Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 128 - Azkaban


Somewhere in the oceans. A storm was raging in the sky, and the sea was restless.


One wave after another hit a huge ancient fortress that stood there in the middle of the sea not moving at all.

This is one huge dark fortress, standing on a very small island, while countless Dark creatures are floating around the huge triangle-shaped fortress.

"HOOOOO" The dark creatures around it kept making hollowed noise from time to time, apparently they are not as calm as they should be...

In the last few days, something very weird happened around the fortress. Normally those dark creatures will only be active if someone tried to run away from their home, which is the huge fortress in the sea.


For some reason, the Dementors found that some of them are missing...

How to say it, the Dementors are a kind of group creatures, almost all of them have a connection with each other, and their way of actions never had conflicted with each other.

But in the last two months, a very weird phenomenon happened around the world for the distribute Dementors...

The ministry usually used the Dementors for other jobs, like guarding a place, or hunting a current criminal, not only holding the prisoners in Azkaban.

But What happened to the other Dementors?

Well... For now, almost half of the distribute Dementors went missing... Not only the Dementors around the world but more than two hundred Demetonr around Azkaban had already disappeared.

The Dementors themselves knew what this disappearance meant... All the lost Dementors are gone!

The Immortal non-being creatures were being erased silently...

No matter how you look at it, such a weird phenomenon can really make all the Dementors nervous...

Those Dementors are not mindless creatures, since the ministry can make deal with them, it shows that they have good intelligence but their nature is so twisted just like their looks...

"HOOOOOO" Suddenly the Dementors in the sky felt something again and gave another hollowed sound all of sudden, while also moved into a certain direction.

Just now... they felt another one of them disappeared from the world...



Not far away from Azkaban.

A small white figure stood in the void there looking at the Dementor that is turning to dust in his black hand with very calm eyes.

From his black hand, a touch of blue glow can be seen...

"Only one attribute... Trash" Before the Dementor completely turned to dust and disappeared, the little white figure threw it away as if he's throwing garbage away, while his hand also returned to normal.

If the other Dementors saw this scene they would realize that the one who kept erasing them was this little white figure who was standing in the void calmly.

"I don't have much time...I should go back soon..." the little white-haired figure that looked like the only light in this dark night stood there in the void talking to himself and looked at Azkaban's direction while calculating something.

While thinking, the little figure felt something and smiled a very evil smile, then his body disappeared as if he was not there from the very beginning.

With his disappearance, many Dementors reached the place but didn't find anything, which made them feel confused and restless.



Azkaban... it's a really hard task for anyone to find this place because many enchantment and charm are placed around it to hide it from both Muggles and Wizardkind who would try to reach this place without authority. Let's not say its location is in the middle of the huge boundless sea... Searching for it would be almost impossible...

As the only "official" Wizard prison in this world... Naturally, it won't be easy to find its location...

In fact, this place wasn't a prison before.

A long time ago, this place was a residence for a dark wizard who made this place, to practice dark magic, it's said that he practiced the worst kind of dark magic there, and some even believed that it was also that dark wizard who created the Dementors.

Is Azkaban is the best place to hold prisoners?

Not really... but the ministry didn't dare to destroy this place fearing reprisal by the dark entities or the island itself. So they finally decided to use it as a prison, while using the Dementors as guards...

For the Dementors having enough suppliers of prisoners they can feed on, is a good thing, and like this, they cooperated...

Normally no one would enter this place, other than the Aurors who came here from time to time to deliver the prisoners, only a few ministry members would come here.

(Aurors are the Wizarding World's best defense against the practitioners of the Dark Arts.)

But today there is a visitor to this dark place, other than the ministry.


'It's really a disgusting place' Gray stood in front of the cells in Azkaban and looked inside with calm eyes.

What he saw inside was a prisoner whose eyes were already empty that not even despair can be seen inside them... While the breath of death already surrounded him...

The prisoners here are treated as food(Happy emotions) supplies by the Dementors, Gray can feel many similar breaths to this prisoner inside this dark fortress...

Breath of despair and heart emptiness... This place was full of death...

Gray only glanced at the prisoner for a second and kept walking. He was not planning to help or try to change anything here.

