Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 20 - What Did I Miss ?

Early in the next morning, a group of people riding their houses moving in the forest. It's just in this calm forset, you can hear a scream coming for behind this group.

"Wait, Mr. Gray wait for me...!!!" A short guy was shouting from behind and running on his fastest speed to catch with this group of people. Naturally, this group is Gray and his party.

"Bilbo....?" When Gray heard the voice, he was somehow surprised.

"You know him?" one of the dwarves besides Gray asked.

"Yes...." Of course Gray knows him. It's just he really didn't think Bilbo will come after refusing his last invitation.

"hmm.." Come to think of it isn't this the same forest from the original movie when Bilbo followed Gandalf and the others. But what is his reason to follow this time?

"Meh...., Finally catch up with you" When Bilbo reached the group he took a deep breath, apparently he was running on his fastest speed to catch with Gray.

"Bilbo, what brought you here?" Even though he already has an idea about Bilbo's thoughts, Gray still asked.

"Mr. Gray, When you left I thought about the words you said to me. And found that your right, books are still books, I want to see the world by myself, have my own adventure" Bilbo stood before Gray and said what in his heart.

"I see..." Even though he expected such an answer, but Gray still felt surprised.

To tell the truth, Gray was troubled about how will the plot change without Bilbo. But it looks like it is not easy to change the plot as he thought.

"Mr. Gray, can you tell us who is this gentleman?" At this time, Thorin spoke and asked Gray.

"Well... Let me introduce you, he's Bilbo Baggins, A Hobbit. And the burglar you need" Gray introduced Bilbo for the others. Thorin wanted to refuse to let Bilbo joining them but Gray persuades him, and even Gandalf wanted Bilbo to join, so Thorin said nothing in the end.

As for the other dwarves, it was easy for them to accept Bilbo, maybe because they have the same length, or because of Bilbo's naive personality.

All in all, Everything went back to the right track.

Soon the night comes and they had to camp on the mountain road. In the middle of the night, Bilbo couldn't sleep, the dwarves snoring was so loud and it's his first time to stay outside. So he stood up and tried to find something to do.

Gray at this moment, was laying in the rook, with his eyes closed.

"AKSHAAAA" Suddenly a weird sound sounded.

"What was that?!" Bilbo was scared by the sound and asked.

"Orcs" the younger dwarf Kali, saw Bilbo scared by the orcs sound and wanted to scare him more by telling stories. But he annoyed Thorin by what he said and was scolded.

After that as the original, the elder dwarf Balin told them Thorin story and how he defeated the pale orc Azog.

when he ended telling the story all the dwarves stood up and looked at Thorin back with more respect.

After this scene happened since everyone was awake, they rode their horses and went back to the road again.

Along the way, Gray was thinking about the plot, today they should meet the Trolls. Inside the troll cave, there should be three good weapons Sting, Glamdring and Orcrist.

What Gray really really wants Glamdring, this sword is one of the strongest weapons of Middle-earth, Gandalf even killed Balrog such a monster using this sword. Which shows how powerful this sword is.

Along the way, Gandalf proposed to go to Rivendell to find Elrond. The map in their hand records the secret passage inside the mountain but it's written by an ancient language, and not many could read it. Elrond may be able to read it.

Because the treasure inside the lonely mountain, many people want to enter and try their luck, But Gandalf knows that only by the secret passage written in the map they will really be able to enter, if Elrond can't read this map then he has to find another way.

But Thorin hate the Elves, when the dragon invades the lonely mountain, the elves didn't help them, so Thorin believes that the demise of his own people, a large part of it was because of the Elves.

The information inside the map, Gray remembers, but he kept silent and didn't say anything just watching Gandalf and Thorin quarreling. Gray doesn't want to change the plot, it least till he gets Sauron ring and the elves genes, he will try not to change much.

Soon as the original movie, Gandalf left annoyed. And Thorin decided to camp in the place.

At night, after dinner was ready, Kali and his brother said to Gray that two horses were lost. Gray knows it's the Troll, so he took the initiative to find the horses by himself.

"Mr. Gray, don't you need help?" Kali looked at Gray and asked.

"No, you go back and tell Thorin and the others" Gray wants to fight the Trolls by himself, he wants to test his strength against the creatures of this world.

Gray followed the trolls and soon he saw where they camp, when Gray found them, they were ready to eat the horses.

Gray didn't want to hide, so he stepped forward and said: "Hey big guy over there, those horses belong to me. Could you give them back?".

"What is this!" The stupid one asked.

"He looks like human" The strong one said.

"His smell so weird," The Troll leader said.

"He looks delicious, can we eat him?" the stupid one said again.

Hearing them talking about him as if he was just food, Gray felt insulted... "they really think of me as food, and you there, what do you mean I smell weird... you don't have the right to say that!!!!!"

Gray wanted to kill them anyway, but since he heard them say those words, he wanted to torture them before ending their life. Gray didn't say anything and directly threw two daggers from his hands to the closest one to him.

"AWWWAA" the daggers directly penetrated the Troll Leader eyes.

The other two saw Gray attacking, didn't stay still, and directly attacked Gray. The strong one wanted to catch Gray with his hand. But Gray's body suddenly floated away dodging his hand, at the same time Gray moved his hand and attacked with another dagger toward the Troll face.

"Damn!!" The strong one was angry when the dagger scratched his face.

Gray found his attack only wounded his skin and didn't do any real damage. So he only aimed for the eyes and the neck.

The reason why Gray was able to dodge just now. because he wore many iron pieces under his clothes, by pulling the iron pieces using the metal control ability which also pulls his body away, so in this way, he could dodge and fight in close range at the same time.

While Gray was fighting the Trolls, Thorin and the other dwarves run fast to catch up with Gray, but what they saw when they reached was a completely different scene from what they thought. Gray moving weirdly like a feather between the Trolls and attacking their weak spots from time to time.

"Awesome" Thorin said with a very surprised look in his face. It's his first time to see someone could fight in such a way, I mean Gray movement is really weird as if a hidden hand moving his body left and right in the way he needs.

"Mr. Gray should be a human right? how come his movement is more slippery than the elves?!!" The other dwarves were equally surprised, and even some of them removed Gray from the human category.

If Gray heard him he will probably say: "Of course, I'm a human.... for now". After copying elves gene he would be half-elves or maybe mutant elves, anyway, he shouldn't be human anymore.

It didn't take long all the three Trolls fall down with a very miserable look, their eyes were destroyed, bloody scars all over their bodies. Even the dwarves felt bad looking at their situation.

"HM" Gray looked at the half-dead Trolls with a mocking eye. Dare to think of me as food, see how I'll make you wish death.

When those Trolls said that they want to eat Gray, they didn't realize how those words annoyed him. For 3 years he lived under the fear that he will be eaten by the zombies. And now a weak chicken wants to eat me?

At this time Gandalf came back and was ready to use magic(pretend) to attack the Trolls. But the scene he saw almost made him fall off the rock: "What did I miss!!!!"

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