Gray stood in front of the castle. It cant be called a castle but more like a Mansion.

A huge mansion that resembles a gothic-style cathedral.

Here he should found Hogback. The fourth member the Mysterious Four on this island(Thriller Bark).

Dr. Hogback is a world-renowned surgeon. He joined Moria to create a group of powerful zombie army for him. And the reason he joined this ship actually because he wanted to bring the woman he liked back to life.

But unfortunately for him. The woman he brought back wasn't the same woman he loved once. After gaining life by the shadow Moria put on her dead body. Her personality and way of thinking, actions. All became different. Almost like a robots listen for orders.

"Well, let's go" Gray didn't think much and entered the mansion.

Walked to the main room of this mansion. Gray felt many eyes are looking at him. And in fact, there are really many eyes are looking at them.

The pictures, rags, walls, and even the simple teacups. Most of the things inside this mansion actually a zombie Moria created.

The feeling being watched by everything around made Gray and his party feel annoyed.

"Ok... Let's destroy this place." Gray doesn't want to waste more time and directly started destroying everything around.


Not far away in the Mast. This is a large tower in the middle of Thriller Bark and it's actually the mast of the ship, as well as a mansion. This is where Gecko Moria resided. Inside this mansion, there is a giant freezer.

Moria was standing in front of the freezer while looking at his strongest zombie project.

The Special Zombie Oars(Oz)!

Oars(Oz) was an infamous ancient giant who was born over 500 years prior to the current storyline. After he died, his body was unearthed by Moria. Due to his massive size even among most giants. Moria didn't give Oars(Oz) any shadow till now.

He wants to give it the strongest shadow he could found. But till now he didn't find an appropriate shadow.

"YEAHHH!!. Mr. Moria!!!!" Suddenly a little girl's voice came from outside and run to moria with a frightened face and some tears on her eyes.

Perona the ghost princess!.

"What's wrong Perona??!" Moria looked at Perona's frightened face and wondered what happened to her.

"Absalom is dead!! the intruder has killed him!!!!" Perona was using the ghost to spy on Gray and his party all time.

At first, when they easily killed the zombie she didn't care much. But after seeing Absalom's death. Perona was frightened and directly came to Moria to report this. All those who entered the Thriller Bark didn't have the chance to even hurt them. But now Gray actually kill one of them. This is the first time something like this happen. So she scared right now.

"What!!!" Hearing Perona's words. Moria was stunned for a second. Then suddenly a wave of great anger appeared on his heart.

For Moria losing a partner is probably the most painful thing! Since his last tragic defeat against Kaido. Moria never wanted to lose a companion again. But now Absalom is dead!. Such a fact was very unacceptable for him.

Moria appears to have cared deeply for the Gecko Pirates, who were famous throughout the world. Upon losing them all in the battle between his crew and the Beasts Pirates(Kaido pirates) at Wano Country, Moria became bitter and his ideals of a crew changed drastically, desiring a crew of zombies that would never result in another irreplaceable loss.

Despite his twisted perceptions, Moria still cares about his crew.

"Are you sure Absalom is dead?" Moria asked again. He really hopes Perona saw wrong.

"Yes... That white-haired man cut his head!" Perona didn't dare to hide anything and directly reported everything she saw.

After hearing her report. Moria's mind snapped from anger. Then he looked at Oars with crazy eyes.


Gray, it this moment was standing on the mansion's debris. While looking at the weird man in a coma in front of him.

"Anyone want to become a doctor?" Gray looked at his partners and asked. Dr. Hogback has good medicine skills. Even though Gray doesn't really value these skills so much. After all, he will probably encounter more magical medicine skills in the future.

Hearing Gray's question Tauriel was interesting. But after hearing Gray's explanation about his skills. She lost interest suddenly. This Hogback's skills are really good. But it's not really suitable for her. She has magical elven medicine skills. What will she do with this Hogback's skills?. If it was another magical medicine skill. She will gladly learn it.

Seeing no one really interested. Gray already expected this and wanted to kill him.

But suddenly a weird samurai zombie came at a very fast speed and waved his sword toward Gray. But Gray already notice him and moved his hand and stopped his sword with his palm.

"What!"The samurai zombie was surprised by the Gray defense. He actually stopped his sword with his palm!.

"BISH!!" Before he could move back Tauriel came from the other side and waved her swords toward him.

"TISH" "TOSH!!" Tauriel and the zombie clashed together and fought at a very fast speed.

Gray and his party looked at Tauriel and the samurai zombie that fighting and didn't mean to join.

Shimotsuki Ryuma! This zombie is a legendary samurai from Wano Country who was turned into a General Zombie by Gecko Moria hundreds of years after his death.

(Wano Country is a country in the New World that is not affiliated with the World Government. It is currently occupied by the Beasts Pirates as their territory, under Kaido, one of the Four Emperors.)

