Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 60 - New Attribute!!

"Let me eat!!!! Please(Struggling face)!!!!!" A boy screams came from inside the ice castle.

One boy wearing a straw hat was tied on a stone pillar. And in front of him was a woman standing there while eating a large piece of meat. And the look on her face appeared so pleased as if she's eating the most delicious meat in the world.

Beside them was a group of people standing there while looking at this scene with black eyes. It's really shameful! Their captain actually crying for meat like this!...

Not only them even Tauriel and the other's also looked at this with twitching eyes. Mary's [Love abusing attribute] is getting stronger...

For this situation Luffy's crew didnt say much. They can see that Luffy and Mary know each other from before. Luffy already said this when he saw Gray and the others for the first time. The happy smile he showed can explain.

"Luffy... why are you still so weak??" Mary said this while eating the meat on her hand.

"Shut up! I'm not weak! And I already found my strong partners!." Luffy suddenly calmed down and said with a grin on his face. But soon he started to struggle again. After all, that meat that Mary's holding looks and smell is so delicious.

"But you are still weak... Didn't we teach you before leaving? Why are you still so weak like this?" Mary didnt care about what Luffy said and answered while taking a large bite of the meat; "mmm, That's so delicious"

In fact, they didnt teach him much before leaving. It's just Mary who wanted to abuse Luffy. Somehow after rising her strength and leaving the apocalypse for a long time. Mary's personality is slowly changing. Or it can be said... Her real personality is showing itself.

Perona looked at Luffy with gloating eyes. She knows best how bad Mary can be. Finally, someone can take her place!.

As for Tauriel and the other. They already got used to Mary's act.

After half an hour of abusing, Mary grew bored. (Or maybe she couldn't eat anymore). So she let go of Luffy.

After being free Luffy directly screamed; "Sanji!!! Food!!"

Then Luffy started introducing his new crew to Mary and the others.

He started with Roronoa Zoro. The first person who became his crew.

Then "Cat Burglar" Nami. The navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates. She is the third member of the crew and the second to join.

Then Usopp the skinny teenager with tall nose. He's the sniper of the Straw Hat Pirates. When Luffy introduced him. Usopp also added that he is the former captain of the Usopp Pirates. Apparently still trying to Boast(Lying) about himself.

Then Sanji. the cook of the Straw Hat Pirates. This is a helpless man. As soon as he put his eyes on Mary and the other's he became a very gentleman. So he started flirting with them. But his acts annoyed Mary and Baccarat. So he's laying in the corner of the room Unconsciously.

(That's why Luffy directly introduced them and didn't wait for the food to come.)

Then he pointed at the reindeer who's trying to hide not far away. But actually revealing himself completely.

Tony Tony Chopper Is the doctor's Luffy choice. Chopper is not a human but in actual reindeer. With blue nose.

But luckily he found a very unique devil fruit Hito Hito no Mi(Human-Human Fruit). After eating Human fruit he was able to do all that human beings can do. Even somehow better than some humans.

And finally, Mary and the others looked at the skeleton that was standing with them.

"And what are you doing here, pervert skeleton..." Baccarat talked before Luffy could continue. Apparently she still holds grudge against Brook.

"What! you know Brook?" Luffy didnt care that Brook was called a pervert. But wanted to know (how they know he's a pervert). If they know him.

"YOHOHOH..... That so cruel miss Baccarat! I'm not really a pervert..." Brook who was acting as if he was shocked by what he heard, and said with a funny voice.

"No, you are a pervert," X5 Nami, Mary, Tauriel, Baccarat, and the blue-haired girl inside the room said it the same time.

"WHA..." As if he received a great deal of damage. Brook was depressed and slowly walked back.

"HAHAHAHA So funny!" Luffy was amused by this scene.

Then Mary and the others also introduced themselves.

"I'm Pero...("You're also a strong swordsman. My dream is to become the strongest accept my challenge sword fairy")" The last one Perona wanted to introduce herself. But suddenly Zoro became excited and said to Tauriel.

"HraHraHra(Ghost laughing sound)" But before Tauriel gave him in answer a white ghost from the ground suddenly came out and penetrated Zoro.

Suddenly Zoro kneeled and put down his head on the ground while saying; "I'm sorry that I'm alive...Air is waste on me"

"Whoaaa! Ghost! Ghost!!!" Luffy saw the ghost and suddenly became so excited. The jumped wanting to catch him.

