Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 59 - Drum Island

Drum Island!.

The is a Winter Island in the first half of the grand line. And also the birthplace of Tony Tony Chopper The doctor(pet) in Luffy's ship.

Drum Island is an extremely snowy country, with absolutely freezing temperatures that can be felt even from the surrounding seas.

Gray's goal and the key to his plan success are on this island.

Gray smiled and directly controlled the ship to move toward the island.

"WOGHH" But while he's trying to control it suddenly Gray found that he lost the control over the ship.

But ship still moved toward the island but much faster.

As if he felt something Gray looked at Tauriel who was standing not far away from him.

She was looking at him with a big smile on her face. As if she wants to show him how much stronger she got.

She didnt realize that this actually hurt Gray!. The only thing he was better than others with is the mutant ability because he used the longest time.

But now even Tarueil can use it better than him.....

Gray smiled awkwardly and didnt say anything...

"Hope my plan work... Or I'll have to go with one fruit!" Gray doesn't want to waste any more time. He already waster so much. If his idea doesn't work out. Then he will accept the fact and merge only one fruit on himself.

Soon they reached the island shore. When they reached the shore of the island Gray found a very familiar ship.

A jib and a central steer rudder. The ship's armaments consisted of four cannons, one in the bow pointing forward, one in the stern, and two pointing to either side.

But that's not what took Gray's attention. The reason why he looked at this ship is the face of this ship. The face resembles a sheep. And the Pirate Flag on top of the ship.

A skeleton wearing a straw hat... Well. It's the Strew hat Pirates flag...

And the very iconic ship should be Going Merry. (The ship that cried millions.)

Gray finally realized how much time he wasted!!.

The plot already began! and Luffy already reached the grand line!.

Come to think of it. It's been about fifteen-month for them in this world...

Gray actually wasted full fifteen-month and his strength still so weak like this!...

"Hmmm... Isnt that Luffy's Jolly Roger(Pirate Flag)? They already reached the first line!" Legolas also notice the flag on top of the ship and said.

"Oh.. It's been a long time since we saw that annoyed kid" Mary said this with a funny smile. Even though she said this about Luffy but from her smile, you can see that she is somehow happy to meet Luffy again.

Luffy already has a bounty on his head. So many and the other already know about him.

"They should be on the island... Let's go. My goal is also on this island" Gray thought fr a second and said then directly went to the island.

With Gray's words, everyone wore their coats and was ready to go with Gray.

"Master Gray... Here your coat" Perona came to Gray's side with a red face.

But not a normal red face. Red with many fingers poking marks face. When Mary and the others took her out they started playing(poking) with her face as a punishment.

Poor Perona didnt know that because of her doll-like face. Mary and the others actually have fun abusing her. The reaction she gives is so cute and funny. So it's actually fun to abuse this girl.

Perona really resembles the doll especially with her big and round eyes. And after dressing her like a maid. She became more and more lovely.

Looking at Perona's red face, Gray wondered what happened with this little girl. But after remembering the dangerous smiles that appeared on Tauriel, Mary, and Baccarat faces before. he guessed what happened and looked at her with sympathy.

"Well... I don't need it... You wear it instead" Gray smiled softly and put his hand on her head. Then turned back and walked to the island.

He really doesn't need a coat. The armor he's wearing is warm enough.

Perona looked at Gray's back for a second then a rude idea appeared on her mind again; "Is he trying to be cool or something?" Even though her mind is so rudy. There was already a big smile on her face. It looks like Gray is not a bad person either.

If Gray knows her idea, he will probably say; "Give me back my pity!!"

After that Gray and his partners moved all the way toward the island center. The highest drum-shaped mountain. Where the Drum Castle is located.



Soon Gray and his party walked all the way toward a small village before they could reach the mountain.

In front of the village gate, there is a group of people talking about something. And in the middle, there is a big wounded man was trying so hard to move on... Apparently he wants to go somewhere.

"Who are you?!!" Soon one of the people around notices Gray and the others. As soon as he said. Everyone around also looked at them.

Gray or his crew looks directly attracted everyone's attention. After all, they all have a top-notch face and figure. So it was natural to attract attention like this.

