Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 6 - Confession To Professor X

For the plan, Gray didn't try to change it so much from what the original history should be...

After all, his knowledge of the story was his biggest relines... So he only made things go faster promoting the development of the original plot to a certain extent.

First, cooperate with the government to use the machine that allows Charles to find the others.

The search for them one by one...

So things went like this... When they entered the government agencies, Charles found the beast leg... Hank who was working there...

Apparently, Hank was interested in Raven... So for a few reasons, Charles managed to abduct Hank to the team.

Then under the machine's help, Charles's ability entered a completely new field and started searching for the mutants one by one...

With Charles and Erik's efforts, the mutants from the original history gathered together...

Till finally, everyone gathered together and was officially recognized as one team...

The team member was...

Hank... His legs were different giving them a beast-like power... After all, this guy still hasn't transformed into the blue form...

The second member was Raven, her ability as we all know, shapeshifting that allows her to transform into anyone she has seen...

Sean Cassidy... a young man who can create high-powered sonic waves with his voice... Another powerful ability.

Alexander Summers... His ability to generate strong plasmablasts from his body...

Armando Muñoz who's ability can be called a cheat... His ability was reactive evolution, this ability allow him to rapidly evolve and adapt to any environment he was in, such as throwing his body into the water, he will evolve a pair of fish gills... Or throw him into space... Ok... Stop here... This ability was simply perfect...

Angel Salvadore... This woman has a pair of cicada-like wings hiding on her back as a tattoo she can summon then anytime she wants... and she could also spit flaming acid...

With Raven's idea, those excited young mutants started giving themselves nicknames such as Banshee, Havok, Angel...

Everyone with his ability...

"Charles will be *Professor X*, and Erik should me *Magneto*.... We also chose one for Gray... "Prophet*," Raven who acted so funny in front of them said the names she and the others thought of...

Hearing her words, both Erik and Charles looked at Gray with different eyes...

Again, what Gray said actually happened...

As for Gray, he felt funny...

'Prophet? What Prophet? Why I feel this name wasn't suitable for me?' Gray though...

"Well, Since my title is *Professor X*, then I have to act like one I guess... Our enemies this time were also mutants like us... Experts mutants... In your current situation, we don't stand a chance... So we will work in developing and improve everyone's capabilities from now on..." Charles looked at everyone and said his plan...

Gray heard this and nodded with approval... These kids really need some training...

So things went smoothly after...

Charles and Hank with their knowledge and wisdom started figuring out how to maximize everyone's ability...

Charles studied mutation for many years already, so his imagination and thoughts were actually quite brilliant... So it was easy for him to figure out how to help every one of them.

And When everyone saw their improvement, they felt a strong motivation and didn't dare to slacken and worked harder...

While Gray himself did what he could do...

He started with...

100 Pushups, 100 Sit-Ups, 100 Squats, and a 10KM Run every day!!! And never slacked...

Well... But soon he realized he won't become bald like this... Nor he want to honestly...

Other than body training, Gray tried to fix one of the problems of his own awakening ability... Which was the limit of the disk...

Yup... His disk actually was limited...

The overall of his C disk size was 100GB... And he already used 45GB including The magnet control genes...

Since his ability was working like this... Then doesn't mean that after the C was full he won't be able to copy other abilities?

Because of this, Gray didn't dare to copy the abilities of the other till now...

He was not quite sure about the odd logic of his ability till now...

Even though he still has three other disks... But his C disk only continued his body genetic information... And nothing else...

It was very clear that this disk can't contain anything else...

So what if the other three disks represent something else and can't copy genes to them?

After all, he can't think of his ability as a computer for real...

Gray thought of many possibilities but couldn't figure out what to do...

So he started with what he could think of... Add another disk...

How did his ability awaken at first? Splashing blood in laptop...

Hmmm... And Gray did so... He brought some computer hardware and other things that could be found... Even though in the current timeline of the world, those things were so damn old...

But at least he tried...

And yup... After abusing himself and throwing some blood on them nothing happened...

But Raven saw his action and told the others... Which led those kids to make fun of him...

Well... For this, he didn't care... Honestly, he also felt so naive somehow... But nothing else came to his mind.. What should he do?


Gray looked at Charles who entered Erik's mind and helped him to find his deepest lost happy memories, which made him control a big a** satellite with dead fish eyes...