But he failed and kneeled beside Zoro while saying; "That's sucks... I don't want to eat anymore. I want to die"

Looking at Luffy and Zoro the others were stunned! So depressed and negative.

Luffy actually not hungry anymore? Is that even possible?

"Everyone be careful don't let her ghosts touch...." Brook wanted to warn them but another ghost penetrated him; "I'm really useless... My jokes are not funny... I wish I stayed dead"

With this everyone silenced.

"Hm. Who let them interrupt me?" This idea appeared on Perona's mind.

Perona's ability is really strong. No matter how strong your will power she will let you kneel. Even Luffy brought down with only one ghost.

Mary looked at Perona and give her a big thumb.

While Nami and the blue-haired girl frozen by fear from the ghosts.

After some jokes, Perona finally introduced herself. Even though Luffy, Zoro, and Brook were mad. But after a few times. They didn't dare to talk anymore. They don't want to test her ghosts again. It's really shameful.

Then Brook told them how he became the musician in Luffy's ship.

When Kuma met Brook. He asked where Brook would like to go. And was preparing to throw Brook anywhere.

So Brook's answer was the Entrance or the Grand Line. And Kuma really sends him there.

Brook's answer was from his real desire. To meet Laboon who's they promised a long time ago to meet with him again after ending their journey as pirates. But unfortunately failed.

And he really saw him. But couldn't show himself to Laboon. Laboon was actually waiting for them all this time. The way Laboon lived and how he treated himself pained him so much. But still, he didnt show himself. He doesn't want to hurt him with more bad news. Until Luffy came and made another promise with Laboon.

At that time Luffy also found him and like this. Luffy dragged Brook to his ship.

"Hey.. Where is Gray?" Luffy suddenly found that Gray is not around and asked.




Not far away from the castle, Gray was standing alone in the frozen forest.

He walked to the nearest stone and sit on it then slowly raised his hand and touched his crown.


Gray directly merged the Baku Baku no Mi(Munch-Munch Fruit) into the crown.

This is a very risky step, but also the key to his plan success.

Munch Fruit is a very magical fruit. Its a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to eat anything. The eaten items can then be merged into and manifested from the user's body or are combined to create something else.

Gray didn't think to take this ability to himself. Even though it has such power. It's still under the rules of one devil fruit for the user. So he won't be able to eat other abilities as he wants.

But another idea appeared on his mind. What if the crown has the ability of this fruit?

In fact, the crown can't eat things(already ate many years of Gray's life -.-''). But it can extract attributes. If the crown had the ability of this fruit would it be able to combine the attribute he extracts?

It can extract the devil fruit ability as an attribute. What if he managed to combine those attributes and create a new ability attribute?. If he can do this. He will be able to have more than one ability in one attribute at the same time he will have a stronger ability from both. And like this, he won't break the rules of one devil fruit ability.

After merging the fruit to the crown. Gray calmed down and closed his eyes to feel the change on the crown.

Soon the crown started to shine the usual black light with some gold color. But this time it didnt take anything from Gray.

Slowly the crown Edges started to change and the flowers from both sides also glow in a weird way.

After ten minutes the Crown calmed down. And revealed a new crown.

It didnt change much. But a touch of golden color appeared on the edges and inside the hearts of the flowers on the left and right of the crown. All in all, it became much more beautiful than before.

Gray also received the new changes from the crown. As if feeling Gray's idea. The crown really had a new ability which is able to combine the attributes.

Seeing this, a big smile appeared on Gray's face!. His plan Ninety percent success!.

But this ability is also limited to merge only two attributes. And the new attribute can't be merged again. And in exchange, he needs to sacrifice some attributes equal for what he wants to merge.

And that's why it's Ninety percent. If the limitations didnt exist, he would have directly become the strongest!.

But that's enough. He doesn't want to be more greedy. Even if he didnt get more abilities in this world. There is many other world waiting for him.

Gray directly merged The [Dark source] and the [Shadow source] And used 5 other useless fruits he extracted before.

With this, the crown flowers shined a golden light. Apparently a new attribute will soon appear.

After another ten minutes, the Crown calmed down. And a new attribute appeared in front of Gray.

----[Dark Shadow source]----

Looking at this new attribute. Gray's heart became so excited. He doesn't know if this source still has the power of the two original sources. Even if it doesn't. One thing is sure. It's stronger than both.

Gray didn't pause and directly touches himself.




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