Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 66 - Gold And Lightning!

Gray moved in the shadow all the way and soon he reached the center of the island center where Enel should be.

Looking at the tall twisted giant beanstalk in the center that's rising all the way to the clouds. Gray wondered. How how did this beanstalk grow like this?

After some useless thought, he came out from the shadow and walked toward the main entrance.

"Stop! Who are...." Many guards saw Gray who just appeared and tried to stop him. But everyone found that they couldn't move.

"This....!" One of the guards looked down and saw his own shadow. But what scared him is that his shadow is also looking at him with weird white eyes.

"Sleep...." With Gray words. All the guards found that their shadows are slowly closing that weird white eyes.

With the shadows eyes closed. The guards also felt their heads heave and slowly fall to the ground unconsciousness.

Rule over the shades!!!!!

Another basic use of his ability. Rule over the shades. Before, Moria was able to control over the shadows as the ruler of the shadows. But he had to catch the shadow first.

But after Gray merged the shadow source with the dark source. He found that the way of controlling shadows is a little different.

As long as the shadow owner doesn't have at least half of Gray power. Gray will be able to control his shadows freely.

But if the shadow owner is equal to Gray or stronger. Gray still has to capture the shadow by himself.

Shadow this thing has a great connection with his owner. The weak owner means a weak shadow. And the weak shadows can't refuse Gray orders.

Besides the shadow is just like a mirror of the person. Usually, the shadow will reflect what the owner of the shadow can do. Like a rule. The shadow and the owner always have to do the same thing.

And what Gray has done is only reversing this fact. When he ordered the shadow to sleep. The shadow was able to overpower their own owners with Gray orders. And like this, the guards were forced to do what their shadow has done. As their shadows are their reflection. They also are a reflection of their own shadows.

Looking at the unconsciousness guards around him. Gray ignored them and entered the shadow again and started moving to where Enel is.

After some search, he found where he is.


In a long dark way. Gray walked slowly toward the end of this tunnel.

When he was about to reach the end of the tunnel. Gray heard a very familiar voice.

"Tanaka?" Gray thought for a second and remembered this voice.

Then he heard another voice. Which he doesn't have to guess who's this voice.

Gray wondered why are those guys here? From what he knows, this Gild never came out of his nest(Golden ship).

But after a second, he smiled.

Anyway, this is good news for him. Another two good fruit abilities. What he needs more?

He came here only for Enel ability Rumble Fruit. But now extra Golden fruit and Through Fruit(Tanaka's ability to move through anything).

Gray walked slowly toward the tunnel exit and didn't hide.

He didnt plans to hide from the beginning. He wanted to test his current power against a strong enemy like Enel. And since Gild is here. Then take them both.


"You don't have to look for him... He's here" Enel who was silent all the time beside him. Suddenly said with a deep smiled while looking at the long dark tunnel.

"knock-knock" A footsteps sound came from it.

Gray slowly came out from the dark tunnel.

"You are really here!" Gild looked at Gray and calmed down and looked at Gray with killings eyes.

Gray smiled calmly at them and focused on Enel.

"You should know why I am here...



Under the main island hall. On an old ruined city. Mary and Baccarat stood in front of Tauriel and Perona.

"Damn that bastard... He really flee away!" Even though they bought Shura and reached this place. Mary is still annoyed about the fact that Tanaka deceived them and run away.

"Hmmm... So you are saying that this man is Gild Tesoro's crew. No wonder he's much stronger than the priests." Tauriel looked at Dice on the ground and said.

When Baccarat saw Dice dragged by Tauriel she told her who they are. And also explained to her that Gild might be here.

"So what should we do now? Wait for Gray and Legolas?" After some thoughts. Tauriel asked Mary and Baccarat.

"BOOOOM" But suddenly a lighting sound appeared. Shaking the entire island with its noise.

"Ladies. I think your friend is already fighting with Enel...." An old voice appeared after the lighting noise from the sky.

"Conis? And... Old man, knight??" Perona looked up and said.



