Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 58 - World Consciousness

"So cold...." Baccarat stood beside Mary and looked at the snowy island in front of them.

"Yeah...Perona! bring us coats" Mary ordered Perona who was sitting not far away.

"Okay!!" Hearing Mary, Perona didnt say anything and run to the ship. She also felt cold and want to get a coat for her self.

"UGHAAAAA!" But after two minutes. Perona screams came from inside the ship.

"What!!" Everyone inside the ship heard her screams and directly run toward her side.

But when they reached the room that the screams came from, everyone stopped.

It's actually the main room where Gray stays.

Perona will scream when she enters the room?! Somehow this didnt scare them. But gave them hope.

After a little pause. Tauriel took the lead and opened the door.

Then they entered the room one by one.


Inside the room. Many iron objects are slowly floating in a circle around Perona who's standing there not caring about this while looking at the white-haired man in front of her.

In fact, Perona is not allowed to enter the room. But somehow she's always curious about Gray who's in a coma.

It happened that she passed in front of the door. So she sneaked and entered the room to see the Gray, the real leader of this ship.

After entering the room she walked slowly toward the bed and wanted to take a close look at Gray. It's been eight-month for her on this ship. Even though Mary and Baccarat kept bulling her all the time. But in fact, she knows they are good people. At least they didnt kill her.

At this time she also understood everyone's character on this ship.

The gentle but sharp Tauriel. Legolas who have a heart full of justice.

Mary the big devil, always bully er and treat her as her maid. But in fact is a good person. Before when they fought with the navy she was about to be caught by the navy. But Mary rampaged and saved her. Even though she said; "Don't touch my maid". But, she felt the care of this team.

As for Baccarat. She really doesn't want to get close to this woman. Every time she touches her she will fall in misfortune. So, in fact, the one whos scary her the most are not Mary but this lucky woman!.

After entering the room. She slowly sneaked to the bedside. But before she could see Gray. Many irons objects around the room suddenly surrounded her from all sides.

So she was terrified and scream out of panic.

At the same time, the sleeping Gray who was laying on the bed slowly raised his upper body and looked at her with calm and empty eyes.

Perona saw Gray's face before on Thriller Bark before from the ghosts. But she didnt takes a good look.

And when Gray and the others entered the ship. Legolas and Tauriel directly carried him to the room. While Baccarat and Mary abusing her.

So this is her first time seeing Gray's real face.

Gray's look at this time also changed a lot from the last time. It's not his face changed to another face. but the atmosphere and the charm he shows entered a completely different level. His hair still white. His face still the same. But his eyes became deeper and emptier not giving the same feeling as before.

But more mysteries and elegant the before. And with a touch of confusion and loneliness. When his eyes fall on Perona it gave her great pressure. But also his eyes let her calm down from the panic she was in.

And the pattern under his eyes also became more mysteries and complete than before.

"Gray...!!!!!" Tauriel's voice came from behind Perona and soon the others followed her.

Gray's empty eyes slowly looked at Tauriel and the others. Tauriel worried face. Legolas who's about to cry(Oy man shouldn't cry!). Mary whos sighed with relief. And finally, Baccarat who couldn't control her emotions and started to cry and run to his side.

Looking at everyone's reaction. Gray knows the reason. Even though he was in a coma. He still was able to feel things around him from time to time.

The care they gave him made his heart so warm. It was a very right choice to take them with him.

"Sorry... I... overslept" After some thoughts he slowly said to them and finally revealed a soft smile.

With his words, Even Tauriel didn't care about her image anymore and cried like Baccarat.

Perona from the side was shocked as if a bolt of lightning hit her!.

"What the hell? Is the lucky witch actually crying like this? And Tauriel! I saw you cutting people to pieces before! Crying like this will destroy your image on my mind!" This little girl started to think weirdly again on her mind.

After that Gray started to move his body. It's been eight months without movement. So he felt a little rusty. But his body is still so good. Apparently Tauriel was taking care of him all the time. So his muscles didnt stiffened as it should be.

After that Gray asked why Perona is here.

And after hearing their explanation. Gray also agreed with their actions. After all, even he wasn't planning to hurt this little girl.

Then Legolas started telling him about the experience they had in the last eight months.

And Gray also learned how much they became stronger.

Legolas already reached 1088 C.P! This guy actually reached the strength of the fourth-level awakener!

Tauriel reached 980 C.P which almost fourth-level awakener.

Mary reached 955 C.P also about to become a fourth-level awakener.

