Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 55 - Moria's Fall!

"BOOM" BOSH!!" Two giants shadow one red, one purple-black. Rampaging and destroying everything around.

The entire Ship/Island is shaking violently from the power fo those two giants.

"Stop running away you little Bugs!" The red giant looked at his punch again missed its target and started to get annoyed.

Gray flew around the red Oz. And kept using his metal control ability trying to hurt him. But this Oz skin is so thick! No matter what he used he couldn't make any real damage. So he started thinking of another way.

Brook and Baccarat hide back. After all, they can't fight with him against those two giant Oz.


Tauriel stayed in low altitude trying to cut Oz legs but This big guy is very careful, Every time she almost succeeded. He will throw his punch toward her. Which force her to run back. Besides this guy skin and bones is so hard. Not even ten slashes will be enough to bring him down.

Legolas and Mary were busy fightings with the second shadow giant. So they couldn't help.

Speaking of their situation is worst then Gray and Tauriel. No matter how Legolas and Mary manage to hurt him. He will recover so fast!. So he's not defending himself at all and kept attacking them with all he has. This shadow clone is even worst then Logia fruit! Even Haki wasn't able to really damage him.

"Cant continue like this" Seeing the situation. Gray knows that he shouldn't continue like this. But no matter how hard he thought. He couldn't find a good way to end this.

Strong Haki? His body power still not enough to hurt Oz. Besides Oz is a Zombie. So Gray's attack won't really hurt him. And his gloves didn't work on Oz, like normal zombies. Apparently it's not enough to cancel the fruit effect on this huge Oz.

Gray started thinking about how did Luffy defeat him before. But no matter how much he thought. He couldn't do what Luffy did!.

On the original. Luffy met the survivors who were hiding inside the forest. Those guys saved many shadows without owners.

So Luffy merged one hundred shadows to himself and transformed into Nightmare Luffy. Which has the power of one hundred men in one body!.

(Nightmare Luffy is a transformation that emerged when Luffy was forced into absorbing about a hundred shadows against his own will. Throughout the series, this form has only appeared once.)

But Gray cant do such thing. First, he doesn't have time to search for the people who are hiding inside the forest. Second, even if he found them, He's not sure if he can withdraw many shadows like Luffy!.

"Wait... If Moria is inside his stomach... then" Suddenly Gray thought of something. Since Moria are inside Oz stomach. Then the room inside should be made of metal. If that's right, then he will have a way to get him out. And this is all that he needs!. A chance to touch Moria!.


Moria inside Oz's stomach watched Gray and his party skills and calmed down.

"Kishishishishi. They are strong! After killing them I'll make all of them into zombies!" Moria saw their strength and skills. So he wanted to make Gray and the other into zombies.

"BOOM!" Oz sent another punch toward Gray.

But this time Moria found that Gray has disappeared. So he raised his vigilant but didnt stop and kept attacking Tauriel. While ordering Oz to let his shadow stay close to him all the time. In case Something wrong happened.


Not far away Baccarat was standing with Brook watching the fight. This is her first time seeing such a big fight!.

"Baccarat I need you to do something..." Suddenly Gray appeared beside Baccarat.

"What!" Baccarat was surprised by Gray's sudden appearance. Just know Gray was flying around Oz. When did he come here?!

(Gray Observation Haki is stronger than her. So naturally, she didnt feel his existence)

Gray didnt want to waste time talking. So he explained to her what she needs to do then disappeared again.

After Gray left. Baccarat didnt stay still and directly took the broken compass and let it lead the way. The compass needle pointed at the Mast direction. Seeing this Baccarat directly runs toward the mast.

After she joined Gray. Baccarat found that her way of using her ability was really so stupid. Gray helped her so much in developing her ability. If what Gray said is right, Then she should be able to help them Defeat Moria.

"Eh? What should I do then?!" Brook stood there while looking at Baccarat.

After little thought, he thought of something and run toward the shore where Gray left the ship.


Gray watched the rampaging red Oz and Tauriel who kept dodging like a feather so fast and elegant.

Then he looked at Legolas and Mary's direction.

Mary's fighting style is so violently with every spear swing she will make a hole on The shadow body. But it heals so fast. So she wasn't able to really make damage oh him.