Even the little girl Perona was so cute and lovely like a doll...Maid doll...

Gray looked at the villagers and didnt care much but searched between them. And soon he found someone he wanted to see.

A man of average height with lightly tanned skin. cropped green hair, wearing three identical gold earrings on his left earlobe, Carrying three swords along with him.

Roronoa Zoro! also known as "Pirate Hunter" Zoro!. A swordman who dream to become the greatest swordsman in the world. And also one of Luffy's companions.

Zoro at this moment also looked at Gray and the others. As a former Pirate Hunter. He was able to recognize Gray and his partners. Especially Tauriel...

The Navy actually called her the strongest woman who uses swords in the world! How can he not know her?

So he's very tense right now! How can such a group of strong people appear here?!

Zoro put his hands on his sword directly. ready to fight if something happened.

"Are you Zoro? Actually using three swords... That's interesting!." Suddenly Tauriel looked at Zoro with a little interest in her eyes.

"You know me?!" Tauriel's words scared Zoro! such a strong swordsman like her already heard about him?

"HayHay! Who are you guys? Do you know who I am? I'm the Great Ussop... UGKKK" Suddenly a slim tan-skinned teenager with medium-length black woolly hair, prominent lips and a long nose, which is apparently an allusion to Pinocchio. Came from the crowd and wanted to brag or lie about something.

(Pinocchio is a fictional character and the protagonist of the children's novel The Adventures of Pinocchio)

But before he continues Mary gives him a sharp look. As if telling to shut up.

"Well... Where is Luffy?" Gray who was silent for now looked at Zoro and ignored Usopp who was silenced by Mary. This liar who will be called god later is a completely useless character for him.

After hearing about Luffy Zoro was more worried.

Seeing Zoro's reaction. Gray knows that he has to explain first. Even though he doesn't need to do this. But after all, they are Luffy's companion. He won't be bad for that kid's friends.

After an hour Gray and his partners with Zoro, Usopp, and a blue-haired girl and that wounded man were floating in the air while standing in a big piece of iron.

If Gray used the usual way of transportation to reach the top of the mountain this may waster so much time.

And now he's in a hurry to reach the top of the mountain...

"So strong!!!" The blue-haired girl looked at Gray and the others with deep eyes. Even though they weren't able to recognize Gray and the others it the beginning. But Zoro already told them what he knows. So everyone here somehow scared of them.

Because they apparently know Luffy. Zoro decided to trust them a little. After all the facts they told him about his idiot caption are real... Yup, they used what they know about Luffy to convince Zoro and the others.

"BOOG" When they were about to reach the top of the mountain. A figure suddenly was thrown from the top of the mountain toward the sea.

This is a purple-haired man with an iron mouth.

Wapol!. The monarch of the Drum Kingdom. The owner of Baku Baku no Mi(Munch-Munch Fruit). And also Gray's goal from this island.

Gray directly waved his hand and controlled Wapol to bring him to his side.

"This... This is Wapol!" How did he become like that!" The wounded man who was standing with them suddenly became very excited and said with a shocked tone.

"Ooooy! Dalton don't act like this! Your wounds will be reopened like this!!" Usopp from the side said to Dalton with a worried face.

Dalton is an imposingly tall man, with slicked black hair. He wears a long, white fur-lined green tunic and has armor plates on his arms; these plates are retained on his forelegs when assuming his full-bison form.

Yes he also the owner of Ox-Ox Fruit, Bison Form.

Gray didnt care much about him and asked Baccarat to help him fix his luck.

After this, he directly extracted the Baku Baku no Mi(Munch-Munch Fruit) from him. After that, he threw Wapol again and send him on his flying journey again.

In fact, in Gray's mind, this guy is even worst than dirt. Owning such a strong almost another cheat ability. But keep using it in an insulting way. If it wasn't for this fruit. He wouldn't even waste his time and enter this island.

Under the shocking eyes of Dalton and the others, they finally reached the top of the mountain.

As soon as the stepped at the top of the mountain. They were able to see the huge castle not far away. And also a current idiot who's flying toward them.



(Author: Sooo.... Is the new book cover better than the last one? Or this one better?)

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