Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 145 - Poor Neville

Dear readers, Be happy! Your Author is back! :p

I'm incredibly sorry for not saying anything in the last month, Thanks for everyone waiting for this lazy author to come back... i'll try to upload more than one chapter a day every day from now on... to compensate for the last month!!!

After a few days of staying with Perona and Nagini, Gray calmed down his mixed emotions from the crown awakening.

To tell the truth, what he saw and felt in this world alone might be more than all his life before...

Weird emotions, unknown memories, almost lost his life for the crown... He felt tired from this world...

Gray's feelings were really tired...

After staying for some time in the city Gray went back with Perona and Nagini to Hogwarts again.

When McGonagall saw Gray she almost blew up... For this Gray only smiled and accepted her harsh words and the typical teacher words... how to say it... this old woman was really good for him and Perona in the last years, so Gray didn't feel much about this.

While Dumbledore was busy with other things, after knowing that they came back he said nothing.

Gray look also grow up a few years evolved from a 7-year-old child to a 13-year-old child... Even though this didn't change his look much, at least his look looked way better than before... Especially that he was not so short anymore...

The funny thing that For Gray's growth, the others didn't feel wrong, but actually found it that's how it should be...

After all, it's not normal if he didn't grow up...

Well... of course, Gray also came with a reason for this, after all, he still needs to explain... it was normal to grow up, but not so fast as this...

And the reason was that the aging potion weirdly changed his body and made him look a little bit older... So under the suspicious eyes of McGonagall, and the smart little girl Hermione, things went smoothly.

After returning to the school, Gray and Perona found many students around were looking at them more than usual... Apparently, after the party, they became more popular in school...


"Nothing came to your mind yet?" In the chamber, Gray looked at Harry who was looking at the golden egg not knowing how to use it...

Harry heard Gray's words and looked at him with expecting eyes...

Seeing Harry's sparkling eyes, Gray smiled funnily and told him what he should do.

Hearing Gray's words, Harry was so excited and directly took the golden egg and ran out...

Speaking of this golden egg, it was the egg they took from the dragon at the first round of the tournament before.

This egg contains the message of the second round of the tournament... But to hear this message one should use it under the water... After all the message was a merpeople voice singing a song to the champions, letting them know that they had to come to the lake and rescue something very valuable to them. (Merpeople are sentient magical beasts that live underwater. Similar to mermaids)

So this sound can only be heard when the egg is underwater, if one opened the egg outside, he will only enjoy a sharp scream that will hurt his ears...

After Harry went out, Gray relaxed and turned his face at the sulking redhead on the other side...

He can see that Ron those days was not in a good mood... Especially when he sees Hermione... Apparently, the few words he said before to him did something...

Well... He didn't care much and took the new Arkenstone from his ring and looked at it silently...

Holding the gem Gray felt the warmth and calm energy slowly moving from it to his body warming him slowly...

Gray moved the fingers that were holding the Arkenstone and out of thin air transformed a new necklace as the gem of its heart... Then he wore it under his clothes and closed his eyes...




Time passed fast, in these days Gray kept studying his crown abilities as usual while extracting as many as possible useful attributes he can think of for now...

For this fifth awakening that doesn't even give a new ability, Gray really felt confused... No matter how much he tried felt, nothing new really appeared on his mind.. so he gave up...

Good thing that his chance extraction added one, so he could extract five times every day... At least he didn't suffer for anything...

Soon the second round of the tournament time started...

Everyone gathered in the great lake beside the school, the location of the next game...

Under Dumbledore's scream, everyone calmed down, and he said the rules of this game...

Gray with the three other champions looked at the lake down there and didn't say anything...

In fact, he was wondering who will be found down there...

The second round of this tournament is just as bad as the last one...

The first one lets the student fight the dragon... Well, this is a magic world, let a cute student fight the dragon... no problem... But the second game was to take the closest person to the champions and put him in the lake full that was actually filled with beasts so the champion saves them...

Hmmm... The ministry of magic... Somehow... full of nonsense...

Well... that's why Gray was wondering who will he find down there...

Perona? nope... She's staying on his ring all the time... she didn't even use her soul to come out... So no one can catch her...

Nagini... That's more impossible... Just like Perona, she doesn't leave his side... Let's not say... will they catch a snake?

Gray watched the three around him and found Harry was a little nervous... But looking at what he was holding, he smiled... Harry still came and asked for his help, after hearing the golden egg message...

So Gray simply told Hermione about the grass that Neville would have given it to Harry soon...

With a loud sound, the game started, and Gray stepped down to the lake...

Every one of the champions had his ways of surviving under the water, but Gray simply used the simplest way... to bush the water around and move as if there is a bubble around him.

Gray already know the place where the four kidnapped (items) were so he simply dived there...

But what he saw made him a little confused...

Ron... Hermione... A little girl, apparently Fleur's sister...

And Perona...

"Perona... What's happening here?" Inside the ring, Gray asked Perona who was watching everything from inside...

"HraHra!... Yesterday, someone from the ministry came to take me to be the lost item, so I knocked him out and wanted to change his lock... But Neville came out at that time So..." While talking Perona moved her hand, while from the other Perona outside, a white ghost came out, changed his look to another little kid...

Gray looked at the kid blankly...

He wondered why Perona didn't make trouble today... it turned out that...

Seeing this, Gray didn't need Perona to continue... He already guessed what happened next... Perona caught Neville as her replacement and charmed the other ministry member to take Neville thinking that he got herself normally...

Poor Neville...

"Well..." Gray smiled and said to Perona... In fact, she really did well... At least she started dealing with things smarter...

Seeing Gray's mouth twitching, Perona grinned proudly and said nothing then waved her hand again, letting the ghost that left Neville's body go back to continue his transformation...

The ghost works as a transformation charm as long as it's there, Neville will look like Perona...

In fact, Gray also felt weird about this... According to Perona's personality, she won't look like her... But he asked he got an interesting answer...

'As long as he didn't wake up, it's okay...'... Inside Neville, there was probably more than one ghost... Poor kid...

Gray didn't think much after, he already felt many creatures hiding in the sea around him, but he simply ignored them...

And was ready to take Neville and moved up...

While Harry already came and looked at Hermione and Ron with a confused face... For him, both are his treasure.... So how can he take one and leave the other...

Gray also noticed the shark head that was coming here... So he simply ignored them and disappeared from the place with the fake Perona ...


"Who do you think will came first..." One of the students was looking at the calm lake and asked his friend...

"Of course it will be Vic...."

"Wishhhhh" But before he ends his words, Gray came out from the lake carrying Perona who was smiling...

With Gray coming out without even get wet the students already screamed calling his name... Especially the girls around calling him louder than the others...

After the party... He really has many fans...

Gray floated to the shore and came to where he should waitPerona...

Neville? he already sent this poor kid back to the chamber before he came out and replaced him with real Perona... As Gray came out soon Krum and Fleur also came out...

But apparently, Fleur failed to find her sister...

For what happened next, was more excited... Harry acted as a hero and saved both Ron and Gabrielle (Fleur's sister) together, which made the merpeople attack him.

But after some hard work, he managed to go out...

Well... As expected from Harry... I guess??

With this, the second game ended....

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