And Legolas also helped her by shooting arrows destroying the shadow bats that the shadow Oz kept releasing. And also using his metal control ability to help her dodge Shadow Oz attack when she needs help. Just like Gray used his ability to save them when they fought against the winged lizard(Dragon).

After seeing the whole situation. Gray gently raised his hand toward Oz and his eyes focused on his stomach. Apparently trying to feel the metal inside him.

And soon he really felt it.

Then he raised his other palm and closed both of his palms to each other and tightened firmly.

"What!!! What is happening!" Moria inside Oz suddenly found that the room around him actually squeezing on him. If he stayed here. He will probably be squeezed to death!.

[Kagemusha(Shadow Warrior)] Moria directly used another shadow skill of his and exchanged his body with another shadow clone he created before.

"UGHHHH. What is happening!" Oz held the stomach that is twisting weirdly and screamed as if he can feel pain. But even after destroying his stomach. This wasn't enough to bring him down.

"Bastard! How dare you do this to me!" Suddenly The Big Oz looked at Gray direction and directly waved his fist toward him.

"What!!!" Gray was surprised by Oz's sudden attack. He's in an invisible mode right now! How can he know where he is?!

Even though he is surprised by this. Gray won't stay still and directly flew away.

After moving away, Gray came to Tauriel's side and revealed himself.

This fight started to annoy him. Moria who he always looked down on. Actually became so troublesome like this.

Gray decided to harry up and complete his plan after leaving this place. Till now he didnt met any real power like the navy admirals or the four emperors. His current slow rising strength is not good at all. A simple Moria give him such trouble, what about others.

"What should we do?" Tauriel looked at Gray who appeared beside her and asked.

"Just wait..." Gray looked at Oz who was standing not far away from them and said.

"Wait for what?...." Tauriel couldn't understand what Gray meant. But seeing Gray acting so calm. She said nothing and clenched her swords.

"It should be anytime soon" Gray looked at The mast direction and said with a strange tone.


Nor far away. Inside the Mast, Moria walked out of a dark room and his body was full of wounds.

When Gray squeezed Oz Stomach, Moria almost lost his life there.

"Those basters are stronger then I thought... But they shouldn't be able to defeat Oz" Moria looked at Oz direction and said with an ugly smile.

"Is it true?" Suddenly a female voice appeared behind him and he felt someone touched.

"Who are you!" Moria directly panicked and looked back.

"I? Just a passer!" The woman smiled and directly turned back and run away!.

"Where do you think you...(BOOM)" Moria wanted to stop her but suddenly the entire mast started to shake and even the three of the four huge chains connecting the walls and the mast broked.

"What is this! What happening!" Moria panicked and wanted to see what happened but one of the giant chains actually came to his direction.

"What!" Moria wanted to dodge directly but when he wanted to move he found his body suddenly became unstable and slipped up. Then the chain immediately hit him tossing him outside.

"banana peel???!" This was the last idea Moria had before he loses his consciousness.


Oz outside stabilized himself and looked at Gray and Tauriel who was standing not far away from him.

Without much thinking, he directly runs toward Gray and threw another punch. But while he's running. Suddenly his legs lost its balance and fall toward the mast.

Because of his destroyed stomach. Oz wasn't able to stabilize himself. So such a situation happened.

"BOOM" Oz huge body directly hit The mast and the entire mast started shaking violently.

"TINK...TANK...BOOM!!" The iron chains in top of the mast suddenly broked and started to fall.

Two of them fall on Oz's body and one penetrated the Mast.

"Wow. This guy is so unlucky!" Tauriel looked at Oz buried under the iron chains and said.

"BOOM" Suddenly a weird shaped evildoer look person falls in front of Gray and Tauriel.

"(-_-)... It's not Oz whos is unlucky... But him" Gray said while looking at Moria in front of him. Then a wicked smile reappeared on his face.

This was his plan from the beginning. Wining against Oz will be very difficult. So he wanted to get Moria first. But this guy knows how to run away. With his Shadow Warrior skill, it will really be hard to catch him.

(Shadow Warrior: Is his skill when he exchanges his body with another shadow clone)

So Gray didnt plan to catch him by himself. But let fate bring Moria to him.

