Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 65 - Hunt!

Gray stood in the big forest alone.

Legolas and the others already separated in different ways. going in all directions to hunt the priests.

"Well..... I'll get Enel first...." After some thoughts, he moved to the center of this land. The priests are weak. Hunting them will be a boring thing. So he decided to take the king first.

Since he decided, Gray walked slowly, while walking on the shadow of the trees he slowly disappeared as if he wasn't here, to begin with.


"Wait wait wait! Miss.Tauriel, Master.Tauriel!. Please slow down!!!!!!" Tauriel was carrying Perona on her back and kept moving between trees at a very fast speed.

"We cant wait. Baccarat might have already found one of the priests. We can't lose to them" Tauriel didnt care about the scared Perona and moved faster. She's using her Observation Haki to the limit right now. Searching for her target.

"There!" Suddenly Tauriel stoped and run toward the west.



In another place on the island(Upper Yard).

Just like Tauriel said. Baccarat and Mary already found the target.

"Lucky.. we found two at the same time" Mary directly jumped in front of two-man and said with a happy smile.

But Baccarat behind her wasn't happy at all.

"Surururu. Isnt that the kidnapped Baccarat?" The one who spoke is a very large man with a thick build and his head is bigger than the rest of his body.

"You know those intruders?" Besides him, a thin man resembles a stereotypical aviator from the early 1900s, a pointed mustache that splits into two parts, and on his head, there is an aviator hat decorated with wings and a pair of goggles on the front.

Even Mary looked at Baccarat wondering how she knows the priests. Isnt that her first time here?

"Tanaka... Why are you here?" Baccarat didnt care about Mary's weird eyes. And looked at them and asked In return.

"Surururu. Mater Gild has business to do with the god of this island. Of course, we will be here.... instead master Gild will be really happy when he knows that you here. And since you here then your new leader that white-haired man called Gray should also be heard. Am I right" Tanaka looked at Baccarat and said as if he already knows everything.

"Haaaa... So he's your old work companion..." Mary put her fist on her palm and said with a realizing tone.

"WAit he said your leader is here... Golden Fruit ability..... Hmmmmm +.+ Am I so lucky today?" Mary started talking with herself. Appeanrnlty imagining something made her so pleased.

Baccarat looked at Mary with dead fish eyes. This woman are pushing her luck so much.....

"Enough talking. Let's kill them fast. We shouldn't let God wait too long" The pointed mustache man beside him didnt want to talk anymore and toke his weapon a lancer.

"God?... You should be one of the priests right." Mary refocused and looked at him and said.

"Yes, I'm one of the four priests Shura!" Shura said and his face was full of confidence. Then directly charged toward Mary.

Tanaka saw Shura attacked first. He smiled a very weird smile and sank down slowly on the ground.

Baccarat who was standing beside Mary put her hand on her shoulder. Then jumped back.

Mary also jumped to the left dodging his attack.

"Woshhh" The place where she was standing was directly pierced by his lancer. But weirdly the fire letup where the lancer shoot.

"*grin*" Shura didnt care that Mary dodged his attack and smiled weirdly.

Behind Mary who was on the air, a weird big bird rushed toward here at a very fast speed.

"Ohoo... You guys want to play like this" Mary already found the bird behind here and a wicked smile appeared on her face. Then her left hands turned Black and waved her fist directly at the bird's face that was already one step behind her.

"BOOM" With Mary's fist the giant bird, like a bullet directly flew toward a big tree far away.

"Fuza!!!" Shura screamed his bird name and was so anxious. He didnt thinks that woman fist is so strong!.

"You know... It's not the time to care about that chicken..." As soon as he looked at his bird direction. Mary's voice appeared directly behind him.





A similar scene appeared on Tauriel's side.

She's already clashed with another two people.

A tall, bald, muscular, and bearded man. With two small wings behind his back, carrying a white cloud sword. While the other a thickset man with an enormous torso and arms but disproportionately smaller legs. Holding a big battle-ax with a strong armament Haki, attacking Tauriel at a very fast speed.

"TISH" "BOOM" Tauriel defended herself against the swordsman slash but didnt have time to counterattack and the big man with an ax attacked her which pushed her a few meters away.

"So strong.... Will Miss Tauriel be okay!" Perona looked at Tauriel fighting against these two strong man and was worried. But after thinking for a second she slowly put her hand on the ground.

"BOOM" "BOOSH" "TISHH" The clash between them made a big noise around. The two-man kept following Tauriel attacking her left and right. Not giving her a chance to act.

In fact, Tauriel's situation is not that bad. It's just the big man who's using Haki was made her feel a little tricky. Despite his big body. This guy is so flexible and fast. At the same time, his power is not small at all.

"Now..."WOOOG" Suddenly a weird aura came out from Tauriel which made both men paused for a second.

But that was enough. Like lighting, she flashed to the bald man's side who's using the cloud sword and slashed him. And the sword on her other hand turned black in color. As soon as it became a black sword. She waved her hand. And a big sword waved rushed toward the big man.

"Perona now!" Tauriel looked at him already came out from her conqueror Haki shock and was ready to defend himself from her sword wave and shouted.