While walking Gray saw many horrifying and scary scenes.

But he kept walking deeper and deeper inside the prison not caring about anything around.

In those few minutes, Gray met a few hundred Dementors floating inside the fortress.

But Gray dodged all of them easily without even using magic...

Gray didn't use any magic while moving here but only used the abilities that don't belong to magic.

This place has several anti-magic enhancements around.

Even space is restricted in case someone managed to break the enhancements and was able to use magic, which will then prevent anyone to use space spells like Apparition and try to run away.

Good thing that his ring magical invisibility is not restricted by the enhancements here... After all the ring magic is way stronger than normal magic...

Gray walked through many cells and didn't try to look inside, after all those prisoners were already useless to him, when he came here for the first time, he already copied all that he needs.

For example The three Unforgivable Curses...

Speaking of those curses, not many people will learn them, after all.... most of the prisoners here were here because they learned one or two of those three curses...

The three Unforgivable Curses are...

The Killing Curse (Avada Kedavra)...

This is one of the strongest spells in this world... Which will cause instant and painless death.

How to say it, this spell doesn't hurt physically but directly tear the connection between the soul and the body resulting in direct death. The death rules it contains are so direct...

The Cruciatus Curse (Crucio)...

Which inflicts excruciating pain on the recipient of the curse... Spell usually used to torture the others...

And lastly The Imperius Curse (Imperio)!

This spell is also a good one.

Using this spell will force the victim to perform the unquestioned bidding of the caster! But it's also a fact, that if the victim has strong willpower, this spell will basically be useless...

But that also depends on the caster.

While moving on and ignoring the scenes around him, Gray finally reached the place that made him enter Azkaban this cold and disgusting place again...

In the deepest part of Azkaban Gray felt a weird and unusual aura that attracted him when he came here for the first time.

But Gray didn't care about it at that time and focused on hunting the Dementors, now he was planning to leave this place, Gray wanted to see what attracted him like this.

Gray stood in front of the huge cold dark wall with no entrance and looked around. Weirdly this area doesn't have Dementors like all the others, which made him feel odd.

But this also showed that what was beyond this wall was not a normal thing.

Gray thought for a second and walked slowly through the wall...



"This is?" When he passed to the other side, Gray found an empty huge hall, with nothing inside except a floating flat pure white fountain curved with weird runes looking so ancient and beautiful as if it was a piece of art, but containing pure dark smoke inside it.

"Darkness!!!" Gray looked at the fountain that contained the very familiar darkness and was shocked for a second! No wonder he was attracted to this place...

As the Dark shadow source owner, he can feel the darkness inside the fountain is so pure...

Such pure darkness bred a deep desire inside his heart... desire telling him to go and eat this darkness!!!!

But then Gray shook his head and doubt appeared in his eyes. But thinking about the history of this place, Gray felt it was a bit understandable.

So he walked slowly around the fountain ... While checking if there was a trap or enchantment around...

But he found nothing other than some old runes and enchantment that already decayed with time... Apparently, no one entered this place for many years already...

Gray looked at the fountain and didn't act directly...

Since it's a dark fountain, naturally it won't be any good... Touching such a thing is simply an idiot act...

But this is also the first time Gray sees such pure darkness like this, so he's not planning to leave it either.

This fountain might be the key for him to understand why his damn source can't be controlled!

So Gray coated his hand with armament Haki and slowly extended it ready to touch the white fountain with his finger.

The moment Gray touched it, the fountain disappeared from the place...

He took the fountain directly to his ring...

Seeing everything went smoothly and no trouble appeared, Gray sighed with relief...

"Well... now I should go back" Gray didn't directly study the fountain and turned back ready to leave the place first.

He will end what he already started first...

As for the fountain, he will have the time for it later...

But before he could do this, the room suddenly shooked, and the walls around it also collapsed, while a weird enchantment suddenly lit up from under the ground, directly canceling all the magic around... Including his ring magical invisibility...

"HOOO" With the walls falling down, the Dementors were directly attracted and came to the hall from all directions looked at the white figure standing in the middle looking at them with dead fish eyes...

"Hmmm... No wonder they came in group hunting me before.... Or not... it's after" Gray looked at the Dementors around and said with an annoying voice....

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