Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 7 - Erik's Actions

Looking at the disks in front of him, Gray already guessed what Charles was thinking about...

But kept silent and followed Charles trying a few times more...

Some young, some old, Gray tried a few times and also found the answer he wants...

"Looks like, my guess was right... Everyone's *C Disk* are linked with their life span..." Charles looked at Gray who was standing there with mixed mood and said...

"Well... Apparently, you are right..." Gray looked at Charles and answered while many thoughts appeared in his mind...

Somehow, Gray's mood wasn't so happy, yet so glad that he didn't stupidly go and copied everything directly...

If he did this, he would have really regrated it...

In fact, he felt bad, because he ignored this fact before... He entered a few disks before, but because none of them were so different in age, He didn't find about this...

So he unconsciously ignored this fact...

The moment he saw the old man disk already guessed and wanted to slap himself...

"Well... Now we understand how this works, I think you know what to do next..." Charles looked at Gray and said...

Gray face changed a few times already so he can see how much much Gray thought in these few seconds...

"Yes... Thanks, Charles..." Gray looked at Charles and finally smiled funnily... He was really thankful at this moment...

Not only did he helped him, but also conferred his idea... This Charles was really a trustworthy person...

"Your ability is so dangerous Gray, try not to tell anyone about it..." Charles thought of something and said to Gray seriously...

'You don't say...' Gray nodded while thinking...

He knows very well... If he wasn't in real need of an answer, he wouldn't have even told Charles...

Well... With this, Gray started thinking of his own ability...

Now he understands the **** logic of his ability he started thinking of its future...

For the other disk, Gray already has an idea about how he could unlock them... After all, he just became a first-order awakener...

Since there were orders, naturally the more you go up, the more his ability will display itself...

As for what the other disks really were... He will know when the time comes...

Gray didn't think of his ability as a normal computer, since the C disk was linked with life span, and only contain Genetic data... The other disks, might not be the same...

But he also expected other abilities in the future... Since he can copy, maybe he could cut, or even delete data...

Wouldn't that be funny? Touching someone and deleting all his abilities...

Gray started thinking evilly...

With this, Gray made a new training plan for himself...

Train harder... That's it...

As for his C disk limit... After finishing Shaw's problem, he will fix it naturally... After all, this was mutants world... There were a few wolf and dog uncles out there...

"Gray, since you have such ability..." Charles walked with Gray and there were some words in his mouth...

"You know Charles... I never liked this ability as you see... Sich ability... Was more like a weight on my shoulders... The more power one has... The more responsibilities he will bear... Especially for someone like me who knows what shouldn't know..." Gray said...

Well... Apparently Gray started brainwashing Charles again... Even remodeled a current uncle's words, while having a bland look on his face...

"The more power one has... The more responsibilities he will bear..." Hearing Gray's words, Charles was taken aback... These words for a smart person like him were so high... Especially hearing these words from someone who has so much power like Gray...

At this moment, Gray finally did what he was planning from the very begging... Completely won Charles's trust...

Charles still young, so he can't see Gray's scam... Let's not say, Gray's acting was quite good, it was hard to see that he was lying...


In the next few days, Gray with everyone worked hard, while also made another discovery about his ability...

Even though it was only a little bit, but the more he gets stronger while using the Magnet genes and body training the faster his copy progress will be...

He didn't copy anyone's ability but only observing the progress speed while stoping before it complete...

For others, Gray was simply training his ability while looking at their future...

Well... And Gray played mysteries and didn't say anything for them... After all, he doesn't have anything to say...

Gray didn't show Erik's ability and kept training it at secret for now...

Even though Charles know, he wasn't planning to let the others know too...

Especially Erik... Who knows what his reaction will be when he learns that his trademark was being used by someone else...

So days passed fast like this...

While on the outside, Shaw's evil plan kept moving on as it should be...

And Moria kept coming every three days to tell them the news... Which also made everyone understand the fact that they don't have much time left...

Till in one eventful night...

Gray who was already breathing hardly wearing dozens of kilograms of weight in his body, running forward with a blurry vision because of the sweat he shed while running...

"Gray!" But suddenly while running, Gray heard Hank's voice coming toward him...

"What's wrong?" Grays as if he found a savior stopped walking and looked t Hank... As if giving himself a reason to stop running...

"Come with me! Erik got some news about Shaw's location and left alone by himself apparently ready to take revenge alone..." Hanks had a worried look on his face and wanted Gray to follow him...

"This B****, by himself!" As soon as Gray heard Hank's words, Gray's face changed and directly removed the load on his body then followed Hank to see the others...

At this moment, everyone was here... Enclouding Moira who had the worst face...

From everyone's faces, Gray can see some worries... After getting along for some time, they already have emotions...

Not to say, Erik, this man knows how to win mutants' hearts with his words...

Seeing this, Gray couldn't help but curse in his heart... He knows why Erik did this, after all this guy was so thirsty for revenge... He understands somehow...

But things changed... Gray can't say if there won't be an accident if Erik did this...

Even though Erik's strength rose so much, but Shaw wasn't something he could deal with alone...

Let's not say, if Shaw knew about what was happening here...

While thinking, Gray also knows what happened here...

Moira like usual came here to report like usual... but his time she located Shaw's location...

When she came, it happened that Erik was the first one she met, and told him...

As for what happened next, Gray can guess without much thinking...

"What now?" Raven looked around and asked... Naturally, they are waiting for Charles to lead them...

Charles didn't answer but looked at Gray...

Seeing this, Gray understands... Charles was also looking for his decision...

"Let's go!" Gray didn't waste time and directly said...


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