Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 135 - Weird Notification

On the train to Hogwarts.

Gray and Perona met again with the trio in the train...

Gray like always... looked at the trio again with dead fish eyes...

Well... For their growth speed, Gray was already psychologically prepared, Hermione still the same made him suspect her age again...

As for Harry and Ron, he can still see the green in their faces...

But what's wrong with their hairstyle?

Especially Ron... Even though he doesn't have the right to say anything here...

So Gray kept the dead fish mood all the way to Hogwarts...

Speaking of... Voldemort's servants the death eaters showed themselves for the first time since a long time ago and attacked the Quidditch World Cup camp, and the trio was there... So they are talking about what they should do...

And apparently, Harry was having bad dreams these days... Well... The connection between him and Voldemort was getting stronger...

For this, Gray didn't care much, he wasn't interested in this game anyway, and he's more disdain to those so-called death eaters...

As for Harry being a Horcrux, he can extract Voldemort's soul part any time he wants... So this was the last thing Gray will think about...

Now Gray was thinking about what he still needed from this world...

Usually Gray won't be in hurry but...

Looking at the pattern on the back of his hand that was almost full and couldn't help but sigh helplessly...

How did this happen?


What happened was the reason for his dead fish mood...

Some time ago... After copying the Thunderbird bloodline to Nagini, Gray started thinking about how to awaken his fourth awakening ability, which should be his last disk... The F disk! Or maybe let his ability be more like a real computer so he can cut or delete files maybe... Or even enter the files and see what's inside...

After all, his C.P already reached 2990...

Even though it was not so high... But Gray doesn't rely on this anymore... If he really wanted to fight with someone, even if his C.P was more than 10.000, he can win... After all, most of the skills were not added in the C.P...

As said before... 1000+ C.P = fourth-order awakener... In another word, his ability should already have evolved again... But till now nothing happened...

Before in one piece of the world, Gray didn't have time to think about it too much, after all his life was busy hunting attributes and sources while developing his dark shadow source...

But in this world, he had time to think about it carefully...

In fact, his ability was already so strong and limitless... But... how to say it... As an awakened, his ability shouldn't stop here... And since he knew it was not only limited to genes, skills and, memories and there should be another ability, he naturally wanted to get it... After all, this was his true and most basic ability!

So Gray tried to find a reason and finally linked it with the awakening crystal... Before, when he was the young master of the Glory base...

He heard some rumors about some unique awakeners that needed different conditions to advance and awaken a new ability again... And the most known way to advance and awaken the new ability was by absorbing the awakening crystal energy...

So this was what Gray had done...

Inside his castle... There was another huge hall, Gray used it to store the crystals he took before...

Gray usually avoid that hall, so as not to absorb the energy by mistake, and speed up the pattern again...

But he had to try... After all, when he touched the crystal for the first time, his C.P was only about 600...

So maybe the reaction will be different since he's already a fourth-order awakener...

That Hall should only contain a few normal crystals and one red huge crystal he took before...

But when he entered the hall he was surprised to find that the hall, already turned into a crystal hall!!!

Without much guessing, the fact that there were many crystals in the underground before, and only one red crystal... And now the same situation appeared in his castle, showed that this red crystal was the reason...

So like this, Gray found himself with an unlimited supplier of Crystal as long as this red crystal was there...

Back to the point...

Gray tried to touch a few normal crystals and absorbed their energy like before...

And what happened surprised him...

The energy of the crystals was really absorbed by the pattern but didn't speed up the pattern completion...

So Gray started absorbing all the normal crystals... Till he cleaned the entire hall again... But nothing happened... Which made him feel wrong...

So he decided to touch the red crystal...

Had to say it... the energy in the red Crystal was simply so strong... In just a few minutes Gray felt that he absorbed more than ten times the amount from the crystals in the entire hall!! No wonder this crystal can produce this amount of crystals...

Just a few minutes and Gray also found a reaction from his ability...

But what happened made him suspect his eyes for a few seconds...

This was what appeared in front of him...

[Window update required]- Notification...

This... Yes... It's that... The normal update of the computer...

But there are a few problems here...

Gray's ability is simply a coping ability in computer skin... So... What the hell this update means...? His ability never acted like a normal computer other than showing what he uses it before... But now it decided to act like one???

And even if we said update... Can he connect to the internet and download this so-called update normally?

So Gray froze in his place and forgot that he was in touch with the red crystal... And his pattern started filling itself crazily...

When he came back to his mind, the pattern already reached this level...

So because of this, Gray found himself not as free as before... His time in this world was not as long as before...

It estimated that he had only 1-3 years only...

For this Gray was not really sad... After all, there was nothing really important for him to stay in this world anymore, except for a few things he didn't get till now... And he should get all of them soon... And even if he didn't get them and left now, his gains already broke the upper limit...

But what annoyed him was his awakening ability...

Thinking of the way he awakened his ability for the first time, Gray tried to do the same thing... This world has computers... Even though they are so old looking at the current timeline...

But nothing happened and he only felt like an idiot... So he gave up on this and tried to find another way...

However, till now nothing appeared on his mind... And this only made him depressed even more...

While thinking of this the train reached Hogwarts...



This year not only Hogwarts students but another two magic schools also came to Hogwarts...

Because the Triwizard Tournament will be taking place at the school this year...

The Triwizard Tournament is a tournament between the three best magic schools in Europe. From every school, one student will join the game against the other two schools...

And the winner will win a good looking cup and... eternal glory... His name will be written on something so others can remember him after... a meaningless prize... But that's not the point of this Tournament anyway...

"Gray... don't you think this old man is getting more and more energetic every year?" Perona said to Gray beside her with a weird face...

'That's the producer wrongdoing...' Even though Gray wanted to say this, But he only smiled and said nothing... In fact, Dumbledore was not really more energetic, he was still the same, but the event needed him to be more active than usual...

As the headmaster of Hogwarts... He needed to show a good image in the face of the other two headmasters of the other two schools... For him and for the school itself...

With Dumbledore's speech about the Tournament, He welcomed the first school to enter the hall, which turned out to be a few girls wearing blue uniforms captured the hearts of the male students in the hall... And their headmaster who captured Hagrid's heart... Another female half-giant...

Beauxbatons Academy of Magic students...

And then the second school student entered... This time, all of them were male students filled with strong military style who entered the hall and showed their power directly with a little fire show...

Durmstrang Institute students...

With this everything went warmly and all the students started their first dinner in the school this year...

Till this year doomed class new teacher appeared...

The moment he appeared the Enchanted Ceiling went crazy and thunder sound appeared...

But then the new teacher used a spell and made it calm down...

Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody... a pure-blood wizard, considered to be the most famous Auror of all time.

As an Auror, Moody played a big role in the imprisonment of many of the inhabitants of Azkaban...

Well... Moody should be a great teacher for the Defence Against the Dark Arts class... Only if the Moody in front of them wasn't fake...

After all... The man in front of them is a death eater who's using a transformation potion to mix here only to deliver Harry to Voldemort...

Yup... This class is really doomed...

The fourth-year doomed class teacher.... is a Death Eater....

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