Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 168 - Taking Mary Out!

Deep down in the underground... A golden bright room...

The walls of this room were coated with gold, a bright light was made by golden electricity moving inside the golden walls as a hidden snake shining the room gorgeously...

And in the middle of the room, there was a unique field of colorless energy making a huge globe in the middle of the void generated from a black cubic box suspending above the ground calmly...

Looking at this energy field, the first thing that will catch the eyes of the lookers wasn't the globe itself, but what was inside it...

What inside this energy field was actually a woman...

A silky long black hair, long eyelashes, and a pair of black eyes holding a dark-gold deep inside them giving her gaze an imposing majesty, her skin was fair white, and her ears were sharper than usual...

She was wearing two gold gauntlets and pair of leg armors that fitted her elegantly... Behind this woman, there were a pair of cute small white wings that can't be used for anything... but was enough to give this woman a fairly unique aura... As if she was an Angelic warrior!

One word... Beautiful... Two words... Perilously beautiful... Three words... Beautiful yet deadly!

Yes... very deadly... Because inside the field she was imprisoned in, there was bright golden energy being suppressed inside moving around her restlessly...

With every second passing by, this energy becoming more and more violent than before trying to break free from the field around it...

Just by looking at this energy, one can feel the heavy power within it... And the way it was swarming around her shows that she was the source...

Well... But soon enough this energy disappeared... apparently was absorbed by this woman...

In front of her, there was a creepy golden statue of a broken thing, and a gigantic gate sealing the room she was in...

And the reason she stopped her energy was because she actually saw this door being opened by itself... And three small figures came in after the door was opened...


Five pairs of eyes looked at each other at this moment...

Happiness, wondering, and... curiosity...

Different emotions appeared in everyone's eyes in just a few seconds... Both the woman and the four comers...

"Mary!!!! Finally found you!!" Perona looked at Mary inside the energy field and shouted with happiness...

Perona couldn't suppress herself and moved forward wanting to jump to Mary's side!

"Perona! Stop! don't get closer!!!" Mary saw Perona and directly recognized her, but also screamed trying to stop Perona from getting closer to her...

Mary was able to recognize Perona because... Even though Perona changed so much since they last met... But Perona was still Perona... And She was also an elf... Her physical age hasn't changed at all since the last time they saw each other... Besides.... for her, it has been a few days only... So she wasn't so surprised seeing Perona arriving...

Hearing Mary's words, Perona stopped and looked at the globe of energy around Mary with doubt...

"So she's Mary? Angel? Small wings?" Niala looked at Mary and spoke first...

"Hmm? They are?" Mary also saw Gray and Niala and had a weird look in her eyes, so she asked Perona with doubt... She ignored the last part of Niala's words skillfully...

But when she saw Gray's iconic white hair and crown her eyes stopped...

"Good to see you safe... Mary...." Gray saw Mary's weird eyes and didn't care but smiled with relief...

Looking at Mary in front of him was safe and sound, Gray felt as if a huge weight was talked down of his heart...

For four years he was worried about Mary and the others... for a whole four years... Even though he guessed that it might be one day only for them, but he can't be at ease completely... After all, no one knows what will happen in this world... Even though each one of his partners was so abnormal in some sense... But since Perona dropped into the underground crystal room, there was no telling if the others will also fell into a different wrong situation...

".....Gray... is it?" The moment Mary heard Gray's words, an odd look appeared on her face...

In fact, just from Gray's hair and crown, she was able to recognize him... It's just... She didn't dare to believe for a second...

After all... there was a great difference between the Gray she knows and the current Gray...

The current Gray... If it wasn't that she knew him before, she would have thought he was a handsome little girl...


But before she says anything, the entire underground started shaking, including the room they were staying in...

"Bad... Gray! Help me remove this damn thing! See that box under me, Destroy it!" Mary saw the place started shaking and tried to push the energy field around her violently, Apparently she was so mad about this unbreakable field of energy around her... But couldn't do anything about it...

"Heh? What is happening?" Perona heard Mary's words and asked...