"Hrahrahrahra" Suddenly a weird laughing funny looking ghost came out from the tree trunk beside the big mand and penetrated him.

"Wha..." With the ghost action, the big man stopped his action.

"WISHH" And the sword wave Tauriel sent directly cut a big wound on his body.

"BOOM" The big man fail down and already lost consciousness.

"Miss. Tauriel we did it" Perona run to Tauriel side and smile happly.

Tauriel also smiled and put her hand on Peona's head. In fact, she already notices that Perona let her ghosts move in the ground. Even though she was fighting with them all the time. She was also keeping attention on Perona. In case something wrong happened.

Then she looked at the big man back and wondered why he doesn't have wings like the others?

After some thoughts, she went to the bald man's side and took his sword from the ground.

While fighting with them. This sword changed shapes many times. Sometimes it became a wall blocking her attacks. Sometimes became a whip. But it still so sharp at the same time.

It's her first time seeing such a weapon. So she was very interested. Especially the fact that is can change shapes. This sword can be used in many different ways!.

Soon she understood how to use this word and was able to use it smoothly. After changing the shape couple of times. She changed it to whip and like a snake tied both of Ohm and Dice, then dragged them with her.

Yup. Those two-man are Ohm one of the priests and Dise, Gild crew.

Even though she doesn't know Ohm and Dise's identities, since they directly attacked her when she appeared. But it's most likely that one or maybe both of them are the priests they are hunting. So she will drag them both.

"Let's go, We should reach the gathering pointe before Baccarat and the others." Tauriel didnt forgot about the bet. And directly carried Perona again and dragged two unconsciousness men with her all the way toward the city center.




In another place. Legolas is standing on a tree trunk while looking at the huge creature in front of him.

"Hmmm, How did this snake grew?" Legolas stood in front of a giant blue snake.

He just defeated two funny priests. But after defeating them this Big snake came out suddenly and attacked him.

This is his first time to see such a big snake. He saw many sea kings before. But this is the first time to see a land creature on this size...

(Sea Kings are sea creatures which are generally much larger than the normal ones)

And what is more annoyed is her thick skin. He couldn't damage her with his normal arrow attack, even if he used Haki.

"SHAAH" The snake again rushed Legolas and opened her mouth want to bite him.

But Legolas easily dodged her attack.

"WISHHHH" The place where the snake bite. Corrosion made half of the lower tree disappeared. This snake can also eject a powerful corrosive venom from her mouth.

Legolas on the air suddenly felt something and controlled his body and pushed himself to the left side.

"WOGGGG" A Blue laser beam suddenly came from his side and penetrated many trees on its way.

Legolas skillfully came stepped down on the tree and looked at the person who attacked him. In fact, he already noticed someone was coming here. But to think he will attack him as soon as he came.

A tall, muscular with pair of little wings on his back. He's covered by various tribal tattoos across his left shoulder and the left side of his face. He has very long dark brown hair is arranged in a mohawk that follows into a segmented braid that goes slightly past his waist.

This man wearing a weird iron Skate on his legs. and is holding a... Rocket launcher?

Gray already copied many memories about the real world to them. So Legolas was able to recognize the weapon he's holding. But from those memories, he can find any type of Rocket launcher that will shoot a blue beam like this.

This man also stood there and looked at Legolas who dodged his attack. Then he looked at the two priests whose unconsciousness and said; "Aisa was right....." After saying this he turned back and left the place.

Legolas naturally won't let him leave like this and wanted to stop him. But the giant snake attacked him again.

After dodging the snake attack. Legolas didnt stay and directly followed behind him. He's not in a hurry anyway. So he wants to see who's that man.




Enel on a big hall looking at the very massive Golden ship that has many weird and complex parts inside as if it's a big machine.

"We finally end it... With this... No one can stop us" A green-haired man stood beside Enel and said with existed tone.

"..." But Enel didnt care about him and kept silent as if thinking about something.

"Master Gild!" Tanaka suddenly came from the ground and kneel in front of Gild.

"Why are you here?" Gild looked at the panicked Tanaka and asked.

"It's them! the intruders! They are the same intruders who kidnapped Baccarat before. I saw Baccarat just now! She was with Mary The Valkyrie!!!!" Tanaka reported what he saw.

(Author: Somehow... I don't think it was right to call her Valkyrie.....)

In fact, the moment he saw Mary and Baccarat before He panicked and wanted to run away. But he didn't and acted so strong trying to find a chance to run away.

Joke! Mary's bounty is 700 Million Bali. Such a strong person he cant's fight! So he gave them the illusion that he will fight and left Shura and run back to his master.

And in fact, his action was right. If he showed that he will run away. With Mary's personality, she will probably destroy everything and grasp him out from the ground.

"Hehehehehahahahah!" Gild wasn't angry about this new but laughed happily. He wanted to catch them for a long time. And now they are here! Isnt that simply sending themself to his door.

God chance. He can try the power on them better than the weak people on Skypiea.

With these thoughts he ordered Tanaka to search for Gray location.

"You don't have to look for him... He's here" But Enel who was silent all the time beside him. Suddenly said with a deep smiled while looking at the long dark tunnel.

"knock-knock" A footsteps sound came from the dark tunnel.


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