First, he ordered Baccarat to let luck lead her where will Moria appear if he runs away again.

Then he squeezed the metal room inside Oz's stomach trying to kill Moria. But as he expected, Moria really managed to escaped.

With this Moria appeared where luck led Baccarat. So she took the chance and managed to take his luck away.

After losing his luck. Unlucky for him Oz fall down and hit the mast. Then the chains on the top of the mast also broke and fall down. One of the chains because of the reversion slashed toward the mast and penetrated the mast where Moria was standing.

And like this. Moria flew form the mast toward the worst place he could fall to. In front of Gray!.

It cant be said that Gray planned everything. He just let Baccarat Take his luck if Moria really runs away. And all this happened. So it can be said all this with Gray's expectation.

If Gray know that Moria was about to dodge but banana peel stopped him. Don't know what face he will show.

To tell the truth Baccarat's ability is very strong. Strong to a very weird level. If you give Baccarat enough luck. Even if she defeated Whitebeard Gray won't be surprised. Gray knows how magical her ability is. So he did not doubt that she won't succeed.

Control luck almost like controlling Fate!!. The way this ability work is very weird. As if it planned everything before even using it...

I mean... Which zombie will eat a banana in this place? how did that banana peel appear there?

Logically because Oz's rampaging the mast should be damaged in a way or another. But to break those giant chains because of the shock still doesn't feel right!. Probably something else happened which helped the chains to break that Gray still doesn't know. Or something happened before now.

"(BOOOM)..... You basters [Shadow Asg....]!" Oz stood up again from the runes and wanted to use the strongest ability he could think of! [Shadow Asgard]!.

(Shadow Asgard is a supplementary but powerful technique where Moria empowers himself with the shadows he has stolen by absorbing them. In doing so, his size and physical strength are increased in proportion to the number of shadows he has absorbed.)

"[Extraction]" But Gray was faster than him and put his hand on Moria's unconscious body and extracted the shadow fruit from him.

Of course Gray won't allow Oz to use that ridiculously strong skill.

So he directly extracted the Shadow fruit power from Moria.


As soon as Gray extracted [Shadow source] from Moria everything calmed down.

The red Oz froze in its place. And the Shadow Oz also turned into a shadow and went back to the red OZ shadow. Then from Oz's real body a little shadow separated and went back to Moria.

And Oz also returned back to be a dead body.

Not only Oz. All the zombies around the island fall down. And their shadows started to fly away. Some went east. Some west. And some even went upward.

All the shadows that Moria stole before started to go back to their owner after freeing from Moria's control.


Not far away on the island shore.

A little girl with unusually big, round eyes and long light pink hair tied into two pigtails ordering a group of zombies to carry the food and other things toward the iron ship.

But the zombies around her started to fall down one by one.

"What!! the zombies are falling? did master Moria failed to defeat the intruders?!!" Thinking of this, Perona was so scared and wanted to leave faster.

Even though she's somehow loyal to Moria. But she still so scared of Gray and the others. So she still decided to save her self first.

"Hey! stop!! where do you think you're taking the ship!!" suddenly Brook appeared in front of her and tried to stop her.

But it this time a white ghost suddenly appeared from the ground and penetrated his body.

Brook froze for a second then he falls on his knees and put his head on the ground and said; "I'm already a dead person... why am here? I want to die!"

"Then you can stay here bones!" Perona didnt want to waste time with Brook and entered the ship and run away. And of course, she kept the ghost that penetrated Brook's body behind her so Brook won't be able to follow her anytime soon.

After ten minutes the ghost left Brook who's in extremely negative and depressed.

When Brook back to his mind. He stood up with a very angry mood and wanted to follow Perona again! She actually made him say such shameful words!.

But after thinking of her ability and what he went through just now. He calmed down and wanted to go back and tell Gray about this.

But as soon as he wanted to leave a big shadow appeared behind him.

Brook slowly looked back and saw what was standing behind!.

"You are?" Brook looked at the person behind him and ask with shivering bones. Apparently the shadow owner brought him so much pressure.

But the shadow owner didnt answer him and looked at him silently.

"if you were to go on a trip, where would you like to go?" After some silence, the shadow owner asked a very weird question.


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