"*Rumble*" "BOOM" Gray moved like a shadow at a very fast speed dodging the lightning attacks that are raining on him from the sky.

"Now. [El Thor]" While dodging Enel attacks. A huge beam from the sky appeared and shoot toward Gray.

(El Thor: Mostly used to destroy targets from long-range, Enel focuses a large cluster of electricity above his target, then uses it to send a huge and powerful lightning bolt crashing down from the sky, frying the unlucky target. He can also use this attack to launch a massive lightning stream from his hand. This is the attack he used when Gray and his party were on Conis house)

But Gray also expected such an attack. He suddenly disappeared from the place and appeared in another place.

"Where are you attacking Enel? You are not as fast as I thought..." Gray came out from the shadow of the ruins around again and said to Enel who was floating on the air with a mocking voice.

As soon as he appeared Enel threw more lightning toward Gray.

Hearing Gray mocking Enel was annoyed. Till now Gray was only dodging his attacks and didnt really attack him. But no matter how he attacked he couldn't even touch Gray.

"Hm" Thinking for a second. Enel disappeared and came to Gray's side while pointing his palm toward Gray.

"100 Million Volt. Vari" From Enel's palm, huge lightning energy appeared and was about to hit Gray.

"Wrong step..."Gray Smirked. And his body slowly changed to a weird black smoke. with this, his real body was completely replaced with dark energy emitting ominous black smoke.

"What..." Enel suddenly felt huge pain from his stomach. Looking down he found that a black fist hit him directly on his stomach!

"BOOM" like an energy bomb. The place where Enel flew to after being hit by the shadow fist was bombed.

And the dark figure that replaced Gray already lost the upper half of its body. But soon it rebuilt itself.

Enel's appeared again in the air far away. But this time you can see some blood on his mouth corner and shocking emotions surfaced on his eyes.

Someone can actually hit him! This is the first time someone was able to do this since he became a god! (Eat the rumble fruit)

"Hmmm, You are weaker than I thought" Gray reviled himself again and said with a disappointed tone. He's really disappointed with Enel. This Guy is not as strong as he thought. He simply relying on lighting energy. No fighting skill, no tactic.

If Gray wanted to kill him just now, all he needed is to catch him.

No wonder Luffy was able to beat him like a dog in the original. If this guy lost his ability, he won't be much different from normal people. If it wasn't this Observation Haki is so good because of his ability. He won't even stand a chance against Luffy.

Probably because of the destructive power of his ability he never tried to master other skills.

"Gray!!!!!" Suddenly a scream came from the ship. And the earth under him started cracking and many golden ropes came out attacking Gray form all sides.

"Golden God..." Seeing this gold attack, Enel smiled confidently again and disappeared from the place and appeared on top of the golden ship.

"HAHAHA, Mortal You are not bad. But you cant defeat a god!" Enel stood on the ship and massive lighting generated from his body charging toward the golden ship under him.

"Energy is enough." Inside the ship in a Golden room. Gild is looking at the scene outside. Enel energy is really enough for him to activate the ship they built.

"TROCK TROVK" A weird noise came from the big ship Enel was standing on.

From the top of the ship. a weird golden smoke came out.

"Gold dust?" Gray looked at the golden dust that came out from the ship spreading around and thought for a second.

"Wait... Gold dust....." Gray suddenly thought of something. But it was already late.

"'GODS RULING*" Enel looked at Gray wickedly and said.

With his words, massive lighting energy moved on the air between the golden dust.

It was so fast that it didn't give Gray a chance to dodge and directly hit his body.

"TSHHSHHHSHS" The lighting was so strong directly froze Gray on his place. Not leaving him a chance to move.

After ten seconds, the lighting finally calmed down. And Gray appeared again from the lighting blow.

"HAHAHA, Damn mortal, do you understand now the GOD power!" Enel looked at Gray who's standing there and black smoke emitting from him and said. He finally managed to hit Gray directly. The feeling of satisfaction made him laugh out loud.

This smoke is not the dark smoke that usually appears around Gray. But from the lighting heat that hit him.

Gray face can't be seen because his hair was so messy hiding his face.

