Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 130 - Light In Darkness


Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

In the dining hall.

"*sigh*...So boring..." Perona looked at everyone around her either having food or studying or playing with their friends and felt so bored.

She had nothing to do on those days, which made her feel so empty, even Hermione and the other were busy...

"Maybe I should go and see what Gray is doing..." Perona looked blankly at the table and thought of what she should do...

While thinking many ghosts from the walls of the dining hall, appeared and flew to Perona merging with her...

"Well... It's decided.." Perona stood up and walked out of the dining hall, under the horrified eyes of the students.

Even though they already got used to her ghosts being around, but still... The fear of Perona's ghosts has always been on their heart... Till now other than the trio and Gray, not many students will dare to get closer to Perona, so as not to give a joke scene to the others...

"HEY BIG NEWS! Azkaban has been invaded!" As Perona left the hall, one of the students suddenly said something attracting everyone around to the newspaper in his hand.

In the newspaper, there is a picture of Azkaban that has a huge hole in the middle of the fortress as if something bombed the walls of the fortress...

From the news, the one who invaded is still unknown, however, no prisoner was still able to get away, and the ministry already used all her power searching for the one who invaded Azkaban.

"This is really scary..." One of the students looked at the huge hole and the triggered Dementors on the picture and said with a scared voice.

Azkaban is where the evilest is imprisoned, now someone telling them that it has been invaded and even managed to leave with no trace..... This is really scary.

The one who did this must be an absolutely evil person.



'There he is' Perona walked outside of the school and soon found Gray who was laying on the ground looking at his hand as if he was thinking of something deep.

'... Acting so mysterious' Looking at this scene, Perona felt annoyed for no reason and walked to Gray's side slowly.

When she reached Gray's side, She looked at him blankly and wanted to say something, but she didn't know what she should say so she simply sat beside him and kept staring at him.

'Today Gray looks a little different' Perona saw the relaxed face of Gray and thought in her mind.

"What?" Gray looked at Perona and asked with a smile.

"HM" But Perona didn't answer him and turned her face.

'Did Gray smiled just now?' Perona who turned her face was thinking in her heart.

In the last few months since Gray saw his fear, he didn't smile at all since then... But now he just smiled!

Somehow a ray of hope appeared in her heart... Hope that Gray returned to normal!

She watched Gray all these months from the side... The change that happened to Gray always annoyed her... So she really hopes that Gray finally returned to normal...

Just when she wanted to turn and looked at Gray's face to make sure if he really laughed, Gray actually stood up and came in front of her face looking at her eyes directly.

Perona panicked a little seeing Gray's face so close to hers suddenly, but Gray's next words surprised her.

"HM! Good thing you know!" What Gray said was an apology for ignoring her all this time.

'HM... Since he knows his fault I should forgive him...' Perona thought, completely forgetting Gray's face is so close to her. But her depressed mood had changed completely.

Deep inside her heart, she felt very happy! Because Gray's words showed her that he still cares about her... And more importantly... Gray finally went back to normal!

Seeing Gray's bright face smiling at her, Perona's mood became better again and even felt the world was bright somehow.

Then Gray took her hand and walked around the school.

Till he told her about an unusual scene.

For Gray to say unusual, it must be an awesome thing...

So she followed Gray with curiosity...

And what she saw was really an unusual thing, and can even be said to be a confusing scene...

She saw two Hermiones and two Harrys...


Following Gray spying together at the pair of Harry and Hermione, Perona felt very confused.

Gray explained to her about the time magic and explained to her about everything happening here.

Hearing everything Perona's eyes shined, and wanted to try to use the time spell Gray talked about on her ghosts.

Perona completely moved in a magic direction of development for her ability.

She tried many spells that it has become a hobby to merge spells and ghosts for her. So she wanted to try the effect of time spell and other spells together.

But when she said this, Gray suddenly became so excited and even kissed her face, which twisted her mood again.

'Of course, I'm a genius' But soon Perona became proud in her heart, while her face turned red and felt shy...

Well... Her idea and Gray's idea were way too different... But her idea can also be achieved... So it was not bad to call her a genius...

Perona's way of using magic is simply cheating... All she does is throw two magic inside her ghost and new magic will appear which is simply an impossible process for normal wizards and witches...

Please... Mixing magic is not only a step-by-step process, even if some magic can be fused... The control needs to be so high... And even the spells need to be suitable together...

But Perona simply merges anything with anything to have a new weird thing... There has never been such a thing... At least not in this world...


After that she and Gray watched Harry and Hermione tracking themselves all the time, till Gray decided to help and save Lupin who turned out to be a werewolf...

Well... She doesn't like this werewolf form...

After seeing Gray helping Lupin, Perona felt coldness inside her heart...

A familiar and annoying feeling she had all the time, that she already adapted to it, but this time was way stronger than usual, so cold and depressing freezing her soul.

Looking above her, Perona saw the reason why she felt like this.

She saw the same kind of creature that gave her this feeling for the first time before...

Dementor... Not one but Many Dementors...

Perona couldn't help but catch Gray's hand, while her consciousness also started getting muddled, and weird hollowed whispers appeared in her ears at this moment that she couldn't understand...

Before she realized, she found herself with Gray and Nagini, in another familiar place in the forest...

But the weakness she felt was only getting stronger and stronger that she couldn't hold herself...

"Gray..." Perona called Gray's name with her last bit of strength, and then she lost all her power and became so weak, even her ability couldn't be controlled at this moment...

Perona heard Gray calling her, but she didn't have the power to answer, while her consciousness also became more and more confused till she finally found herself in a dark place...

"Here is?" Perona looked around her and found that there was nothing around, completely nothing, as if she was standing in a dark space with nothing around.

Before Perona could panic, the coldness around her became more and more and her mood also started changing and becoming more and more empty.

Not knowing how long she stayed in the dark space, Perona's mind was completely frozen till she felt something under her and looked down...

Looking down, she found the space under her turned into a black sea that's slowly dragging her body into it.

"NO!" Seeing this, Perona woke up and tried to resist as much as she can, but the more she resisted, the deeper she sank as if there was a hand dragging her deeper and deeper into the darkness...

Only then, when she almost sank completely, Perona felt a warm light touched her hand, pulling her out.

And at the moment she touched this light, the darkness around the space also started fading away.

Looking at this darkness around her fading away.

Perona raised her hand and wanted to hold the light that saved her and not let go, but she still felt weak, and couldn't summon any power to move on and fly to it...

All she could do was to watch the light fading away taking all the darkness around leaving her alone in pure white space which made her feel comfortable and sleepy... So she slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep in this white space...



Gray outside took the luck paper and tore another good piece from it, then raised both of his hands moving them in a circle.

With Gray's action, weird energy started gathering around his hands, this energy was so unstable and violent as if it will go out of control.

Anyone can see how unstable this energy was.

But Gray looked at the magic on his hands that he couldn't control anymore and smiled strongly...


Till finally the energy broke out and devoured Gray disappearing together with him.

Nagini saw this and was about to panic, but then she felt a familiar hand touched her head.

"Don't worry Nagini... I'm here" Gray suddenly appeared beside her and touched her head.

Looking back she found that Gray already appeared beside her and Perona, which made her look at Gray with weird eyes as if asking him.... What is happening here?

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