"This box was made by this dead man... He used it to trap me here a few seconds before I killed him...I couldn't free myself but managed to release energy forcefully around... I was trying to destroy this place since I can't destroy the box directly... And looks like my plan worked out... Anyway, Hurry up..." Mary answered some of their doubts...

From her words, a few things were cleared...

The tragic statue in front of them was the owner of this place probably and was killed by Mary somehow... Apparently, the reason why Mary was here, wasn't so good...

And Mary was trapped here not being able to get her body out...

Along the way, Gray also wondered why this place lost its power completely... when he saw the golden lightning moving around before he came here, he already guessed...

It was Mary's doing... And that was why all the machines in this place weren't working... Apparently, her lightning destroyed everything here...

Plus... she also managed to bring destruction to the place core...

A very violent style... Yet so effective... Like this, the cube under her might be destroyed and she will be freed...

Even though she will also be buried down here... But as a bolt of golden lightning, Mary can handle something light this...

Well... As expected from Mary... Still the same...


There wasn't much time for them to talk, and Gray knows that they should leave, so he didn't try to ask her anything more for the time being pointed his hand on the cube...

With his hand movement, Gray used his ability wanted to destroy it... But he found the magnet field around this cube was quite weird and uncontrollable... which also made him understand why Mary didn't try to destroy it, but choice destroys the entire place...

Let's not say... Even the field of energy around her has a weird magnet lock... Like this, Mary really can't force her body out in one piece...


The surrounding golden walls began to vibrate more violently and more cracks were painted in the entire room with each passing second ...

"Shouldn't we leave already..." Niala looked at the cracks in the ceiling and asked...

But Gray didn't answer and walked forward while covering his hand with Haki...

"No... you can't do it like this... This energy field repeals everything that tries to get closer to it... getting anymore closer might hurrr..." Mary wanted to stop Gray and warn him, but before she finishes her words, Gray already floated to her side and entered the energy field in front of her...

"You..." Mary speechlessly looked at Gray's silver eyes in front of her not knowing what to say...

Gray actually entering the field she worked very hard to remove and failed so easily...

Yup... Gray usually handles things in a very weird way... And that was why she was speechless...

"Let's go..." Gray smiled at Mary's close face and held her hand then flew out the energy field as if there was nothing blocking their way completely ignoring the energy around them...


"Perona!" the moment they came out, a stronger shock appeared all over the place... way stronger than before... And the cracks became bigger and bigger, which shows that this place won't hold on anymore...

When Gray felt this, he didn't panic and called Perona who already understood what he wants to do, and caught Niala beside her while stretching her hand at Gray...


As soon as Gray touched Perona's hand their bodies twisted in the void together and disappeared from the place completely...

And the moment Gray and the others disappeared from the place, the entire underground started collapsing...

As the place was being destroyed, the cubic box on the ground also started shining a bright blue light while the globe also started acting abnormally...

But before it reacts much, the golden room crashed and everything was devoted by the earth...




The small village on the surface...

Still as calm as Gray left it... but soon this calmness changed completely...

*Earth shock*

The ground of the entire village and the area around started shaking violently and a bright blue light shined from the ground...


With the light appearance, the ground didn't keep shaking but collapsed down as if there was nothing under it making a balloon air leakage sound... And soon the surface disappeared while bright blue energy came out from the ground devouring everything...

The village, the sea beside it, and even the forest not far away from it were devoured completely by the light that was made from deep in the gound...


Weirdly the light didn't explode nor moved further but simply devoured anything it touches till finally, it started shrinking and disappeared as if it wasn't there leaving nothing in its place...

* SHAAA * The moment the light disappeared, the whole village area disappeared, leaving a huge bottomless crater that will be filled with the endless sea next to it in no time...


Besides a new hole in the ground where Gray entered before, a sharp tearing sound appeared from the void, and Gray with the others came out again...

"UGAA... What was that... Feel dizzy..." Mary who experienced apparition for the first time felt the world was spinning around her at this moment....

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