Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 134 - Thunderbird

"Sorry Harry, but I have to go, I gave Mr. Dumbledore enough trouble till now..." Lupin who was packing his things said to Harry who came to see him.

As Gray expected, Lupin was really not planning to stay in the school after today.

Harry was sad about this but didn't say anything more, after all, this is Lupin's choice, what can he say about it...

So all he can do was to say goodbye after taking his map and left.

Lupin looked at Harry leaving and continued his packing.

But soon another visitor appeared.



Gray and Perona looked at Lupin who was leaving the school, and said bye to him, and turned back.

"Weird... I felt Lupin was a little different from yesterday... As if... He became stronger?" Perona beside Gray turned her face and looked at Leaving Lupin back again with wonder...

As for Gray he smiled and said nothing, but there was an obvious smile on his face...

Lupin is different? Well... he's really different... After all, his soul was way stronger than before...

Gray didn't forget that he wanted to help this good wolf... so when he brought him back to Hogwarts before, he merged a few souls attributes to him, which was enough to make his soul and mind strong enough to control his reason when he sees the moon next time.

Gray saw this possibility when he used Haki to bring him back before, so there was no reason not to try.

As long as the soul was strong enough, he shouldn't lose his mind even if he turned into a complete wolf...

Normally no one should be able to feel the difference in Lupin, but Perona as a spiritual person... No need to explain...

Things after went back to the smooth normal life of everyday school life, and soon enough the third year of school ended.

After saying bye to everyone, Gray and Perona walked off the train station...

"Where should we go?" Perona beside Gray asked Gray wondering where they will go next.

"Let go and visit the zomb... I mean Nicolas again..." But then she thought of something and said.

Hearing Perona's words, Gray also thought for a second and nodded his head, anyway they still have time...




"...." Gray...

"...." Perona...

Gray and Perona stood in front of Nicolas House and looked at the few words with deep silent...

"*sigh* Well... So... Let's go..." Gray didn't know what to say for a second and only sighed a little sad.

"Amm..." Perona also was also in a bad mood for a second and turned back ready to leave with Gray...

Why are they sad?

Well... The few words were telling Nicolas history as a great man, and even his house was turned into something like a historical place for other wizards to see...

Nicolas Flamel... The good old man already died a few months before...

For this, both Gray and Perona felt a little sad, even though they knew he will die soon or later, but after all, he was alive and good for them at some point...

It''s only a natural thing to feel sad seeing someone, you know dead...

For Nicolas's death, Gray only took another reminder to himself, to get stronger so he won't see this scene appearing but with one of his partner's name...

Soon Perona and Gray's mood changed and started looking at interesting things here and there...

While going around, Gray found a few pieces of information he wanted.

"Let's go, Perona, Nagini" after finding his next destination, Gray didn't waste more time and said to Perona and Nagini who were fighting over something...

Looking at them looking at each other with weird expressions, Gray felt weird... Perona also gained something like telepathy after strengthening her soul. So she and Nagini started talking by soul all the time. And like this, both of them became closer than before...

Well... Even though they usually fight over many useless things...

After walking into a blind spot a tearing sound appeared, and Gray disappeared with Perona and Nagini from the place as if they weren't there.




Arizona... a state located in the southwestern United States.

"So hot... Why are we here" Perona walked with Gray in Arizona's desert looking at the sun and asked with an annoying voice...

"We're almost there..." Gray also felt it was so hot and started regretting not paying the goblin to bring him a Thunderbird...

Yup... Gray was here for another magical beast called the Thunderbird!

The Thunderbird was a large, magical avian beast native to North America, and most commonly found in Arizona in the southwestern United States.

This bird was a close relative of the Phoenix!

And it was called the Thunderbird because it can create storms as long as it was in the sky...

Another ridiculously strong beast in this world...

Why was Gray looking for it?

Nagini was already so strong as she was... But there was no reason not to make her stronger!

The magical ability this bird has was so rare!

Unlike the dragon which in this world was not so special, some beast in this world were beyond the word *special*... And this bird was one of those beyond beasts that Gray wanted to get...(Yup... The dragon in hp is really an insult for dragons... even Smaug better than them.-.)

He even started wondering how strong the storm Nagini could create after having this blood...

"Look" While walking Gray and Perona saw a huge shadow fly high in the sky far away from them. But their eyes as elves were much stronger than normal humans. So they saw what was flying there...

It was a huge yellow golden bird with three pairs of gold shaded wings with a cloud-like pattern on them, his face was similar to that of a Hippogriff, an eagle face...

"Finally found it!!" Seeing the Thunderbird majestic look, Gray became excited.

And before Gray said anything, Nagini already knew what Gray wanted to do, so she changed her size and flew toward the Thunderbird!

Seeing this, Gray smiled and took Perona's hand then directly appeared on top of Nagini's head.



*Khhhaaaa* In the sky... The Thunderbird looked back and at Nagini that was following him and made a panicked sound.

The Thunderbird is also known for its high sense of danger, the moment Nagini flew toward him the Thunderbird felt it and fanned his wings harder to ran away...


After only a few wing beats, the world changed suddenly and the clouds covered the sky, while the thunders started dancing in the void... While the Thunderbird color also changed from gold to electrifying blue, to grey and silver, to white, and even to deep navy, it looked so beautiful and powerful.

The Thunderbird used his ability and made a storm in the sunny clear sky all of sudden!

"WHAT THE HELL!" Perona saw the clouds started raining thunder on them all out of the blue and screamed with panic. But then she thought of something and many ghosts were released from her toward the clouds all over the sky.

As for Gray he looked at all this and only felt more playful, the stronger this stinky bird was, the more he like it...

*Rumble* the clouds in the sky started changing again, and around the Thunderbird, the clouds started to become more thick and active which even started shaping two giant arms trying to catch it, which made the Thunderbird feel more panic...

Looking at the cloud as if a god hand appeared from them trying to catch the Thunderbird, Gray looked at Perona behind him and smiled weirdly... Yup... Perona can also do this now...

Her ability was really without limit...

*RWOOOR* Nagini didn't waste time so she took the chance and directly changed her size blocking Thunderbird road...

*KHAAA* Looking at the gigantic Nagini in front of him, the thunderbird panicked and fanned his wings even harder.

Nagini's presence was almost a hundred times stronger than any creature in this world... Especially for animals, they can feel better than anyone how terrifying Nagini was...

*RWOOOR* Nagini gave a huge scream and looked at the Thunderbird with her golden eyes, with a strong threatening in them...




"Can we leave this place now?" Perona looked at the Thunderbird flying away then asked.

"Yup... There is no need to stay here anymore..." Gray thought for a second and said.

Then he looked at Nagini who already wrapped herself around himself with bright eyes.

Nagini was the same, but the shades of gold around her wings and body are more clear and lifelike... Just looking at them, he felt as if these golden shades were some kind of energy that was flowing inside Nagini's body...

He already reached his goal here... And copied the bloodline of the Thunderbird for her!

The Thunderbird actually listened to Nagini's orders and went down let himself copy its blood after being screamed at by her... Which was way easier than he thought, but that was also good, for him, this was better than knocking down this bird...

Now Nagini's strength should be many times stronger than she was before... After all, she can really make a natural disaster right now!!!

Gray couldn't help but imagine her ability in the future... As long as Nagini got stronger not a simple storm will be created... Maybe even something like a cosmic storm...

'It's too early to think about this...' Thinking a little more Gray shook his head and forced himself to stop imagining... His imagination was so scary...

(Author: yo)

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