Fighting with him might be a good chance for Tauriel to advance her sword skills. This why Gray didn't help or let others help her.

"This... this!!! She can fight with him!!!" Brook was so shocked at this moment. He knows the zombie in front of him more than anyone. After all, this zombie actually has his Shadow!!!.

He fought many times with him before trying to get his shadow back. But without expectation. He never succeeded. Every time he almost wins. But finally, he loses.

But from his fighting with Tauriel, he found that this damn zombie never used his real power against him! Which means he was always playing with him!

When he fought before Ryuma used only the skills that he got from his shadow. Which made Brook think that this is his real power. But now the sword skills he's showing are far more superior. This Ryuma was actually toying with him before!. No wonder why he always loses to him!.

"TISH""TSHAK" The fight between Ryuma and Tauriel started to reach its peak. Fast and dangerous sword movement. Many sword slash marks on the earth around them.

If you look at Tauriel carefully you can see that her moves are getting stronger and stronger with every sword swing. With her two swords slowly pushing Ryuma back.

If Tauriel wanted to kill him she would have done this already. With her strong Observation /Armament Haki. She could destroy this zombie easily. But she didn't do this. And took the chance to learn and make her sword skills stronger.

"Wosh! Boom" Soon Ryuma wasn't able to hold under her fast sword and was directly thrown back.

"Excellent! Perfect...!" Ryuma who was on the ground slowly stood up and looked at Tauriel with hollowed eyes.

"Woosh" Suddenly a weird blue fire appeared and started to burn his rotten body

"This is one of the 21 Greatswords in this world. Shusui!"Black Sword/Blade"... This katana(sword) should be satisfied staying with you" Before he completely disappears. Ryuma threw the sword on his hand to Tauriel and completely collapsed and disappeared not leaving even dust behind him.

Looking at all this. Gray stared at Brook with wonder.

From Ryuma's actions. He found that its different from other zombies around. Could it be... he always had a soul and his own will? Brook is the owner of reviving fruit. Maybe when Ryuma's body got Brook's shadow. Ryuma's soul revived and went back to the body. But wasn't able to act on its own will because of Moria restrictions. So he decided to find a new owner for his sword and then destroy himself!!!!

(Or maybe not. Gray is not very sure about this. It's only some guesses.)

After that Brook's shadow went back to him. This bone was so excited to get his shadow back. That he even started to jump and cry from happens. Even though he can't cry. After all, he doesn't have eyes...

Looking at the happy Brook everyone around also smiled.

Tauriel held the sword on her hand and stared at it blankly for a minute. But soon she threw Orcrist to her space bag. and

Gray merged many attributes to Glamdring and Orcrist before. So she's wasn't planning to change her swords. But she found that this new sword is more fit with her fighting style.

(Orcrist; So you will abandon the handsome me! so sad!)

"Well... Let's.." Before Gray continue his words.

"BOOOM!" Suddenly the earth started shaking.

"BOOM...BOOM"Feeling the earth under him trembling. Gray looked at the direction of the Mast. He doesn't need to use observation Haki. He can see an enormous shadow is walking toward them.

"What is this!!" Legolas looked at the giant shadow that is walking toward them with shock!!!

Not only Legolas, everyone here had the same reaction And directly grasped their weapons ready to fight.

"This should be... Moria's special zombie. Orac" Gray looked at Orac's huge figure and explained to them.

"Zombie? Can a zombie be this big?!!!!" Mary as a survivor form Hero base. She naturally saw and heard about many evolved zombies. But this is her first time seeing such a big zombie!.


Soon they were able to see Oz's real look.

An extremely large, red-skinned, two large horns and long yellow hair that flows from his head to his back. His upper jaw consists mostly of straight-edged molars, while his lower jaw consists of several sharp fangs and two large tusks.

His overall look resembles an ancient giant demon!.

Gray didn't care about the big body of Oz. But looked at Oz's stomach. If he remembers correctly.

Moria should have made a room inside Oz's stomach. Which means he should be there right now.

"Intruder!, prepare to die!" Moria looked at Gray from inside Oz and directly ordered Oz to attack.

"Be careful!" Looking at the big fist that is coming toward them Gray directly moved away from the place.

"BOOOM!" As Oz's fist falls down. The entire Island started shaking violently.

"So strong!" This is the first time to see such a powerful fist!. Gray was really surprised.

"WOOHS!" Legolas who already dodged took his bow and shoot arrows toward Oz's eyes.

But weirdly thing happened again.

Oz's shadow suddenly moved and became another Giant Oz defending the real body!.

Seeing this Gray eyes darkened.

He wondered who's shadow Moria gave to Oz. But this crazy guy actually gave him his own shadow!!!

Moria can control his own shadow to make a clone of himself. So there is no reason he can't do such a thing. With his shadow. It's will be like a giant Moria with Dark fruit ability.

Well... That's sucks!

When did Moria become so smart? Did I watch fake one-piece?!!!....

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