Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 131 - Final Step


With a tearing sound, Gray appeared from the void in the seaside to see Nagini and Perona and Lupin not far away on the ground just as he left them before...

Looking at everything around, Gray smiled calmly... Only one last step and his plan will be completed... Only one last step and he will save Perona's soul...

"Don't worry Nagini... I'm here" Gray walked to Perona's side and touched Nagini's head who was still looking at the place where he disappeared from just now...

Hearing Gray's voice, Nagini turned her head and looked at him with surprised and doubtful eyes...

Gray didn't waste time to explain and looked at Perona in front of him calmly...

The last step... The step he worked three months for...

Three months of hunting soul attribute!!!!

Gray went back in time to collect enough attributes for Perona, so he can merge them directly while her soul was in the transforming process...

how did he do it?

Well... Gray didn't use any turner, after all, there is no existing turner that can go back in time more than one day... and one day is not enough...

So he simply used the Hour-Reversal Charm in the wrong way...

Yup... The charm that can only be used to move a few hours back in time only, Gray used it to go back three months by fooling with luck...

And he did this by making an accident...

Gray copied many things from the *Time Unspeakables* So he was naturally aware of deep knowledge about this charm.

And because of this, Gray made some changes to the Hour-Reversal Charm... But these changes aren't good changes at all... Which only made the charm more violent and unstable...

Using the Hour-Reversal Charm to go back more than five hours is already a suicidal act... Let's not say three months...

But this was what Gray wanted... An accident to happen!

With this accident, he might go back in time to the best time he can go to...

And by using luck, Gray fixed this accident to his favor and moved back three months in time!!

So simple...

It's Luck!

Why Gray was so determined to get Baccarat before?

Because her ability can simply break all the rules!

No matter what he does, there are always chances... But with Baccarat beside him, Gray will do what no one can do!

Chances? Please... With enough luck, Gray can even let the world help him... So the word *chance* won't exist in his directory.

Such a process that he did now, is almost impossible to be achieved... Because the chance of surviving the time mass is way lower than 1%... But with enough luck, even if it was 0.1% it will become 100%...

After going back in time, the first thing Gray did was to hide... After all, he shouldn't be noticed by others while traveling in time...

He moved back three months, the risk of being seen was much higher than normal, and any wrong action will cost him too much...

So while being invisible, he started his soul attribute hunting silently...

In the first few days, he invaded the ministry again and found information about the location of the Dementors around the world.

The Dementors... just as he expected... A real treasure filled with soul attribute...

He doesn't even need to waste so much luck, the attribute will appear as soon as he extracted them...

And this was how the Dementors were being erased by him... Losing their souls which was the core of their existence, the Dementors will break away.

Even though those guys can't be killed normally, and almost immortals. But Gray himself had a way to remove their source of existence.

So for three full months, he hunted the Dementors every day here and there.

And now he has way more than enough soul attributes.

Four extractions every day for almost three months...

Gray didn't try to waste time and looked at Perona's face, then gently touched her with his hand...


With this thought in his heart, a huge number of attributes inside his crown disappeared and directly merged with Perona.

But he didn't stop for a second and merged almost all the soul attributes he had to Perona.

As soon as Gray did this, Perona's body on the ground rose and shined a pale white color...


And gigantic soul energy exploded from Perona's body, pushing the air around them, even the sea was disturbed by the shock...

Gray and Nagini who were beside Perona felt their souls were separated from their bodies for a second...

But this phenomenon appeared only for a second, and Perona's body calmed down after.

"Final step... Success..." Looking at Perona in front of him, Gray's mouth cracked a smile.

He can feel the air around Perona was changing and transforming at a very fast speed, becoming stronger and more majestic with every second passing!

Showing that her soul was really transforming in the right direction...

If he used the detector on her, Gray would find that her C.P Already passed 5000 points, and there was no sign of stopping at all!!!!

But he won't feel weird either... Perona's ability relied on her soul... now her soul became way stronger than before, her own spiritual source should be growing insanely at this moment!

With the aura around Perona becoming stronger and stronger, a pale white-blue barrier appeared around her protecting her body from the outside world, and even Gray felt a strong resistance from the barrier as if nothing was allowed to get closer to Perona at this moment...

Unlike her ghost pale white color, this barrier had a touch of blue looks so weird and deep, can confuse the soul...

*sigh* Gray looked at Perona and sighed with relief...

He was worried... Worried that he would be late, or something will be missed... Or another accident appearing...

But just by feeling the aura around Perona, Gray knew that his actions were right...

All he needed to do right now was to wait for her soul transformation to end...

"[email protected]#$!" Nagini beside Gray looked at Perona in front of her and asked what was happening.

"...." But before Gray could answer her, he looked at the forbidden forest direction, with cold eyes...

Feeling the change of Gray, Nagini also looked in the same direction.

Just by looking, they were able to see the swarm of Dementors that was charging in their direction...

'They are really here for Perona too...' Gray looked at the Dementors and thought calmly...

At first, Gray didn't understand why the Dementors hunted them, but after going back in time Gray guessed some...

But he found himself a little wrong...

It's true that the ministry suspected him of being the one who invaded, after all, when he fought with the Dementors before, his invisibility worn off by that annoying enchantment... so his hair color alone looks suspicious...

Gray didn't think there would be a trap that can cancel his ring magic before so he didn't try to hide completely at that time...

But even so, no one came to him, because his activities in the school were known to everyone...

In the last few months, Gray only focused on his own fear and emotional problem and didn't leave the school at all.

And naturally, the ministry will keep in eye on him since he released his Haki that day...

But because of this, for them, it was impossible to be Gray... And they won't even dream that Gray went back three months in time... After all, this was an impossible thing in the current wizarding world...

And time charm is not something Gray can learn in school...

So the ministry shouldn't have given orders to the Dementors to follow him right now...

But the Dementors are not kind creatures, to begin with... this is in their nature...

Since Gray looked suspicious for them, they won't think twice before attacking him...

And more importantly, they followed all the way to here, not solely for Gray.

Those three months Gray hunted Dementors almost every single day, so he observed those creatures closely and already have a clear picture of their nature.

For the Dementors the happy memories and the stronger soul were what they desire the most... One of the reasons they attacked Harry was because they felt Harry's soul looked special... and this specialty came because a part of Voldemort's soul was inside of Harry...

So the moment they felt Perona's soul, the Dementors will probably do their best to take a sip of it.

Before, they didn't get close because they can't attack the students for no reason... But after what happened yesterday, and Gray being so suspicious for them, the Dementors didn't even think twice and gathered themselves to hunt both of them...

Perona's soul is so strong, and her character is filled with a happy-go-lucky attribute... Moreover, her spirit was invaded by a Dementor spirit...

So they were able to feel her strong soul more than anything... Especially after the dark spirit became so active in Perona's spirit, those guys should be going crazy to catch Perona at this moment...

Thinking of this, a strong chill appeared in Gray eyes...

Even though for him the Dementors were flying soul attributes, but Gray was not really interested in extracting attributes from the Dementors anymore... At least... not the Dementors in front of him...

Besides... he can't allow anything to disturbs Perona at this moment...

"Nagini..." Gray looked in front of him and called Nagini's name.

"[email protected]#$!" Nagini beside him also understood what Gray wanted to say...

And her body also started changing....

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