Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 21 - Weird Crown

Even though Gandalf was surprised by the scene he saw, that didn't stop him from what he wanted to do, after hitting the stone, the light passed and met the trolls body, and instantly they turned to stones because they were lying on the ground, if someone didn't look carefully he will think it's just another stone on the road.

Gray looked at the Trolls with some regrets, he wanted to see them suffer even more.


Like the original, after Gandalf greeted everyone he pointed out that those Trolls shouldn't be here, and because they cant stay under the sunlight there might be a cave around.

After a little search, they found the cave, at the moment Gray saw the cave, he felt a little weird deep inside his heart. As if something telling him, what you need is inside!.

Even though he was uncomfortable with this feeling, he still rushed in before Gandalf and Thorin. Gray wants to put his hand on the good weapons first, after all, what's inside is one of his goals.

As he entered the cave, he directly saw what he wanted to see, Glamdring and Orcrist standing beside each other, Gray directly picked the two swords, but he didn't rush to test them and took a second look around the cave, since he is here he should examine the place carefully, who knows maybe he will find something else.

Come to think about it, it's really weird that such a huge amount of good weapons is stored in this cave, maybe it's not the Trolls who made this cave, it could be someone else and they just used it.

While Gray was looking around, Gandalf and Thorin already entered the cave, When Gandalf saw Glamdring and Orcrist in Gray hand, his eyes twitched, he already saw the potential of those swords, but what can he say, since they fall to Gray's hands first, then they belong to him, he only hopes that Gray won't waste them.

After searching for a while, Gandalf and the other dwarves picked what they need from the cave and Gray already found the Sting; the short dagger that Bilbo used on the original.

But the weird feeling still didn't disappear. After some thought, Gray closed his eyes and used his ability to sense all the metals around him, the deeper he senses the more the feeling became stronger.

Suddenly Gray's eyes opened and looked at the wall to his left. Gray moved his hand and touched the mud wall, then he used his ability to the fullest, apparently, he wants to drag something inside the wall.

A bit after,a crack appeared on the wall, and a circular object came out.

Gray looked at this round metal object with some wonder.

"So.. this is my weird feeling source....." Gray looked at it and started to wipe the dust off it.

Soon the real shape of this metal object appeared in front of Gray. How to say it... On first look it's a crown, in the second look, it's a Forehead band, Golden black color, ancient texter all around it within an empty slot in the middle. Gray looked at this band and only felt beautiful and elegant.

Gray is not an accessories lover but he couldn't help but like the one. So he raised his and wanted to put it on his head.

At the same time, Gandalf entered the cave to look for Gray, but when he saw Gray ready to put the crown on his head, his face suddenly changed greatly, and screamed: "STOP!".

But it was already late the crown was already on Gray's head .....

"Gandalf?" Gray looked at Gandalf wondering why did he scream just now. But Gray didn't have the time to think, the crown on his head suddenly glowed a strong black light, as if it is trying to devour all the light around.

"AGHHAA" Gray felt great pain from his head, As if a fire ring burning he's his head and slowly moving to his entire body.

Gandalf instantly came to Gray's side. he tried to remove the crown. But when he touches it, the crown burst more light as if rejecting Gandalf.

"AGHAAA, OLD... M...AN DO SOMET....HING" Gray couldn't stand this pain, even his word has become unclear. Seeing Gray suffering from pain like this, Gandalf muttered some weird words and put his hands on Gray's eyes.

Gray felt as if he was drowned by pain, and soon he lost consciousness.

After Gray lost his consciousness the crown didn't stop glowing but become even shinier. Gandalf looked at all this with deep eyes, he noticed that this crown was trying to merge with Gray's head, so all he could do to Gray was to make him sleep to loosen his pain.

About ten minutes later the crown stopped glowing, and Gray face becomes clear again, but this time, some changes happened to him, the crown has complete merged to his head as if it was a part of his head, and under his left eye an elegant and beautiful black tattoo was added, giving his face meaner and elegant touch.

Gandalf looked at the changes in Gray's face, he sighed. The moment he saw this crown in Gray's hands he felt deep malice and black magic from it, so he tried to stop Gray from wearing it, but it was late already, at the same time he didn't stop it from merging with Gray, because this might hurt Gray's mind, and this is not he wishes to see.

Soon Gandalf came out from the cave carrying Gray in his hands. When Bilbo and the dwarves saw the unconsciousness Gray, they were surprised, they saw how strong Gray is, so they wonder what will make him lose his consciousness?

Bilbo and the other asked what happened to Gray, But Gandalf didn't answer them, and just said that Gray should wakeup soon.

As for the weapons that Gray picked up from the cave, of course, they were brought along.

Gray was carried by Gandalf, then they continued their journey. They soon met Radagast the Brown. After Radagast told Gandalf about the undead attack and the necromancer he gave Gandalf the sword he found in the old forest.

"AWOOOO" Suddenly, they heard a wolf howling. Thorin's face and the others changed, apparently, the Orcs were near.

"I will help you lead those Orcs away" like the original Gandalf and the others relied on Radagast to lead the orcs away and tried to run away.

But soon they were found by the orcs after some twist and turn, the Elves finally reached and helped them.

The moment the Elves saw Gandalf and the dwarves they surrendered them.

"King Elrond, My friend" Gandalf looked at the leader of those elves and said.

"Mithrandir", Elrond smiled at Gandalf called him by the name that elves gave him, which means (the Grey Wanderer) or (the Grey Pilgrim).

Thorin and the other dwarves looked at the elves with hatred in their eyes, just coldly watching Gandalf and Elrond talking.

Elrond didn't care about them but looked at the unconsciousness Gray in Gandalf's shoulder and said.

"Looks like you and your friends here need some help, why don't you come to Rivendell and take some rest" Elrond elegantly opened his hands and invited them.

When Thorin heard those words he wanted to refuse, but after thinking of Gray's situation, and the information inside the map on his hands, he kept silent and followed Gandalf to the elves gathering place.

After some greeting Elrond prepared a feast for the dwarves and led Gandalf to another room.

"Here you can let him rest" Elrond prepared this room for the unconsciousness Gray.

But when Elrond saw the crown on Gray's head. His face was surprised. The text that carved on this crown was a very old Elven language that even he himself cant read it.

"Mithrandir, who is he? and how did this crown appeared on his head?" Elrond couldn't help but ask. After all, this crown may be a treasure left by the elves of the old ages.

Gandalf told him everything that happened, After all even he doesn't know what is this crown really is. After Elrond learned what happened from Gandalf, he blinked a little and was thinking, after some thought, he said: "Black magic, Black Light?... This crown may be made by elves, how could it have dark magic??"

Elrond felt weird, this is his first time to hear such a thing. Black magic on the elven crown?. Elrond lived a long time and this is his first time to hear about such a thing.


At night, as the original Elrond helped the dwarves and read the information inside the map under the moon-light.

At the same time, inside the room, Gray's eyebrow twitched a little.

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