear as it should be, which also made Gray who's in touch with her spirit feel Perona's true spirit. While he also felt the link between him and Perona clearer than before.

But then Gray withdrew his spirit and didn't dare to stay in touch anymore, after all, it's still so difficult to control the spirit. Any mistake will harm Perona.

Gray looked at Perona's face that relaxed so much after extracting all the shades from her and sighed with relief.

But then he frowned... Because he knew things wouldn't end like this...

Her spirit was under invasion and forced transformation... He removed the invasion part, but the transformation didn't stop since it already begun...

Now her spirit lost the corrupted attribute that made all this, The source of the transformation became empty and need something to support it, With no shade, her spirit will fill and transform itself by itself, which might harm her... Especially now that her soul is way weaker than before because of the shades invasion... Which might not be enough to support this transformation...

So to fix the problem perfectly he will need many soul attributes, so her soul can be strong enough and complete its transformation as it should be in the best way... And he needs to merge them now while her soul still under the transformation process...

But he has none...

"Dementors..." Gray said in a low voice and a very vicious light appeared in his silver eyes...

He doesn't have Soul attributes right now... But this doesn't mean he doesn't have a way to get them...

Looking at Perona in front of him, Gray kissed her forehead and stood up. Without any word...

Then he took the paper of luck again and ripped another large piece from it.

"*Grin* Even though it's unstable but I have never played by the rules" Gray smiled a very wicked smile. But this smile also showed how bad his mood was right now.

Gray waved his hand and threw Lupin out of his ring.

Then he moved both of his hands in a circle as if he was trying to draw something...

With Gray's actions... Weird energy started gathering around his hands till...

The world started to change....

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