And even the weakest Baccarat reached 680 C.P!(She's the only fruit owner so it's natural for her to have so much energy inside her like this)

Speaking about this. Because Legolas and Taureil are not from the same world or because of another reason. Even if they reached this hight C.P they won't awaken a different ability like Real-world awakeners.

Anyway Gray doesn't care about this. With his ability, they will have more than just awakening.

Seeing this Gray felt sad about himself. His C.P is Still 560 while the others already left him behind like this!.

["Sighhhh." After seeing all this Gray sighed. He needs to get stronger fast. If he doesn't even have the same power level as his partners, can he call himself the protagonist of this story? (Yeah... Or Legolas will take the protagonist position){Like before ignore this bad joke...}]

After this everyone left the room leaving Gray alone to think.

And while they are leaving Mary, Baccarat and even Tauriel took Perona with them with very dangerous smiles on there faces. This little girl actually broke their words and entered this room...


After being alone Gray calmed down and started thinking about what happened before and the scene he saw while he's in a coma.

He remembers the feeling he had after using the fourth ability the crown gave him.

That empty but majestic control over everything... As if he's the ruler of everything!.

The crown fourth ability is very strong ability!

----[Word above the world]----!!!!!!

This is the name of that ability!. As its name says, Whatever Gray will say when using this ability will be above everything As a fact, order, reality, reason, or control.

Any word he says. Will be carrying his own will.

When the crown evolved. This ability rules were already in Gray's mind.

So he directly used it against Kuma. Because of the nature of this skill. Gray only gives one order for Kuma. Which is [Withdraw]. And then he ordered the space of the world itself to transfer them to the ship by saying [To the ship]. (No one guessed. But... some of you guys were close enough....)

But this ability can't be used by his current power. If Gray is not strong enough to be recognized by what he orders and the world itself. The world will start to reject him.

The reason why he has been in a coma all this time was that the world was actually oppression his very existence. Or more like... Warning him!.

Warning to not be arrogant again...

His words violated many rules of the world.

He controlled Kuma's with one word. And ordered the space to transfer him. With those two orders, he already broke many rules of the world. If it was his own ability such a thing won't be a real problem. But Gray actually used the power of the world itself to help him.

That's why the world will warn him like this.

Speaking about this, Gray also learned that the origin of this crown is not really from the Hobbit world(LOTR world or the middle earth.... Am not sure how to call that world).

He always felt weird how such a strong crown actually appeared on such a low-level power world.

But it's actually made by a very strong god-like woman. And apparently the abilities of this crown were originally from that woman.

Gray started to think about the woman he saw on his coma. She was able to actually control the entire universe with her words. And didn't even blink her eyes! So Gray started wondering how strong is she? Will he be able to get to her level someday? Can he control the world like her, not simply giving order and being refused by the world like before.

He only gave a little order for Kuma to withdraw and to the space to carry him for about a hundred or two-hundred meters. And the results he was refused and persecuted by the world and entered coma state for eight months. What if he gave a stronger order. For example to give order to reality or time or even try to control them...

Gray can't imagine how will the world that him if he did such a thing.

To begin with what is the world! This is the first time that gray realized that the worlds can refuse or act like this. He read about something like world consciousness. Some showed it as a great existence that created the world or linked with the world itself.

For example the greek mythology. Gaia the goddess who appeared form the begging of time. And also referred to as the world consciousness.

While in other books, the world consciousness was defined as a computer system or anti-virus that will always watch the world all the time to make sure that it moves in the right direction.

Gray didnt believe that the world consciousness exists before. After all, if such a thing exists. Shouldn't all the worlds he traveled to before refuse him as an intruder? But it looks like the world consciousness doesn't work in the way he thought of.

Thinking about the woman who controlled the world again, Gray's head started to hurt him. He is very sure that he saw her face. But why can't he remember her now!. Even if he entered the Memories disk (E disk) he still wasn't able to see her face. As if that part of memories was deleted from his head!.

Who is she? What was that big hand that was destroying the universe? Who's that group of people who were standing in the hall!

Many questions appeared on his mind. He really needs some answers.

But soon he calmed down... He's still so weak. As long as he got stronger. Strong to at least half of that woman's strength he might get the answers he wants...

What Gray didnt realize is that deep inside his heart, the idea of wanting to know her and see her started to grow so fast. He really wants to reach that woman level so he could know who is she!.


After clearing all his thought Gray stood up and changed his dress.

After wearing his usual armor. Gray refocused it what he needs to do. To get stronger!

All he wants to know will be revealed if he became stronger.

So he walked out of the room and wanted and was ready to continue his journey to reach his goal. But as soon as he went out and saw the snowy island not far away from the ship. He stopped!.

Isn't this island where he wants to go from the beginning!!!!



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