Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 169 - How Was It?

"That was fun +.+..." Niala looked at the huge hole being filled with water in front of her and said with a happy face... Looks like she enjoyed the near-death escape just now somehow...

"Fun?" Mary heard Niala saying fun about almost getting killed weirdly...

"UGHAA..." But soon she felt more nausea...

"Are you okay Mary...." Perona looked at the dizzy Mary and asked with a worried face...

"Well, I'm fine Perona... Just a bit dizzy... What was that? It's not like your shadow teleport..." Mary touched her head and asked Gray...

Gray used to move in shadows before, which gave him the same teleportation ability... But not as weird as now...

"Magic...Well... Let's leave this place first... We shouldn't stay here for long" Gray saw that Mary was already good and said as he was staring at the sea in front of him with calm silver eyes...

"Yeah..." Mary also knows that the big changes here will soon attract some troubles... So it was better to leave first...

So they left the place and soon disappeared from the area completely...



After a few hours, Gray didn't keep moving but stopped somewhere in a rather open place between the forest trees...

Before they move randomly, he should choose his next direction... Besides, Mary still needs some rest...

"That bastard... That blue light thing should also be one of his creations... To think that after destroying the underground, there will be such an explosion... I might have died down there..." After calming down, Mary finally relaxed a little and said with little fear on her face... she felt a great threat from the blue light... Even as lightning, she might not leave safely...

Hearing her words, Gray and Perona also felt lucky that they came to Mary first... The situation was really dangerous...

"Why have you been down there Mary?" After hearing what she said, Gray looked at Mary and asked... With her ability, she shouldn't be caught and brought down forcefully...

"Ah, this... I was kidnaped while resting..." Mary spoke with a blank face... She wasn't happy about this fact...

"Kidnapped? Can anyone kidnap you?" Perona heard Mary's words and felt odd...

"I was misled by your paper at first... plus... I have wasted so much energy while moving through the damn ocean..." Mary looked at Perona and answer...

"My card mislead you? moving through the ocean?" Perona looked at Mary and felt confused...

"The crystal room reason..." Gray answered Perona's doubts... He also met the same situation... The crystal room was weirdly confusing the card direction...

"Yeah, I was already led to the sea by your paper, and when I changed my way to Baccarat, her paper moved in one endless damn sea that was filled with beast direction... besides... I was already so exhausted after the war... So when I reaching the village, I took some rest..." Mary told her adventure in the sea with a tired face...

"And when I woke up, I found myself in an underground laboratory... the broken statue you saw in the room before was the one who made the underground laboratory... His name was Kim.. something... I don't remember... From what he said, he used a sleeping gas before kidnapping me... But my resistance to drugs is quite high... So I woke up before he could do anything..." Mary touched her head while thinking of what happened these days which made her face weaker...

"He was obsessed with some research and wanted to use me as his test subject, saying that he can make my blood race ability more perfect... I didn't understand exactly... Apparently, he was a memory awakener of some weird knowledge..." As she said this, Mary's eyes showed an evil light inside them...

"And yup... I killed him... Honestly, though he was so creepy, he was quite strong... Especially his usual tools and machines...But yeah... Smart people's mistakes will cost more than they can imagine... He doesn't understand my ability completely and wanted to control me... So I kill him quickly... But before he dies, he used his fourth weird awakening ability to summon that weird cube before he dies in a few seconds and threw it on me... Saying it was his Ultimate art... And like this, I was trapped there till you came and took me out..." Finally, Mary said everything happened with her in one breath...

"Haaa... So that's what happened..." Perona nodded her head after hearing everything... What Mary said, completely explained to them everything and the weird things they saw in the underground laboratory...

long story short... a man with a technology encyclopedia in his mind made an underground laboratory for himself and became something like a mad scientist... After finding Mary, he arrogantly wanted to catch her and use her for his experiment... But Mary's power was beyond his control and was killed... But before he dies, he used his super last card and trapped Mary to death with him... But lucky for Mary, they appeared and saved the day...

'Ultimate art?' Gray thought of Mary's words, and the weird box with a weird magnet field appeared on his mind...