What Charles taught Erik here should be how he should control his emotions... And apparently, the effect was quite good...

Such a huge improvement made Erik's heart filled with happiness, while his trust and pound with Charles deepened again...

As Gray was watching, soon Erik left to rest and Charles came to his side...

"How? Do you think they are good enough like this?" Charles looked at the green view in front of them and asked Gray...

Charles did his best trying to help everyone rising their strength, but he still couldn't feel good about this...

Honestly, he still didn't want to take any of those teenagers to fight anywhere... But the situation didn't allow him to think of another way...

"Yes.. yes... Good... good....." Gray didn't change the dead fish look on his eyes and answered with a lack of power while thinking of his own ability problem...

"It's a shame that I can't enter your mind and find a way to help you like the others... After all, your ability was so special, I couldn't find a way to make it stronger..." Charles didn't care about Gray mode and said with some regret...

He thought of many ways but till now didn't find a way to help Gray... Seeing the future... This thing.. How to inspire it?

Gray turned his face and looked at Charles silently while thinking of what Charles said just now...

Help? How to Help? Gray saw Charles's way of actions these days clearly and already knows how great this future bald mind was...

But... Even if he really found a way... Will it help? He was fake...

"Should I?" Gray looked at Charles and a strong hesitating color appeared in his eyes... After all, what he was thinking about was very retarded thoughts...

But thinking of how Charles helped everyone, Gray really wanted to know if Charles could answer his doubts...

'Well... No risk, no gains....' Gray finally made up his mind and looked at Charles with a weird look...

"Charles... Actually... I have more than just one ability you see..." Gray looked at Charles and said slowly...

"Huh? Do you have another ability? Is it what Erik said before? The vortex?" Charles looked at Gray and asked with thoughtful eyes...

"Not this... I have one more..." Gray shook his head and said...

"What is it?" Hearing this, Charles was quite interested in this news...

"Hmmmmm..... I ate a computer before..." After some thought Gray said...

"AH?" Charles stopped and looked at Gray confused...

Seeing Charles's reaction, Gray smiled helplessly and said...

Yup... Gray talked about his own awakened ability... Go and drop the story...

Getting along with Charles all these days made Gray trust this future bald somehow...

And he always felt that if he didn't understand his ability carefully and started using it randomly things might turn in the wrong direction...

So Gray wanted to get some help... And made this extremely ridiculous discretion...

It might sound ridiculous, and he also saw countless possibilities of what might happen... But... As long as he got what he wants, he can always turn things in his favor...

More importantly... Charles still won't enter his mind, and with his character, he shouldn't go against him knowing his weird ability...

It's not like only he has the ability to copy others in this world... In the future, some mutants who can steal and copy each other's abilities will appear, and from what he knows, Charles's actions weren't a negative against them...

All in all... Gray thought of many things and said his ability details to Charles...



"There is such ability in the world?" Charles heard Gray's explanation and felt shocked... computer disks? C for genes? He felt like hearing a joke somehow... But thinking about it... The mutant abilities for humans were actually a joke... So there was nothing to be surprised about...

"You can copy anyone's ability with no limit?" Charles looked at Gray and asked again...

"Not yet... Expect that my C disk only has 100GB space and I have already used 45GB, leaving 55GB after copying Erik's ability..." Gray answered...

"Hmm..." Hearing Gray answer, Charles touched his chine and started thinking about what Gray told him...

"You should be in your 20s right?" After thinking for some time, Charles looked at Gray and asked...

"Yes..." Gray looked at Charles and answered calmly...

"I have a guess... Follow me...." Charles's eyes brightened and told Gray to follow him..Soon both of them walked outside the castle and came to the streets not far away from the castle where some people were walking there...

Soon Charles walked into an old man who was walking slowly in the street alone and said something to him...

"Gray, Try and take a look at his disk" While talking, Gray heard Charles ignoring the frozen old man in front of him and said to Gray...

Seeing this Gray wasn't surprised, probably Charles used his ability and let the old man stop for a few seconds...

Gray came to the old man's side and touched his shoulder and entered his disk which was no different from all others...

Gray looked at Charles with questioning eyes...

"Try and look at his Disk capacity..." Charles said...

"Capacity?" Gray looked at the old man C disk capacity, and soon enough his face had an ugly look...

The old man C disk size was 90GB...

83GB used leaving only 7GB...


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