Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 146 - Root Talent

With the end of the second round of the tournament, everyone in the school was excited waiting for the last game...

In the last two rounds, Gray got first place, while even Harry took second place, which made Hogwarts students excited about such a score, after all, for the two students of their school to take the lead in this year's tournament is a happy thing...

Even the teachers were smiling all the time.

Unlike the original, Bartemius Crouch Senior, the judges of the ministry who was taking the lead to observe the tournament didn't lose his life, after all, many things changed from the original trajectory, so his son the death eater that was using Alastor Moody identity didn't have the chance to kill him...


In one of the school teacher's rooms.

Gray was standing in front of a fainted middle-aged man, who was wearing black all over while holding a book in his hand was apparently reading something...

Looking at Severus Snape, Gray had a weird look in his eyes...

Snape can be said to be one of the best wizards in this world... But somehow... Those wizards are really fragile... He didn't even use magic, he knocked Snape like this... He expected to have some resistance from Snape...

Well... Gray shook his head and didn't think much.... After the last crown awakening, his body strength really grew up so much... now with his speed and reaction, it won't make sense if Snape could react against him...

Gray raised his hand caught Snape's hand ready to take a look at what he could find in his disks...

Gray directly ignored the C disk and opened the D disk...

Snape was really a good wizard, almost all kinds of skills can be seen inside, especially the dark magic was somehow higher than the others...

For the normal spells and skills Gray didn't look at, but he also found something funny...

[Acting skill] - 7GB....

This old man raised his acting skills so much...

Well... looking at his history... Snape was really a good actor... The fact that he perfectly played the role of the spy alone can show how good he is...

Let not say, what he was spying on wasn't normal muggles... But a scary Dark lord's gang...

If it wasn't the fact that Voldemort thought that snape got the elder wand from Dumbledore... This old actor wouldn't die so tragically...

Snape alchemy and potion-making skill appear to be equally good... And his healing and defense against the dark art magic also good...

Transformation magic was also good...

"-_-" Gray looked at all those good skills and raised his eyes to looked at the size of Snapes D disk... Surprisingly Snapes D disk size was so high almost 500GB...

Gray didn't stare too much and looked as if there is something interesting...

In fact, most of what snape has, he also has...

There was also the Legilimency art, for this skill or can be said in the act, Gray also can use it...

Legilimency is the act of magically navigating through the many layers of a person's mind and correctly interpreting one's findings. A person who practices this art is known as a Legilimens.

This art wasn't a secret or forbidden in the wizarding world... So Gray already found this art somewhere else...

But how to say it... Entring E disks were easier and many times clearer than normal mind-reading magic... so he doesn't use it usually...

In the end other than potion-making, alchemy, and acting skills Gray found nothing he really wants to copy and looked at Snape's memories...

He doesn't have any desire to look at snape's sad memories so he only copied the knowledge in magic and other things that could be useful for him.

With this, Gray withdraw his hand and took the luck paper.. and looked at it...

This paper has been with him all the time in this world... Even though he uses extraction almost every day, but he never used it other than when he wants to do something special...

For this reason, he doesn't have many useful attributes... But so many weird and awfully useless attributes...

Looking at the pitifully small paper on his hand compared to when Baccarat gave it to him at first, Gray felt bad...

'Sigh' Gray sighed and felt somehow sad... Because of this paper, many things went smoothly on his journey in this world...

Every time he thinks of this, he really misses Baccarat and the others...

Gray slowly cut a little part of the paper, and toucher Snape again...


Without much thinking, he extracted five times...

This guy D disk size was somehow abnormal, Which shows that his talent was also abnormal...

so Gray still wanted to squeeze all the benefit he could get from him...

And this what he got...

[Will power] [vitality] [Root Talent] [Fat] [Acting talent]

Five different attributes...

Acting talent... That was expected...

Vitality.... fat???... Hmm, Gray threw them back to snape...

Will power... ... ... If you think about it... Snape will power was really good... Not because he persistently apply for the Defence Against the Dark Arts post for fifteen years... But if you look at his history, one will find his mind was really good.. in many ways...

Apparently, the small piece he cut wasn't enough to extract everything really useful for him... After all, with luck, a normal Vitality attributes that he could get when he extracts a normal tree or toxic fat attribute... shouldn't appear...

But something that looks good also appeared...

Root Talent... This was a talent he never saw before...

Looking at this talent Gray's mind kept thinking about what could root means... If it was a magic talent, he can understand... But root.. this was a weird one...

After thinking for sometime Gray found nothing and left the place, after erasing his crime evidence from the place...

Even though he knocked snape easily... This old actor should feel something... And from the skills he saw, he doesn't think it will be long before Snape suspects him...

But till then... It wouldn't matter anymore...




After leaving, Gray went back to the shared room and sat down...

There weren't many people around at this time... the trio was busy with their own things, Perona was playing with her ghosts inside the ring castle all the time... Gray already copied all the magic that he got before like time magic and the others... So she was merging her abilities these days...

While Nagini was lazing around his shoulder...

Gray thought for a second and touched himself ready to merge the attribute he stole from snape...

First, he merged willpower... But didn't feel anything...

This thing... willpower, not something that can be felt...

Then he merged the last Root talent...

This Time... Gray felt something... How to say it... It was more like a deep connection with everything around him...

As if...

Gray's eye twitched... And many iron pieces not far away from him flew to his side twisting and being divided into small pieces, then merging together forming another object as if it was a piece of art...

Seeing all this, Gray's eyes brightened!

He probably understands what kind of Talent this Root-Talent was!

Very simple... In all worlds, everything has roots... Especially this thing was clearer on energies...

The ability Gray uses whether it was the magic or mutant gene, is related to blood... Especially mutant genes...

When he uses it... Naturally, some energy will be used...

And the source of using this ability should be his body...the root of energy that can't be sensed or felt exist in the deepest part of his body.. or can be said in every drop of blood...

The reason why snape was pretty good at magic should be because of this talent...

This talent not only applies to blood abilities... no matter what kind of ability or skill Gray used in the future, as long as it has an energy root it will also be easier for him to come in touch with its rootsource and master it...

Thinking of this, Gray's eyes shined pretty... Such talent... He wants a few more!

For wizards, such talent will not show much, after all, even though the magic in this world used by blood, but nothing more than this... the blood itself won't grow, nor will it make you stronger... Only by training skills of magic one will be able to extract the magic blood ability...

So this talent will only make one more skillful when he controls magic, or easier to learn magic... Since his connection to his own magical blood is higher than normal!

For such a talent... It's really a waste to leave it for Snape!

But for Gray, this talent can be said to be a divine talent! And in a sense, only someone like him can extract its usefulness to the fullest!

He will meet many kinds of powers and energies in the future...

Gray knows himself better than anyone... His original talent can be called, extremely normal... Even lower than normal!

If his talent were original good, his development on the dark shadow source wouldn't have been so slow even though the ring was magnifying its power...

So he really wishes to find more such weird attributes...

But without Baccarat... Gray doesn't have much hope to meet more...

'sigh' Gray sighed and shook his head helplessly...


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