"Gray... Tell me who's she?... And What is this stunning snake around your shoulders?" Seeing Nagini's gorgeous look, Mary's eyes brightened a lot and asked, she wanted to ask from the moment she saw Gray but didn't have the chance...

However... first, she caught Niala's hand who was already standing behind her stretching her evil claws ready to touch her wings...

"@$%#@%" Nagini who was quiet all the time raised her head and looked at Mary with curiosity and made a soft sound as if introducing herself... But her eyes kept watching Mary's wings...

Mary's image resembles the angel in the legends so much... So she was quite so curious about Mary...

"She's Nagini, our new partner... As for her... Hmmm... She's Niala for now..." Gray introduced Nagini with a smile while touching her head... And then looked at Niala oddly and said.

"Oy, that's harsh..." Niala heard Gray's words and said with dead fish eyes.

After that Niala also introduced herself and started moving around Mary with great curiosity in her eyes...

Especially when it came to Mary's white wings, she already tried to touch them a few times...

But will Mary allow her?

Niala's actions somehow surprised Mary... After all, it was their first time they met... Normally, one won't act like this around a stranger...

So she already labeled Niala as an odd one...

Soon after Perona started endless chatter with Mary, though they haven't used many words, one of Perona's soul abilities was telepathy... So she spoke directly through Mary's mind... Which scared Mary at first but soon she only felt more curious and started talking with Perona thought mind... Even Nagini joined their chat...

As for Gray, he already guessed what was happening so he sat on the chair and looked at Perona and Mary with a smile...

"You have interesting partners..." Niala saw Perona and Mary entering another world of their own that she doesn't understand and came to Gray's side and said...

"Yeah...." Gray agreed with Niala's words with a smile... Now he found Mary, Gray more and more want to find the others soon...

To see that whole picture of everyone together again...

"What about you Niala? don't you have someone out there?" Gray suddenly turned his face and asked Niala... Even though Niala said that she has nowhere to go before... But she didn't say she has no one outside...

But Niala simply shook her shoulders ignoring Gray's question, then raised her hand and a piece of chocolate appeared from the bracelet she's wearing...

Seeing her ignoring his question, Gray didn't care much just glanced at Niala's bracelet for a second then shifted his eyes at Mary and Perona...




A few hours later, the light already disappeared from the sky...

Gray found a relatively hidden place to camp and conjured a few things for them to rest...

Seeing everything was calm around him, Gray raised his hand ready to summon something...

"Huh?" But suddenly Mary came directly in front of him and lowered her head to her level while looking at him with funny eyes... Which stopped him from what he wanted to do...

"What?" Gray looked at Mary in front of him and asked...

"Gray... You haven't told me yet... What the hell happened to you? How did you become so adorable like this?" Mary stretched her hand and caught Gray's cheeks while asking with silly eyes...

"-_-*... I don't know... Just woke up and found my body like this..." Gray took Mary's hands-off and said with a blank expression...

"Haaaaa... From what Perona said... Your body was even younger... pfft... Baccarat and Taurielwould love to see your current form... So cute" Mary saw Gray's bad face and felt funnier so she wanted to tease him more...

But soon she gave up and sat calmly beside him...

"Well... It's good like this... At least nothing really sad happened... And we are still alive in the end... So all this isn't a problem anymore... looks like, Baccarat saved us from something we can't imagine..." Mary said while looking at Perona who was sleeping with Nagini not far away...

The last moment they left the world... Baccarat used a strong aura of luck on them... Yet they were separated like this, and Perona almost lost her life in the underground place... Gray lost his power...

What would have happened if Baccarat hadn't used luck? Both Gray and Mary didn't want to think of this...

"Yeah..." Gray nodded his head agreeing to what Mary said...

As Mary said... Since they were alive...

"So... How was it?" After being silent for some time, Mary suddenly asked...

"How what?" Gray asked calmly...

He thought she will ask him about the other world or something related to it... But Mary's next words froze Gray in his place...

"How was it... Baccarat lips?" Mary suddenly smiled wickedly again and said something completely destroyed the warm atmosphere around....

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