Slowly he raised his head and looked at Enel with pitch-black eyes.

Gray is really angry right now. The pain he's feeling right now is really getting into his nerve. Even though it didn't pain him like when the crown evolve. But he's not a person who likes pain, to begin with. And because the lightning hit his body directly. Gray is enjoying double of this damn pain.

"Death" Feeling the numbness all over his body, Gray is really planning to kill Enel this time. Till now he was only dodging and using his ability in different ways. Not actively attacking.

When he saw the gold dust he wondered what they want to do at first. But as soon as he remembered that lightning is able to travel through gold freely. He knows how bad the situation he was in. But he figured it out late.

He should have thought of then with he saw the gold rod on Enel's hand!.

Gray wanted to move his body. But suddenly he found that he couldn't move his legs.

"This is...." Looking down he found that the ground under him already turned to gold and his legs are buried deep inside this gold.

And in fact not only the ground. But even the cloud on the sky of entire Skypiea started turning to Gold.

"TOSSHSH" From the ship a weird big golden golem came out and stood beside Enel and also looked down at Gray.

"Hahahahah, Look! this is the power we hold! the true god power. After killing you here I'll kill those basters down there" Gild voice came out from the Golem and said with an excited tone.

Looking at those two-man standing there so proud of their powers. Gray's mouth cracked a smile.

"You guys... are really alike...." Gray looked them with the same black eyes while feeling the numbness from Enel attack that is being absorbed by the darkness inside him.

Enel and Gild both have a weird god complex. So Gray said those words.

Seeing Gray's smiling face, Enel felt bad and attacked Gray again while he's trapped.

But Gray has already been attacked once by his lightning. So naturally, he won't be attacked twice by the same attack.

From Gray's back. Two black wings emitting a very thick black smoke appeared and circled around Gray.

"BOOM" The lightning directly hit the dark ball that Gray's wings made around him.

Seeing this Enel put his hand on the ground and generated a large amount of lightning.

"BOOOM" The place where Gray standing was washed by lightning from the earth and the air at the same time.

"The ground....." Enel felt that many of his lightning energy has disappeared when he charged them on the ground.

"This is..." Not only Enel even Gild felt the weirdness on the ground. After all, the ground already turned to gold. So he can feel what is happening on it. After a pause for a second, he directly controlled all the gold around Gray and let them away from his side.


From the smoke, Gray appeared again. still, the same black ball that is made by Gray dark wings.

Gray slowly removed his wing and the ground around him also turned black, all the gold on the ground around him already been moved away by Gild. Which revealed the darkness under the gold.

When his legs were trapped on the gold. He already spread his darkness under the gold from his legs. If they didnt notice this. The gold around would have already been absorbed...

Fighting with all this gold around is not a good thing for him. So he wanted to remove the gold on the ground first. But things won't be as easy as he thought.

"Clean the dust first." Gray controlled the darkness around him and like an ocean wave he made the darkness rise and move in all directions to absorb the gold dust around him. Or he won't be able to reach Enel and Gild.

"No use!" Gild screamed and let the golem bunch the ground. With his punch. The Gold around like another ocean of gold from all directions rolled toward Gray.

And Enel also disappeared from his place and appeared on the left side of Gray not so far, and pointed his palm toward Gray. Ready to use [El Thor] again. while his other hand connected with the gold liquid on his side.

But this time Gray was faster and disappeared from the place. Leaving only some black smoke behind him.

"BOOOM" The lightening and gold clashed where Gray was supposed to be.

"WHERE!" Enel looked around trying to find where Gray disappeared. Before his attack hit Gray he saw him disappear so he's trying to find where did he go!.

"ENEL! BEHIND YOU!" Gild not far away looked at Enel and screamed.

"What!" Enel wanted to look behind. But before he could move his face. A weird black ominous feather emitting black smoke slowly floated down in front of him.....

Seeing this feather. A very dangerous feeling appeared on Enel's heart!....

"I'll die!" Such an idea appeared on his mind...



(Author: Hmmm, This chap is not as epic as I imagined ..-.)

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